public void Move(Map check,GameTime gameTime)
     this.TimerForAnimation += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalMilliseconds;
     if(TimerForAnimation >= this.TimerMax){
         this.TimerForAnimation = 0;
         if(ChangeSet == true){
             this.ChangeSet = false;
             this.ChangeSet = true;
     if(check.Intersect(this.Sprites.DrawPictureAt)) {
         if(this.yPos > this.yOld) {
             this.yPos -= 2;
             this.yOld = this.yPos;
         if(this.yPos < this.yOld) {
             this.yPos += 2;
             this.yOld = this.yPos;
         if(this.xPos > this.xOld) {
             this.xPos -= 2;
             this.xOld = this.xPos;
         if(this.xPos < this.xOld) {
             this.xPos += 2;
             this.xOld = this.xPos;
             this.yOld = this.yPos;
             this.yPos -= 2;//Gå fram
                 this.index = 4;//Bilden med liten mun uppåt
                 this.index = 5;//Bilden med stor mun uppåt
         else if(Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.S)) {
             this.yOld = this.yPos;
             this.yPos += 2;//Gå fram
                 this.index = 6;//Bilden med liten mun neråt
                 this.index = 7;//Bilden med stor mun neråt
         else if(Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.A)) {
             this.xOld = this.xPos;
             this.xPos -= 2;//Gå fram
                 this.index = 2;//Bilden med liten mun åt höger
                 this.index = 3;
         else if(Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.D)) {
             this.xOld = this.xPos;
             this.xPos += 2;//Gå fram
                 this.index = 0;//Bilden med lite mun åt vänster
                 this.index = 1;
     this.Sprites.PicturePos.X = this.xPos;
     this.Sprites.PicturePos.Y = this.yPos;
     this.Sprites.PictureIndex = this.index;
 /// <summary>
 /// Allows the game to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run.
 /// This is where it can query for any required services and load any non-graphic
 /// related content.  Calling base.Initialize will enumerate through any components
 /// and initialize them as well.
 /// </summary>
 protected override void Initialize()
     // TODO: Add your initialization logic here
     graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = 609;
     graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = 800;
     graphics.IsFullScreen = false;
     Window.Title = "Pac-Man Projekt IV - \"C# XNA\" - Kevin Jouper Dsv";
     this.ScreenX = graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth;
     this.ScreenY = graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight;
     this.Textures = new Texture2D[2];
     this.x = 540;
     this.y = 250;
     this.pointPos = new Vector2();
     this.pointPos.X = 327;
     this.pointPos.Y = 250;
     this.CurrTime = 0;
     this.MaxTime = 1000;
     this.Map = new Map();
 public void Move(Map check,GameTime gameTime, Player PacMan,int Nr)
     int PathX = -1;
     int PathY = -1;
     bool Intersect = false;
     for(int i = 0; i<4; i++){
             Intersect = true;
             if(this.yPos > this.yOld) {
                 PathY = 0;
             else if(this.yPos < this.yOld) {
                 PathY = 1;
             else if(this.xPos > this.xOld) {
                 PathX = 1;
             else if(this.xPos < this.xOld) {
                 PathX = 0;
     int speed = 1;
     if(counter == 100 && Intersect != true){
         this.colid = false;
     if(PathX == -1 && PathY == -1 && this.colid != true){//Gå Mot pacMan//Gå bort mot spöke
         this.GhostPath(PacMan,out PathX, out PathY, Nr);
         if(this.colid == true) {
             this.CXPos = PathX;
             this.CYPos = PathY;
             this.counter = 0;
     if(colid == true && Intersect != true){
         PathX = this.CXPos;
         PathY = this.CYPos;
     if(PathY == 0) {
         this.yOld = this.yPos;
         this.yPos -= speed;
         this.index = 2;
     if(PathY == 1) {
         this.yOld = this.yPos;
         this.yPos += speed;
         this.index = 1;
     if(PathX == 0) {
         this.xOld = this.xPos;
         this.xPos -= speed;
         this.index = 3;
     if(PathX == 1) {
         this.xOld = this.xPos;
         this.xPos += speed;
         this.index = 0;