protected virtual void PMBillingRule_RowSelected(PXCache sender, PXRowSelectedEventArgs e) { PMBillingRule row = e.Row as PMBillingRule; if (row != null) { PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisible <PMBillingRule.subMask>(sender, e.Row, row.Type == PMBillingType.Transaction); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisible <PMBillingRule.subMaskBudget>(sender, e.Row, row.Type == PMBillingType.Budget); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisible <PMBillingRule.branchSourceBudget>(sender, e.Row, ShowBranchOptions() && row.Type == PMBillingType.Budget); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisible <PMBillingRule.accountID>(sender, e.Row, row.Type == PMBillingType.Transaction); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisible <PMBillingRule.accountGroupID>(sender, e.Row, row.Type == PMBillingType.Transaction); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisible <PMBillingRule.amountFormula>(sender, e.Row, row.Type == PMBillingType.Transaction); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisible <PMBillingRule.qtyFormula>(sender, e.Row, row.Type == PMBillingType.Transaction); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisible <PMBillingRule.rateTypeID>(sender, e.Row, row.Type == PMBillingType.Transaction); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisible <PMBillingRule.noRateOption>(sender, e.Row, row.Type == PMBillingType.Transaction); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisible <PMBillingRule.includeNonBillable>(sender, e.Row, row.Type == PMBillingType.Transaction); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisible <PMBillingRule.includeZeroQty>(sender, e.Row, row.Type == PMBillingType.Transaction); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisible <PMBillingRule.includeZeroQty>(sender, e.Row, row.Type == PMBillingType.Transaction); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisible <PMBillingRule.groupByDate>(sender, e.Row, row.Type == PMBillingType.Transaction); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisible <PMBillingRule.groupByEmployee>(sender, e.Row, row.Type == PMBillingType.Transaction); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisible <PMBillingRule.groupByItem>(sender, e.Row, row.Type == PMBillingType.Transaction); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisible <PMBillingRule.groupByVendor>(sender, e.Row, row.Type == PMBillingType.Transaction); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisible <PMBillingRule.branchSource>(sender, e.Row, ShowBranchOptions() && row.Type == PMBillingType.Transaction); } }
protected virtual void PMBillingRule_RowPersisting(PXCache sender, PXRowPersistingEventArgs e) { PMBillingRule row = e.Row as PMBillingRule; if (row == null) { return; } if (row.Type == PMBillingType.Transaction && row.AccountGroupID == null) { sender.RaiseExceptionHandling <PMBillingRule.accountGroupID>(row, null, new PXSetPropertyException(ErrorMessages.FieldIsEmpty, typeof(PMBillingRule.accountGroupID).Name)); } if (row.SubMaskBudget != null && row.SubMaskBudget.Contains('B') && row.SubID == null) { sender.RaiseExceptionHandling <PMBillingRule.subID>(row, null, new PXSetPropertyException(ErrorMessages.FieldIsEmpty, typeof(PMBillingRule.subID).Name)); } if (row.SubMask != null && row.SubMask.Contains('B') && row.SubID == null) { sender.RaiseExceptionHandling <PMBillingRule.subID>(row, null, new PXSetPropertyException(ErrorMessages.FieldIsEmpty, typeof(PMBillingRule.subID).Name)); } if (row.SubMask == null && PXAccess.FeatureInstalled <FeaturesSet.subAccount>()) { sender.RaiseExceptionHandling <PMBillingRule.subMask>(row, null, new PXSetPropertyException(ErrorMessages.FieldIsEmpty, typeof(PMBillingRule.subMask).Name)); } if (row.SubMaskBudget == null && PXAccess.FeatureInstalled <FeaturesSet.subAccount>()) { sender.RaiseExceptionHandling <PMBillingRule.subMaskBudget>(row, null, new PXSetPropertyException(ErrorMessages.FieldIsEmpty, typeof(PMBillingRule.subMaskBudget).Name)); } }
public BillingData(ARTran tran, PMBillingRule rule, PMTran pmTran, string subCD, string note, Guid[] files) { this.Tran = tran; this.Rule = rule; this.PMTran = pmTran; this.SubCD = subCD; this.Note = note; this.Files = files; }
protected virtual void PMBillingRule_CapsAccountGroupID_FieldDefaulting(PXCache sender, PXFieldDefaultingEventArgs e) { PMBillingRule row = e.Row as PMBillingRule; if (row != null && row.CapsAccountGroupID == null && (row.LimitAmt == true || row.LimitQty == true)) { PMAccountGroup ag = PXSelect <PMAccountGroup> .Search <PMAccountGroup.groupID>(this, row.AccountGroupID); e.NewValue = ag.GroupCD; } }
protected virtual void PMBillingRule_RowSelected(PXCache sender, PXRowSelectedEventArgs e) { PMBillingRule row = e.Row as PMBillingRule; if (row != null) { PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled <PMBillingRule.capsAccountGroupID>(sender, e.Row, (row.LimitAmt == true || row.LimitQty == true)); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled <PMBillingRule.accountID>(sender, e.Row, row.AccountSource != PMAccountSource.None); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled <PMBillingRule.subID>(sender, e.Row, row.AccountSource != PMAccountSource.None); PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled <PMBillingRule.subMask>(sender, e.Row, row.AccountSource != PMAccountSource.None); } }
protected virtual void PMBillingRule_RowPersisting(PXCache sender, PXRowPersistingEventArgs e) { PMBillingRule row = e.Row as PMBillingRule; if (row != null) { if (row.CapsAccountGroupID == null && (row.LimitAmt == true || row.LimitQty == true)) { sender.RaiseExceptionHandling <PMBillingRule.capsAccountGroupID>(row, null, new PXSetPropertyException( ErrorMessages.FieldIsEmpty, typeof(PMBillingRule.capsAccountGroupID).Name)); } } }
protected virtual void PMBillingRule_AccountSource_FieldUpdated(PXCache sender, PXFieldUpdatedEventArgs e) { PMBillingRule row = e.Row as PMBillingRule; if (row == null) { return; } if (row.AccountSource == PMAccountSource.None) { row.AccountID = null; row.SubID = null; row.SubMask = null; } }
protected virtual List <PMTran> ReverseWipTask(PMTask task, PMBillingRule rule, DateTime billingDate) { List <PMTran> list = new List <PMTran>(); //usage: PXSelectBase <PMTran> select = new PXSelect <PMTran, Where <PMTran.projectID, Equal <Required <PMTran.projectID> >, And <PMTran.taskID, Equal <Required <PMTran.taskID> >, And <PMTran.accountGroupID, Equal <Required <PMTran.accountGroupID> >, And <, Less <Required <> >, And <PMTran.billed, Equal <False>, And <PMTran.released, Equal <True>, And <PMTran.reversed, Equal <False> > > > > > > > >(this); DateTime cuttofDate = billingDate; //all transactions excluding the current day. ContractBillingSchedule schedule = PXSelect <ContractBillingSchedule> .Search <ContractBillingSchedule.contractID>(this, task.ProjectID); if (schedule != null && schedule.Type == BillingType.OnDemand) { cuttofDate = billingDate.AddDays(1); //all transactions including the current day. } else { if (IncludeTodaysTransactions) { cuttofDate = billingDate.AddDays(1); } } foreach (PMTran tran in select.Select(task.ProjectID, task.TaskID, rule.WipAccountGroupID, cuttofDate)) { list.AddRange(ReverseTran(tran)); tran.Billed = true; tran.BilledDate = billingDate; Transactions.Update(tran); } return(list); }
protected virtual void PMBillingRule_Type_FieldUpdated(PXCache sender, PXFieldUpdatedEventArgs e) { PMBillingRule row = e.Row as PMBillingRule; if (row == null) { return; } if (row.Type == PMBillingType.Budget) { row.AccountGroupID = null; row.AccountSource = PMAccountSource.AccountGroup; } else { row.AccountSource = PMAccountSource.None; } row.AccountID = null; row.SubID = null; }
protected virtual List <BillingData> BillTask(PMTask task, PMBillingRule rule, DateTime billingDate) { PMProject project = PXSelect <PMProject, Where <PMProject.contractID, Equal <Required <PMProject.contractID> > > > .Select(this, task.ProjectID); Customer customer = PXSelect <Customer, Where <Customer.bAccountID, Equal <Required <Customer.bAccountID> > > > .Select(this, project.CustomerID); List <BillingData> list = new List <BillingData>(); Dictionary <int, decimal> availableQty = new Dictionary <int, decimal>(); Dictionary <int, ContractDetail> billingItems = new Dictionary <int, ContractDetail>(); //recurent Billing: PXSelectBase <ContractDetail> selectBilling = new PXSelect <ContractDetail, Where <ContractDetail.contractID, Equal <Required <ContractDetail.contractID> >, And <ContractDetail.taskID, Equal <Required <ContractDetail.taskID> > > > >(this); foreach (ContractDetail billing in selectBilling.Select(task.ProjectID, task.TaskID)) { billingItems.Add(billing.InventoryID.Value, billing); if (billing.Included > 0) { if (billing.ResetUsage == ResetUsageOption.OnBilling) { availableQty.Add(billing.InventoryID.Value, billing.Included.Value); } else { decimal qtyLeft = billing.Included.Value - billing.LastBilledQty ?? 0; if (qtyLeft > 0) { availableQty.Add(billing.InventoryID.Value, qtyLeft); } } } bool bill = false; if (billing.ResetUsage == ResetUsageOption.OnBilling) { bill = true; } else { if (billing.LastBilledDate == null) { bill = true; } } if (bill) { ARTran arTran = new ARTran(); arTran.InventoryID = billing.InventoryID; arTran.TranDesc = billing.Description; arTran.Qty = billing.Included; arTran.UOM = billing.UOM; arTran.ExtPrice = billing.ItemFee; arTran.TranAmt = arTran.ExtPrice; arTran.ProjectID = task.ProjectID; arTran.TaskID = task.TaskID; arTran.Commissionable = false; //todo string subCD = null; #region Set Account and Subaccount if (billing.AccountSource != PMAccountSource.None) { if (rule.AccountSource == PMAccountSource.RecurringBillingItem) { if (billing.AccountID != null) { arTran.AccountID = billing.AccountID; } else { InventoryItem item = PXSelect <InventoryItem, Where <InventoryItem.inventoryID, Equal <Required <InventoryItem.inventoryID> > > > .Select(this, billing.InventoryID); throw new PXException(Messages.BillingRuleAccountIsNotConfiguredForBillingRecurent, item.InventoryCD); } } else if (billing.AccountSource == PMAccountSource.Project) { if (project.DefaultAccountID != null) { arTran.AccountID = project.DefaultAccountID; } else { InventoryItem item = PXSelect <InventoryItem, Where <InventoryItem.inventoryID, Equal <Required <InventoryItem.inventoryID> > > > .Select(this, billing.InventoryID); throw new PXException(Messages.ProjectAccountIsNotConfiguredForBillingRecurent, item.InventoryCD, project.ContractCD); } } else if (billing.AccountSource == PMAccountSource.Task) { if (task.DefaultAccountID != null) { arTran.AccountID = task.DefaultAccountID; } else { InventoryItem item = PXSelect <InventoryItem, Where <InventoryItem.inventoryID, Equal <Required <InventoryItem.inventoryID> > > > .Select(this, billing.InventoryID); throw new PXException(Messages.TaskAccountIsNotConfiguredForBillingRecurent, item.InventoryCD, project.ContractCD, task.TaskCD); } } else if (billing.AccountSource == PMAccountSource.InventoryItem) { InventoryItem item = PXSelect <InventoryItem, Where <InventoryItem.inventoryID, Equal <Required <InventoryItem.inventoryID> > > > .Select(this, billing.InventoryID); if (item != null) { if (item.SalesAcctID != null) { arTran.AccountID = item.SalesAcctID; } else { throw new PXException(Messages.InventoryAccountIsNotConfiguredForBillingRecurent, item.InventoryCD); } } } else if (billing.AccountSource == PMAccountSource.Customer && customer != null) { CR.Location customerLoc = PXSelect <CR.Location, Where <CR.Location.bAccountID, Equal <Required <CR.Location.bAccountID> >, And <CR.Location.locationID, Equal <Required <CR.Location.locationID> > > > > .Select(this, customer.BAccountID, customer.DefLocationID); if (customerLoc != null) { if (customerLoc.CSalesAcctID != null) { arTran.AccountID = customerLoc.CSalesAcctID; } else { InventoryItem item = PXSelect <InventoryItem, Where <InventoryItem.inventoryID, Equal <Required <InventoryItem.inventoryID> > > > .Select(this, billing.InventoryID); throw new PXException(Messages.CustomerAccountIsNotConfiguredForBillingRecurent, item.InventoryCD, customer.AcctCD); } } } if (arTran.AccountID == null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(billing.SubMask)) { InventoryItem item = PXSelect <InventoryItem, Where <InventoryItem.inventoryID, Equal <Required <InventoryItem.inventoryID> > > > .Select(this, billing.InventoryID); throw new PXException(Messages.SubAccountCannotBeComposed, item.InventoryCD); } else if (arTran.AccountID != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(billing.SubMask)) { subCD = PMRecurentBillSubAccountMaskAttribute.MakeSub <PMBillingRule.subMask>(this, billing.SubMask, new object[] { billing.SubID, project.DefaultSubID, task.DefaultSubID }, new Type[] { typeof(PMBillingRule.subID), typeof(PMProject.defaultSubID), typeof(PMTask.defaultSubID) }); } } #endregion list.Add(new BillingData(arTran, rule, null, subCD, null, null)); billing.LastBilledDate = billingDate; ContractDetail.Update(billing); } } int mult = 1; PMAccountGroup ag = PXSelect <PMAccountGroup, Where <PMAccountGroup.groupID, Equal <Required <PMAccountGroup.groupID> > > > .Select(this, rule.AccountGroupID); if (ag == null) { throw new PXException(Messages.AccountGroupInBillingRuleNotFound, rule.BillingID, rule.AccountGroupID); } if (ag.Type == GL.AccountType.Liability || ag.Type == GL.AccountType.Income) { mult = -1; } DateTime cuttofDate = billingDate; //all transactions excluding the current day. ContractBillingSchedule schedule = PXSelect <ContractBillingSchedule> .Search <ContractBillingSchedule.contractID>(this, task.ProjectID); if (schedule != null && schedule.Type == BillingType.OnDemand) { cuttofDate = billingDate.AddDays(1); //all transactions including the current day. } else { if (IncludeTodaysTransactions) { cuttofDate = billingDate.AddDays(1); } } List <PMTran> billingBase = SelectBillingBase(task.ProjectID, task.TaskID, rule.AccountGroupID, cuttofDate, rule.IncludeNonBillable == true); foreach (PMTran tran in billingBase) { ARTran arTran = new ARTran(); arTran.BranchID = tran.BranchID; if (tran.InventoryID != PMInventorySelectorAttribute.EmptyInventoryID) { arTran.InventoryID = tran.InventoryID; } arTran.TranDesc = tran.Description; arTran.UOM = tran.UOM; arTran.Qty = tran.BillableQty * mult; arTran.ExtPrice = tran.Amount * mult; if (arTran.Qty != 0) { arTran.UnitPrice = arTran.ExtPrice / arTran.Qty; } else { arTran.UnitPrice = 0; } arTran.TranAmt = arTran.ExtPrice; arTran.ProjectID = task.ProjectID; arTran.TaskID = task.TaskID; arTran.PMTranID = tran.TranID; arTran.Commissionable = false; //todo arTran.Date = tran.Date; string subCD = null; #region Set Account and Subaccount int?employeeSubID = null; if (tran.ResourceID != null) { EP.EPEmployee emp = PXSelect <EP.EPEmployee, Where <EP.EPEmployee.bAccountID, Equal <Required <EP.EPEmployee.bAccountID> > > > .Select(this, tran.ResourceID); if (emp != null) { employeeSubID = emp.SalesSubID; } } if (rule.AccountSource != PMAccountSource.None) { if (rule.AccountSource == PMAccountSource.BillingRule) { if (rule.AccountID != null) { arTran.AccountID = rule.AccountID; } else { throw new PXException(Messages.BillingRuleAccountIsNotConfiguredForBilling, rule.BillingID); } } else if (rule.AccountSource == PMAccountSource.Project) { if (project.DefaultAccountID != null) { arTran.AccountID = project.DefaultAccountID; } else { throw new PXException(Messages.ProjectAccountIsNotConfiguredForBilling, rule.BillingID, project.ContractCD); } } else if (rule.AccountSource == PMAccountSource.Task) { if (task.DefaultAccountID != null) { arTran.AccountID = task.DefaultAccountID; } else { throw new PXException(Messages.TaskAccountIsNotConfiguredForBilling, rule.BillingID, project.ContractCD, task.TaskCD); } } else if (rule.AccountSource == PMAccountSource.InventoryItem) { InventoryItem item = PXSelect <InventoryItem, Where <InventoryItem.inventoryID, Equal <Required <InventoryItem.inventoryID> > > > .Select(this, tran.InventoryID); if (item != null) { if (item.SalesAcctID != null) { arTran.AccountID = item.SalesAcctID; } else { throw new PXException(Messages.InventoryAccountIsNotConfiguredForBilling, rule.BillingID, item.InventoryCD); } } } else if (rule.AccountSource == PMAccountSource.Customer && customer != null) { CR.Location customerLoc = PXSelect <CR.Location, Where <CR.Location.bAccountID, Equal <Required <CR.Location.bAccountID> >, And <CR.Location.locationID, Equal <Required <CR.Location.locationID> > > > > .Select(this, customer.BAccountID, customer.DefLocationID); if (customerLoc != null) { if (customerLoc.CSalesAcctID != null) { arTran.AccountID = customerLoc.CSalesAcctID; } else { throw new PXException(Messages.CustomerAccountIsNotConfiguredForBilling, rule.BillingID, customer.AcctCD); } } } else if (rule.AccountSource == PMAccountSource.Resource) { EP.EPEmployee emp = PXSelect <EP.EPEmployee, Where <EP.EPEmployee.bAccountID, Equal <Required <EP.EPEmployee.bAccountID> > > > .Select(this, tran.ResourceID); if (emp != null) { if (emp.SalesAcctID != null) { arTran.AccountID = emp.SalesAcctID; } else { throw new PXException(Messages.EmployeeAccountIsNotConfiguredForBilling, rule.BillingID, emp.AcctCD); } } } if (arTran.AccountID == null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(rule.SubMask)) { throw new PXException(Messages.SubAccountCannotBeComposed, rule.BillingID); } else if (arTran.AccountID != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(rule.SubMask)) { subCD = PMBillSubAccountMaskAttribute.MakeSub <PMBillingRule.subMask>(this, rule.SubMask, new object[] { tran.SubID, rule.SubID, project.DefaultSubID, task.DefaultSubID, employeeSubID }, new Type[] { typeof(PMTran.subID), typeof(PMBillingRule.subID), typeof(PMProject.defaultSubID), typeof(PMTask.defaultSubID), typeof(EP.EPEmployee.salesSubID) }); } } #endregion string note = PXNoteAttribute.GetNote(Transactions.Cache, tran); Guid[] files = PXNoteAttribute.GetFileNotes(Transactions.Cache, tran); list.Add(new BillingData(arTran, rule, tran, subCD, note, files)); if (billingItems.ContainsKey(tran.InventoryID.Value)) { if (availableQty.ContainsKey(tran.InventoryID.Value)) { decimal available = availableQty[tran.InventoryID.Value]; if (tran.BillableQty <= available) { //Transaction is already payed for as a post payment included. Thus it should be free. arTran.TranDesc = PXMessages.LocalizeNoPrefix(CT.Messages.PrefixIncludedUsage) + " " + tran.Description; availableQty[tran.InventoryID.Value] -= arTran.Qty.Value; //decrease available qty arTran.UnitPrice = 0; arTran.ExtPrice = 0; arTran.TranAmt = 0; } else { arTran.TranDesc = PXMessages.LocalizeNoPrefix(CT.Messages.PrefixOverused) + " " + tran.Description; arTran.Qty = arTran.Qty - available; availableQty[tran.InventoryID.Value] = 0; //all available qty was used. } } } tran.Billed = true; tran.BilledDate = billingDate; Transactions.Update(tran); } return(list); }
public override string GetInvoiceKey(string proformaTag, PMBillingRule rule) { return(base.GetInvoiceKey("P", null)); }