protected IEnumerable features() { FeaturesSet current = (FeaturesSet)PXSelect <FeaturesSet, Where <True, Equal <True> >, OrderBy <Desc <FeaturesSet.status> > > .SelectWindowed(this, 0, 1) ?? Features.Insert(); current.LicenseID = PXVersionInfo.InstallationID; yield return(current); }
protected virtual void FeaturesSet_RowSelected(PXCache sender, PXRowSelectedEventArgs e) { this.Features.Cache.AllowInsert = true; FeaturesSet row = (FeaturesSet)e.Row; if (row == null) { return; } this.RequestValidation.SetEnabled(row.Status == 3); this.CancelRequest.SetEnabled(row.Status == 2); this.Features.Cache.AllowInsert = row.Status < 2; this.Features.Cache.AllowUpdate = row.Status == 3; this.Features.Cache.AllowDelete = false; }
public IEnumerable cancelRequest(PXAdapter adapter) { foreach (FeaturesSet feature in adapter.Get()) { if (feature.Status == 2) { FeaturesSet update = PXCache <FeaturesSet> .CreateCopy(feature); update.Status = 3; this.Features.Delete(feature); update = this.Features.Update(update); this.Persist(); yield return(update); } else { yield return(feature); } } }
protected virtual void FeaturesSet_RowInserting(PXCache sender, PXRowInsertingEventArgs e) { int?status = (int?)sender.GetValue <FeaturesSet.status>(e.Row); if (status != 3) { return; } FeaturesSet current = PXSelect <FeaturesSet, Where <True, Equal <True> >, OrderBy <Desc <FeaturesSet.status> > > .SelectWindowed(this, 0, 1); if (current != null) { sender.RestoreCopy(e.Row, current); sender.SetValue <FeaturesSet.status>(e.Row, 3); } }
protected virtual void _(Events.FieldUpdating <FeaturesSet.aSC606> e) { e.NewValue = PXBoolAttribute.ConvertValue(e.NewValue); FeaturesSet row = (FeaturesSet)e.Row; if (row == null) { return; } bool?oldValue = row.ASC606; if (row.ASC606 != null && oldValue != (bool)e.NewValue) { int?result = PXSelectGroupBy < ARTranAlias, Aggregate <Count> > .SelectSingleBound(this, null) .RowCount; if (result > 0) { string question = PXMessages.LocalizeFormatNoPrefixNLA(AR.Messages.UnreleasedDocsWithDRCodes, result); WebDialogResult wdr = Features.Ask(question, MessageButtons.YesNo); if (wdr != WebDialogResult.Yes) { e.NewValue = oldValue; e.Cancel = true; return; } } //The system calculates the number of Stock and Non-Stock Inventories //in Active status which have MDA deferral code and empty field Allocation Method in Revenue Components. if ((bool)e.NewValue == false) { //use AR.Messages.MDAInventoriesWithoutAllocationMethod } } }
public IEnumerable requestValidation(PXAdapter adapter) { foreach (FeaturesSet feature in adapter.Get()) { if (feature.Status == 3) { FeaturesSet update = PXCache <FeaturesSet> .CreateCopy(feature); update.Status = 0; update = this.Features.Update(update); this.Features.Delete(feature); if (update.Status != 1) { this.Features.Delete(new FeaturesSet() { Status = 1 }); } this.Persist(); yield return(update); } else { yield return(feature); } } PXDatabase.ResetSlots(); PXPageCacheUtils.InvalidateCachedPages(); this.Clear(); throw new PXRedirectToUrlException(@"~\Main.aspx$target=_top", PXBaseRedirectException.WindowMode.Same, Messages.RefreshSettings); }
protected virtual void FeaturesSet_RowSelected(PXCache sender, PXRowSelectedEventArgs e) { this.Save.SetVisible(false); this.Features.Cache.AllowInsert = true; FeaturesSet row = (FeaturesSet)e.Row; if (row == null) { return; } this.RequestValidation.SetEnabled(row.Status == 3); this.CancelRequest.SetEnabled(row.Status == 2); this.Features.Cache.AllowInsert = row.Status < 2; this.Features.Cache.AllowUpdate = row.Status == 3; this.Features.Cache.AllowDelete = false; bool screenIsOpenedFromScenario = !(ActivationBehaviour.Current != null && ActivationBehaviour.Current.Refresh == true); if (screenIsOpenedFromScenario && this.Actions.Contains("CancelClose")) { this.Actions["CancelClose"].SetTooltip(WZ.Messages.BackToScenario); } }
public IEnumerable requestValidation(PXAdapter adapter) { foreach (FeaturesSet feature in adapter.Get()) { if (feature.Status == 3) { bool? customerDiscountsOld = PXAccess.FeatureInstalled <FeaturesSet.customerDiscounts>(); bool? branchOld = PXAccess.FeatureInstalled <FeaturesSet.branch>(); PXCache cache = new PXCache <FeaturesSet>(this); FeaturesSet update = PXCache <FeaturesSet> .CreateCopy(feature); update.Status = 0; update = this.Features.Update(update); this.Features.Delete(feature); if (update.Status != 1) { this.Features.Delete(new FeaturesSet() { Status = 1 }); } this.Persist(); PXAccess.Version++; var tasks = PXSelect <WZTask> .Select(this); WZTaskEntry taskGraph = CreateInstance <WZTaskEntry>(); foreach (WZTask task in tasks) { bool disableTask = false; bool enableTask = false; foreach ( WZTaskFeature taskFeature in PXSelectReadonly <WZTaskFeature, Where <WZTaskFeature.taskID, Equal <Required <WZTask.taskID> > > > .Select( this, task.TaskID)) { bool featureInstalled = (bool?)cache.GetValue(update, taskFeature.Feature) == true; if (!featureInstalled) { disableTask = true; enableTask = false; break; } enableTask = true; } if (disableTask) { task.Status = WizardTaskStatusesAttribute._DISABLED; taskGraph.TaskInfo.Update(task); taskGraph.Save.Press(); } if (enableTask && task.Status == WizardTaskStatusesAttribute._DISABLED) { bool needToBeOpen = false; WZScenario scenario = PXSelect <WZScenario, Where <WZScenario.scenarioID, Equal <Required <WZTask.scenarioID> > > > .Select(this, task.ScenarioID); if (scenario != null && scenario.Status == WizardScenarioStatusesAttribute._ACTIVE) { WZTask parentTask = PXSelect <WZTask, Where <WZTask.taskID, Equal <Required <WZTask.parentTaskID> > > > .Select( this, task.ParentTaskID); if (parentTask != null && (parentTask.Status == WizardTaskStatusesAttribute._OPEN || parentTask.Status == WizardTaskStatusesAttribute._ACTIVE)) { needToBeOpen = true; } foreach ( PXResult <WZTaskPredecessorRelation, WZTask> predecessorResult in PXSelectJoin <WZTaskPredecessorRelation, InnerJoin <WZTask, On <WZTask.taskID, Equal <WZTaskPredecessorRelation.predecessorID> > >, Where <WZTaskPredecessorRelation.taskID, Equal <Required <WZTask.taskID> > > > . Select(this, task.TaskID)) { WZTask predecessorTask = (WZTask)predecessorResult; if (predecessorTask != null) { if (predecessorTask.Status == WizardTaskStatusesAttribute._COMPLETED) { needToBeOpen = true; } else { needToBeOpen = false; break; } } } } task.Status = needToBeOpen ? WizardTaskStatusesAttribute._OPEN : WizardTaskStatusesAttribute._PENDING; taskGraph.TaskInfo.Update(task); taskGraph.Save.Press(); } } if (customerDiscountsOld == true && update.CustomerDiscounts != true) { PXUpdate <Set <ARSetup.applyLineDiscountsIfCustomerPriceDefined, True>, ARSetup> .Update(this); PXUpdate <Set <ARSetup.applyLineDiscountsIfCustomerClassPriceDefined, True>, ARSetup> .Update(this); PXUpdate <Set <SOOrderType.recalculateDiscOnPartialShipment, False, Set <SOOrderType.postLineDiscSeparately, False> >, SOOrderType> .Update(this); } if (branchOld != update.Branch) { PXUpdate <Set <ListEntryPoint.isActive, Required <ListEntryPoint.isActive> >, ListEntryPoint, Where <ListEntryPoint.entryScreenID, Equal <Required <ListEntryPoint.entryScreenID> > > > .Update(this, update.Branch == true, "CS101500"); } yield return(update); } else { yield return(feature); } } bool needRefresh = !(ActivationBehaviour.Current != null && ActivationBehaviour.Current.Refresh == false); PXDatabase.ResetSlots(); PXPageCacheUtils.InvalidateCachedPages(); this.Clear(); if (needRefresh) { throw new PXRefreshException(); } }
protected virtual void _(Events.FieldUpdating <FeaturesSet.centralizedPeriodsManagement> e) { e.NewValue = PXBoolAttribute.ConvertValue(e.NewValue); FeaturesSet row = (FeaturesSet)e.Row; if (row == null) { return; } int messageCount = 0; bool isError = false; if (row.CentralizedPeriodsManagement != null && row.CentralizedPeriodsManagement != (bool)e.NewValue && (bool)e.NewValue == true) { foreach (Organization organization in PXSelect <Organization> .Select(this)) { foreach (MasterFinPeriod problemPeriod in PXSelectJoin < MasterFinPeriod, LeftJoin <OrganizationFinPeriod, On <MasterFinPeriod.finPeriodID, Equal <OrganizationFinPeriod.masterFinPeriodID>, And <OrganizationFinPeriod.organizationID, Equal <Required <OrganizationFinPeriod.organizationID> > > > >, Where <OrganizationFinPeriod.finPeriodID, IsNull> > .Select(this, organization.OrganizationID)) { isError = true; if (messageCount <= MAX_FINPERIOD_DISCREPANCY_MESSAGE_COUNT) { PXTrace.WriteError(GL.Messages.DiscrepancyPeriod, organization.OrganizationCD, problemPeriod.FinPeriodID); messageCount++; } else { break; } } } if (isError) { e.Cancel = true; throw new PXSetPropertyException(GL.Messages.DiscrepancyPeriodError); } Organization etalonOrganization = PXSelect <Organization> .Select(this).First(); if (etalonOrganization != null) { foreach (Organization organization in PXSelect <Organization> .Select(this)) { if (organization.OrganizationID == etalonOrganization.OrganizationID) { continue; } foreach (OrganizationFinPeriod problemPeriod in PXSelectJoin < OrganizationFinPeriod, LeftJoin <OrganizationFinPeriodStatus, On <OrganizationFinPeriodStatus.organizationID, Equal <Required <OrganizationFinPeriodStatus.organizationID> >, And <OrganizationFinPeriod.finPeriodID, Equal <OrganizationFinPeriodStatus.finPeriodID>, And <OrganizationFinPeriod.dateLocked, Equal <OrganizationFinPeriodStatus.dateLocked>, And <OrganizationFinPeriod.status, Equal <OrganizationFinPeriodStatus.status>, And <OrganizationFinPeriod.aPClosed, Equal <OrganizationFinPeriodStatus.aPClosed>, And <OrganizationFinPeriod.aRClosed, Equal <OrganizationFinPeriodStatus.aRClosed>, And <OrganizationFinPeriod.iNClosed, Equal <OrganizationFinPeriodStatus.iNClosed>, And <OrganizationFinPeriod.cAClosed, Equal <OrganizationFinPeriodStatus.cAClosed>, And <OrganizationFinPeriod.fAClosed, Equal <OrganizationFinPeriodStatus.fAClosed> > > > > > > > > > >, Where <OrganizationFinPeriodStatus.finPeriodID, IsNull, And <OrganizationFinPeriod.organizationID, Equal <Required <OrganizationFinPeriod.organizationID> > > > > .Select(this, organization.OrganizationID, etalonOrganization.OrganizationID)) { isError = true; if (messageCount <= MAX_FINPERIOD_DISCREPANCY_MESSAGE_COUNT) { string problemFields = GetProblemFields(organization, problemPeriod); PXTrace.WriteError(GL.Messages.DiscrepancyField, etalonOrganization.OrganizationCD, organization.OrganizationCD, problemFields, problemPeriod.FinPeriodID); messageCount++; } else { break; } } } if (isError) { e.Cancel = true; throw new PXSetPropertyException(GL.Messages.DiscrepancyFieldError); } } foreach (PXResult <MasterFinPeriod, OrganizationFinPeriod> res in MasterFinPeriods.Select(etalonOrganization.OrganizationID)) { MasterFinPeriod masterFinPeriod = res; OrganizationFinPeriod organizationFinPeriod = res; masterFinPeriod.DateLocked = organizationFinPeriod.DateLocked; masterFinPeriod.Status = organizationFinPeriod.Status; masterFinPeriod.APClosed = organizationFinPeriod.APClosed; masterFinPeriod.ARClosed = organizationFinPeriod.ARClosed; masterFinPeriod.INClosed = organizationFinPeriod.INClosed; masterFinPeriod.CAClosed = organizationFinPeriod.CAClosed; masterFinPeriod.FAClosed = organizationFinPeriod.FAClosed; this.MasterFinPeriods.Cache.Update(masterFinPeriod); } } }