private void btnCreate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool PWStrong = true; bool onlyLetters = true; bool illegal = false; bool unique = acc.Unique(txtUsername.Text); foreach (char c in txtPassword.Text) { if (c == 'ª') { illegal = true; break; } if (!char.IsLetter(c)) { onlyLetters = false; break; } } if (unique) { if ((onlyLetters || txtPassword.Text.Length < 8) && !illegal) { if (MessageBox.Show("Your password is weak. Would you like to continue with this password?", "Password Weak", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.No) { PWStrong = false; } } else if (illegal) { MessageBox.Show("You have an illegal character in your password or username, please use only letters, numbers, and keyboard symbols."); } if (PWStrong) { string username = txtUsername.Text; string password = txtPassword.Text; creater = File.Create(acc.folderPath + @"\" + username + ".userInfo"); creater.Close(); writer = new StreamWriter(acc.folderPath + @"\" + username + ".userInfo", false); writer.Write(password + String.Format("\n")); writer.Close(); frmSignIn frmSignIn = new frmSignIn(); frmSignIn.Show(); Hide(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("That username has already been taken."); } }