/// <include file='AspNetPagerDocs.xml' path='AspNetPagerDoc/Method[@name="GetDesignTimeHtml"]/*'/> public override string GetDesignTimeHtml() { wb = (AspNetPager)Component; wb.RecordCount = 225; StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); HtmlTextWriter writer = new HtmlTextWriter(sw); wb.RenderControl(writer); return sw.ToString(); }
/// <include file='AspNetPagerDocs.xml' path='AspNetPagerDoc/Method[@name="OnInit"]/*'/> protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e) { base.OnInit(e); if (null != CloneFrom && string.Empty != CloneFrom.Trim()) { AspNetPager ctrl = Parent.FindControl(CloneFrom) as AspNetPager; if (null == ctrl) { string errStr = SR.GetString("clonefromexeption"); if (null == errStr) errStr = "The control \" %controlID% \" does not exist or is not of type Wuqi.Webdiyer.AspNetPager!"; throw new ArgumentException(errStr.Replace("%controlID%", CloneFrom), "CloneFrom"); } else if (null != ctrl.cloneFrom && this == ctrl.cloneFrom) { string errStr = SR.GetString("recusiveclonefrom"); if (null == errStr) errStr = "Invalid value for the CloneFrom property, AspNetPager controls can not to be cloned recursively!"; throw new ArgumentException(errStr, "CloneFrom"); } cloneFrom = ctrl; this.CssClass = cloneFrom.CssClass; this.Width = cloneFrom.Width; this.Height = cloneFrom.Height; this.HorizontalAlign = cloneFrom.HorizontalAlign; this.BackColor = cloneFrom.BackColor; this.BackImageUrl = cloneFrom.BackImageUrl; this.BorderColor = cloneFrom.BorderColor; this.BorderStyle = cloneFrom.BorderStyle; this.BorderWidth = cloneFrom.BorderWidth; this.Font.CopyFrom(cloneFrom.Font); this.ForeColor = cloneFrom.ForeColor; this.EnableViewState = cloneFrom.EnableViewState; } }