private void Generate()
     double fi1, fi2, psi, w = psi = 1;
     if (double.TryParse(textBoxFi1.Text, out fi1) && double.TryParse(textBoxFi1.Text, out fi2))
         if (algorithmType == EAlgorithm.Base ||
             algorithmType == EAlgorithm.Weight && double.TryParse(textBoxFactor.Text, out w) ||
             algorithmType == EAlgorithm.Constriction && double.TryParse(textBoxFactor.Text, out psi))
             _swarm = new Swarm(functionType, Population.Value, fi1, fi2, w, psi, panelMap.Width, panelMap.Height);
             panelMap.Image = Swarm.Map;
Exemple #2
        public void Run(int swarmSize, Function func)
            var watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();

            Initialize(swarmSize, func);

            double       vMax = Math.Abs(Func.BoundUpper - Func.BoundLower) * .1;
            const double wLow = 0.1;

            var best = new Particle();

            int lastImprovementOn = 0;

            for (int iter = 0; iter < func.IterationsNumber; iter++)
                double w = func.MaxVelocity - (func.MaxVelocity - wLow) * iter / func.IterationsNumber;

                foreach (Particle particle in Swarm.Particles)
                    for (int d = 0; d < Func.Dimensions; d++)
                        double rp = Random.NextDouble();
                        double rg = Random.NextDouble();

                        particle.V[d] = w * particle.V[d] + PhiP * rp * (particle.P[d] - particle.X[d]) +
                                        PhiG * rg * (Swarm.G[d] - particle.X[d]);

                        particle.V[d] = Math.Min(particle.V[d], vMax);
                        particle.V[d] = Math.Max(particle.V[d], -vMax);

                        particle.X[d] += particle.V[d];

                        particle.X[d] = Math.Max(particle.X[d], Func.BoundLower);
                        particle.X[d] = Math.Min(particle.X[d], Func.BoundUpper);

                    particle.Fx = Func.F(particle.X);
                    if (particle.Fx < particle.Fp)
                    else if (Random.NextDouble() <= func.KillProbability)
                        particle.Generate(func, Random);

                    if (particle.Fp < Swarm.Fg)
                        Swarm.UpdateG(particle.P, Func);
                        lastImprovementOn = iter;
                        best = particle;

                Console.WriteLine($"#{iter,-4} Best G = {Swarm.Fg,-16:0.000000000000} W = {w,-7:0.00000}");

            Console.WriteLine($"\nLast improvement was on iteration #{lastImprovementOn}. Time elapsed: {watch.Elapsed}");
            Console.WriteLine("Coordinates of the best");
            foreach (double x in best.X)

 private void buttonSim_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     StringBuilder results = new StringBuilder();
     double[,] Fi = { { 1, 3 }, { 2, 2 }, { 3, 1 } };
     double x = 0, y = 0, best;
     List<Particle> particles = new List<Particle>(Population.Value);
     for (int particle = 0; particle < Population.Value; ++particle)
         particles.Add(new Particle(panelMap.Width, panelMap.Height));
     using (FileStream stream = File.OpenWrite("sim"))
         _serializer.Serialize(stream, particles);
     foreach (EFunction function in Enum.GetValues(typeof(EFunction)))
         foreach (EAlgorithm algorithm in Enum.GetValues(typeof(EAlgorithm)))
             foreach (ETopology topology in Enum.GetValues(typeof(ETopology)))
                 for (int k = 0; k < Fi.GetLength(0); ++k)
                     best = double.MaxValue;
                     for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
                         switch (algorithm)
                             case EAlgorithm.Base:
                                 _swarm = new Swarm(function, Population.Value, Fi[k, 0], Fi[k, 1], 1d, 1d, panelMap.Width, panelMap.Height);
                             case EAlgorithm.Weight:
                                 _swarm = new Swarm(function, Population.Value, Fi[k, 0], Fi[k, 1], 0.4, 1d, panelMap.Width, panelMap.Height);
                             case EAlgorithm.Constriction:
                                 _swarm = new Swarm(function, Population.Value, Fi[k, 0], Fi[k, 1], 1d, 0.6d, panelMap.Width, panelMap.Height);
                         using (FileStream stream = File.OpenRead("sim"))
                         for (int j = 0; j < 500; ++j)
                             switch (topology)
                                 case ETopology.Full:
                                 case ETopology.Ring:
                                     _swarm.SimulateStep(Delay.Value, 2);
                                 case ETopology.N4:
                                     _swarm.SimulateStep(Delay.Value, 4);
                         foreach (Particle p in _swarm.Particles)
                             if (best > p.Best)
                                 best = p.Best;
                                 x = p.BestX;
                                 y = p.BestY;
                     results.Append(function + "," + algorithm + "," + topology + "," + Fi[k, 0] + "," + Fi[k, 1] + "," + x.ToString("N4") + "," + y.ToString("N4") + "," + best.ToString("N4") + Environment.NewLine);
     File.WriteAllText("my.csv", results.ToString());