public EvaluationResult evaluateExpression(XmlElement expressionDoc, IContext context)
            // first deserialize expression into a RequiresParticipants instance
            RequiresParticipants expression = null;

                XmlNodeReader reader = new XmlNodeReader(expressionDoc);
                expression = (RequiresParticipants)serializer.Deserialize(reader);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new PolicyManagerException("Could not deserialize RequiresParticipants node", e);

            // go through and check if all participants listed in the policy are in the meeting

            foreach (string participant in expression.Participant)
                if (context.Participants[participant] == null)
                    // return "false" as the evaluation result
                    return(new EvaluationResult(TAG, false, "Participant " + participant + " not in context"));

            // if we got here, it means all participants were found
            return(new EvaluationResult(TAG, true, "All participants found in context"));
        public static void Main(String[] args)
            RequiresTopic rt = new RequiresTopic();

            rt.Topic = "foobar";

            RequiresParticipants rp = new RequiresParticipants();

            rp.Participant = new String[] { "joe", "bob" };

            All all = new All();

            all.Any = new XmlElement[] { Util.getXmlElement(rt), Util.getXmlElement(rp) };

            Policy policy = new Policy();

            policy.Any = Util.getXmlElement(all);

            StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("testpolicy2.xml");

            Util.serialize(policy, writer);