/* Function returns the data of an effect based on its description
         * Inputs: strDesc - description of effect to retrieve data about
         * Return value: the EPType data structure of the effect
        public EPType GetEffectByDescription(string strDesc)
            // Create Expression Builder instance
            IIOPEXPathExprBuilder IBuilder = IOPEXPathExprBuilderFactory.CreateInstance(enuIOPEType.Effect);
            // Build XPath Expression
            string  strXPathExpr = DamlConstants.SERVICE_PROFILE + IBuilder.BuildExpression(enuIOPESearchBy.COND_DESC, strDesc);
            XmlNode root         = m_doc.DocumentElement;
            XmlNode node         = root.SelectSingleNode(strXPathExpr, m_mgr);

            EPType epData = GetEPNodeData(node);

        /* Function returns the data of an effect based on a refersTo statement
         * Inputs: strRef - reference of effect to retrieve data about
         * Return value: the EPType data structure of the effect
        public EPType GetEffectByReference(string strRef)
            // Create Expression Builder instance
            IIOPEXPathExprBuilder IBuilder = IOPEXPathExprBuilderFactory.CreateInstance(enuIOPEType.Effect);
            // Build XPath Expression
            string  strXPathExpr = DamlConstants.SERVICE_PROFILE + IBuilder.BuildExpression(enuIOPESearchBy.REFERS_TO, strRef);
            XmlNode root         = m_doc.DocumentElement;
            XmlNode node         = root.SelectSingleNode(strXPathExpr, m_mgr);

            node = node.ParentNode;

            EPType epData = GetEPNodeData(node);

        /* Function returns the data of a named precondition
         * Inputs: strName - name of precondition to retrieve data about
         * Return value: the EPType data structure of the named precondition
        public EPType GetPreconditionByName(string strName)
            // Create Expression Builder instance
            IIOPEXPathExprBuilder IBuilder = IOPEXPathExprBuilderFactory.CreateInstance(enuIOPEType.Precondition);
            // Build XPath Expression
            string  strXPathExpr = DamlConstants.SERVICE_PROFILE + IBuilder.BuildExpression(enuIOPESearchBy.COND_NAME, strName);
            XmlNode root         = m_doc.DocumentElement;
            XmlNode node         = root.SelectSingleNode(strXPathExpr, m_mgr);

            node = node.ParentNode;

            EPType epData = GetEPNodeData(node);

        /* Function strips the EPNode data from a description node
         * Inputs: descNode - description node
         * Return values: the EPType data retrieved
        private EPType GetEPNodeData(XmlNode descNode)
            EPType epData = new EPType();

            epData.ConditionDesc = descNode.Attributes[DamlConstants.RDF_ID].Value;

            XmlNode nameNode = descNode.SelectSingleNode(DamlConstants.PROFILE_CONDITION_NAME, m_mgr);

            epData.ConditionName = nameNode.InnerText;

            XmlNode stmntNode = descNode.SelectSingleNode(DamlConstants.PROFILE_STATEMENT, m_mgr);

            epData.Statement = stmntNode.Attributes[DamlConstants.RDF_RESOURCE].Value;

            XmlNode referNode = descNode.SelectSingleNode(DamlConstants.PROFILE_REFERS_TO, m_mgr);

            epData.RefersTo = referNode.Attributes[DamlConstants.RDF_RESOURCE].Value;
