public override void OnPlayerSpawned(string soldierName, Inventory spawnedInventory) { base.OnPlayerSpawned(soldierName, spawnedInventory); foreach (Message m in messages.FindAll((m) => m.enabled)) try { m.OnPlayerSpawned(soldierName); } catch (Exception exc) { ConsoleError("Exception with OnPlayerSpawned of '" + + "': " + exc.Message + " " + exc.StackTrace); } }
public override void OnPlayerSpawned(string soldierName, Inventory spawnedInventory) { PlayerProfile player = getPlayerProfile(soldierName); if (player != null) { player.updateLastSpawn(); player.state = PlayerState.alive; } }
private void PRoConClient_PlayerSpawned(FrostbiteClient sender, string soldierName, string strKit, List<string> lstWeapons, List<string> lstSpecializations) { if (PlayerSpawned != null) { if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof (Kits), strKit) == true) { var inv = new Inventory((Kits) Enum.Parse(typeof (Kits), strKit)); foreach (string strWeapon in lstWeapons) { if (Weapons.Contains(strWeapon) == true) { inv.Weapons.Add(Weapons[strWeapon]); } } foreach (string strSpecialization in lstSpecializations) { if (Specializations.Contains(strSpecialization) == true) { inv.Specializations.Add(Specializations[strSpecialization]); } } FrostbiteConnection.RaiseEvent(PlayerSpawned.GetInvocationList(), this, soldierName, inv); } else { FrostbiteConnection.RaiseEvent(PlayerSpawned.GetInvocationList(), this, soldierName, new Inventory(Kits.None)); } } }
public override void OnPlayerSpawned(String soldierName, Inventory spawnedInventory) { if (!fIsEnabled) return; DebugWrite("^9^bGot OnPlayerSpawned: ^n" + soldierName, 8); try { if (fGameState == GameState.Unknown || fGameState == GameState.Warmup) { bool wasUnknown = (fGameState == GameState.Unknown); fGameState = (this.TotalPlayerCount < 4) ? GameState.Warmup : GameState.Playing; if (wasUnknown || fGameState == GameState.Playing) DebugWrite("OnPlayerSpawned: ^b^3Game state = " + fGameState, 6); fNeedPlayerListUpdate = (fGameState == GameState.Playing); } else if (fGameState == GameState.RoundStarting) { // First spawn after Level Loaded is the official start of a round DebugWrite(":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ^b^1First spawn detected^0^n ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::", 3); fGameState = (this.TotalPlayerCount < 4) ? GameState.Warmup : GameState.Playing; DebugWrite("OnPlayerSpawned: ^b^3Game state = " + fGameState, 6); ResetRound(); fIsFullRound = true; ServerCommand("serverInfo"); ScheduleListPlayers(2); fNeedPlayerListUpdate = (fGameState == GameState.Playing); } if (fPluginState == PluginState.Active) { ValidateMove(soldierName); if (fGameState != GameState.RoundEnding) { SpawnUpdate(soldierName); FireMessages(soldierName); CheckDelayedMove(soldierName); if (IsRush()) CheckServerInfoUpdate(); } } } catch (Exception e) { ConsoleException(e); } }
//********************************************************************************************** //********************************************************************************************** // PROCESS VARIOUS PROCON 'EVENT' PROCEDURES - e.g. OnPlayerSpawned(), OnPlayerKilled() //********************************************************************************************** //********************************************************************************************** //******************************************************************************************** // this procedure gets called when every player SPAWNS // so at that point we will scan the rules and decide whether to apply any actions //******************************************************************************************** public override void OnPlayerSpawned(string player_name, Inventory inv) { // EVENT EXCEPTION BLOCK: try { // debug stuff string blocks = ""; if (player_blocks.ContainsKey(player_name)) blocks = String.Join("/", player_blocks[player_name].ToArray()); WriteDebugInfo("********************OnPlayerSpawned***************************" + player_name); WriteDebugInfo(String.Format("ProconRulz: OnPlayerSpawned [{0}] with blocks [{1}]", player_name, blocks)); //end debug // create structure to hold substitution keywords and values Dictionary<SubstEnum, string> keywords = new Dictionary<SubstEnum, string>(); // remove this player from the spawn item lists for now spawn_counts.zero_player(player_name); remove_blocks(player_name); // remove any player_blocks entries // BF bug workaround - // check to see if player can do damage Shotgun before saving spec sp-shotgun_s bool has_damage_shotgun = false; string player_team_id = players.team_id(player_name); WriteDebugInfo(String.Format("ProconRulz: OnPlayerSpawned [{0}] team_id {1}", player_name, player_team_id)); // add player to kit spawned list, if kit is 'watched' spawn_counts.add(item_key(inv.Kit), player_team_id, player_name); player_kit[player_name] = item_key(inv.Kit); // record kit that this player spawned with WriteDebugInfo(String.Format("ProconRulz: OnPlayerSpawned [{0}] kit {1}", player_name, player_kit[player_name])); List<string> damages = new List<string>(); List<string> weapon_keys = new List<string>(); List<string> weapon_names = new List<string>(); foreach (Weapon w in inv.Weapons) { // add playername to watch list for weapon, if it's being watched spawn_counts.add(item_key(w), player_team_id, player_name); // add playername to watch list for weapon damage, if it's being watched spawn_counts.add(item_key(w.Damage), player_team_id, player_name); // BF bug workaround - remember if player can do damage shotgun if (item_key(w.Damage).ToLower() == "shotgun") has_damage_shotgun = true; // build 'weapons' and damages string lists for debug printout and subst variables weapon_keys.Add(w.Name); weapon_names.Add(weapon_desc(w.Name)); damages.Add(item_key(w.Damage)); } // end looping through weapons in inventory // store %wk% subst var (weapon keys) if (weapon_keys.Count > 0) keywords.Add(SubstEnum.WeaponKey, string.Join(", ", weapon_keys.ToArray())); else keywords.Add(SubstEnum.WeaponKey, "No weapon key"); // store %w% subst var (weapon names) if (weapon_names.Count > 0) keywords.Add(SubstEnum.Weapon, string.Join(", ", weapon_names.ToArray())); else keywords.Add(SubstEnum.Weapon, "No weapon"); // store %d% subst var (damages) if (damages.Count > 0) keywords.Add(SubstEnum.Damage, string.Join(", ", damages.ToArray())); else keywords.Add(SubstEnum.Damage, "No damage"); WriteDebugInfo(String.Format("ProconRulz: OnPlayerSpawned [{0}] weapons [{1}]", player_name, keywords[SubstEnum.Weapon])); List<string> spec_keys = new List<string>(); List<string> spec_names = new List<string>(); foreach (Specialization s in inv.Specializations) { // condition is a BF bug workaround // Add this Spec IF player has a weapon that does damage Shotgun, // OR if the spec is not 12-Gauge Sabot Rounds if (has_damage_shotgun || (!(item_key(s).ToLower() == "sp_shotgun_s"))) spawn_counts.add(item_key(s), player_team_id, player_name); spec_keys.Add(item_key(s)); spec_names.Add(spec_desc(s)); } // end looping through specs in inventory // store %speck% subst var (spec keys) if (spec_keys.Count > 0) keywords.Add(SubstEnum.SpecKey, string.Join(", ", spec_keys.ToArray())); else keywords.Add(SubstEnum.SpecKey, "No spec key"); // store %spec% subst var (specializations) if (spec_names.Count > 0) keywords.Add(SubstEnum.Spec, string.Join(", ", spec_names.ToArray())); else keywords.Add(SubstEnum.Spec, "No spec"); WriteDebugInfo( String.Format("^bProconRulz: [{0}] {1} spawned. Kit {2}. Weapons [{3}]. Specs [{4}]. Damages [{5}]", team_name(player_team_id), player_name, item_key(inv.Kit), keywords[SubstEnum.Weapon], keywords[SubstEnum.Spec], keywords[SubstEnum.Damage] )); // debug stuff if (trace_rules == enumBoolYesNo.Yes) prdebug("counts"); //Check if the player carries any of the things we're looking for scan_rules(TriggerEnum.Spawn, player_name, keywords, inv, null, null); } catch (Exception ex) { WriteConsole("ProconRulz: recoverable exception in OnPlayerSpawn"); PrintException(ex); } }
public override void OnPlayerSpawned(String soldierName, Inventory spawnedInventory) { DebugWrite("Entering OnPlayerSpawned", 7); try { AdKatsPlayer aPlayer = null; if (_pluginEnabled && _threadsReady) { if (_currentRoundState == RoundState.Loaded) { _currentRoundState = RoundState.Playing; } if (_CommandNameDictionary.Count > 0) { //Handle TeamSwap notifications String command = _CommandKeyDictionary["self_teamswap"].command_text; if (_PlayerDictionary.TryGetValue(soldierName, out aPlayer)) { aPlayer.lastSpawn = DateTime.UtcNow; aPlayer.lastAction = DateTime.UtcNow; if (aPlayer.player_aa && !aPlayer.player_aa_told) { String adminAssistantMessage = "You are now considered an Admin Assistant. "; if (!_UseAAReportAutoHandler && !_EnableAdminAssistantPerk) { adminAssistantMessage += "Thank you for your consistent reporting."; } else { adminAssistantMessage += "Perks: "; if (_UseAAReportAutoHandler) { adminAssistantMessage += "AutoAdmin can handle some of your reports. "; } if (_EnableAdminAssistantPerk) { adminAssistantMessage += "You can use the @" + command + " command."; } } PlayerSayMessage(soldierName, adminAssistantMessage, 1); aPlayer.player_aa_told = true; } } } //Handle Dev Notifications if (soldierName == "ColColonCleaner" && (!_isTestingAuthorized || !_toldCol)) { PlayerTellMessage("ColColonCleaner", "CONGRATS! This server is running AdKats " + PluginVersion + "!", 1); _toldCol = true; } if (aPlayer != null && !aPlayer.player_firstSpawned) { aPlayer.player_firstSpawned = true; if(_UseFirstSpawnMessage) { //Wait 3 seconds Thread.Sleep(2000); PlayerTellMessage(aPlayer.player_name, _FirstSpawnMessage, 1); } } if (_ActOnSpawnDictionary.Count > 0) { if (_isTestingAuthorized) PushThreadDebug(DateTime.Now.Ticks, (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Thread.CurrentThread.Name) ? ("mainthread") : (Thread.CurrentThread.Name)), Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0).GetFileLineNumber(), ""); lock (_ActOnSpawnDictionary) { AdKatsRecord record; if (_ActOnSpawnDictionary.TryGetValue(soldierName, out record)) { //Remove it from the dic _ActOnSpawnDictionary.Remove(soldierName); //Wait 1.5 seconds to take action (no "killed by admin" message in BF3 without this wait) Thread.Sleep(1500); //Queue the action QueueRecordForActionHandling(record); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { HandleException(new AdKatsException("Error while handling player spawn.", e)); } DebugWrite("Exiting OnPlayerSpawned", 7); }
public override void OnPlayerSpawned(String soldierName, Inventory spawnedInventory) { }
// test a rule (we have already confirmed Spawn or Kill trigger is true) // will return 'true' if the rule is applied private bool process_rule(TriggerEnum trigger, ParsedRule rule, string player_name, ref Dictionary<SubstEnum, string> keywords, Inventory inv, Kill k, string item) { WriteDebugInfo(String.Format("ProconRulz: process_rule[{0}] with event {1}", player_name, Enum.GetName(typeof(TriggerEnum), trigger))); // CATCH EXCEPTIONS try { List<PartClass> parts = new List<PartClass>(; if (trigger == TriggerEnum.Say) keywords[SubstEnum.Text] = item; // Populate the Counts AS IF THIS RULE SUCCEEDED so conditions can use them keywords[SubstEnum.ServerCount] = count_server_rule( + 1; keywords[SubstEnum.Count] = count_rule(player_name, + 1; keywords[SubstEnum.TeamCount] = count_team_rule(players.team_id(player_name), + 1; // populate the 'keywords' dictionary assign_keywords(trigger, rule, player_name, ref keywords, inv, k, item); if (!process_parts(rule, parts, player_name, ref keywords, k, item)) { WriteDebugInfo(String.Format("ProconRulz: process_rule[{0}] in rule [{1}] tests NEGATIVE", player_name, rule.unparsed_rule)); return false; } WriteDebugInfo(String.Format("ProconRulz: process_rule[{0}] in rule [{1}] all conditions OK", player_name, rule.unparsed_rule)); // return 'true' to quit rulz checks after this rule // if rule contains End, Kill, Kick, TempBan, Ban unless it contains Continue. return end_rulz(parts); } catch (Exception ex) { WriteConsole("ProconRulz: recoverable exception in test_rule_and_exec(" + rule.unparsed_rule + ")"); PrintException(ex); return false; } }
public override void OnPlayerSpawned(String soldierName, Inventory spawnedInventory) { if (fListenForSpawn) { DebugWrite("OnPlayerSpawned first spawn, count of team switches = " + fNumSwitches, 4); fListenForSpawn = false; fNumSwitches = -1; } }
public override void OnPlayerSpawned(string soldierName, Inventory spawnedInventory) { if (ZombieModeEnabled == false) { SetState(GState.Idle); return; } RemoveJoinQueue(soldierName); // Kick any over max players bool KickIt = false; lock (PlayerKickQueue) { KickIt = PlayerKickQueue.Contains(soldierName); } if (KickIt) { DebugWrite("OnPlayerSpawned: Over max with " + soldierName, 4); ScheduleKick(soldierName, "Zombie Mode max players of " + MaxPlayers + " exceeded, try later"); // $$$ - custom message return; } String WhichTeam = (GetState() == GState.Playing) ? "UNKNOWN" : GetState().ToString(); bool NeedUpdate = true; lock (TeamHuman) { if (TeamZombie.Contains(soldierName)) { WhichTeam = "ZOMBIE"; NeedUpdate = false; } else if (TeamHuman.Contains(soldierName)) { WhichTeam = "HUMAN"; NeedUpdate = false; } } DebugWrite("OnPlayerSpawned: " + soldierName + "(" + WhichTeam + ")", 4); PlayerState.UpdateSpawnTime(soldierName); PlayerState.SetSpawned(soldierName, true); if (NeedUpdate) { int ToTeam = (NewPlayersJoinHumans) ? 1 : 2; DebugWrite("OnPlayerSpawned: ^1^bforcing move to team " + ToTeam, 3); TellPlayer(soldierName + ": Sorry, need to force you to respawn ...", soldierName, false); UpdateTeams(soldierName, ToTeam); if (ToTeam == 1) { ForceMove(soldierName, HUMAN_TEAM, 0); } else { ForceMove(soldierName, ZOMBIE_TEAM, 0); } return; } // Check if we have enough players spawned int Need = MinimumHumans + MinimumZombies; if (CountAllTeams() < Need) { if (GetState() == GState.Playing) { TellAll("Not enough players left to finish match ... MATCH HALTED!"); DebugWrite("***** HALT: not enough players!", 1); HaltMatch(); // Sets GameState to Waiting } else { TellAll("Welcome to Zombie Mode! Need " + (Need-CountAllTeams()) + " more players to join AND spawn to start the match ..."); // $$$ - custom message } SetState(GState.Waiting); return; // Don't count this spawn } else if (CountAllTeams() >= Need && (GetState() == GState.Waiting || GetState() == GState.Idle)) { TellAll("New match starting ... counting down ..."); // $$$ - custom message CountdownNextRound(ZOMBIE_TEAM); // Sets GameState to CountingDown or NeedSpawn return; } // Sanity check if (GetState() == GState.BetweenRounds) { int cz = 0; lock (TeamHuman) { cz = TeamZombie.Count; } if (PatientZero == null || cz == 0) { // We failed to pick a zombie, so use this spawner DebugWrite("OnPlayerSpawned: BetweenRounds sanity check failed, forcing zombie " + soldierName, 5); SetState(GState.RoundStarting); ServerSwitchedCount = 0; PatientZero = soldierName; PatientZeroes.Add(PatientZero); DebugWrite("OnPlayerSpawned: making " + PatientZero + " the first zombie!", 2); MakeZombie(soldierName); UpdateTeams(soldierName, 2); } } // Check if this is the first spawn of the round/match if (GetState() == GState.BetweenRounds || GetState() == GState.NeedSpawn || GetState() == GState.RoundStarting) { SetState(GState.Playing); if (RematchEnabled) { ++MatchesCount; DebugWrite("Match " + MatchesCount + " of " + MatchesBeforeNextMap, 2); } DebugWrite("--- Version " + GetPluginVersion() + " ---", 1); DebugWrite("^b^2****** MATCH STARTING WITH " + CountAllTeams() + " players!^0^n", 1); DebugWrite("OnPlayerSpawned: announcing first zombie is " + PatientZero, 5); TellAll(PatientZero + " is the first zombie!"); // $$$ - custom message } else if (GetState() == GState.Moving) { DebugWrite("OnPlayerSpawned: early spawner while still moving " + soldierName, 3); TellPlayer("The match hasn't started yet, you might have to respawn ...", soldierName); return; } // Otherwise, GameState is Playing int n = PlayerState.GetSpawnCount(soldierName); // Tell zombies they can only use hand to hand weapons if (FreshZombie.Contains(soldierName)) { DebugWrite("OnPlayerSpawned " + soldierName + " is fresh zombie!", 5); FreshZombie.Remove(soldierName); TellPlayer("You are now a zombie! Use a knife/defib/repair tool only!", soldierName); // $$$ - custom message } else if (PlayerState.GetWelcomeCount(soldierName) == 0) { String Separator = " "; if (CommandPrefix.Length == 1) Separator = ""; TellPlayer("Welcome to Zombie Mode! Type '" + CommandPrefix + Separator + "rules' for instructions on how to play", soldierName); // $$$ - custom message PlayerState.SetWelcomeCount(soldierName, 1); } else if (n == 0) { lock (TeamHuman) { if (!TeamHuman.Contains(soldierName)) { ConsoleError("OnPlayerSpawned: " + soldierName + " should be human, but not present in TeamHuman list!"); if (GetState() == GState.Playing) { DebugWrite("ZOMBIE MODE STOPPED - teams are not right!", 1); TellAll("ZOMBIE MODE STOPPED - teams are not right!"); TellAll("Respawn or run next map round/level to fix it", false); Reset(); RequestPlayersList(); // Should fix up teams return; } } } TellPlayer("You are a human! Shoot zombies, don't use explosives, don't let zombies get near you!", soldierName); // $$$ - custom message } PlayerState.SetSpawnCount(soldierName, n+1); AdaptDamage(); }
public void OnPlayerSpawned(string soldierName, Inventory spawnedInventory) { }
public override void OnPlayerSpawned(String name, Inventory inventory) { }
/// <summary>Is called when a player spawns.</summary> public void OnPlayerSpawned(String strSoldierName, Inventory spawnedInventory) { if (mEnabled && !mTsReconnecting) addToActionQueue(Commands.PlayerSpawned, strSoldierName); }
private void m_prcClient_PlayerSpawned(PRoConClient sender, string soldierName, Inventory spawnedInventory) { InvokeOnAllEnabled("OnPlayerSpawned", new object[] {soldierName, spawnedInventory}); }
public virtual void OnPlayerSpawned(string soldierName, Inventory spawnedInventory) { if (this.boolLevelStart == false && this.boolLevelLoaded){ this.boolmessagesent = false; this.boolfirstscrambler = false; this.boolLevelLoaded = false; this.boolLevelStart = true; this.DebugInfo("First Spawner: ^bRound started!"); this.DebugInfoGuard("First Spawner: ^bRound started!"); this.DTLevelStart = DateTime.Now; } if (this.dicPlayerCache.ContainsKey(soldierName)) { this.dicPlayerCache[soldierName].tobebalanced = false; } //string msg = soldierName + " spawned."; //this.ExecuteCommand("procon.protected.pluginconsole.write", msg); }
private void assign_keywords(TriggerEnum trigger, ParsedRule rulex, string player_name, ref Dictionary<SubstEnum, string> keywords, Inventory inv, Kill k, string item) { // HERE's WHERE WE UPDATE THE SUBST KEYWORDS (and conditions can as well, // e.g. TargetPlayer) // this would be more efficient if I only updated the keywords that are // actually used in the rulz // update player count etc for this rule (for use of %c% parameter // or subsequent Count condition) if (trigger == TriggerEnum.Spawn) { keywords[SubstEnum.Kit] = kit_desc(item_key(inv.Kit)); keywords[SubstEnum.KitKey] = item_key(inv.Kit); // keywords[Weaponkey, Weapon, Damage, SpecKey, Spec] all set in OnPlaeyrSpawned } else if (trigger == TriggerEnum.Kill || trigger == TriggerEnum.TeamKill || trigger == TriggerEnum.Suicide || trigger == TriggerEnum.PlayerBlock ) { try { // we're in a 'kill' type event here // as far as I can tell, 'k.DamageType' usually contains // weapon key, but sometimes can be null // with BF3, k.Killer.SoldierName can be empty (null or ""?) if (k == null) return; string victim_name = (k.Victim == null) ? "No victim" : k.Victim.SoldierName; keywords[SubstEnum.Victim] = victim_name; string weapon_key = k.DamageType; Weapon weapon_used; try { if (weapon_key == null) weapon_used = null; else weapon_used = weaponDefines[weapon_key]; } catch { weapon_used = null; } string weapon_descr = weapon_desc(weapon_key); string damage; try { damage = (weapon_used == null) ? "No damage key" : item_key(weapon_used.Damage); } catch { damage = "No damage key"; } keywords[SubstEnum.Weapon] = weapon_descr; keywords[SubstEnum.WeaponKey] = weapon_key; keywords[SubstEnum.KitKey] = spawned_kit(player_name); keywords[SubstEnum.Kit] = kit_desc(spawned_kit(player_name)); keywords[SubstEnum.VictimKit] = kit_desc(spawned_kit(victim_name)); keywords[SubstEnum.VictimTeamKey] = players.team_id(victim_name); keywords[SubstEnum.VictimTeam] = team_name(players.team_id(victim_name)); keywords[SubstEnum.VictimCountry] = players.cname(victim_name); keywords[SubstEnum.VictimCountryKey] = players.ckey(victim_name); keywords[SubstEnum.Damage] = damage; keywords[SubstEnum.Range] = k.Distance.ToString("0.0"); keywords[SubstEnum.Headshot] = k.Headshot ? "Headshot" : ""; } catch (Exception ex) { WriteConsole("ProconRulz: recoverable exception in assign_keywords #2"); PrintException(ex); return; } } if (trigger == TriggerEnum.PlayerBlock) { keywords.Add(SubstEnum.BlockedItem, item); WriteDebugInfo(String.Format("ProconRulz: test_rule[{0}] is PlayerBlock event for [{1}] OK", player_name, item)); } }
public override void OnPlayerSpawned(String soldierName, Inventory spawnedInventory) { this.DebugWrite("Entering OnPlayerSpawned", 7); try { if (this._IsEnabled) { if (this._CommandNameDictionary.Count > 0) { //Handle TeamSwap notifications String command = this._CommandKeyDictionary["self_teamswap"].command_text; AdKatsPlayer aPlayer = null; if (this._PlayerDictionary.TryGetValue(soldierName, out aPlayer)) { if (aPlayer.player_aa && !aPlayer.player_aa_told) { this.ExecuteCommand("procon.protected.send", "admin.yell", "For your consistent player reporting you can now use @" + command + ". Type @" + command + " to move yourself between teams.", "10", "player", soldierName); aPlayer.player_aa_told = true; } else { Boolean informed = true; if (this._TeamswapRoundWhitelist.Count > 0 && this._TeamswapRoundWhitelist.TryGetValue(soldierName, out informed)) { if (informed == false) { this.ExecuteCommand("procon.protected.send", "admin.yell", "By random selection you can use @" + command + " for this round. Type @" + command + " to move yourself between teams.", "10", "player", soldierName); this._TeamswapRoundWhitelist[soldierName] = true; } } } } } //Handle Dev Notifications if (soldierName == "ColColonCleaner" && !_ToldCol) { this.ExecuteCommand("procon.protected.send", "admin.yell", "CONGRATS! This server is running version " + PluginVersion + " of AdKats!", "20", "player", "ColColonCleaner"); this._ToldCol = true; } //Update player spawn information if (this._PlayerDictionary.ContainsKey(soldierName)) { lock (this._PlayersMutex) { this._PlayerDictionary[soldierName].lastSpawn = DateTime.UtcNow; } } if (this._ActOnSpawnDictionary.Count > 0) { lock (this._ActOnSpawnDictionary) { AdKatsRecord record = null; if (this._ActOnSpawnDictionary.TryGetValue(soldierName, out record)) { //Remove it from the dic this._ActOnSpawnDictionary.Remove(soldierName); //Wait 1.5 seconds to kill them again Thread.Sleep(1500); //Queue the action this.QueueRecordForActionHandling(record); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { this.HandleException(new AdKatsException("Error while handling player spawn.", e)); } this.DebugWrite("Exiting OnPlayerSpawned", 7); }
//********************************************************************************************** //********************************************************************************************** // CHECK THE RULES to see if we should kill, kick, say //********************************************************************************************** //********************************************************************************************** // here is where we scan the rules after a player has joined, spawned or a kill has occurred private void scan_rules(TriggerEnum trigger, string name, Dictionary<SubstEnum, string> keywords, Inventory inv, Kill k, string item) { WriteDebugInfo(String.Format("ProconRulz: Scan_rules[{0}] with Event {1}", name, Enum.GetName(typeof(TriggerEnum), trigger))); // don't do anything if rulz_enable has been set to false if (!rulz_enable) return; // CATCH EXCEPTIONS try { // initial population of the 'keywords' dictionary assign_initial_keywords(name, ref keywords); // loop through the rules foreach (ParsedRule rule in parsed_rules) { // skip comments if (rule.comment) continue; if (rule.trigger == trigger) { WriteDebugInfo(String.Format("ProconRulz: scan_rules[{0}] [{1}]", name, rule.unparsed_rule)); if (process_rule(trigger, rule, name, ref keywords, inv, k, item)) { WriteDebugInfo(String.Format("ProconRulz: scan_rules[{0}] [{1}] FIRED", name, rule.unparsed_rule)); break; // break if any rule fires } } // else WriteDebugInfo(String.Format("ProconRulz: scan_rules[{0}] skipped", name)); } // end looping through the rules } catch (Exception ex) { WriteConsole("ProconRulz: recoverable exception in scan_rules"); PrintException(ex); } }
/* public void OnPlayerJoin(string strSoldierName) { } public void OnPlayerLeave(string strSoldierName) { } * */ private void m_prcClient_PlayerSpawned(PRoConClient sender, string soldierName, Inventory spawnedInventory) { this.InvokeIfRequired(() => { this.PropogatingIndexChange = true; if (this.Players.ContainsKey(soldierName) == true) { AdditionalPlayerInfo sapiAdditional; if (this.Players[soldierName].Tag != null) { sapiAdditional = (AdditionalPlayerInfo)this.Players[soldierName].Tag; sapiAdditional.SpawnedInventory = spawnedInventory; if (this.Players.ContainsKey(soldierName) == true) { this.Players[soldierName].SubItems["kit"].Text = this.Language.GetLocalized(String.Format("global.Kits.{0}", spawnedInventory.Kit.ToString())); } if (sapiAdditional.Punkbuster != null) { if (this.Main.iglFlags.Images.ContainsKey(sapiAdditional.Punkbuster.PlayerCountryCode + ".png") == true) { this.Players[sapiAdditional.Punkbuster.SoldierName].ImageIndex = this.Main.iglFlags.Images.IndexOfKey(sapiAdditional.Punkbuster.PlayerCountryCode + ".png"); } } this.Players[soldierName].Tag = sapiAdditional; } this.RefreshSelectedPlayer(); } //this.ArrangePlayers(); this.PropogatingIndexChange = false; }); }
public override void OnPlayerSpawned(String soldierName, Inventory spawnedInventory) { if (this.isEnabled) { //Handle teamswap notifications Boolean informed = true; string command = this.m_strTeamswapCommand; if (this.enableAdminAssistants && this.adminAssistantCache.TryGetValue(soldierName, out informed)) { if (informed == false) { this.ExecuteCommand("procon.protected.send", "admin.yell", "For your consistent player reporting you can now use TeamSwap. Type @" + command + " to move yourself between teams.", "10", "player", soldierName); this.adminAssistantCache[soldierName] = true; } } else if (this.teamswapRoundWhitelist.Count > 0 && this.teamswapRoundWhitelist.TryGetValue(soldierName, out informed)) { if (informed == false) { this.ExecuteCommand("procon.protected.send", "admin.yell", "You can use TeamSwap for this round. Type @" + command + " to move yourself between teams.", "10", "player", soldierName); this.teamswapRoundWhitelist[soldierName] = true; } } //Handle Dev Notifications if (soldierName == "ColColonCleaner" && !toldCol) { this.ExecuteCommand("procon.protected.send", "admin.yell", "CONGRATS! This server has version " + this.plugin_version + " of AdKats installed!", "20", "player", "ColColonCleaner"); this.toldCol = true; } //Update player spawn information if (this.playerDictionary.ContainsKey(soldierName)) { lock (this.playersMutex) { this.playerDictionary[soldierName].lastSpawn = DateTime.Now; } } if (this.actOnSpawnDictionary.Count > 0) { lock (this.actOnSpawnDictionary) { AdKat_Record record = null; if (this.actOnSpawnDictionary.TryGetValue(soldierName, out record)) { //Remove it from the dic this.actOnSpawnDictionary.Remove(soldierName); //Wait two seconds to kill them again Thread.Sleep(1500); //Queue the action this.queueRecordForActionHandling(record); } } } } }
public override void OnPlayerSpawned(string soldierName, Inventory spawnedInventory) { // if (serverMode == "private" && !isInWhitelist(soldierName)) kickPlayer(soldierName, msg_pmKick); // Kick player if not in Whitelist when PRIVATE MODE IS ACTIVE players.Add(soldierName); WritePluginConsole("Player spawn detected. Playername = " + soldierName, "DEBUG",8); if (!spawnedPlayer.Contains(soldierName)) { spawnedPlayer.Add(soldierName); if (rules_firstjoin == enumBoolYesNo.Yes) ShowRules(soldierName, true); // Show firstspan server rules } }