internal static bool LoginToNote(PNote note) { try { var text = " [" + PNLang.Instance.GetCaptionText("note", "Note") + " \"" + note.Name + "\"]"; var pwrdDelete = new WndPasswordDelete(PasswordDlgMode.LoginNote, text, note.PasswordString) { Topmost = true, Owner = PNStatic.FormMain }; var showDialog = pwrdDelete.ShowDialog(); if (showDialog == null || !showDialog.Value) { return false; } return true; } catch (Exception ex) { PNStatic.LogException(ex); return false; } }
private void cmdRemovePwrd_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { // if new password has been applied or old password has not been changed - show standard password removing dialog if (PNStatic.Settings.Protection.PasswordString == _TempSettings.Protection.PasswordString) { var dpd = new WndPasswordDelete(PasswordDlgMode.DeleteMain); dpd.PasswordDeleted += dpd_PasswordDeleted; var showDialog = dpd.ShowDialog(); if (showDialog == null || !showDialog.Value) { dpd.PasswordDeleted -= dpd_PasswordDeleted; } } else { // if new password has not been applied and old password is empty - just remove new password if (PNStatic.Settings.Protection.PasswordString.Trim().Length == 0) { dpd_PasswordDeleted(this, new EventArgs()); } else { // otherwise show standard password removing dialog using old password var dpd = new WndPasswordDelete(PasswordDlgMode.DeleteMain); dpd.PasswordDeleted += dpd_PasswordDeleted; var showDialog = dpd.ShowDialog(); if (showDialog == null || !showDialog.Value) { dpd.PasswordDeleted -= dpd_PasswordDeleted; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { PNStatic.LogException(ex); } }
internal static bool LoginToGroup(PNGroup group, ref List<int> loggedGroups) { try { var result = true; if (group.ParentID != -1) { var parent = PNStatic.Groups.GetGroupByID(group.ParentID); if (parent != null) { result &= LoginToGroup(parent, ref loggedGroups); } } if (!loggedGroups.Contains(group.ID)) { if (group.PasswordString.Trim().Length > 0) { var text = " [" + PNLang.Instance.GetCaptionText("group", "Group") + " \"" + group.Name + "\"]"; var pwrdDelete = new WndPasswordDelete(PasswordDlgMode.LoginGroup, text, group.PasswordString) { Topmost = true, Owner = PNStatic.FormMain }; var showDialog = pwrdDelete.ShowDialog(); if (showDialog == null || !showDialog.Value) { return false; } loggedGroups.Add(@group.ID); } else { loggedGroups.Add(group.ID); } } return result; } catch (Exception ex) { PNStatic.LogException(ex); return false; } }
private void ntfPN_TrayMouseDoubleClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { bool? result = true; if (PNStatic.Settings.Protection.PasswordString != "" && PNSingleton.Instance.IsLocked) { var d = new WndPasswordDelete(PasswordDlgMode.LoginMain); result = d.ShowDialog(); } if (result == null || !result.Value) { return; } _InDblClick = true; _TmrDblClick.Stop(); _Elapsed = 0; actionDoubleSingle(PNStatic.Settings.Behavior.DoubleClickAction); } catch (Exception ex) { PNStatic.LogException(ex); } }
private void ntfPN_TrayRightMouseDown(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { if (PNStatic.Settings.Protection.PasswordString == "" || !PNSingleton.Instance.IsLocked) return; var d = new WndPasswordDelete(PasswordDlgMode.LoginMain); var result = d.ShowDialog(); if (result != null && result.Value) { PNSingleton.Instance.IsLocked = lockProgram(false); } } catch (Exception ex) { PNStatic.LogException(ex); } }
private IntPtr WndProc(IntPtr hWnd, int msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, ref bool handled) { switch (msg) { case WM_HOTKEY: var id = wParam.ToInt32(); var hk = PNStatic.HotKeysMain.FirstOrDefault(h => h.ID == id); if (hk != null) { if (PNStatic.HiddenMenus.Any(hm => hm.Type == MenuType.Main && hm.Name == hk.MenuName)) return IntPtr.Zero; switch (hk.MenuName) { case "mnuNewNote": if (mnuNewNote.IsEnabled) { mnuNewNote.PerformClick(); handled = true; } break; case "mnuNewNoteInGroup": if (mnuNewNoteInGroup.IsEnabled) { mnuNewNoteInGroup.PerformClick(); handled = true; } break; case "mnuNoteFromClipboard": if (mnuNoteFromClipboard.IsEnabled) { mnuNoteFromClipboard.PerformClick(); handled = true; } break; case "mnuLoadNote": if (mnuLoadNote.IsEnabled) { mnuLoadNote.PerformClick(); handled = true; } break; case "mnuTodayDiary": if (mnuTodayDiary.IsEnabled) { mnuTodayDiary.PerformClick(); handled = true; } break; case "mnuPrefs": if (mnuPrefs.IsEnabled) { mnuPrefs.PerformClick(); handled = true; } break; case "mnuCP": if (mnuCP.IsEnabled) { mnuCP.PerformClick(); handled = true; } break; case "mnuHotkeys": if (mnuHotkeys.IsEnabled) { mnuHotkeys.PerformClick(); handled = true; } break; case "mnuMenusManagement": if (mnuMenusManagement.IsEnabled) { mnuMenusManagement.PerformClick(); handled = true; } break; case "mnuShowAll": if (mnuShowAll.IsEnabled) { mnuShowAll.PerformClick(); handled = true; } break; case "mnuShowIncoming": if (mnuShowIncoming.IsEnabled) { mnuShowIncoming.PerformClick(); handled = true; } break; case "mnuHideAll": if (mnuHideAll.IsEnabled) { mnuHideAll.PerformClick(); handled = true; } break; case "mnuHideIncoming": if (mnuHideIncoming.IsEnabled) { mnuHideIncoming.PerformClick(); handled = true; } break; case "mnuTodayLast": if (mnuTodayLast.IsEnabled) { mnuTodayLast.PerformClick(); handled = true; } break; case "mnuAllToFront": if (mnuAllToFront.IsEnabled) { mnuAllToFront.PerformClick(); handled = true; } break; case "mnuSaveAll": if (mnuSaveAll.IsEnabled) { mnuSaveAll.PerformClick(); handled = true; } break; case "mnuBackupCreate": if (mnuBackupCreate.IsEnabled) { mnuBackupCreate.PerformClick(); handled = true; } break; case "mnuBackupRestore": if (mnuBackupRestore.IsEnabled) { mnuBackupRestore.PerformClick(); handled = true; } break; case "mnuSyncLocal": if (mnuSyncLocal.IsEnabled) { mnuSyncLocal.PerformClick(); handled = true; } break; case "mnuImportFromOld": if (mnuImportNotes.IsEnabled) { mnuImportNotes.PerformClick(); handled = true; } break; case "mnuReloadAll": if (mnuReloadAll.IsEnabled) { mnuReloadAll.PerformClick(); handled = true; } break; case "mnuDAllNone": if (mnuDAllNone.IsEnabled) { mnuDAllNone.PerformClick(); handled = true; } break; case "mnuDAllLeft": if (mnuDAllLeft.IsEnabled) { mnuDAllLeft.PerformClick(); handled = true; } break; case "mnuDAllTop": if (mnuDAllTop.IsEnabled) { mnuDAllTop.PerformClick(); handled = true; } break; case "mnuDAllRight": if (mnuDAllRight.IsEnabled) { mnuDAllRight.PerformClick(); handled = true; } break; case "mnuDAllBottom": if (mnuDAllBottom.IsEnabled) { mnuDAllBottom.PerformClick(); handled = true; } break; case "mnuSOnHighPriority": if (mnuSOnHighPriority.IsEnabled) { mnuSOnHighPriority.PerformClick(); handled = true; } break; case "mnuSOnProtection": if (mnuSOnProtection.IsEnabled) { mnuSOnProtection.PerformClick(); handled = true; } break; case "mnuSOnComplete": if (mnuSOnComplete.IsEnabled) { mnuSOnComplete.PerformClick(); handled = true; } break; case "mnuSOnRoll": if (mnuSOnRoll.IsEnabled) { mnuSOnRoll.PerformClick(); handled = true; } break; case "mnuSOnOnTop": if (mnuSOnOnTop.IsEnabled) { mnuSOnOnTop.PerformClick(); handled = true; } break; case "mnuSOffHighPriority": if (mnuSOffHighPriority.IsEnabled) { mnuSOffHighPriority.PerformClick(); handled = true; } break; case "mnuSOffProtection": if (mnuSOffProtection.IsEnabled) { mnuSOffProtection.PerformClick(); handled = true; } break; case "mnuSOffComplete": if (mnuSOffComplete.IsEnabled) { mnuSOffComplete.PerformClick(); handled = true; } break; case "mnuSOffUnroll": if (mnuSOffUnroll.IsEnabled) { mnuSOffUnroll.PerformClick(); handled = true; } break; case "mnuSOffOnTop": if (mnuSOffOnTop.IsEnabled) { mnuSOffOnTop.PerformClick(); handled = true; } break; case "mnuSearchInNotes": if (mnuSearchInNotes.IsEnabled) { mnuSearchInNotes.PerformClick(); handled = true; } break; case "mnuSearchByTags": if (mnuSearchByTags.IsEnabled) { mnuSearchByTags.PerformClick(); handled = true; } break; case "mnuSearchByDates": if (mnuSearchByDates.IsEnabled) { mnuSearchByDates.PerformClick(); handled = true; } break; case "mnuShowAllFavorites": if (mnuShowAllFavorites.IsEnabled) { mnuShowAllFavorites.PerformClick(); handled = true; } break; case "mnuLockProg": if (mnuLockProg.IsEnabled) { mnuLockProg.PerformClick(); handled = true; } break; case "mnuHelp": if (mnuHelp.IsEnabled) { mnuHelp.PerformClick(); handled = true; } break; case "mnuAbout": if (mnuAbout.IsEnabled) { mnuAbout.PerformClick(); handled = true; } break; case "mnuHomepage": if (mnuHomepage.IsEnabled) { mnuHomepage.PerformClick(); handled = true; } break; case "mnuSupport": if (mnuSupport.IsEnabled) { mnuSupport.PerformClick(); handled = true; } break; case "mnuExit": if (mnuExit.IsEnabled) { mnuExit.PerformClick(); handled = true; } break; } } else { hk = PNStatic.HotKeysNote.FirstOrDefault(h => h.ID == id); if (hk != null) { var d = Application.Current.Windows.OfType<WndNote>().FirstOrDefault(w => w.Active); if (d == null) return IntPtr.Zero; d.HotKeyClick(hk); handled = true; } else { hk = PNStatic.HotKeysEdit.FirstOrDefault(h => h.ID == id); if (hk != null) { var d = Application.Current.Windows.OfType<WndNote>().FirstOrDefault(w => w.Active); if (d == null) return IntPtr.Zero; d.HotKeyClick(hk); handled = true; } else { hk = PNStatic.HotKeysGroups.FirstOrDefault(h => h.ID == id); if (hk == null) return IntPtr.Zero; if (!hk.MenuName.Contains('_')) return IntPtr.Zero; var pos = hk.MenuName.IndexOf('_'); var groupId = int.Parse(hk.MenuName.Substring(0, pos), PNStatic.CultureInvariant); var action = hk.MenuName.Substring(pos + 1); PNNotesOperations.ShowHideSpecificGroup(groupId, action.ToUpper() == "SHOW"); handled = true; } } } break; case PNInterop.WM_ACTIVATEAPP: if (wParam.ToInt32() == 0) { PNStatic.DeactivateNotesWindows(); } handled = true; break; case PNInterop.WPM_CLOSE_PROG: mnuExit.PerformClick(); handled = true; break; case PNInterop.WPM_CLOSE_SILENT_SAVE: PNSingleton.Instance.DoNotAskIfSave = true; mnuExit.PerformClick(); handled = true; break; case PNInterop.WPM_CLOSE_SILENT_WO_SAVE: PNSingleton.Instance.ExitWithoutSaving = true; mnuExit.PerformClick(); handled = true; break; case PNInterop.WPM_NEW_NOTE: mnuNewNote.PerformClick(); handled = true; break; case PNInterop.WPM_NEW_NOTE_FROM_CB: mnuNoteFromClipboard.PerformClick(); handled = true; break; case PNInterop.WPM_NEW_DIARY: mnuTodayDiary.PerformClick(); handled = true; break; case PNInterop.WPM_RELOAD_NOTES: mnuReloadAll.PerformClick(); handled = true; break; case PNInterop.WPM_START_FROM_ANOTHER_INSTANCE: bool? result = true; if (PNStatic.Settings.Protection.PasswordString != "" && PNSingleton.Instance.IsLocked) { var d = new WndPasswordDelete(PasswordDlgMode.LoginMain); result = d.ShowDialog(); } if (result == null || !result.Value) return IntPtr.Zero; actionDoubleSingle(PNStatic.Settings.Behavior.DoubleClickAction); handled = true; break; case PNInterop.WM_COPYDATA: var m = Message.Create(hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam); var cpdata = (PNInterop.COPYDATASTRUCT)m.GetLParam(typeof(PNInterop.COPYDATASTRUCT)); switch ((CopyDataType)cpdata.dwData.ToInt32()) { case CopyDataType.NewNote: var note = newNote(); if (note != null && note.Dialog != null) { var arr = cpdata.lpData.Split(new[] { PNStrings.DEL_CHAR }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); note.Dialog.Edit.Text = arr[0]; if (arr.Length >= 2) { note.Name = arr[1]; note.Dialog.PHeader.Title = note.Dialog.Title = note.Name; note.Dialog.SaveNoteFile(note); PNNotesOperations.SaveNewNote(note); note.Dialog.ApplyTooltip(); note.Changed = false; } if (arr.Length >= 3) { note.Tags.AddRange(arr[2].Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)); PNData.AddNewTags(note.Tags); PNNotesOperations.SaveNoteTags(note); note.RaiseTagsChangedEvent(); } } handled = true; break; case CopyDataType.LoadNotes: if (cpdata.cbData == 0) { handled = true; break; } var files = cpdata.lpData.Split(new[] { PNStrings.DEL_CHAR }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); loadNotesFromFilesList(files); handled = true; break; case CopyDataType.ShowNoteById: if (cpdata.cbData == 0) { handled = true; break; } if (PNSingleton.Instance.IsMainWindowLoaded) { var noteToShow = PNStatic.Notes.FirstOrDefault(n => n.ID == cpdata.lpData); if (noteToShow != null) { PNNotesOperations.ShowHideSpecificNote(noteToShow, true); } } else { PNSingleton.Instance.NoteFromShortcut = cpdata.lpData; } handled = true; break; } break; case PNInterop.WPM_BACKUP: createFullBackup(true); handled = true; break; } return IntPtr.Zero; }
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { if (PNStatic.Settings.Protection.PasswordString != "") { var d = new WndPasswordDelete(PasswordDlgMode.LoginMain); var result = d.ShowDialog(); if (result == null || !result.Value) { PNStatic.HideSplash = true; Close(); } } PNStatic.FormPanel = new WndPanel(); //set double click timer handler _TmrDblClick.Tick += tmrDblClick_Tick; PNSingleton.Instance.FontUser.PropertyChanged += FontUser_PropertyChanged; //save monitors count PNSingleton.Instance.MonitorsCount = Screen.AllScreens.Length; //save screens rectangle PNSingleton.Instance.ScreenRect = PNStatic.AllScreensBounds(); ApplyNewDefaultMenu(); // get local ip address PNSingleton.Instance.IpAddress = PNStatic.GetLocalIPv4(NetworkInterfaceType.Wireless80211) ?? PNStatic.GetLocalIPv4(NetworkInterfaceType.Ethernet); //var ips = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName()); //// Select the first entry. I hope it's this maschines IP //var ipAddress = // ips.AddressList.FirstOrDefault( // ip => ip.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork); //if (ipAddress != null) //{ // _IpAddress = ipAddress.ToString(); //} //check startup shortcut checkStartUpShortcut(); //subscribe to system events SystemEvents.PowerModeChanged += SystemEvents_PowerModeChanged; SystemEvents.SessionSwitch += SystemEvents_SessionSwitch; createPaths(); applyLanguage(); //load/create database loadDatabase(); //#if !DEBUG if (PNStatic.Settings.GeneralSettings.CheckCriticalOnStart) { //check for critical updates (synchronously) PNStatic.SpTextProvider.SplashText = PNLang.Instance.GetMessageText("critical_check", "Checking for critical updates"); var result = checkCriticalUpdates(); if (result != CriticalUpdateAction.None) { PNStatic.HideSplash = true; if ((result & CriticalUpdateAction.Program) == CriticalUpdateAction.Program) { Close(); return; } ApplyAction(MainDialogAction.Restart, null); return; } } //#endif PNStatic.SpTextProvider.SplashText = PNLang.Instance.GetMessageText("load_hotkeys", "Applying hot keys"); //apply possible hot keys ApplyNewHotkeys(); //register hot keys registerMainHotkeys(); // register custom fonts if (PNStatic.Settings.GeneralSettings.UseCustomFonts) { PNInterop.AddCustomFonts(); } PNStatic.SpTextProvider.SplashText = PNLang.Instance.GetMessageText("load_spellchecker", "Initializaing spell checker"); //init spell checker initSpeller(); //prepare docking collections PNStatic.DockedNotes.Add(DockStatus.Left, new List<PNote>()); PNStatic.DockedNotes.Add(DockStatus.Top, new List<PNote>()); PNStatic.DockedNotes.Add(DockStatus.Right, new List<PNote>()); PNStatic.DockedNotes.Add(DockStatus.Bottom, new List<PNote>()); //init dock arrows initDockArrows(); // check exit flag and autosaved notes if (PNStatic.Settings.Config.ExitFlag != 0) { restoreAutosavedNotes(); } // clear all autosaved notes clearAutosavedNotes(); //execute possible synchronization if (PNStatic.Settings.Network.SyncOnStart) { PNStatic.SpTextProvider.SplashText = PNLang.Instance.GetMessageText("sync_in_progress", "Synchronization in progress..."); var plugins = PNPlugins.Instance.SyncPlugins.Where(p => PNStatic.SyncPlugins.Contains(p.Name)); foreach (var p in plugins) { switch (p.Synchronize()) { case SyncResult.Reload: PNData.UpdateTablesAfterSync(); break; case SyncResult.AbortVersion: PNMessageBox.Show( PNLang.Instance.GetMessageText("diff_versions", "Current version of database is different from previously synchronized version. Synchronization cannot be performed."), p.Name, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Exclamation); break; } } } // define autosave timer procedures _TimerAutosave.Elapsed += TimerAutosave_Elapsed; if (PNStatic.Settings.GeneralSettings.Autosave) { _TimerAutosave.Interval = PNStatic.Settings.GeneralSettings.AutosavePeriod * 60000; _TimerAutosave.Start(); } //check skins existance if (PNStatic.Settings.GeneralSettings.UseSkins) { PNStatic.Settings.GeneralSettings.UseSkins = PNStatic.CheckSkinsExistance(); } if (PNStatic.Settings.Behavior.ShowNotesPanel) { PNStatic.FormPanel.Show(); } PNStatic.SpTextProvider.SplashText = PNLang.Instance.GetMessageText("load_notes", "Loading notes"); loadNotes(); PNStatic.HideSplash = true; showPriorityOnStart(); // define clean bin timer procedures _TimerCleanBin.Elapsed += TimerCleanBin_Elapsed; if (PNStatic.Settings.GeneralSettings.RemoveFromBinPeriod > 0) { _TimerCleanBin.Start(); } PNStatic.StartTime = DateTime.Now; adjustStartTimes(); // start listening thread if (PNStatic.Settings.Network.EnableExchange) { //StartListening(); StartWCFHosting(); } // check overdue notes checkOverdueNotes(); ntfPN.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; if (_FirstRun) { var sb = new StringBuilder(PNLang.Instance.GetMessageText("first_baloon_caption", "Thank you for using PNotes.NET!")); sb.AppendLine(); sb.Append(PNLang.Instance.GetMessageText("first_baloon_message", "Right click on system tray icon to begin the work.")); var baloon = new Baloon(BaloonMode.FirstRun) { BaloonText = sb.ToString() }; baloon.BaloonLinkClicked += baloon_BaloonLinkClicked; ntfPN.ShowCustomBalloon(baloon, PopupAnimation.Slide, 15000); } else if (PNSingleton.Instance.PlatformChanged) { var sb = new StringBuilder(PNLang.Instance.GetMessageText("new_edition", "You have started the new edition of PNotes.NET. All your notes and settings from previous edition have been saved as ZIP archive at:")); sb.AppendLine(); sb.Append(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath); sb.Append(@"\"); sb.Append(PNStrings.OLD_EDITION_ARCHIVE); var baloon = new Baloon(BaloonMode.Information) { BaloonText = sb.ToString() }; baloon.BaloonLinkClicked += baloon_BaloonLinkClicked; ntfPN.ShowCustomBalloon(baloon, PopupAnimation.Slide, 15000); } //show Control Panel if (PNStatic.Settings.GeneralSettings.ShowCPOnStart) { mnuCP.PerformClick(); } //enable pin timer _TimerPin.Elapsed += TimerPin_Elapsed; _TimerPin.Start(); //enable backup timer _TimerBackup.Elapsed += TimerBackup_Elapsed; _TimerBackup.Start(); //enable monitor timer _TimerMonitor.Elapsed += _TimerMonitor_Elapsed; _TimerMonitor.Start(); //hide possible hidden menus PNStatic.HideMenus(ctmPN, PNStatic.HiddenMenus.Where(hm => hm.Type == MenuType.Main).ToArray()); //check for new version if (PNStatic.Settings.GeneralSettings.CheckNewVersionOnStart) { checkForNewVersion(); } //create dropper cursor PNSingleton.Instance.DropperCursor = PNStatic.CreateCursorFromResource("cursors/dropper.cur"); var criticalLog = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), PNStrings.CRITICAL_UPDATE_LOG); if (File.Exists(criticalLog)) { using (var sr = new StreamReader(criticalLog)) { while (sr.Peek() != -1) { PNStatic.LogThis("Critical udate has been applied for " + sr.ReadLine()); } } File.Delete(criticalLog); var sb = new StringBuilder(PNLang.Instance.GetMessageText("critical_applied", "The program has restarted for applying critical updates.")); sb.AppendLine(); sb.Append(PNLang.Instance.GetMessageText("send_error_2", "Please, refer to log file for details.")); var baloon = new Baloon(BaloonMode.CriticalUpdates) { BaloonText = sb.ToString() }; baloon.BaloonLinkClicked += baloon_BaloonLinkClicked; ntfPN.ShowCustomBalloon(baloon, PopupAnimation.Slide, 10000); } if (PNSingleton.Instance.NoteFromShortcut != "") { showNoteFromShortcut(PNSingleton.Instance.NoteFromShortcut); PNSingleton.Instance.NoteFromShortcut = ""; } restoreNotesShortcuts(); } catch (Exception ex) { PNStatic.LogException(ex); } finally { PNSingleton.Instance.IsMainWindowLoaded = true; } }
private void groupsActionPasswordRemove() { try { _LastTreeItem = _RightSelectedItem ?? tvwGroups.SelectedItem as PNTreeItem; if (_LastTreeItem == null) return; var gr = _RightSelectedItem != null ? _RightSelectedItem.Tag as PNGroup : getSelectedGroup(); if (gr == null) return; var text = " [" + PNLang.Instance.GetCaptionText("group", "Group") + " \"" + gr.Name + "\"]"; var pwrdDelete = new WndPasswordDelete(PasswordDlgMode.DeleteGroup, text, gr.PasswordString) { Owner = this }; pwrdDelete.PasswordDeleted += pwrdDelete_PasswordDeleted; _SelectedGroup = gr.ID; var showDialog = pwrdDelete.ShowDialog(); if (showDialog == null || !showDialog.Value) { pwrdDelete.PasswordDeleted -= pwrdDelete_PasswordDeleted; } } catch (Exception ex) { PNStatic.LogException(ex); } finally { _LastTreeItem = null; _SelectedGroup = 0; } }
private void actionDeletePassword() { try { var dpd = new WndPasswordDelete(PasswordDlgMode.DeleteMain) { Owner = this }; dpd.PasswordDeleted += dpd_PasswordDeleted; var showDialog = dpd.ShowDialog(); if (showDialog == null || !showDialog.Value) { dpd.PasswordDeleted -= dpd_PasswordDeleted; } } catch (Exception ex) { PNStatic.LogException(ex); } }
private void actionRemovePassword() { try { var note = getSelectedNote(); if (note == null) return; var text = " [" + PNLang.Instance.GetCaptionText("note", "Note") + " \"" + note.Name + "\"]"; var pwrdDelete = new WndPasswordDelete(PasswordDlgMode.DeleteNote, text, note.PasswordString) { Owner = this, WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterOwner }; pwrdDelete.PasswordDeleted += notePasswordRemoved; var showDialog = pwrdDelete.ShowDialog(); if (showDialog == null || !showDialog.Value) { pwrdDelete.PasswordDeleted -= notePasswordRemoved; } loadNotePreview(note); } catch (Exception ex) { PNStatic.LogException(ex); } }