Exemple #1
        private void NotifyException(TestConf test, Exception e)
            TestName tn = new TestName();
            tn.Name = test.Name;

            PNUnitTestResult tr = new PNUnitTestResult(tn, e.Message);
            tr.Failure(e.Message, e.StackTrace);

            NotifyResult(test.Name, tr);
        private TestResult BuildError(string message, TestConsoleAccess consoleAccess)
            TestName testName = new TestName();
            testName.Name = mPNUnitTestInfo.TestName;
            testName.FullName = mPNUnitTestInfo.TestName;
            testName.TestID = new TestID();

            TestResult result = new PNUnitTestResult(testName, consoleAccess.GetTestOutput());
            result.Failure(message, string.Empty);
            return result;
        private TestResult BuildResult(
            TestResult result,
            TestConsoleAccess consoleAccess,
            PNUnitTestInfo testInfo)
            //the test namespace contains errors
            if( result == null )
                TestName testName = new TestName();
                testName.Name = testInfo.TestName;

                string errormsg = "The test {0} couldn't be found in the assembly {1}";

                result = new PNUnitTestResult(testName, string.Empty);
                    string.Format(errormsg, testInfo.TestToRun, testInfo.AssemblyName),

                return result;

            if( !result.IsSuccess /*|| ReturnTestOutput()*/ )
                return new PNUnitTestResult(result, consoleAccess.GetTestOutput());
                return result;