This graphic basically shows the phase title. It is clickable so that actions can occur once it is clicked on.
Inheritance: NewTOAPIA.UI.Graphic
Exemple #1
	public ITPhaseControl(string name, string phaseName, string deliverableName, string milestoneName, string checkpointName, int x, int y)
        //Debug = true;

        fCS = new PLCColorScheme();

		fBaseFrame = new Rectangle(x, y, 173, 468);
		fExpandedFrame = new Rectangle(x, y, 400, 468);
		fIsExpanded = false;

		GraphicsUnit = GraphicsUnit.Inch;

		// Big arrow
		fBigArrow=new GraphicArrow("bigarrow", 0, 0, 173, 468);

		// Heading
        GradientRectangle gRect = new GradientRectangle(0, 0, 118, 35, RGBColor.White, fCS.HeaderBack, fCS.HeaderBorder, 90);
		HeadingButton heading = new HeadingButton(phaseName, "Tahoma", 11, GDIFont.FontStyle.Bold, 
            6, 36, 118, 35, StringAlignment.Center, StringAlignment.Center, 
            fCS.HeaderText, gRect);
		heading.MouseUpEvent +=new EventHandler(HeadingClicked);

		// Production Phase Deliverables List
		// The deliverables, milestones, checkpoints
		AddGraphic(new DeliverablesList(deliverableName, 6, 85, 117, 152, fCS.ProductBack, fCS.ProductBorder, 45));
		AddGraphic(new DeliverablesList(milestoneName, 6, 255, 117, 119, fCS.MilestoneBack, fCS.MilestoneBorder, 45));
		AddGraphic(new DeliverablesList(checkpointName, 6, 391, 117, 40, fCS.ChecklistBack, fCS.ChecklistBorder, 90));
        public DeliverablesList(string name, int x, int y, int width, int height, uint bkColor, uint borderColor, int angle)
            : base(name, x, y, width, height)
            fBackground = new GradientRectangle(0, 0, width, height, RGBColor.White, bkColor, borderColor, angle);

            //LayoutHandler = new VEqualLayout(this, 0, 0);
            LayoutHandler = new VTextLayout(this, 3, 0);