Exemple #1
        Dopewars_Location Location_Init(int hood)
            Random            r   = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
            Dopewars_Location loc = new Dopewars_Location()
                LocationId   = hood,
                HasBank      = (Dope_Banks.Contains(hood)),
                HasGunStore  = (Dope_Gunstores.Contains(hood)),
                HasHospital  = (Dope_Hospitals.Contains(hood)),
                HasLoanShark = (hood == BRONX),
                HasPub       = (Dope_Pubs.Contains(hood)),
                Drugs        = new List <Dopewars_Drug>()

            //Figure out what drugs we have for sale or buyers here.
            for (int drug = WEED; drug <= SPEED; drug++)
                //The odds of this being for sale here depend on the hood and drug
                bool Has = (r.Next(1, 100) <= Dope_Hood_ForSale_Chance[hood, drug]);
                if (Has)
                    Dopewars_Drug dd = new Dopewars_Drug()
                        Drug_Id = drug,
                        Price   = PriceForDrug(drug, hood)
                //The odds of there being buyers here depend on the hood and drug
                //Has = (r.Next(1, 100) < Dope_Hood_Buyers_Chance[hood, drug]);
                //if (Has)
                //    Dopewars_Drug dd = new Dopewars_Drug();
                //    dd.Drug_Id = drug;
                //    Dopewars_Drug ds = Locations[hood].Drugs_Selling.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Drug_Id.Equals(drug));
                //    if (ds == null)
                //    {
                //        dd.Price = PriceForDrug(drug, hood);
                //    }
                //    else
                //    {
                //        dd.Price = ds.Price;
                //    }
                //    Locations[hood].Drugs_Buying.Add(dd);

Exemple #2
        public void Deserialize(BBS bbs, string s)
            Dopewars_Location temploc = Utils.DeserializeXmlString <Dopewars_Location>(s);

            LocationId   = temploc.LocationId;
            HasPub       = temploc.HasPub;
            HasGunStore  = temploc.HasGunStore;
            HasLoanShark = temploc.HasLoanShark;
            HasBank      = temploc.HasBank;
            HasHospital  = temploc.HasHospital;
            Drugs        = new List <Dopewars_Drug>();
            foreach (Dopewars_Drug drug in temploc.Drugs)