Exemple #1
 public GraphNode GetParent(GraphNode node)
Exemple #2
 public bool HasPathTo(GraphNode node)
     return(parents != null && parents.ContainsKey(node));
Exemple #3
 public override bool Suitable(GraphNode node)
     return(base.Suitable(node) && path.HasPathTo(node));
Exemple #4
 /** May be called by graph nodes to get a special cost for some connections.
  * Nodes may call it when PathNode.flag2 is set to true, for example mesh nodes, which have
  * a very large area can be marked on the start and end nodes, this method will be called
  * to get the actual cost for moving from the start position to its neighbours instead
  * of as would otherwise be the case, from the start node's position to its neighbours.
  * The position of a node and the actual start point on the node can vary quite a lot.
  * The default behaviour of this method is to return the previous cost of the connection,
  * essentiall making no change at all.
  * This method should return the same regardless of the order of a and b.
  * That is f(a,b) == f(b,a) should hold.
  * \param a Moving from this node
  * \param b Moving to this node
  * \param currentCost The cost of moving between the nodes. Return this value if there is no meaningful special cost to return.
 internal virtual uint GetConnectionSpecialCost(GraphNode a, GraphNode b, uint currentCost)
Exemple #5
 public static uint GetTraversalCost(Path path, GraphNode node)
     return(path.GetTagPenalty((int)node.Tag) + node.Penalty);
Exemple #6
 public static bool CanTraverse(Path path, GraphNode node)
     return(node.Walkable && (path.enabledTags >> (int)node.Tag & 0x1) != 0);