//returns the single "row" found when all PKs are spesified
        public SpecialCharacterRow GetSpecialCharacterRow(string aCharacterType)
            //SqlDbConfig dbconf = DB;
            string sqlString = GetSpecialCharacter_SQLString_NoWhere();

            sqlString += " WHERE " + DB.SpecialCharacter.CharacterTypeCol.Is(aCharacterType);

            DataSet           ds     = mSqlCommand.ExecuteSelect(sqlString);
            DataRowCollection myRows = ds.Tables[0].Rows;

            if (myRows.Count != 1)
                throw new PCAxis.Sql.Exceptions.DbException(36, " CharacterType = " + aCharacterType);

            SpecialCharacterRow myOut = new SpecialCharacterRow(myRows[0], DB, mLanguageCodes);

        //returns the all  "rows" found in database
        public Dictionary <string, SpecialCharacterRow> GetSpecialCharacterAllRows()
            string sqlString = GetSpecialCharacter_SQLString_NoWhere();
            Dictionary <string, SpecialCharacterRow> myOut = new Dictionary <string, SpecialCharacterRow>();

            DataSet           ds     = mSqlCommand.ExecuteSelect(sqlString);
            DataRowCollection myRows = ds.Tables[0].Rows;

            if (myRows.Count < 1)
                throw new PCAxis.Sql.Exceptions.DbException(44, "SpecialCharacter", "SPECIALCHARACTER");

            foreach (DataRow sqlRow in myRows)
                SpecialCharacterRow outRow = new SpecialCharacterRow(sqlRow, DB, mLanguageCodes);
                myOut.Add(outRow.CharacterType, outRow);