Exemple #1
        // public PXSqlParser_24() { }

        public PXSqlParser_24(PXSqlMeta_24 inPXSqlMeta)
            mPXSqlMeta = inPXSqlMeta;
            if (mPXSqlMeta.inPresentationModus)
                symbols = mPXSqlMeta.mPxsqlNpm;
Exemple #2
        private void BuildMeta()

            mMetaQuery.LanguageCodes = LanguageCodes; // instanced above, now just set language

            mPXMetaAdmValues = new PXMetaAdmValues(mMetaQuery);

            if (inPresentationModus)
                mPxsqlNpm = new PXSqlNpm(this); //trenger valium dette


            //mSubTables = new PXSqlSubTables(mMetaQuery.GetSubTableRows(mMainTableId), mPxsSubTableId);
            mSubTables = new PXSqlSubTables(mMetaQuery.GetSubTableRows(mMainTableId, false), mPxsFile, this);

            SetVariables(); //ok for pxs == null, men denne kan også hente ut valueSet
            SetContents();  //må skrives om, men kall til metaQ OK. Bør kanskje legge inn contents som


            // hmm petros bruke TIMEVAL nøkkelord for å bestemme om en variabel er tid, men timeval
            // er ikke obligatorisk og har ingen mening i "valg modus".  Johannes trenger å vite om en
            //variabel er tid for å danne korrekt pxs.
            //     if (instancemodus == Instancemodus.presentation)
            //     {
            // SetTimeVal(); Not used. Defined in PXSqlVariableTime
            SetPaxiomMap();                                         //ok for pxs == null, men jeg forstår ikke helt hva den gjør.
            mEliminatedVariablesExist = CheckEliminatedVariables(); //ok for pxs == null

            theNotes          = new PXSqlNotes(this, mMainTableId, this.inPresentationModus);
            mDataTablesPrefix = mMetaQuery.GetDataTablesPrefix(mMainTable.ProductCode);
Exemple #3
        /// <PXKeyword name="DATANOTECELL">
        ///   <rule>
        ///     <description>Sends codes from SpecialCharacter when found in datatables.</description>
        ///     <table modelName ="Maintable">
        ///     <column modelName="SpecCharExists"/>
        ///     </table>
        ///     <table modelName ="SpecialCharacter">
        ///     <column modelName="all"/>
        ///     </table>
        ///     <table modelName ="The datatables">
        ///       <column modelName="NPM columns and missing rows"/>
        ///     </table>
        ///   </rule>
        /// </PXKeyword>
        public void ParseMeta(PCAxis.Paxiom.IPXModelParser.MetaHandler handler, string preferredLanguage)
            string keyword;

            string noLanguage = null;

            StringCollection values;

            //Add not notes if NPM charavters has been used
            if (this.usedNPMCharacters.Count() > 0)
                foreach (var language in languages)
                    foreach (var usedNPMCharacter in this.usedNPMCharacters)
                        var presCharacterNPM = usedNPMCharacter.presCharacters[language];
                        var presTextNPM      = usedNPMCharacter.presTexts[language];

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(presCharacterNPM) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(presTextNPM))
                            string npmCharacterExplanation = presCharacterNPM + " = " + presTextNPM;

                            StringCollection npmValues = new StringCollection();

                            string subKeyWord = null; //In order to show it

                            handler(PXKeywords.NOTE, language, subKeyWord, npmValues);

             * Code below is commented out because it did not work.

             * foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> dcn in theDataNoteCellEntries)
             * {
             *  keyword = PXKeywords.DATANOTECELL;
             *  values = new StringCollection();
             *  values.Add(dcn.Value);
             *  String myKey = dcn.Key.Replace(",", "\",\"");//for PXModelBuilder.SplittString   A","B","C
             *  // not "A","B","C"
             *  handler(keyword, noLanguage, myKey, values);
             * }

             *  Code below for PXKeywords.DATANOTECELL is copied from 2.1 because it works

            PXSqlNpm         myNpms = mMeta.mPxsqlNpm;
            StringCollection datanoteDistictValues = new StringCollection();

            keyword = PXKeywords.DATANOTECELL;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> dcn in theDataNoteCellEntries)
                PXSqlNpm.NPMCharacter myNpm = myNpms.GetNpmBySpeciaCharacterType(dcn.Value);
                foreach (string lang in mMeta.LanguageCodes)
                    string presCharacter = myNpm.presCharacters[lang];
                    values = new StringCollection();
                    String myKey = dcn.Key.Replace(",", "\",\"");//for PXModelBuilder.SplittString   A","B","C
                    // not "A","B","C"
                    handler(keyword, lang, myKey, values);
                // Keep distinct values of special character to get Presetext.
                if (!datanoteDistictValues.Contains(dcn.Value))

            keyword = PXKeywords.NOTE;
            foreach (string datanoteDistinctValue in datanoteDistictValues)
                PXSqlNpm.NPMCharacter myNpm = myNpms.GetNpmBySpeciaCharacterType(datanoteDistinctValue);
                foreach (string lang in mMeta.LanguageCodes)
                    string presText = myNpm.presCharacters[lang] + " = " + myNpm.presTexts[lang];
                    values = new StringCollection();
                    handler(keyword, lang, null, values);

            if (attributes.HasAttributes)
                keyword = PXKeywords.ATTRIBUTE_ID;
                values  = new StringCollection();
                foreach (AttributeRow attr in attributes.SortedAttributes.Values)
                handler(keyword, noLanguage, null, values);

                keyword = PXKeywords.ATTRIBUTE_TEXT;
                values  = new StringCollection();

                foreach (string lang in languages)
                    foreach (AttributeRow attr in attributes.SortedAttributes.Values)
                    handler(keyword, lang, null, values);

                // Default ATTRIBUTES

                noLanguage = null;
                keyword    = PXKeywords.ATTRIBUTES;

                values = new StringCollection();
                string[] tmpStrings = defaultAttributes.Split(':');
                foreach (string tmpString in tmpStrings)
                handler(keyword, noLanguage, null, values);
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, StringCollection> att in attributeEntries)
                    if (att.Key != defaultAttributes)
                        values = new StringCollection();
                        string myKey = "";
                        tmpStrings = att.Key.Split(':');
                        foreach (string tmpString in tmpStrings)
                        foreach (string position in att.Value)
                            myKey = position.Replace(",", "\",\"");
                            handler(keyword, noLanguage, myKey, values);