Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// pass the index to make sure the current step is removed from the CurrentEnableEventList
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="step"></param>
        private void MakeOneMove(EventStepSim step, int stepIndex)
            if (WarningFlag)
                if (
                        Resources.Warning, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) == DialogResult.No)
                WarningFlag = false;

                int index = this.ListView_Trace.SelectedIndices[0];

                while (this.ListView_Trace.Items.Count - 1 > index)
                    Traces.RemoveAt(this.ListView_Trace.Items.Count - 1);
                    ListView_Trace.Items.RemoveAt(this.ListView_Trace.Items.Count - 1);

            if (this.ListView_Trace.SelectedIndices.Count > 0)
                this.ListView_Trace.SelectedItems[0].Selected = false;

            //CurrentEnableEventList.RemoveAt(stepIndex); //.Remove(step);

            //change all nodes to white node!
            foreach (Node mapN in g.NodeMap.Values)
                mapN.Attr.FillColor = Color.White;

            string stepString;
            //string nextState = step.ToFullString();

            if (displayAllEnabledStatesToolStripMenuItem.Checked)
                for (int i = 0; i < CurrentEnableEventList.Count; i++)
                    EventStepSim simStep = CurrentEnableEventList[i];
                    simStep.IsCurrentEvent = false;
                    CurrentEnableEventList[i] = simStep;

            if (step.StepVisited(visited, out stepString))
                //Edge edge = g.AddEdge(step.SourceProcess, step.Event, stepString);
                //(g.NodeMap[stepString] as Node).Attr.FillColor = Color.Red;

                Node srcNode = g.FindNode(step.SourceProcess);

                Edge edge = null;
                foreach (Edge outEdge in srcNode.OutEdges)
                    if (outEdge.LabelText == step.Event && outEdge.Target == stepString)
                        //duplicate edge is found
                        edge = outEdge;

                if (edge == null)
                    foreach (Edge outEdge in srcNode.SelfEdges)
                        if (outEdge.LabelText == step.Event && outEdge.Target == stepString)
                            //duplicate edge is found
                            edge = outEdge;

                if (edge == null)
                    edge = g.AddEdge(step.SourceProcess, step.Event, stepString);

                edge.TargetNode.Attr.FillColor = Color.Red;

                AddToTrace(edge.SourceNode.LabelText, step, edge.TargetNode.LabelText, stepString);

                if (displayAllEnabledStatesToolStripMenuItem.Checked)
                    for (int i = 0; i < CurrentEnableEventList.Count; i++)
                        EventStepSim simStep = CurrentEnableEventList[i];
                        if (simStep.SourceProcess == stepString)
                            simStep.IsCurrentEvent = true;
                            CurrentEnableEventList[i] = simStep;

                List<EventStepSim> list = step.MakeOneMove(HideTauTransition);
                for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                    EventStepSim s = list[i];
                    s.SourceProcess = stepString;

                    s.IsUnvisitedStep = true;
                    foreach (Edge outEdge in edge.TargetNode.OutEdges)
                        if (outEdge.LabelText == s.Event && outEdge.Target == s.StepID)
                            s.IsUnvisitedStep = false;

                    if (s.IsUnvisitedStep)
                        foreach (Edge outEdge in edge.TargetNode.SelfEdges)
                            if (outEdge.LabelText == s.Event && outEdge.Target == stepString)
                                s.IsUnvisitedStep = false;

                    list[i] = s;

                visited.Add(stepString, null);

                //add the new node and set it to red.
                Node n = g.AddNode(stepString);
                n.LabelText = (g.NodeCount - 1).ToString();
                n.UserData = step; // nextState;
                n.Attr.FillColor = Color.Red;

                Edge edge = g.AddEdge(step.SourceProcess, step.Event, stepString);

                AddToTrace(edge.SourceNode.LabelText, step, n.LabelText, stepString);

                List<EventStepSim> list = step.MakeOneMove(HideTauTransition);
                for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                    EventStepSim s = list[i];
                    s.SourceProcess = stepString;

                    s.IsUnvisitedStep = true;
                    foreach (Edge outEdge in edge.TargetNode.OutEdges)
                        if (outEdge.LabelText == s.Event && outEdge.Target == s.StepID)
                            s.IsUnvisitedStep = false;

                    if (s.IsUnvisitedStep)
                        foreach (Edge outEdge in edge.TargetNode.SelfEdges)
                            if (outEdge.LabelText == s.Event && outEdge.Target == stepString)
                                s.IsUnvisitedStep = false;

                    list[i] = s;


            SimulatorViewer.Graph = g;

            string key = GetTraceEvent(this.ListView_Trace.Items.Count) + stepString;
            if (!Mapping.ContainsKey(key))
                Mapping.Add(key, new ProcessData(step, CloneGraph(g), CloneEnabledEvent()));


Exemple #2
        private void AddCounterExamplePrefixPathNode(ref string sourceProcess, ConfigurationBase stepOld, bool firstSCC)
            Node n = null;
            Edge edge = null;

            //EventStepSim fromStep = CounterExampleTrace[j-1];

            EventStepSim step = new EventStepSim(stepOld);

            step.SourceProcess = sourceProcess;

            //change all nodes to white node!
            foreach (Node mapN in g.NodeMap.Values)
                if (mapN.Attr.FillColor == Color.Red)
                    mapN.Attr.FillColor = Color.White;

            string stepString;
            ////string nextState = step.ToFullString();

            if (step.StepVisited(visited, out stepString))
                Node srcNode = g.FindNode(step.SourceProcess);

                edge = null;
                foreach (Edge outEdge in srcNode.OutEdges)
                    if (outEdge.LabelText == step.Event && outEdge.Target == stepString)
                        //duplicate edge is found
                        edge = outEdge;

                if (edge == null)
                    edge = g.AddEdge(step.SourceProcess, step.Event, stepString);

                n = edge.TargetNode; // g.NodeMap[stepString] as Node;

                AddToTrace(edge.SourceNode.LabelText, step, edge.TargetNode.LabelText, stepString);
                visited.Add(stepString, null);

                //add the new node and set it to red.
                n = g.AddNode(stepString);
                n.LabelText = (g.NodeCount - 1).ToString();
                n.UserData = step; //// nextState;

                edge = g.AddEdge(step.SourceProcess, step.Event, stepString);

                AddToTrace(edge.SourceNode.LabelText, step, n.LabelText, stepString);

            if (firstSCC)
                n.Attr.FillColor = Color.LightGreen;
                n.Attr.FillColor = Color.Red;

            sourceProcess = stepString;

            string key = GetTraceEvent(this.ListView_Trace.Items.Count) + stepString;
            if (!Mapping.ContainsKey(key))
                Mapping.Add(key, new ProcessData(step, CloneGraph(g), CloneEnabledEvent()));

Exemple #3
        private void DisplayCounterExample()
            if (CanGrabLock())

                    int LoopIndex = 0;
                    if (Assertion is AssertionLTL && Assertion.VerificationOutput.LoopIndex >= 0)
                        LoopIndex = Assertion.VerificationOutput.LoopIndex;



                    if (Button_DisplayCounterexample.Checked)
                        string sourceProcess = InitialState;

                        for (int j = 1; j < Assertion.VerificationOutput.CounterExampleTrace.Count; j++)
                            Node n = null;
                            Edge edge = null;

                            //EventStepSim fromStep = CounterExampleTrace[j-1];
                            ConfigurationBase stepOld = Assertion.VerificationOutput.CounterExampleTrace[j];

                            EventStepSim step = new EventStepSim(stepOld);
                            step.SourceProcess = sourceProcess;

                            string stepString;

                            if (step.StepVisited(visited, out stepString))
                                //take out the duplicated edges
                                //bool hasMatch = false;
                                Edge matchEdge = null;

                                foreach (Edge e1 in g.Edges)
                                    if (e1.Source == step.SourceProcess && e1.Target == stepString &&
                                        e1.LabelText == step.Event && e1.Attr.Color == Color.DarkOrange)
                                        //hasMatch = true;
                                        matchEdge = e1;

                                if (matchEdge == null)
                                    edge = g.AddEdge(step.SourceProcess, step.Event, stepString);
                                    n = g.NodeMap[stepString] as Node;

                                    AddToTrace(edge.SourceNode.LabelText, step, edge.TargetNode.LabelText, stepString);
                                    edge = matchEdge;
                                    n = edge.TargetNode;
                                    AddToTrace(edge.SourceNode.LabelText, step, edge.TargetNode.LabelText, stepString);

                                    sourceProcess = stepString;
                                visited.Add(stepString, null);

                                //add the new node and set it to red.
                                n = g.AddNode(stepString);
                                n.LabelText = (g.NodeCount - 1).ToString();
                                n.UserData = step; //// step.ToFullString();

                                edge = g.AddEdge(step.SourceProcess, step.Event, stepString);

                                AddToTrace(edge.SourceNode.LabelText, step, n.LabelText, stepString);

                            sourceProcess = stepString;
                            string key = GetTraceEvent(this.ListView_Trace.Items.Count) + stepString;

                            //states in SCC are yellow colored.
                            if (LoopIndex > 0 && j >= LoopIndex)
                                edge.Label.FontColor = Color.DarkOrange;
                                edge.Attr.Color = Color.DarkOrange;
                                n.Attr.FillColor = Color.Yellow;
                                //change all nodes to white node!
                                foreach (Node mapN in g.NodeMap.Values)
                                    if (mapN.Attr.FillColor == Color.Red)
                                        mapN.Attr.FillColor = Color.White;

                                //the last node of the path is inside SCC, which should be in yellow color!
                                if (LoopIndex > 0 && j == LoopIndex - 1)
                                    n.Attr.FillColor = Color.Yellow;
                                    n.Attr.FillColor = Color.Red;

                            if (!Mapping.ContainsKey(key))
                                            new ProcessData(step, CloneGraph(g), CloneEnabledEvent()));


                        SimulatorViewer.Graph = g;
                    //    List<string> FairSCC = (Assertion as AssertionLTL).FairSCC;
                    //    Dictionary<int, EventBAPair> SCC2EventStepMapping = (Assertion as AssertionLTL).SCC2EventStepMapping;
                    //    Dictionary<int, List<int>> OutgoingTransitionTable =
                    //        (Assertion as AssertionLTL).OutgoingTransitionTable;

                    //    string sourceProcess = InitialState;
                    //    //print out the prefix path, and mark the last node as green color (inside SCC)
                    //    for (int j = 1; j < LoopIndex; j++)
                    //    {
                    //        AddCounterExamplePrefixPathNode(ref sourceProcess, Assertion.VerificationOutput.CounterExampleTrace[j],
                    //                                        j == LoopIndex - 1);
                    //    }

                    //    for (int i = 0; i < FairSCC.Count; i++)
                    //    {
                    //        Node n = null;
                    //        Edge edge = null;

                    //        //get sourceProcess of the current SCC node
                    //        ConfigurationBase stepSJ = SCC2EventStepMapping[FairSCC[i]].configuration;
                    //        EventStepSim stepSJSJ = new EventStepSim(stepSJ);
                    //        stepSJSJ.StepVisited(visited, out sourceProcess);

                    //        //check all the transitions
                    //        List<int> outgoing = OutgoingTransitionTable[FairSCC[i]];
                    //        for (int j = 0; j < outgoing.Count; j++)
                    //        {
                    //            int w = outgoing[j];
                    //            if (FairSCC.Contains(w))
                    //            {
                    //                ConfigurationBase stepOld = SCC2EventStepMapping[w].configuration;

                    //                EventStepSim step = new EventStepSim(stepOld); //.Process, stepOld.Event, stepOld.HidenEvent, stepOld.GlobalEnv
                    //                step.SourceProcess = sourceProcess;

                    //                string stepString;
                    //                //string nextState = step.StepToString;

                    //                if (step.StepVisited(visited, out stepString))
                    //                {
                    //                    //ignore the transition which is in side the graph already!
                    //                    bool hasMatch = false;
                    //                    foreach (Edge e1 in g.Edges)
                    //                    {
                    //                        if (e1.Source == sourceProcess && e1.Target == stepString &&
                    //                            e1.LabelText == step.Event && e1.Attr.Color == Color.DarkGreen)
                    //                        {
                    //                            hasMatch = true;
                    //                            break;
                    //                        }
                    //                    }

                    //                    if (!hasMatch)
                    //                    {
                    //                        //liuyang added code for the bug start
                    //                        //this is really a special case, where the hidden events are different for the last tau step
                    //                        if (step.Config.Event == Constants.TAU)
                    //                        {
                    //                            //ConfigurationBase[] steps = CounterExampleTrace[i - 1].MakeOneMove();
                    //                            List<EventStepSim> steps = ((g.NodeMap[sourceProcess] as Node).UserData as EventStepSim).MakeOneMove(false);
                    //                            foreach (EventStepSim istep in steps)
                    //                            {
                    //                                if (istep.StepID == stepString)
                    //                                {
                    //                                    step = istep;
                    //                                    break;
                    //                                }
                    //                            }
                    //                        }

                    //                        edge = g.AddEdge(sourceProcess, step.Event, stepString);
                    //                        //liuyang added code for the bug end

                    //                        n = g.NodeMap[stepString] as Node;

                    //                        AddToTrace(edge.SourceNode.LabelText, step, edge.TargetNode.LabelText, stepString);
                    //                    }
                    //                    else
                    //                    {
                    //                        continue;
                    //                    }
                    //                }
                    //                else
                    //                {
                    //                    visited.Add(stepString, null);

                    //                    //add the new node and set it to red.
                    //                    n = g.AddNode(stepString);
                    //                    n.LabelText = (g.NodeCount - 1).ToString();
                    //                    n.UserData = step; //// nextState;
                    //                    edge = g.AddEdge(sourceProcess, step.Event, stepString);

                    //                    AddToTrace(edge.SourceNode.LabelText, step, n.LabelText, stepString);
                    //                }

                    //                //set the current node to be Green
                    //                edge.Label.FontColor = Color.DarkGreen;
                    //                edge.Attr.Color = Color.DarkGreen;
                    //                n.Attr.FillColor = Color.LightGreen;

                    //                string key = GetTraceEvent(this.ListView_Trace.Items.Count) + stepString;
                    //                if (!Mapping.ContainsKey(key))
                    //                {
                    //                    Mapping.Add(key,
                    //                                new ProcessData(step, CloneGraph(g), CloneEnabledEvent()));
                    //                }

                    //                UpdateStore(step);
                    //            }
                    //        }
                    //    }

                    //    SimulatorViewer.Graph = g;
                    //    SimulatorViewer.Invalidate();

                    StatusLabel.Text = string.Format(Resources.Graph_Generated___0__Nodes___1__Edges, (g.NodeCount - 1),
                                                     (g.EdgeCount - 1));



                catch (Exception ex)