//点击保存按钮的 private void btnSave_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Account account = (Account)gridEditAccount.DataContext; AccountBLL accountBll = new AccountBLL(); //判断金额大于0 if (cbType.SelectedIndex > -1) { if (account.Money <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("你输入的收入金额不合法,请重新输入!"); return; } } if (cbType.SelectedIndex < 0) { MessageBox.Show("请选择收支!"); return; } else if (cbItem.SelectedIndex < 0) { MessageBox.Show("请选择项目!"); return; } //有问题 else { //获得名字为收入的Id值 IdName idname = new IdNameBLL().GetByName("收入"); Balance balance = new Balance(); #region 添加收支 //添加收支 if (IsAddNew) { int i; //分布式事务处理收支和余额,可实现回滚 using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope()) { i = accountBll.AddNew(account); //判断是否为收入,收入为正的,支出为负数 if (account.CostType == idname.Id) //收入 { balance.Balances = (decimal)account.Money; } else //支出 { balance.Balances = (decimal)(-account.Money); } new BalanceBLL().Update(account.OperatorId, balance.Balances); ts.Complete();//表示已完成 } //严谨点Update也应该返回true or false if (i < 0) { new OperationLogBLL().Insert(LoginWindow.GetOperatorId(), "添加收支,更新余额失败!"); MessageBox.Show("添加错误!"); } else if (i > 1) { new OperationLogBLL().Insert(LoginWindow.GetOperatorId(), "添加收支时错误!"); throw new Exception("数据发生错误!"); } else { new OperationLogBLL().Insert(LoginWindow.GetOperatorId(), "添加收支,更新余额成功!");//日志 MessageBox.Show("添加成功!"); this.Close(); } } #endregion #region 编辑收支 //编辑收支 else { bool i;//插入余额是否成功 bool isAddbalanceSuc;//插入余额是否成功 //分布式处理 using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope()) { //更新收支 i = accountBll.Update(account); //更新前的数据类型是否为收入,并计算出差额, if (BeforeCostType == idname.Id) { //收入改为收入 只是金额的更改 if (account.CostType == idname.Id) //更改后收支类型,为收入 { if ((decimal)account.Money != BeforeEditingMoney) //更新后的钱不等更新前的前 { balance.Balances = (decimal)account.Money - BeforeEditingMoney; //加上前后的差额(后大于前取+,否则为—) } else { balance.Balances = 0; } } //收入改为支出,前为收,后为支 else { // 先减去更新前的收入,再减去更新后的支出金额 balance.Balances = -BeforeEditingMoney - (decimal)account.Money; } } //若更新前为支出,计算出差额 else { //判断更新后的类型 if (account.CostType == idname.Id)//更新后的类型为收入,更新前为支出 { balance.Balances = BeforeEditingMoney + (decimal)account.Money; //先加上更新前的支出,再加上更新后的收入 } //更新后为支出,更新前为支出 else { if (BeforeEditingMoney != (decimal)account.Money) //更新前的钱不等于更新后的钱,求钱差额 { balance.Balances = BeforeEditingMoney - (decimal)account.Money; //更新前 减去更新后 若更新前大,那就加上差额 } else { balance.Balances = 0; } } } isAddbalanceSuc = new BalanceBLL().Update(account.OperatorId, balance.Balances); ts.Complete(); } if (i && isAddbalanceSuc) { new OperationLogBLL().Insert(LoginWindow.GetOperatorId(), "编辑收支成功!"); MessageBox.Show("更改成功!"); this.Close(); } else { new OperationLogBLL().Insert(LoginWindow.GetOperatorId(), "编辑收支失败!"); MessageBox.Show("更新失败!"); } } #endregion } }
//删除选中数据 private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Account account = (Account)dataGridShow.SelectedItem; //判断是否选中数据 if (account == null) { MessageBox.Show("请选择一条数据!"); return; } if (MessageBox.Show("确认删除此条数据吗?", "提醒", MessageBoxButton.YesNo) == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { IdName idname = new IdNameBLL().GetByName("收入"); int i; //deleted返回 bool isSuceess; //判断余额是否更新成功 using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope()) { i = new AccountBLL().DeleteById(account.Id); Balance balance = new Balance(); if (idname.Id == account.CostType)//要删除的为收入 { balance.Balances = (decimal)(-account.Money); isSuceess = new BalanceBLL().Update(account.OperatorId, balance.Balances); } else { balance.Balances = (decimal)account.Money; isSuceess = new BalanceBLL().Update(account.OperatorId, balance.Balances); } if (i > 0 && isSuceess) { MessageBox.Show("删除成功!"); } else { MessageBox.Show("删除失败!"); } ts.Complete(); } LoadData(); } }
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { IdNameBLL idnamebll = new IdNameBLL(); Account account = new Account(); //获得用户的Id account.OperatorId = LoginWindow.GetOperatorId(); // MessageBox.Show("执行了!"); //添加 if (IsAddNew) { //设置默认值 account.Date = DateTime.Now; account.Money = 0; account.Remarks = "无"; gridEditAccount.DataContext = account; cbType.ItemsSource = idnamebll.GetByCategory("收支类型"); //cbType.SelectedIndex = 0; } //编辑 else { //拿出要编辑的对象的值 account = new AccountBLL().GetById(EditingId); gridEditAccount.DataContext = account; cbType.ItemsSource = idnamebll.GetByCategory("收支类型"); } }
//搜索 Search private void btnFind_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { List<string> whereList = new List<string>(); List<SqlParameter> parameter = new List<SqlParameter>(); // 是否选中收支类型 if (ckbSearchItem.IsChecked == true) { if (cmbSearchItem.SelectedItem == null) { MessageBox.Show("请选择收支!"); return; } //添加到SqlParamerter中 whereList.Add("CostType=@CostType"); parameter.Add(new SqlParameter("@CostType", cmbSearchCostType.SelectedValue)); } //是否选中项目 if (ckbSearchItem.IsChecked == true) { if (cmbSearchItem.SelectedItem == null) { MessageBox.Show("请选择项目!"); return; } whereList.Add("Item=@Item"); parameter.Add(new SqlParameter("@Item", cmbSearchItem.SelectedValue)); } //选择的日期 if (ckbSearchDate.IsChecked == true) { whereList.Add("Date Between @BeginDate and @EndDate"); parameter.Add(new SqlParameter("@BeginDate", dpSearchBeginDate.SelectedDate)); parameter.Add(new SqlParameter("@EndDate", dpSearchEndDate.SelectedDate)); } //选择金钱 if (ckbSearchMoney.IsChecked == true) { if (txtSearchMoney.Text.Length < 0) { MessageBox.Show("请输入金钱!"); return; } whereList.Add("Money = @Money"); parameter.Add(new SqlParameter("@Money", txtSearchMoney.Text)); } if (whereList.Count <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("至少选择一个查询条件");//防止查询出的结果过多 return; } //拼接Sql语句 string sql = "select * from T_Account where " + string.Join(" and ", whereList) + " and IsDeleted=0"; //把拼接的SQL语句,和SqlParameter 数组 传入 Account[] account = new AccountBLL().Search(sql, parameter.ToArray()); if (account.Length > 0) { dataGridShow.ItemsSource = account; } else { MessageBox.Show("没有相关数据!"); } }