protected internal virtual void sendStatus(System.String status) { OtpOutputStream obuf = new OtpOutputStream(); obuf.write2BE(status.Length + 1); obuf.write1(ChallengeStatus); //UPGRADE_NOTE: This code will be optimized in the future; byte[] tmpBytes; int i; string tmpStr; tmpStr = status; tmpBytes = new byte[tmpStr.Length]; i = 0; while (i < tmpStr.Length) { tmpBytes[i] = (byte) tmpStr[i]; i++; } obuf.write(tmpBytes); obuf.writeTo((System.IO.Stream) socket.GetStream()); if (traceLevel >= OtpTrace.Type.handshakeThreshold) { OtpTrace.TraceEvent("-> " + "HANDSHAKE sendStatus" + " status=" + status + " local=" + self); } }
protected internal virtual void sendChallenge(int dist, int flags, int challenge) { OtpOutputStream obuf = new OtpOutputStream(); System.String str = self.node(); obuf.write2BE(str.Length + 11); // 11 bytes + nodename obuf.write1(AbstractNode.NTYPE_R6); obuf.write2BE(dist); obuf.write4BE(flags); obuf.write4BE(challenge); //UPGRADE_NOTE: This code will be optimized in the future; byte[] tmpBytes; int i; string tmpStr; tmpStr = str; tmpBytes = new byte[tmpStr.Length]; i = 0; while (i < tmpStr.Length) { tmpBytes[i] = (byte) tmpStr[i]; i++; } obuf.write(tmpBytes); obuf.writeTo((System.IO.Stream) socket.GetStream()); if (traceLevel >= OtpTrace.Type.handshakeThreshold) { OtpTrace.TraceEvent("-> " + "HANDSHAKE sendChallenge" + " flags=" + flags + " dist=" + dist + " challenge=" + challenge + " local=" + self); } }
protected internal virtual void sendChallengeAck(byte[] digest) { OtpOutputStream obuf = new OtpOutputStream(); obuf.write2BE(17); obuf.write1(ChallengeAck); obuf.write(digest); obuf.writeTo((System.IO.Stream) socket.GetStream()); if (traceLevel >= OtpTrace.Type.handshakeThreshold) { OtpTrace.TraceEvent("-> " + "HANDSHAKE sendChallengeAck" + " digest=" + hex(digest) + " local=" + self); } }
protected internal virtual void sendChallengeReply(int challenge, byte[] digest) { OtpOutputStream obuf = new OtpOutputStream(); obuf.write2BE(21); obuf.write1(ChallengeReply); obuf.write4BE(challenge); obuf.write(digest); obuf.writeTo((System.IO.Stream) socket.GetStream()); if (traceLevel >= handshakeThreshold) { System.Console.Out.WriteLine("-> " + "HANDSHAKE sendChallengeReply" + " challenge=" + challenge + " digest=" + hex(digest) + " local=" + self); } }