Exemple #1
 private void Construct(Position position, float buildingValue, OsnowaBaseTile buildingBaseTile)
     if (buildingValue >= 0)
         Values.Set(position, buildingValue);
     //if(!new[]{ _tileset.Wall.Id, _tileset.DoorHorizontalClosed.Id}.Contains(_tileMatricesByte[TilemapLayers.Standing].Get(position)))
     //	_tileMatricesByte[TilemapLayers.Standing].Set(position, 0);
     _tileMatricesByte[(int)TilemapLayer.Decoration].Set(position, 0);
     _tileMatricesByte[(int)buildingBaseTile.Layer].Set(position, buildingBaseTile.Id);
        public FovArea FetchVisibilityFov(Position center, int sightRange)
            if (_cachedFovArea == null || _cachedFovArea.Center != center || _cachedFovArea.SightRange != sightRange)
                HashSet <Position> fovPositions = _fovCalculator.CalculateFov(center, sightRange,
                                                                              position => _grid.IsPassingLight(position) || position == center);
                _cachedFovArea = new FovArea {
                    Center = center, SightRange = sightRange, Positions = fovPositions

Exemple #3
        private Position GetRandomWalkablePositionOnBiggestArea(IOsnowaContext osnowaContext, bool farFromPlayer = true, float chanceForPreferredBiomeRequirement = 1f)
            Position position;
            bool     positionIsAccepted;

                position           = _rng.NextPosition(osnowaContext.PositionFlags.XSize, osnowaContext.PositionFlags.YSize);
                positionIsAccepted = (!farFromPlayer || Position.Distance(osnowaContext.StartingPosition, position) > 25)
            } while (!positionIsAccepted);
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Marking
        /// </summary>
        private void MarkIsolatedAreas(IOsnowaContext context)
            var           floodSpiller  = new FloodSpiller();
            PositionFlags positionFlags = context.PositionFlags;
            var           stopwatch     = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            byte areaIndex        = 0;
            byte biggestAreaIndex = 0;
            int  maxArea          = 0;

            for (int probeX = 0; probeX < context.PositionFlags.XSize; probeX += 10)
                for (int probeY = 0; probeY < context.PositionFlags.YSize; probeY += 10)
                    bool     isFine       = false;
                    int      totalVisited = 0;
                    Position start        = new Position(probeX, probeY);
                    var      parameters   = new FloodParameters(start.x, start.y)
                        Qualifier =
                            (x, y) => positionFlags.IsWalkable(x, y),
                        NeighbourProcessor = (x, y, mark) =>
                            if (!isFine)
                                isFine     = true;
                                areaIndex += 1;
                            totalVisited += 1;
                    int[,] markMatrix = new int[context.PositionFlags.XSize, context.PositionFlags.YSize];
                    floodSpiller.SpillFlood(parameters, markMatrix);
                    if (totalVisited > 50)
                        // BUG looks like areas are not isolated, all are of same size of the whole island!
                        // Debug.Log("visited " + totalVisited + "from " + start.x + ", " + start.y + " with index " + areaIndex);
                    if (totalVisited > maxArea)
                        maxArea          = totalVisited;
                        biggestAreaIndex = areaIndex;
            Debug.Log("biggest isolated area index: " + biggestAreaIndex);
            Debug.Log("biggest isolated area index: " + maxArea);
            Debug.Log("marking isolated areas took: " + stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
Exemple #5
        private Position BuildHouse(Area area)
            bool ValidForBeingDoor(Position position)
            => position.y == area.Bounds.yMin && position.x > area.Bounds.xMin && position.x < area.Bounds.xMax - 1;

            Position doorPosition = RepeatedActionExecutor.Execute(() =>
                var position = _rng.Choice(area.Perimeter);
                return(ValidForBeingDoor(position), position);

            foreach (Position position in area.Perimeter)
                if (position != doorPosition)
                    Construct(position, House, _tileset.Wall);
                    Construct(position, -1f, null);

            OsnowaBaseTile roofBaseTile = _tileset.Roof;

            foreach (Position housePosition in area.Positions)
                Construct(housePosition, -1f, roofBaseTile);
                if (housePosition != doorPosition)
                    _grid.SetWalkability(housePosition, 0f);
                    _walkability.Set(housePosition, 0f);

            BoundsInt boundsForRoofAdditions = area.Bounds;


Exemple #6
        private void GeneratePlayer(IOsnowaContext osnowaContext)
            Position startingPlayerPosition = new Position(osnowaContext.PositionFlags.XSize / 2, osnowaContext.PositionFlags.YSize / 2);

            // context.StartingPosition;

            if (osnowaContext.PositionFlags.Get(startingPlayerPosition + Position.Up).HasFlag(PositionFlag.Walkable))
                startingPlayerPosition = startingPlayerPosition + Position.Up;

            if (osnowaContext.PositionFlags.Get(startingPlayerPosition + Position.Up).HasFlag(PositionFlag.Walkable))
                startingPlayerPosition = startingPlayerPosition + Position.Up;

            //Position position = villageWithEntrance?.Entrance ?? context.Villages.First().Square.Positions.First();
            GameEntity playerEntity;

            _entityGenerator.GenerateActorFromRecipeeAndAddToContext(_context, _gameConfig.EntityRecipees.Player,
                                                                     startingPlayerPosition, out playerEntity, true);
        public IFloodArea FetchWalkableFlood(Position center, int floodRange)
            // performance: maybe we should keep a few last calculated results for center-floodRange pairs

            if (_cachedFloodArea == null)
                _cachedFloodArea = new FloodArea(center, floodRange);

            int expectedMatrixSize = floodRange * 2 + 1;

            if (_cachedFloodArea.ArraySize < expectedMatrixSize)

            if (_cachedFloodArea.Center != center)
                _cachedFloodArea.Center = center;
                int boundsSize = floodRange * 2;
                _cachedFloodArea.Bounds = new Bounds(center.x - floodRange, center.y - floodRange, boundsSize, boundsSize);

            var findHighestMark = new FindHighestMarkNeighbourProcessor();
            var parameters      = new FloodParameters(center.x, center.y)
                Qualifier          = (x, y) => _grid.IsWalkable(new Position(x, y)),
                BoundsRestriction  = BoundsUtilities.ToFloodBounds(_cachedFloodArea.Bounds),
                NeighbourProcessor = findHighestMark.Process
            Position furthestPosition = center;

            _floodSpiller.SpillFlood(parameters, _cachedFloodArea.ValueMatrix);
            _cachedFloodArea.FurthestPosition = furthestPosition;

Exemple #8
 private bool IsWater(Position position)
     return(_tileMatricesByte[(int)TilemapLayer.Soil].Get(position) == 0);