/// <summary>
        /// Gets the price.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public double GetPrice()
            double fwd  = EquityAnalytics.GetForwardCCLin365(_spot, _tau, _divdays, _divamts, _rtdays, _rtamts);
            double rate = EquityAnalytics.GetRateCCLin365(0, _tau, _rtdays, _rtamts);

            return(BSprice(fwd, _tau, _strike, rate, _vol, _isCall));
 /// <summary>
 /// Forwards the rate.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="yearFraction1">The t1.</param>
 /// <param name="yearFraction2">The t2.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private double ForwardRate(double yearFraction1, double yearFraction2)
     return(EquityAnalytics.GetRateCCLin365(yearFraction1, yearFraction2, _rateDays, _rateAmts));
     //double rt1 = _rateInterp.ValueAt(yearFraction1, false);
     //double rt2 = _rateInterp.ValueAt(yearFraction2, false);
     //if (yearFraction2 > yearFraction1)
     //    return (rt2 * yearFraction2 - rt1 * yearFraction1) / (yearFraction2 - yearFraction1);
     //    return 0;
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Calcs the mu.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resetDays"></param>
        /// <param name="vols">The vols.</param>
        /// <param name="forwards">The forwards.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private double CalcMu(ref double[] forwards, int[] resetDays, double[] vols)
            double musum     = 0;
            int    numresets = resetDays.Length;

            for (int idx = 0; idx < numresets; idx++)
                double dt0 = Convert.ToDouble(resetDays[idx]) / daybasis;
                double r0  = EquityAnalytics.GetRateCCLin365(0, dt0, _rtdays, _rtamts);
                double q0  = EquityAnalytics.GetYieldCCLin365(_spot, 0, dt0, _divdays, _divamts, _rtdays, _rtamts);

                musum        += System.Math.Log(_spot) + (r0 - q0) * dt0 - vols[idx] * vols[idx] * dt0 / 2;
                forwards[idx] = _spot * System.Math.Exp((r0 - q0) * dt0);
            return(musum / numresets);
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the price.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public double GetPrice()
            double fwd           = EquityAnalytics.GetForwardCCLin365(_Spot, _tau, _divdays, _divamts, _ratedays, _rateamts);
            double r             = EquityAnalytics.GetRateCCLin365(0, _tau, _ratedays, _rateamts);
            double q             = EquityAnalytics.GetYieldCCLin365(_Spot, 0, _tau, _divdays, _divamts, _ratedays, _rateamts);
            double df            = EquityAnalytics.GetDFCCLin365(0, _tau, _ratedays, _rateamts);
            double flatskewPrice = df * FlatSkewPrice(fwd, r, q);

            double[] res      = OptionAnalytics.OptWithGreeks(true, fwd, _Strike, _vol, _tau);
            double   callvega = res[3];
            double   price;

            if (_isCall)
                price = flatskewPrice - _skew * df * callvega;
                price = flatskewPrice + _skew * df * callvega;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the theta.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public double GetTheta()
            double q    = EquityAnalytics.GetYieldCCLin365(_spot, 0, _tau, _divdays, _divamts, _rtdays, _rtamts);
            double fwd  = EquityAnalytics.GetForwardCCLin365(_spot, _tau, _divdays, _divamts, _rtdays, _rtamts);
            double d1   = (Math.Log(fwd / _strike) + _vol * _vol * _tau / 2) / _vol / Math.Sqrt(_tau);
            double rate = EquityAnalytics.GetRateCCLin365(0, _tau, _rtdays, _rtamts);
            double d2   = d1 - _vol * Math.Sqrt(_tau);
            double rhs1 = -Math.Exp(-q * _tau) * _spot * _nd.ProbabilityDensity(d1) * _vol / 2 / Math.Sqrt(_tau);
            double rhs3 = 0;

            if (_isCall)
                double rhs2 = -rate *_strike *Math.Exp(-rate *_tau) * _nd.CumulativeDistribution(d2);

                //rhs3 = q * _spot * System.Math.Exp(-q * _tau) * _nd.CumulativeDistribution(d1);
                return((rhs1 + rhs2 + rhs3) / 365.0);
                double rhs2 = rate * _strike * Math.Exp(-rate * _tau) * _nd.CumulativeDistribution(-d2);
                //rhs3 = -q * _spot * System.Math.Exp(-q * _tau) * _nd.CumulativeDistribution(-d1);
                return((rhs1 + rhs2 + rhs3) / 365.0);
Exemple #6
        public double[] GetPriceAndGreeks()
            double[] greeks = new double[3];
            double[] res    = new double[4];
            _x = new List <double>();
            _v = new List <double>();
            double tTemp   = _T;  //real time
            double tau     = 0.0; //backward time
            double dtnom   = _T / (double)_nTsteps;
            double dt      = dtnom;
            double tempInt = 0.0;

            //start the pricer
            while ((tau - _T) < -0.001 * _T)
                //set the increment
                double t1 = tTemp - dtnom;
                t1 = (t1 >= 0.0) ? t1 : 0.0;  //make sure t1 >= 0.0
                double divPay = 0.0;
                dt = CheckBetweenDiv(t1, tTemp, ref divPay, divdays, divamts);
                //compute the real time and backward time tau
                tTemp -= dt;
                tau    = _T - tTemp;
                //compute the increment forward rate
                _domR = EquityAnalytics.GetRateCCLin365(tTemp, tTemp + dt, ratedays, rateamts);
                _forR = 0.0;
                //compute the forward rate from real time tTemp to expiry for the BC'c
                double domRbc = EquityAnalytics.GetRateCCLin365(tTemp, _T, ratedays, rateamts);
                //compute discounted dividends for the bc's
                double DiscDiv = ComputeDiscDiv(tTemp, _T, ratedays, rateamts, divdays, divamts);
                //save the value at the spot for use in theta calcuation
                int    nKeyInt = (int)((Math.Log(_spot) - _xl) / _dx);
                double fracInt = (Math.Log(_spot) - _x[nKeyInt]) / (_x[nKeyInt + 1] - _x[nKeyInt]);
                tempInt = _v[nKeyInt] * (1.0 - fracInt) + _v[nKeyInt + 1] * fracInt;
                //get the fwd
                _lnfwd = Math.Log(GetATMfwd(ratedays, rateamts, divdays, divamts, tTemp));
                //build the matrix
                OneStepSetUp(dt, tTemp);
                //compute the q vec
                if (_sStyle.ToUpper().Equals("E"))
                    // set the exlicit BC
                    _v[0]          = MakeLowerBC(tau, Math.Exp(_x[0]), domRbc, DiscDiv);
                    _v[_steps - 1] = MakeUpperBC(tau, Math.Exp(_x[_steps - 1]), domRbc, DiscDiv);
                    //subract from q(1) and q(_steps-2) for explicit BC
                    //'_q[1] -= _SubDiagL[0] * _v[0];
                    //'_q[_msteps - 1] -= _SuperDiagL[_steps - 1] * _v[_steps - 1];

                    //this commented out info is used for the zero curvature condition
                    //_DiagL[1] += 2.0 * _SubDiagL[1];
                    //_SuperDiagL[1] -= _SubDiagL[1];
                    //_DiagL[_steps - 2] += 2.0 * _SuperDiagL[_steps - 2];
                    //_SubDiagL[_steps - 2] -= _SuperDiagL[_steps - 2];

                    //call LU decomp
                    //Call the LU sOlver

                    //for zero curvature
                    //_v[0] = 2.0 * _v[1] - _v[2];
                    //_v[_steps - 1] = 2.0 * _v[_steps - 2] - _v[_steps - 3];
                    _v[0]          = MakeLowerBC(tau, Math.Exp(_x[0]), domRbc, DiscDiv);
                    _v[_steps - 1] = MakeUpperBC(tau, Math.Exp(_x[_steps - 1]), domRbc, DiscDiv);
                //after having incremented back,  apply a grid shift if needed
                if (divPay != 0.0)
                    ApplyGridShift(tau, divPay, domRbc, DiscDiv);
            int    nKey = (int)((Math.Log(_spot) - _xl) / _dx);
            double frac = (Math.Log(_spot) - _x[nKey]) / (_x[nKey + 1] - _x[nKey]);
            double temp = _v[nKey] * (1.0 - frac) + _v[nKey + 1] * frac;

            double[,] a = new double[4, 4];
            double[] b = new double[4];
            a[0, 0] = 1.0;
            a[1, 0] = 1.0;
            a[2, 0] = 1.0;
            a[3, 0] = 1.0;
            a[0, 1] = Math.Exp(_x[nKey - 1]);
            a[1, 1] = Math.Exp(_x[nKey]);
            a[2, 1] = Math.Exp(_x[nKey + 1]);
            a[3, 1] = Math.Exp(_x[nKey + 2]);
            a[0, 2] = Math.Exp(_x[nKey - 1]) * Math.Exp(_x[nKey - 1]);
            a[1, 2] = Math.Exp(_x[nKey]) * Math.Exp(_x[nKey]);
            a[2, 2] = Math.Exp(_x[nKey + 1]) * Math.Exp(_x[nKey + 1]);
            a[3, 2] = Math.Exp(_x[nKey + 2]) * Math.Exp(_x[nKey + 2]);
            a[0, 3] = Math.Exp(_x[nKey - 1]) * Math.Exp(_x[nKey - 1]) * Math.Exp(_x[nKey - 1]);
            a[1, 3] = Math.Exp(_x[nKey]) * Math.Exp(_x[nKey]) * Math.Exp(_x[nKey]);
            a[2, 3] = Math.Exp(_x[nKey + 1]) * Math.Exp(_x[nKey + 1]) * Math.Exp(_x[nKey + 1]);
            a[3, 3] = Math.Exp(_x[nKey + 2]) * Math.Exp(_x[nKey + 2]) * Math.Exp(_x[nKey + 2]);
            b[0]    = _v[nKey - 1];
            b[1]    = _v[nKey];
            b[2]    = _v[nKey + 1];
            b[3]    = _v[nKey + 2];
            int info = NewtonGauss(4, ref a, ref b);

            greeks[0] = b[1] + 2.0 * b[2] * _spot + 3.0 * b[3] * _spot * _spot;
            greeks[1] = 2.0 * b[2] + 6.0 * b[3] * _spot;
            greeks[2] = (tempInt - temp) / (365.0 * dt);

             * nKey = (int)((Math.Log(_spot) * 1.001 - _xl) / _dx);-
             * frac = (Math.Log(_spot )* 1.001 - _x[nKey]) / (_x[nKey + 1] - _x[nKey]);
             * double tempUp = _v[nKey] * (1.0 - frac) + _v[nKey + 1] * frac;
             * nKey = (int)((Math.Log(_spot) * 0.999 - _xl) / _dx);
             * frac = (Math.Log(_spot) * 0.999 - _x[nKey]) / (_x[nKey + 1] - _x[nKey]);
             * double tempDn = _v[nKey] * (1.0 - frac) + _v[nKey + 1] * frac;
             * greeks[0] = (tempUp - tempDn) / (0.002 *Math.Log(spot))/spot ;
             * greeks[1] = (tempUp + tempDn - 2.0 * temp) / Math.Pow(0.001 * _spot * Math.Log(_spot), 2.0) - greeks[0]/_spot;
             * greeks[2] = (tempInt - temp) / (365.0 * dt);
            res[0] = temp;
            res[1] = greeks[0];
            res[2] = greeks[1];
            res[3] = greeks[2];