// Accepts NamespaceMapping instance that is no longer needed, storing
 // it for re-use. Note: do not pass null argument - this is not checked.
 internal void ReturnNSMapping(NamespaceMapping mapping)
     mapping.next = freeNSMappings;
       freeNSMappings = mapping;
 // Accepts linked list of NamespaceMapping instances that is no longer needed,
 // storing them for re-use. Note: do not pass null argument - not checked.
 internal void ReturnNSMappingList(NamespaceMapping mapping)
     NamespaceMapping lastMapping = mapping;
       // find last node
       while (lastMapping.next != null)
     lastMapping = lastMapping.next;
       lastMapping.next = freeNSMappings;
       freeNSMappings = mapping;
 // Returns NamespaceMapping instance properly initialized for new use,
 // re-using old instance if possible.
 internal NamespaceMapping NewNSMapping()
     if (freeNSMappings == null)
     return new NamespaceMapping();
       else {
     NamespaceMapping result = freeNSMappings;
     freeNSMappings = result.next;
     result.next = null;
     return result;
 /// <summary>Prepares <see cref="ActiveMapping"/> instance for re-use, 
 /// clearing stack.</summary>
 protected internal void Reset()
     if (mappingsTop != null) {
     mappingsTop = null;
 /// <summary>Establishes a new mapping for the prefix associated with this 
 /// instance, to an URI in a namespace scope, and pushes it on the stack.</summary>
 /// <param name="scope">Namespace scope the new mapping will be part of.</param>
 /// <param name="uri">URI to be mapped to this instance's prefix.</param>
 /// <returns>Newly added <see cref="NamespaceMapping"/>.</returns>
 protected internal NamespaceMapping PushMapping(string uri, NamespaceScope scope)
     NamespaceMapping result = namespaces.NewNSMapping();
       result.prefix = this;
       result.scope = scope;
       result.declared = uri != null;
       if (result.declared)
     result.uri = uri;
     result.uri = this.Uri;
       result.next = mappingsTop;
       mappingsTop = result;
       return result;
 /// <summary>Discards most recently added <see cref="NamespaceMapping"/>,
 /// popping it from stack and returning it to the associated 
 /// <see cref="XmlNamespaces"/> instance for re-use.</summary>
 protected internal void PopMapping()
     NamespaceMapping nsMapping = mappingsTop;
       // protect against extra calls
       if (nsMapping == null) return;
       mappingsTop = nsMapping.next;
       nsMapping.uri = null;  // release uri
 // Accepts NamespaceMapping instance that is no longer needed, storing
 // it for re-use. Note: do not pass null argument - this is not checked.
 internal void ReturnNSMapping(NamespaceMapping mapping)
     mapping.next   = freeNSMappings;
     freeNSMappings = mapping;