Exemple #1
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldDropIndexGivenDropSchemaRuleCommand() throws Exception
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
        public virtual void ShouldDropIndexGivenDropSchemaRuleCommand()
            // Given
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final':
//ORIGINAL LINE: final org.neo4j.storageengine.api.schema.StoreIndexDescriptor indexRule = indexRule(1, 42, 42, INDEX_DESCRIPTOR);
            StoreIndexDescriptor indexRule = indexRule(1, 42, 42, _indexDescriptor);

//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final':
//ORIGINAL LINE: final IndexBatchTransactionApplier applier = newIndexTransactionApplier();
            IndexBatchTransactionApplier applier = NewIndexTransactionApplier();

//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final':
//ORIGINAL LINE: final Command.SchemaRuleCommand command = new Command.SchemaRuleCommand(singleton(createdDynamicRecord(1)), singleton(dynamicRecord(1, false)), indexRule);
            Command.SchemaRuleCommand command = new Command.SchemaRuleCommand(singleton(CreatedDynamicRecord(1)), singleton(dynamicRecord(1, false)), indexRule);

            // When
            bool result;

            using (TransactionApplier txApplier = applier.StartTx(_transactionToApply))
                result = txApplier.VisitSchemaRuleCommand(command);

            // Then
        public override bool VisitSchemaRuleCommand(Command.SchemaRuleCommand command)
            SchemaStore schemaStore = _neoStores.SchemaStore;

            if (_version == CommandVersion.BEFORE)
                // We are doing reverse-recovery. There is no need for updating the cache, since the indexing service be told what it needs to know when we do
                // forward-recovery later.
                bool create = command.Mode == Command.Mode.Create;
                foreach (DynamicRecord record in command.RecordsBefore)
                    if (create)
                        // Schema create commands do not properly store their before images, so we need to correct them.
                        // That is, if the schema was created by this command, then obviously the before image of those records were not in use.
                        record.InUse = false;

            // schema rules. Execute these after generating the property updates so. If executed
            // before and we've got a transaction that sets properties/labels as well as creating an index
            // we might end up with this corner-case:
            // 1) index rule created and index population job started
            // 2) index population job processes some nodes, but doesn't complete
            // 3) we gather up property updates and send those to the indexes. The newly created population
            //    job might get those as updates
            // 4) the population job will apply those updates as added properties, and might end up with duplicate
            //    entries for the same property
            foreach (DynamicRecord record in command.RecordsAfter)

            if (command.SchemaRule is ConstraintRule)
                switch (command.Mode)
                case UPDATE:
                case CREATE:
                    _neoStores.MetaDataStore.LatestConstraintIntroducingTx = _transactionId;

                case DELETE:

                    throw new System.InvalidOperationException(command.Mode.name());

            switch (command.Mode)
            case DELETE:

Exemple #3
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public boolean visitSchemaRuleCommand(Command.SchemaRuleCommand command) throws java.io.IOException
            public override bool VisitSchemaRuleCommand(Command.SchemaRuleCommand command)
                SchemaRule schemaRule = command.SchemaRule;

                if (command.SchemaRule is StoreIndexDescriptor)
                    StoreIndexDescriptor indexRule = ( StoreIndexDescriptor )schemaRule;
                    // Why apply index updates here? Here's the thing... this is a batch applier, which means that
                    // index updates are gathered throughout the batch and applied in the end of the batch.
                    // Assume there are some transactions creating or modifying nodes that may not be covered
                    // by an existing index, but a later transaction in the same batch creates such an index.
                    // In that scenario the index would be created, populated and then fed the [this time duplicate]
                    // update for the node created before the index. The most straight forward solution is to
                    // apply pending index updates up to this point in this batch before index schema changes occur.

                    switch (command.Mode)
                    case UPDATE:
                        // Shouldn't we be more clear about that we are waiting for an index to come online here?
                        // right now we just assume that an update to index records means wait for it to be online.
                        if (indexRule.CanSupportUniqueConstraint())
                            // Register activations into the IndexActivator instead of IndexingService to avoid deadlock
                            // that could insue for applying batches of transactions where a previous transaction in the same
                            // batch acquires a low-level commit lock that prevents the very same index population to complete.

                    case CREATE:
                        // Add to list so that all these indexes will be created in one call later
                        CreatedIndexes = CreatedIndexes == null ? new List <StoreIndexDescriptor>() : CreatedIndexes;

                    case DELETE:

                        throw new System.InvalidOperationException(command.Mode.name());
                // Keep IndexingService updated on constraint changes
                else if (schemaRule is ConstraintRule)
                    ConstraintRule constraintRule = ( ConstraintRule )schemaRule;
                    switch (command.Mode)
                    case CREATE:
                    case UPDATE:

                    case DELETE:

                        throw new System.InvalidOperationException(command.Mode.name());