public void Bind( IPEndPoint endPoint )
     if( fAcceptSocket != null )
         throw new InvalidOperationException( "Socket is already bound" );
     fAcceptSocket = new SecureSocket
         (AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp, fOptions );
     fAcceptSocket.Bind( endPoint );
     fAcceptSocket.Listen( 10 );
Exemple #2
	///<summary>Initializes a new instance of the FtpDataConnection class.</summary>
	///<param name="RemoteAddress">The address on the local FTP client to connect to.</param>
	///<returns>The PORT command string to send to the FTP server.</returns>
	public string ProcessPort(IPEndPoint RemoteAddress) {
		try {
			ListenSocket = new SecureSocket(IPAddress.Any.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
			ListenSocket.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0));
			ListenSocket.BeginAccept(new AsyncCallback(this.OnPortAccept), ListenSocket);
			ClientSocket = new SecureSocket(RemoteAddress.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
			ClientSocket.BeginConnect(RemoteAddress, new AsyncCallback(this.OnPortConnected), ClientSocket);
			return "PORT " + Listener.GetLocalExternalIP().ToString().Replace('.', ',') + "," + Math.Floor(((IPEndPoint)ListenSocket.LocalEndPoint).Port / 256).ToString() + "," + (((IPEndPoint)ListenSocket.LocalEndPoint).Port % 256).ToString() + "\r\n";
		} catch {
			return "PORT 0,0,0,0,0,0\r\n";
Exemple #3
	///<summary>Starts listening on the selected IP address and port.</summary>
	///<exception cref="SocketException">There was an error while creating the listening socket.</exception>
	public void Start() {
		try {
			ListenSocket = new SecureSocket(Address.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
			ListenSocket.Bind(new IPEndPoint(Address, Port));
			ListenSocket.BeginAccept(new AsyncCallback(this.OnAccept), ListenSocket);
		} catch {
			ListenSocket = null;
			throw new SocketException();
 /// <summary>
 /// Starts listening for incoming server connections.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ep">The EndPoint on which to listen.</param>
 /// <param name="sp">The protocol to use.</param>
 /// <param name="pfxfile">An optional PFX file.</param>
 /// <param name="password">An optional PFX password.</param>
 public void StartServer(IPEndPoint ep, SecureProtocol sp, Certificate cert)
     // initialize a SecurityOptions instance
     SecurityOptions options = new SecurityOptions(sp, cert, ConnectionEnd.Server);
     // create a new SecureSocket with the above security options
     SecureSocket s = new SecureSocket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp, options);
     // from here on, act as if the SecureSocket is a normal Socket
     Console.WriteLine("Listening on " + s.LocalEndPoint.ToString());
     SecureSocket ss;
     string query = "";
     byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
     int ret;
     while(true) {
         ss = (SecureSocket)s.Accept();
         Console.WriteLine("Incoming socket accepted.");
         // receive HTTP query
         Console.WriteLine("Receiving HTTP request...");
         ret = 0;
         query = "";
         while(!IsComplete(query)) { // wait until we've received the entire HTTP query
             try {
                 ret = ss.Receive(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, SocketFlags.None);
             } catch (Exception e) {
                 Console.WriteLine("Error while receiving data from client [" + e.Message + "].");
             if (ret == 0) {
                 Console.WriteLine("Client closed connection too soon.");
             query += Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer, 0, ret);
         if (IsComplete(query)) {
             // Send HTTP reply
             Console.WriteLine("Sending reply...");
             ret = 0;
             try {
                 while(ret != MentalisPage.Length) {
                     ret += ss.Send(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(MentalisPage), ret, MentalisPage.Length - ret, SocketFlags.None);
             } catch (Exception e) {
                 Console.WriteLine("Error while sending data to the client [" + e.Message + "].");
         Console.WriteLine("Waiting for another connection...");
Exemple #5
	///<summary>Processes a received query.</summary>
	///<param name="Query">The query to process.</param>
	private void ProcessQuery(byte [] Query) {
		try {
			switch(Query[1]) {
				case 1: //CONNECT
					IPAddress RemoteIP = null;
					int RemotePort = 0;
					if (Query[3] == 1) {
						RemoteIP = IPAddress.Parse(Query[4].ToString() + "." + Query[5].ToString() + "." + Query[6].ToString() + "." + Query[7].ToString());
						RemotePort = Query[8] * 256 + Query[9];
					} else if( Query[3] == 3) {
						RemoteIP = Dns.Resolve(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Query, 5, Query[4])).AddressList[0];
						RemotePort = Query[4] + 5;
						RemotePort = Query[RemotePort] * 256 + Query[RemotePort + 1];
					RemoteConnection = new SecureSocket(RemoteIP.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
					RemoteConnection.BeginConnect(new IPEndPoint(RemoteIP, RemotePort), new AsyncCallback(this.OnConnected), RemoteConnection);
				case 2: //BIND
					byte [] Reply = new byte[10];
					long LocalIP = Listener.GetLocalExternalIP().Address;
					AcceptSocket = new SecureSocket(IPAddress.Any.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
					AcceptSocket.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0));
					Reply[0] = 5;  //Version 5
					Reply[1] = 0;  //Everything is ok :)
					Reply[2] = 0;  //Reserved
					Reply[3] = 1;  //We're going to send a IPv4 address
					Reply[4] = (byte)(Math.Floor((LocalIP % 256)));  //IP Address/1
					Reply[5] = (byte)(Math.Floor((LocalIP % 65536) / 256));  //IP Address/2
					Reply[6] = (byte)(Math.Floor((LocalIP % 16777216) / 65536));  //IP Address/3
					Reply[7] = (byte)(Math.Floor(LocalIP / 16777216));  //IP Address/4
					Reply[8] = (byte)(Math.Floor(((IPEndPoint)AcceptSocket.LocalEndPoint).Port / 256));  //Port/1
					Reply[9] = (byte)(((IPEndPoint)AcceptSocket.LocalEndPoint).Port % 256);  //Port/2
					Connection.BeginSend(Reply, 0, Reply.Length, SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(this.OnStartAccept), Connection);
				case 3: //ASSOCIATE
					//ASSOCIATE is not implemented (yet?)
		} catch {
Exemple #6
	///<summary>Called when we're connected to the data port of the remote FTP server.</summary>
	///<param name="ar">The result of the asynchronous operation.</param>
	private void OnPasvConnected(IAsyncResult ar) {
		try {
			ListenSocket = new SecureSocket(IPAddress.Any.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
			ListenSocket.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0));
			ListenSocket.BeginAccept(new AsyncCallback(this.OnPasvAccept), ListenSocket);
			Parent.SendCommand("227 Entering Passive Mode (" + Listener.GetLocalInternalIP().ToString().Replace('.', ',') + "," + Math.Floor(((IPEndPoint)ListenSocket.LocalEndPoint).Port / 256).ToString() + "," + (((IPEndPoint)ListenSocket.LocalEndPoint).Port % 256).ToString() + ").\r\n");
		} catch {
Exemple #7
	///<summary>Processes a SOCKS request from a client.</summary>
	///<param name="Request">The request to process.</param>
	protected override void ProcessRequest(byte [] Request) {
		int Ret;
		try {
			if (Request[0] == 1) { // CONNECT
				IPAddress RemoteIP;
				int RemotePort = Request[1] * 256 + Request[2];
				Ret = Array.IndexOf(Request, (byte)0, 7);
				Username = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Request, 7, Ret - 7);
				if (Request[3] == 0 && Request[4] == 0 && Request[5] == 0 && Request[6] != 0) {// Use remote DNS
					Ret = Array.IndexOf(Request, (byte)0, Ret + 1);
					RemoteIP = Dns.Resolve(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Request, Username.Length + 8, Ret - Username.Length - 8)).AddressList[0];
				} else { //Do not use remote DNS
					RemoteIP = IPAddress.Parse(Request[3].ToString() + "." + Request[4].ToString() + "." + Request[5].ToString() + "." + Request[6].ToString());
				RemoteConnection = new SecureSocket(RemoteIP.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
				RemoteConnection.BeginConnect(new IPEndPoint(RemoteIP, RemotePort), new AsyncCallback(this.OnConnected), RemoteConnection);
			} else if (Request[0] == 2) { // BIND
				byte [] Reply = new byte[8];
				long LocalIP = Listener.GetLocalExternalIP().Address;
				AcceptSocket = new SecureSocket(IPAddress.Any.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
				AcceptSocket.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0));
				RemoteBindIP = IPAddress.Parse(Request[3].ToString() + "." + Request[4].ToString() + "." + Request[5].ToString() + "." + Request[6].ToString());
				Reply[0] = 0;  //Reply version 0
				Reply[1] = 90;  //Everything is ok :)
				Reply[2] = (byte)(Math.Floor(((IPEndPoint)AcceptSocket.LocalEndPoint).Port / 256));  //Port/1
				Reply[3] = (byte)(((IPEndPoint)AcceptSocket.LocalEndPoint).Port % 256);  //Port/2
				Reply[4] = (byte)(Math.Floor((LocalIP % 256)));  //IP Address/1
				Reply[5] = (byte)(Math.Floor((LocalIP % 65536) / 256));  //IP Address/2
				Reply[6] = (byte)(Math.Floor((LocalIP % 16777216) / 65536));  //IP Address/3
				Reply[7] = (byte)(Math.Floor(LocalIP / 16777216));  //IP Address/4
				Connection.BeginSend(Reply, 0, Reply.Length, SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(this.OnStartAccept), Connection);
		} catch {