public override void render() { if (shape == null) { return; } Mps mcps = (Mps)shape; for (int m = mcps.MpsmodelCount; --m >= 0;) { Mps.Mpsmodel mcpsmodel = mcps.getMpsmodel(m); if (displayModelIndex >= 0 && displayModelIndex != mcpsmodel.modelIndex) { continue; } for (int c = mcpsmodel.MpspolymerCount; --c >= 0;) { Mps.Mpspolymer mpspolymer = mcpsmodel.getMpspolymer(c); if (mpspolymer.monomerCount >= 2) { renderMpspolymer(mpspolymer); } } } }
public Mpsmodel(Mps enclosingInstance, Model model) { InitBlock(enclosingInstance); mpspolymers = new Mpspolymer[model.PolymerCount]; this.modelIndex = model.modelIndex; for (int i = mpspolymers.Length; --i >= 0;) { mpspolymers[i] = Enclosing_Instance.allocateMpspolymer(model.getPolymer(i)); } }
public override void renderMpspolymer(Mps.Mpspolymer mpspolymer) { Ribbons.Schain strandsChain = (Ribbons.Schain) mpspolymer; if (strandsChain.wingVectors != null) { // note that we are not treating a PhosphorusPolymer // as nucleic because we are not calculating the wing // vector correctly. // if/when we do that then this test will become //isNucleic = strandsChain.polymer.Nucleic; ribbonBorder = false;// viewer.RibbonBorder; isNucleic = strandsChain.polymer is NucleicPolymer; render1Chain(strandsChain.monomerCount, strandsChain.monomers, strandsChain.leadMidpoints, strandsChain.wingVectors, strandsChain.mads, strandsChain.colixes); } }
private void InitBlock(Mps enclosingInstance) { this.enclosingInstance = enclosingInstance; }
public override void renderMpspolymer(Mps.Mpspolymer mpspolymer) { Cartoon.Cchain strandsChain = (Cartoon.Cchain) mpspolymer; if (strandsChain.wingVectors != null) { monomerCount = strandsChain.monomerCount; monomers = strandsChain.monomers; isNucleicPolymer = strandsChain.polymer is NucleicPolymer; leadMidpoints = strandsChain.leadMidpoints; wingVectors = strandsChain.wingVectors; mads = strandsChain.mads; colixes = strandsChain.colixes; //ribbonBorder = viewer.RibbonBorder; render1Chain(); } }
public abstract void renderMpspolymer(Mps.Mpspolymer mpspolymer);
public Mpsmodel(Mps enclosingInstance, Model model) { InitBlock(enclosingInstance); mpspolymers = new Mpspolymer[model.PolymerCount]; this.modelIndex = model.modelIndex; for (int i = mpspolymers.Length; --i >= 0; ) mpspolymers[i] = Enclosing_Instance.allocateMpspolymer(model.getPolymer(i)); }