Exemple #1
 /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
 public virtual TimelineEntities GetEntities(string entityType, long limit, long windowStart
                                             , long windowEnd, string fromId, long fromTs, NameValuePair primaryFilter, ICollection
                                             <NameValuePair> secondaryFilters, EnumSet <TimelineReader.Field> fields, TimelineDataManager.CheckAcl
     lock (this)
         if (limit == null)
             limit = DefaultLimit;
         if (windowStart == null)
             windowStart = long.MinValue;
         if (windowEnd == null)
             windowEnd = long.MaxValue;
         if (fields == null)
             fields = EnumSet.AllOf <TimelineReader.Field>();
         IEnumerator <TimelineEntity> entityIterator = null;
         if (fromId != null)
             TimelineEntity firstEntity = entities[new EntityIdentifier(fromId, entityType)];
             if (firstEntity == null)
                 return(new TimelineEntities());
                 entityIterator = new TreeSet <TimelineEntity>(entities.Values).TailSet(firstEntity
                                                                                        , true).GetEnumerator();
         if (entityIterator == null)
             entityIterator = new PriorityQueue <TimelineEntity>(entities.Values).GetEnumerator
         IList <TimelineEntity> entitiesSelected = new AList <TimelineEntity>();
         while (entityIterator.HasNext())
             TimelineEntity entity = entityIterator.Next();
             if (entitiesSelected.Count >= limit)
             if (!entity.GetEntityType().Equals(entityType))
             if (entity.GetStartTime() <= windowStart)
             if (entity.GetStartTime() > windowEnd)
             if (fromTs != null && entityInsertTimes[new EntityIdentifier(entity.GetEntityId()
                                                                          , entity.GetEntityType())] > fromTs)
             if (primaryFilter != null && !MatchPrimaryFilter(entity.GetPrimaryFilters(), primaryFilter
             if (secondaryFilters != null)
                 // AND logic
                 bool flag = true;
                 foreach (NameValuePair secondaryFilter in secondaryFilters)
                     if (secondaryFilter != null && !MatchPrimaryFilter(entity.GetPrimaryFilters(), secondaryFilter
                                                                        ) && !MatchFilter(entity.GetOtherInfo(), secondaryFilter))
                         flag = false;
                 if (!flag)
             if (entity.GetDomainId() == null)
             if (checkAcl == null || checkAcl.Check(entity))
         IList <TimelineEntity> entitiesToReturn = new AList <TimelineEntity>();
         foreach (TimelineEntity entitySelected in entitiesSelected)
             entitiesToReturn.AddItem(MaskFields(entitySelected, fields));
         TimelineEntities entitiesWrapper = new TimelineEntities();
 /// <summary>
 /// This method retrieves a list of entity information,
 /// <see cref="Org.Apache.Hadoop.Yarn.Api.Records.Timeline.TimelineEntity"/>
 /// ,
 /// sorted by the starting timestamp for the entity, descending. The starting
 /// timestamp of an entity is a timestamp specified by the client. If it is not
 /// explicitly specified, it will be chosen by the store to be the earliest
 /// timestamp of the events received in the first put for the entity.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="entityType">The type of entities to return (required).</param>
 /// <param name="limit">
 /// A limit on the number of entities to return. If null, defaults to
 /// <see cref="DefaultLimit"/>
 /// .
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="windowStart">
 /// The earliest start timestamp to retrieve (exclusive). If null,
 /// defaults to retrieving all entities until the limit is reached.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="windowEnd">
 /// The latest start timestamp to retrieve (inclusive). If null,
 /// defaults to
 /// <see cref="long.MaxValue"/>
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="fromId">
 /// If fromId is not null, retrieve entities earlier than and
 /// including the specified ID. If no start time is found for the
 /// specified ID, an empty list of entities will be returned. The
 /// windowEnd parameter will take precedence if the start time of this
 /// entity falls later than windowEnd.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="fromTs">
 /// If fromTs is not null, ignore entities that were inserted into the
 /// store after the given timestamp. The entity's insert timestamp
 /// used for this comparison is the store's system time when the first
 /// put for the entity was received (not the entity's start time).
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="primaryFilter">
 /// Retrieves only entities that have the specified primary filter. If
 /// null, retrieves all entities. This is an indexed retrieval, and no
 /// entities that do not match the filter are scanned.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="secondaryFilters">
 /// Retrieves only entities that have exact matches for all the
 /// specified filters in their primary filters or other info. This is
 /// not an indexed retrieval, so all entities are scanned but only
 /// those matching the filters are returned.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="fieldsToRetrieve">
 /// Specifies which fields of the entity object to retrieve (see
 /// <see cref="Field"/>
 /// ). If the set of fields contains
 /// <see cref="Field.LastEventOnly"/>
 /// and not
 /// <see cref="Field.Events"/>
 /// , the
 /// most recent event for each entity is retrieved. If null, retrieves
 /// all fields.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>
 /// An
 /// <see cref="Org.Apache.Hadoop.Yarn.Api.Records.Timeline.TimelineEntities"/>
 /// object.
 /// </returns>
 /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
 public abstract TimelineEntities GetEntities(string entityType, long limit, long
                                              windowStart, long windowEnd, string fromId, long fromTs, NameValuePair primaryFilter
                                              , ICollection <NameValuePair> secondaryFilters, EnumSet <TimelineReader.Field> fieldsToRetrieve
                                              , TimelineDataManager.CheckAcl checkAcl);