Exemple #1
        public virtual void TestZeroAlloaction()
            ResourceCalculator resCalc = new DefaultResourceCalculator();

            Org.Apache.Hadoop.Yarn.Api.Records.Resource minAlloc = Org.Apache.Hadoop.Yarn.Api.Records.Resource
                                                                   .NewInstance(1, 1);
            RLESparseResourceAllocation rleSparseVector = new RLESparseResourceAllocation(resCalc
                                                                                          , minAlloc);

            rleSparseVector.AddInterval(new ReservationInterval(0, long.MaxValue), ReservationRequest
                                        .NewInstance(Org.Apache.Hadoop.Yarn.Api.Records.Resource.NewInstance(0, 0), (0))
                                                (0, 0), rleSparseVector.GetCapacityAtTime(new Random().NextLong()));
Exemple #2
        public virtual void TestSteps()
            ResourceCalculator resCalc = new DefaultResourceCalculator();

            Org.Apache.Hadoop.Yarn.Api.Records.Resource minAlloc = Org.Apache.Hadoop.Yarn.Api.Records.Resource
                                                                   .NewInstance(1, 1);
            RLESparseResourceAllocation rleSparseVector = new RLESparseResourceAllocation(resCalc
                                                                                          , minAlloc);

            int[] alloc = new int[] { 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 };
            int   start = 100;
            ICollection <KeyValuePair <ReservationInterval, ReservationRequest> > inputs = GenerateAllocation
                                                                                               (start, alloc, true);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <ReservationInterval, ReservationRequest> ip in inputs)
                rleSparseVector.AddInterval(ip.Key, ip.Value);
                                                (0, 0), rleSparseVector.GetCapacityAtTime(99));
                                                (0, 0), rleSparseVector.GetCapacityAtTime(start + alloc.Length + 1));
            for (int i = 0; i < alloc.Length; i++)
                                                    (1024 * (alloc[i] + i), (alloc[i] + i)), rleSparseVector.GetCapacityAtTime(start
                                                                                                                               + i));
                                                (0, 0), rleSparseVector.GetCapacityAtTime(start + alloc.Length + 2));
            foreach (KeyValuePair <ReservationInterval, ReservationRequest> ip_1 in inputs)
                rleSparseVector.RemoveInterval(ip_1.Key, ip_1.Value);
            for (int i_1 = 0; i_1 < alloc.Length; i_1++)
                                                    (0, 0), rleSparseVector.GetCapacityAtTime(start + i_1));
Exemple #3
        private void IncrementAllocation(ReservationAllocation reservation)
            IDictionary <ReservationInterval, ReservationRequest> allocationRequests = reservation
            // check if we have encountered the user earlier and if not add an entry
            string user = reservation.GetUser();
            RLESparseResourceAllocation resAlloc = userResourceAlloc[user];

            if (resAlloc == null)
                resAlloc = new RLESparseResourceAllocation(resCalc, minAlloc);
                userResourceAlloc[user] = resAlloc;
            foreach (KeyValuePair <ReservationInterval, ReservationRequest> r in allocationRequests)
                resAlloc.AddInterval(r.Key, r.Value);
                rleSparseVector.AddInterval(r.Key, r.Value);
 internal InMemoryReservationAllocation(ReservationId reservationID, ReservationDefinition
                                        contract, string user, string planName, long startTime, long endTime, IDictionary
                                        <ReservationInterval, ReservationRequest> allocationRequests, ResourceCalculator
                                        calculator, Org.Apache.Hadoop.Yarn.Api.Records.Resource minAlloc)
     this.contract           = contract;
     this.startTime          = startTime;
     this.endTime            = endTime;
     this.reservationID      = reservationID;
     this.user               = user;
     this.allocationRequests = allocationRequests;
     this.planName           = planName;
     resourcesOverTime       = new RLESparseResourceAllocation(calculator, minAlloc);
     foreach (KeyValuePair <ReservationInterval, ReservationRequest> r in allocationRequests)
         resourcesOverTime.AddInterval(r.Key, r.Value);
         if (r.Value.GetConcurrency() > 1)
             hasGang = true;
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// This method actually perform the placement of an atomic stage of the
        /// reservation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method actually perform the placement of an atomic stage of the
        /// reservation. The key idea is to traverse the plan backward for a
        /// "lease-duration" worth of time, and compute what is the maximum multiple of
        /// our concurrency (gang) parameter we can fit. We do this and move towards
        /// previous instant in time until the time-window is exhausted or we placed
        /// all the user request.
        /// </remarks>
        private IDictionary <ReservationInterval, ReservationRequest> PlaceSingleStage(Plan
                                                                                       plan, RLESparseResourceAllocation tempAssigned, ReservationRequest rr, long earliestStart
                                                                                       , long curDeadline, ReservationAllocation oldResAllocation, Org.Apache.Hadoop.Yarn.Api.Records.Resource
            IDictionary <ReservationInterval, ReservationRequest> allocationRequests = new Dictionary
                                                                                       <ReservationInterval, ReservationRequest>();

            // compute the gang as a resource and get the duration
            Org.Apache.Hadoop.Yarn.Api.Records.Resource gang = Resources.Multiply(rr.GetCapability
                                                                                      (), rr.GetConcurrency());
            long dur  = rr.GetDuration();
            long step = plan.GetStep();

            // ceil the duration to the next multiple of the plan step
            if (dur % step != 0)
                dur += (step - (dur % step));
            // we know for sure that this division has no remainder (part of contract
            // with user, validate before
            int gangsToPlace = rr.GetNumContainers() / rr.GetConcurrency();
            int maxGang      = 0;

            // loop trying to place until we are done, or we are considering
            // an invalid range of times
            while (gangsToPlace > 0 && curDeadline - dur >= earliestStart)
                // as we run along we remember how many gangs we can fit, and what
                // was the most constraining moment in time (we will restart just
                // after that to place the next batch)
                maxGang = gangsToPlace;
                long minPoint   = curDeadline;
                int  curMaxGang = maxGang;
                // start placing at deadline (excluded due to [,) interval semantics and
                // move backward
                for (long t = curDeadline - plan.GetStep(); t >= curDeadline - dur && maxGang > 0
                     ; t = t - plan.GetStep())
                    // As we run along we will logically remove the previous allocation for
                    // this reservation
                    // if one existed
                    Org.Apache.Hadoop.Yarn.Api.Records.Resource oldResCap = Org.Apache.Hadoop.Yarn.Api.Records.Resource
                                                                            .NewInstance(0, 0);
                    if (oldResAllocation != null)
                        oldResCap = oldResAllocation.GetResourcesAtTime(t);
                    // compute net available resources
                    Org.Apache.Hadoop.Yarn.Api.Records.Resource netAvailableRes = Resources.Clone(totalCapacity
                    Resources.AddTo(netAvailableRes, oldResCap);
                    Resources.SubtractFrom(netAvailableRes, plan.GetTotalCommittedResources(t));
                    Resources.SubtractFrom(netAvailableRes, tempAssigned.GetCapacityAtTime(t));
                    // compute maximum number of gangs we could fit
                    curMaxGang = (int)Math.Floor(Resources.Divide(plan.GetResourceCalculator(), totalCapacity
                                                                  , netAvailableRes, gang));
                    // pick the minimum between available resources in this instant, and how
                    // many gangs we have to place
                    curMaxGang = Math.Min(gangsToPlace, curMaxGang);
                    // compare with previous max, and set it. also remember *where* we found
                    // the minimum (useful for next attempts)
                    if (curMaxGang <= maxGang)
                        maxGang  = curMaxGang;
                        minPoint = t;
                // if we were able to place any gang, record this, and decrement
                // gangsToPlace
                if (maxGang > 0)
                    gangsToPlace -= maxGang;
                    ReservationInterval reservationInt = new ReservationInterval(curDeadline - dur, curDeadline
                    ReservationRequest reservationRes = ReservationRequest.NewInstance(rr.GetCapability
                                                                                           (), rr.GetConcurrency() * maxGang, rr.GetConcurrency(), rr.GetDuration());
                    // remember occupied space (plan is read-only till we find a plausible
                    // allocation for the entire request). This is needed since we might be
                    // placing other ReservationRequest within the same
                    // ReservationDefinition,
                    // and we must avoid double-counting the available resources
                    tempAssigned.AddInterval(reservationInt, reservationRes);
                    allocationRequests[reservationInt] = reservationRes;
                // reset our new starting point (curDeadline) to the most constraining
                // point so far, we will look "left" of that to find more places where
                // to schedule gangs (for sure nothing on the "right" of this point can
                // fit a full gang.
                curDeadline = minPoint;
            // if no gangs are left to place we succeed and return the allocation
            if (gangsToPlace == 0)
                // If we are here is becasue we did not manage to satisfy this request.
                // So we need to remove unwanted side-effect from tempAssigned (needed
                // for ANY).
                foreach (KeyValuePair <ReservationInterval, ReservationRequest> tempAllocation in
                    tempAssigned.RemoveInterval(tempAllocation.Key, tempAllocation.Value);
                // and return null to signal failure in this allocation