Exemple #1
 //taskId should be managed as String rather than TaskID object
 //so that log4j can configure it from the configuration(log4j.properties).
 // System properties passed in from JVM runner
 public override void ActivateOptions()
     lock (this)
         if (maxEvents > 0)
             tail = new List <LoggingEvent>();
         SetFile(TaskLog.GetTaskLogFile(((TaskAttemptID)TaskAttemptID.ForName(taskId)), isCleanup
                                        , TaskLog.LogName.Syslog).ToString());
        /// <summary>
        /// A test that mimics a failed task to ensure that it does
        /// not get into the COMMIT_PENDING state, by using a fake
        /// UmbilicalProtocol's implementation that fails if the commit.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// A test that mimics a failed task to ensure that it does
        /// not get into the COMMIT_PENDING state, by using a fake
        /// UmbilicalProtocol's implementation that fails if the commit.
        /// protocol is played.
        /// The test mocks the various steps in a failed task's
        /// life-cycle using a special OutputCommitter and UmbilicalProtocol
        /// implementation.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        public virtual void TestTaskCleanupDoesNotCommit()
            // Mimic a job with a special committer that does not cleanup
            // files when a task fails.
            JobConf job = new JobConf();

            Path outDir = new Path(rootDir, "output");

            FileOutputFormat.SetOutputPath(job, outDir);
            // Mimic job setup
            string          dummyAttemptID = "attempt_200707121733_0001_m_000000_0";
            TaskAttemptID   attemptID      = ((TaskAttemptID)TaskAttemptID.ForName(dummyAttemptID));
            OutputCommitter committer      = new TestTaskCommit.CommitterWithoutCleanup();
            JobContext      jContext       = new JobContextImpl(job, ((JobID)attemptID.GetJobID()));

            // Mimic a map task
            dummyAttemptID = "attempt_200707121733_0001_m_000001_0";
            attemptID      = ((TaskAttemptID)TaskAttemptID.ForName(dummyAttemptID));
            Task task = new MapTask(null, attemptID, 0, null, 1);

            task.Initialize(job, ((JobID)attemptID.GetJobID()), Reporter.Null, false);
            // Mimic the map task writing some output.
            string     file    = "test.txt";
            FileSystem localFs = FileSystem.GetLocal(job);
            TextOutputFormat <Text, Text> theOutputFormat = new TextOutputFormat <Text, Text>();
            RecordWriter <Text, Text>     theRecordWriter = theOutputFormat.GetRecordWriter(localFs
                                                                                            , job, file, Reporter.Null);

            theRecordWriter.Write(new Text("key"), new Text("value"));
            // Mimic a task failure; setting up the task for cleanup simulates
            // the abort protocol to be played.
            // Without checks in the framework, this will fail
            // as the committer will cause a COMMIT to happen for
            // the cleanup task.
            TestTaskCommit.MyUmbilical umbilical = new TestTaskCommit.MyUmbilical(this);
            task.Run(job, umbilical);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue("Task did not succeed", umbilical.taskDone);
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates map phase progress after each record is processed by map task
        /// using custom task reporter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        public virtual void TestMapProgress()
            JobConf job = new JobConf();

            fs = FileSystem.GetLocal(job);
            Path rootDir = new Path(TestRootDir);

            TaskAttemptID taskId = ((TaskAttemptID)TaskAttemptID.ForName("attempt_200907082313_0424_m_000000_0"

            job.SetClass("mapreduce.job.outputformat.class", typeof(NullOutputFormat), typeof(
            job.Set(FileInputFormat.InputDir, TestRootDir);
            jobId = ((JobID)taskId.GetJobID());
            JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(job, jobId);
            InputFormat <object, object> input = ReflectionUtils.NewInstance(jContext.GetInputFormatClass
                                                                                 (), job);
            IList <InputSplit> splits = input.GetSplits(jContext);

            JobSplitWriter.CreateSplitFiles(new Path(TestRootDir), job, new Path(TestRootDir)
                                            .GetFileSystem(job), splits);
            JobSplit.TaskSplitMetaInfo[] splitMetaInfo = SplitMetaInfoReader.ReadSplitMetaInfo
                                                             (jobId, fs, job, new Path(TestRootDir));
            // use new api
            for (int i = 0; i < splitMetaInfo.Length; i++)
                // rawSplits.length is 1
                map = new TestMapProgress.TestMapTask(this, job.Get(JTConfig.JtSystemDir, "/tmp/hadoop/mapred/system"
                                                                    ) + jobId + "job.xml", taskId, i, splitMetaInfo[i].GetSplitIndex(), 1);
                JobConf localConf = new JobConf(job);
                map.Run(localConf, fakeUmbilical);
            // clean up
            fs.Delete(rootDir, true);
 public virtual void SetTaskId(string taskId)
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper function to create the task's temporary output directory and
        /// return the path to the task's output file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="conf">job-configuration</param>
        /// <param name="name">temporary task-output filename</param>
        /// <returns>path to the task's temporary output file</returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        public static Path GetTaskOutputPath(JobConf conf, string name)
            // ${mapred.out.dir}
            Path outputPath = GetOutputPath(conf);

            if (outputPath == null)
                throw new IOException("Undefined job output-path");
            OutputCommitter    committer = conf.GetOutputCommitter();
            Path               workPath  = outputPath;
            TaskAttemptContext context   = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, ((TaskAttemptID)TaskAttemptID

            if (committer is FileOutputCommitter)
                workPath = ((FileOutputCommitter)committer).GetWorkPath(context, outputPath);
            // ${mapred.out.dir}/_temporary/_${taskid}/${name}
            return(new Path(workPath, name));
Exemple #6
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Sharpen.Thread.SetDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(new YarnUncaughtExceptionHandler
            Log.Debug("Child starting");
            JobConf job = new JobConf(MRJobConfig.JobConfFile);

            // Initing with our JobConf allows us to avoid loading confs twice
            string        host        = args[0];
            int           port        = System.Convert.ToInt32(args[1]);
            IPEndPoint    address     = NetUtils.CreateSocketAddrForHost(host, port);
            TaskAttemptID firstTaskid = ((TaskAttemptID)TaskAttemptID.ForName(args[2]));
            long          jvmIdLong   = long.Parse(args[3]);
            JVMId         jvmId       = new JVMId(((JobID)firstTaskid.GetJobID()), firstTaskid.GetTaskType(
                                                      ) == TaskType.Map, jvmIdLong);

            // initialize metrics
                                                                     ()) + "Task");
            // Security framework already loaded the tokens into current ugi
            Credentials credentials = UserGroupInformation.GetCurrentUser().GetCredentials();

            Log.Info("Executing with tokens:");
            foreach (Org.Apache.Hadoop.Security.Token.Token <object> token in credentials.GetAllTokens
            // Create TaskUmbilicalProtocol as actual task owner.
            UserGroupInformation taskOwner = UserGroupInformation.CreateRemoteUser(((JobID)firstTaskid

            Org.Apache.Hadoop.Security.Token.Token <JobTokenIdentifier> jt = TokenCache.GetJobToken
            SecurityUtil.SetTokenService(jt, address);
            TaskUmbilicalProtocol umbilical = taskOwner.DoAs(new _PrivilegedExceptionAction_108
                                                                 (address, job));
            // report non-pid to application master
            JvmContext context = new JvmContext(jvmId, "-1000");

            Log.Debug("PID: " + Sharpen.Runtime.GetEnv()["JVM_PID"]);
            Task task = null;
            UserGroupInformation     childUGI  = null;
            ScheduledExecutorService logSyncer = null;

                int     idleLoopCount = 0;
                JvmTask myTask        = null;
                // poll for new task
                for (int idle = 0; null == myTask; ++idle)
                    long sleepTimeMilliSecs = Math.Min(idle * 500, 1500);
                    Log.Info("Sleeping for " + sleepTimeMilliSecs + "ms before retrying again. Got null now."
                    myTask = umbilical.GetTask(context);
                if (myTask.ShouldDie())
                task             = myTask.GetTask();
                YarnChild.taskid = task.GetTaskID();
                // Create the job-conf and set credentials
                ConfigureTask(job, task, credentials, jt);
                // Initiate Java VM metrics
                JvmMetrics.InitSingleton(jvmId.ToString(), job.GetSessionId());
                childUGI = UserGroupInformation.CreateRemoteUser(Runtime.Getenv(ApplicationConstants.Environment
                // Add tokens to new user so that it may execute its task correctly.
                // set job classloader if configured before invoking the task
                logSyncer = TaskLog.CreateLogSyncer();
                // Create a final reference to the task for the doAs block
                Task taskFinal = task;
                childUGI.DoAs(new _PrivilegedExceptionAction_158(taskFinal, job, umbilical));
            catch (FSError e)
                // use job-specified working directory
                // run the task
                Log.Fatal("FSError from child", e);
                if (!ShutdownHookManager.Get().IsShutdownInProgress())
                    umbilical.FsError(taskid, e.Message);
            catch (Exception exception)
                Log.Warn("Exception running child : " + StringUtils.StringifyException(exception)
                    if (task != null)
                        // do cleanup for the task
                        if (childUGI == null)
                            // no need to job into doAs block
                            Task taskFinal = task;
                            childUGI.DoAs(new _PrivilegedExceptionAction_183(taskFinal, umbilical));
                catch (Exception e)
                    Log.Info("Exception cleaning up: " + StringUtils.StringifyException(e));
                // Report back any failures, for diagnostic purposes
                if (taskid != null)
                    if (!ShutdownHookManager.Get().IsShutdownInProgress())
                        umbilical.FatalError(taskid, StringUtils.StringifyException(exception));
            catch (Exception throwable)
                Log.Fatal("Error running child : " + StringUtils.StringifyException(throwable));
                if (taskid != null)
                    if (!ShutdownHookManager.Get().IsShutdownInProgress())
                        Exception tCause = throwable.InnerException;
                        string    cause  = tCause == null ? throwable.Message : StringUtils.StringifyException
                        umbilical.FatalError(taskid, cause);