Exemple #1
        public virtual void TestBlockListMoveToHead()
            Log.Info("BlockInfo moveToHead tests...");
            int MaxBlocks = 10;
            DatanodeStorageInfo         dd            = DFSTestUtil.CreateDatanodeStorageInfo("s1", "");
            AList <Block>               blockList     = new AList <Block>(MaxBlocks);
            AList <BlockInfoContiguous> blockInfoList = new AList <BlockInfoContiguous>();
            int headIndex;
            int curIndex;

            Log.Info("Building block list...");
            for (int i = 0; i < MaxBlocks; i++)
                blockList.AddItem(new Block(i, 0, GenerationStamp.LastReservedStamp));
                blockInfoList.AddItem(new BlockInfoContiguous(blockList[i], (short)3));
                // index of the datanode should be 0
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Find datanode should be 0", 0, blockInfoList[i].
            // list length should be equal to the number of blocks we inserted
            Log.Info("Checking list length...");
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Length should be MAX_BLOCK", MaxBlocks, dd.NumBlocks
            IEnumerator <BlockInfoContiguous> it = dd.GetBlockIterator();
            int len = 0;

            while (it.HasNext())
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("There should be MAX_BLOCK blockInfo's", MaxBlocks
                                            , len);
            headIndex = dd.GetBlockListHeadForTesting().FindStorageInfo(dd);
            Log.Info("Moving each block to the head of the list...");
            for (int i_1 = 0; i_1 < MaxBlocks; i_1++)
                curIndex  = blockInfoList[i_1].FindStorageInfo(dd);
                headIndex = dd.MoveBlockToHead(blockInfoList[i_1], curIndex, headIndex);
                // the moved element must be at the head of the list
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Block should be at the head of the list now.", blockInfoList
                                                [i_1], dd.GetBlockListHeadForTesting());
            // move head of the list to the head - this should not change the list
            Log.Info("Moving head to the head...");
            BlockInfoContiguous temp = dd.GetBlockListHeadForTesting();

            curIndex  = 0;
            headIndex = 0;
            dd.MoveBlockToHead(temp, curIndex, headIndex);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Moving head to the head of the list shopuld not change the list"
                                            , temp, dd.GetBlockListHeadForTesting());
            // check all elements of the list against the original blockInfoList
            Log.Info("Checking elements of the list...");
            temp = dd.GetBlockListHeadForTesting();
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsNotNull("Head should not be null", temp);
            int c = MaxBlocks - 1;

            while (temp != null)
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Expected element is not on the list", blockInfoList
                                                [c--], temp);
                temp = temp.GetNext(0);
            Log.Info("Moving random blocks to the head of the list...");
            headIndex = dd.GetBlockListHeadForTesting().FindStorageInfo(dd);
            Random rand = new Random();

            for (int i_2 = 0; i_2 < MaxBlocks; i_2++)
                int j = rand.Next(MaxBlocks);
                curIndex  = blockInfoList[j].FindStorageInfo(dd);
                headIndex = dd.MoveBlockToHead(blockInfoList[j], curIndex, headIndex);
                // the moved element must be at the head of the list
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Block should be at the head of the list now.", blockInfoList
                                                [j], dd.GetBlockListHeadForTesting());