/// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        public virtual void TestQuorums()
            IDictionary <string, SettableFuture <string> > futures = ImmutableMap.Of("f1", SettableFuture
                                                                                     .Create <string>(), "f2", SettableFuture.Create <string>(), "f3", SettableFuture.Create
            QuorumCall <string, string> q = QuorumCall.Create(futures);

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(0, q.CountResponses());
            futures["f1"].Set("first future");
            q.WaitFor(1, 0, 0, 100000, "test");
            // wait for 1 response
            q.WaitFor(0, 1, 0, 100000, "test");
            // wait for 1 success
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(1, q.CountResponses());
            futures["f2"].SetException(new Exception("error"));
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(2, q.CountResponses());
            futures["f3"].Set("second future");
            q.WaitFor(3, 0, 100, 100000, "test");
            // wait for 3 responses
            q.WaitFor(0, 2, 100, 100000, "test");
            // 2 successes
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(3, q.CountResponses());
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("f1=first future,f3=second future", Joiner.On(","
                                                                                          ).WithKeyValueSeparator("=").Join(new SortedDictionary <string, string>(q.GetResults
                q.WaitFor(0, 4, 100, 10, "test");
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.Fail("Didn't time out waiting for more responses than came back"
            catch (TimeoutException)
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>Wait for a quorum of loggers to respond to the given call.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Wait for a quorum of loggers to respond to the given call. If a quorum
        /// can't be achieved, throws a QuorumException.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="q">the quorum call</param>
        /// <param name="timeoutMs">the number of millis to wait</param>
        /// <param name="operationName">textual description of the operation, for logging</param>
        /// <returns>a map of successful results</returns>
        /// <exception cref="QuorumException">if a quorum doesn't respond with success</exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">if the thread is interrupted or times out
        ///     </exception>
        internal virtual IDictionary <AsyncLogger, V> WaitForWriteQuorum <V>(QuorumCall <AsyncLogger
                                                                                         , V> q, int timeoutMs, string operationName)
            int majority = GetMajoritySize();

                q.WaitFor(loggers.Count, majority, majority, timeoutMs, operationName);
            catch (Exception)
                // either all respond
                // or we get a majority successes
                // or we get a majority failures,
                throw new IOException("Interrupted waiting " + timeoutMs + "ms for a " + "quorum of nodes to respond."
            catch (TimeoutException)
                throw new IOException("Timed out waiting " + timeoutMs + "ms for a " + "quorum of nodes to respond."
            if (q.CountSuccesses() < majority)
                q.RethrowException("Got too many exceptions to achieve quorum size " + GetMajorityString
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        public override void FinalizeLogSegment(long firstTxId, long lastTxId)
            QuorumCall <AsyncLogger, Void> q = loggers.FinalizeLogSegment(firstTxId, lastTxId);

            loggers.WaitForWriteQuorum(q, finalizeSegmentTimeoutMs, string.Format("finalizeLogSegment(%s-%s)"
                                                                                  , firstTxId, lastTxId));
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        public virtual bool HasSomeData()
            QuorumCall <AsyncLogger, bool> call = loggers.IsFormatted();

                call.WaitFor(loggers.Size(), 0, 0, HasdataTimeoutMs, "hasSomeData");
            catch (Exception)
                throw new IOException("Interrupted while determining if JNs have data");
            catch (TimeoutException)
                throw new IOException("Timed out waiting for response from loggers");
            if (call.CountExceptions() > 0)
                call.RethrowException("Unable to check if JNs are ready for formatting");
            // If any of the loggers returned with a non-empty manifest, then
            // we should prompt for format.
            foreach (bool hasData in call.GetResults().Values)
                if (hasData)
            // Otherwise, none were formatted, we can safely format.
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        public virtual void SelectInputStreams(ICollection <EditLogInputStream> streams, long
                                               fromTxnId, bool inProgressOk)
            QuorumCall <AsyncLogger, RemoteEditLogManifest> q = loggers.GetEditLogManifest(fromTxnId
                                                                                           , inProgressOk);
            IDictionary <AsyncLogger, RemoteEditLogManifest> resps = loggers.WaitForWriteQuorum
                                                                         (q, selectInputStreamsTimeoutMs, "selectInputStreams");

            Log.Debug("selectInputStream manifests:\n" + Joiner.On("\n").WithKeyValueSeparator
                          (": ").Join(resps));
            PriorityQueue <EditLogInputStream> allStreams = new PriorityQueue <EditLogInputStream
                                                                               >(64, JournalSet.EditLogInputStreamComparator);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <AsyncLogger, RemoteEditLogManifest> e in resps)
                AsyncLogger           logger   = e.Key;
                RemoteEditLogManifest manifest = e.Value;
                foreach (RemoteEditLog remoteLog in manifest.GetLogs())
                    Uri url = logger.BuildURLToFetchLogs(remoteLog.GetStartTxId());
                    EditLogInputStream elis = EditLogFileInputStream.FromUrl(connectionFactory, url,
                                                                             remoteLog.GetStartTxId(), remoteLog.GetEndTxId(), remoteLog.IsInProgress());
            JournalSet.ChainAndMakeRedundantStreams(streams, allStreams, fromTxnId);
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        public override void RecoverUnfinalizedSegments()
            Preconditions.CheckState(!isActiveWriter, "already active writer");
            Log.Info("Starting recovery process for unclosed journal segments...");
            IDictionary <AsyncLogger, QJournalProtocolProtos.NewEpochResponseProto> resps = CreateNewUniqueEpoch

            Log.Info("Successfully started new epoch " + loggers.GetEpoch());
            if (Log.IsDebugEnabled())
                Log.Debug("newEpoch(" + loggers.GetEpoch() + ") responses:\n" + QuorumCall.MapToString
            long mostRecentSegmentTxId = long.MinValue;

            foreach (QJournalProtocolProtos.NewEpochResponseProto r in resps.Values)
                if (r.HasLastSegmentTxId())
                    mostRecentSegmentTxId = Math.Max(mostRecentSegmentTxId, r.GetLastSegmentTxId());
            // On a completely fresh system, none of the journals have any
            // segments, so there's nothing to recover.
            if (mostRecentSegmentTxId != long.MinValue)
            isActiveWriter = true;
Exemple #7
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        protected internal override void FlushAndSync(bool durable)
            int numReadyBytes = buf.CountReadyBytes();

            if (numReadyBytes > 0)
                int  numReadyTxns   = buf.CountReadyTxns();
                long firstTxToFlush = buf.GetFirstReadyTxId();
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(numReadyTxns > 0);
                // Copy from our double-buffer into a new byte array. This is for
                // two reasons:
                // 1) The IPC code has no way of specifying to send only a slice of
                //    a larger array.
                // 2) because the calls to the underlying nodes are asynchronous, we
                //    need a defensive copy to avoid accidentally mutating the buffer
                //    before it is sent.
                DataOutputBuffer bufToSend = new DataOutputBuffer(numReadyBytes);
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(bufToSend.GetLength() == numReadyBytes);
                byte[] data = bufToSend.GetData();
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(data.Length == bufToSend.GetLength());
                QuorumCall <AsyncLogger, Void> qcall = loggers.SendEdits(segmentTxId, firstTxToFlush
                                                                         , numReadyTxns, data);
                loggers.WaitForWriteQuorum(qcall, writeTimeoutMs, "sendEdits");
                // Since we successfully wrote this batch, let the loggers know. Any future
                // RPCs will thus let the loggers know of the most recent transaction, even
                // if a logger has fallen behind.
                loggers.SetCommittedTxId(firstTxToFlush + numReadyTxns - 1);
Exemple #8
        public virtual QuorumCall <AsyncLogger, bool> IsFormatted()
            IDictionary <AsyncLogger, ListenableFuture <bool> > calls = Maps.NewHashMap();

            foreach (AsyncLogger logger in loggers)
                calls[logger] = logger.IsFormatted();
Exemple #9
        public virtual QuorumCall <AsyncLogger, Void> DiscardSegments(long startTxId)
            IDictionary <AsyncLogger, ListenableFuture <Void> > calls = Maps.NewHashMap();

            foreach (AsyncLogger logger in loggers)
                ListenableFuture <Void> future = logger.DiscardSegments(startTxId);
                calls[logger] = future;
Exemple #10
        internal virtual QuorumCall <AsyncLogger, Void> Format(NamespaceInfo nsInfo)
            IDictionary <AsyncLogger, ListenableFuture <Void> > calls = Maps.NewHashMap();

            foreach (AsyncLogger logger in loggers)
                ListenableFuture <Void> future = logger.Format(nsInfo);
                calls[logger] = future;
Exemple #11
        public virtual QuorumCall <AsyncLogger, Void> FinalizeLogSegment(long firstTxId, long
            IDictionary <AsyncLogger, ListenableFuture <Void> > calls = Maps.NewHashMap();

            foreach (AsyncLogger logger in loggers)
                calls[logger] = logger.FinalizeLogSegment(firstTxId, lastTxId);
Exemple #12
        public virtual QuorumCall <AsyncLogger, Void> StartLogSegment(long txid, int layoutVersion
            IDictionary <AsyncLogger, ListenableFuture <Void> > calls = Maps.NewHashMap();

            foreach (AsyncLogger logger in loggers)
                calls[logger] = logger.StartLogSegment(txid, layoutVersion);
Exemple #13
                                   > NewEpoch(NamespaceInfo nsInfo, long epoch)
            IDictionary <AsyncLogger, ListenableFuture <QJournalProtocolProtos.NewEpochResponseProto
                                                        > > calls = Maps.NewHashMap();

            foreach (AsyncLogger logger in loggers)
                calls[logger] = logger.NewEpoch(epoch);
Exemple #14
                                   > GetJournalState()
            IDictionary <AsyncLogger, ListenableFuture <QJournalProtocolProtos.GetJournalStateResponseProto
                                                        > > calls = Maps.NewHashMap();

            foreach (AsyncLogger logger in loggers)
                calls[logger] = logger.GetJournalState();
Exemple #15
        public virtual QuorumCall <AsyncLogger, long> GetJournalCTime()
            IDictionary <AsyncLogger, ListenableFuture <long> > calls = Maps.NewHashMap();

            foreach (AsyncLogger logger in loggers)
                ListenableFuture <long> future = logger.GetJournalCTime();
                calls[logger] = future;
Exemple #16
        public virtual QuorumCall <AsyncLogger, Void> DoRollback()
            IDictionary <AsyncLogger, ListenableFuture <Void> > calls = Maps.NewHashMap();

            foreach (AsyncLogger logger in loggers)
                ListenableFuture <Void> future = logger.DoRollback();
                calls[logger] = future;
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        public override EditLogOutputStream StartLogSegment(long txId, int layoutVersion)
            Preconditions.CheckState(isActiveWriter, "must recover segments before starting a new one"
            QuorumCall <AsyncLogger, Void> q = loggers.StartLogSegment(txId, layoutVersion);

            loggers.WaitForWriteQuorum(q, startSegmentTimeoutMs, "startLogSegment(" + txId +
            return(new QuorumOutputStream(loggers, txId, outputBufferCapacity, writeTxnsTimeoutMs
Exemple #18
        internal virtual QuorumCall <AsyncLogger, Void> AcceptRecovery(QJournalProtocolProtos.SegmentStateProto
                                                                       log, Uri fromURL)
            IDictionary <AsyncLogger, ListenableFuture <Void> > calls = Maps.NewHashMap();

            foreach (AsyncLogger logger in loggers)
                ListenableFuture <Void> future = logger.AcceptRecovery(log, fromURL);
                calls[logger] = future;
Exemple #19
        public virtual QuorumCall <AsyncLogger, Void> SendEdits(long segmentTxId, long firstTxnId
                                                                , int numTxns, byte[] data)
            IDictionary <AsyncLogger, ListenableFuture <Void> > calls = Maps.NewHashMap();

            foreach (AsyncLogger logger in loggers)
                ListenableFuture <Void> future = logger.SendEdits(segmentTxId, firstTxnId, numTxns
                                                                  , data);
                calls[logger] = future;
Exemple #20
                                     > PrepareRecovery(long segmentTxId)
            IDictionary <AsyncLogger, ListenableFuture <QJournalProtocolProtos.PrepareRecoveryResponseProto
                                                        > > calls = Maps.NewHashMap();

            foreach (AsyncLogger logger in loggers)
                ListenableFuture <QJournalProtocolProtos.PrepareRecoveryResponseProto> future = logger
                calls[logger] = future;
Exemple #21
        public virtual QuorumCall <AsyncLogger, bool> CanRollBack(StorageInfo storage, StorageInfo
                                                                  prevStorage, int targetLayoutVersion)
            IDictionary <AsyncLogger, ListenableFuture <bool> > calls = Maps.NewHashMap();

            foreach (AsyncLogger logger in loggers)
                ListenableFuture <bool> future = logger.CanRollBack(storage, prevStorage, targetLayoutVersion
                calls[logger] = future;
Exemple #22
        public virtual QuorumCall <AsyncLogger, RemoteEditLogManifest> GetEditLogManifest(
            long fromTxnId, bool inProgressOk)
            IDictionary <AsyncLogger, ListenableFuture <RemoteEditLogManifest> > calls = Maps.NewHashMap

            foreach (AsyncLogger logger in loggers)
                ListenableFuture <RemoteEditLogManifest> future = logger.GetEditLogManifest(fromTxnId
                                                                                            , inProgressOk);
                calls[logger] = future;
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        public override bool CanRollBack(StorageInfo storage, StorageInfo prevStorage, int
            QuorumCall <AsyncLogger, bool> call = loggers.CanRollBack(storage, prevStorage, targetLayoutVersion

                call.WaitFor(loggers.Size(), loggers.Size(), 0, CanRollBackTimeoutMs, "lockSharedStorage"
                if (call.CountExceptions() > 0)
                    call.RethrowException("Could not check if roll back possible for" + " one or more JournalNodes"
                // Either they all return the same thing or this call fails, so we can
                // just return the first result.
                catch (Exception ae)
                    throw new IOException("Results differed for canRollBack", ae);
                foreach (bool result in call.GetResults().Values)
            catch (Exception)
                throw new IOException("Interrupted waiting for lockSharedStorage() " + "response"
            catch (TimeoutException)
                throw new IOException("Timed out waiting for lockSharedStorage() " + "response");
            throw new Exception("Unreachable code.");
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        public override void DoRollback()
            QuorumCall <AsyncLogger, Void> call = loggers.DoRollback();

                call.WaitFor(loggers.Size(), loggers.Size(), 0, RollBackTimeoutMs, "doRollback");
                if (call.CountExceptions() > 0)
                    call.RethrowException("Could not perform rollback of one or more JournalNodes");
            catch (Exception)
                throw new IOException("Interrupted waiting for doFinalize() response");
            catch (TimeoutException)
                throw new IOException("Timed out waiting for doFinalize() response");
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        public override void DoUpgrade(Storage storage)
            QuorumCall <AsyncLogger, Void> call = loggers.DoUpgrade(storage);

                call.WaitFor(loggers.Size(), loggers.Size(), 0, UpgradeTimeoutMs, "doUpgrade");
                if (call.CountExceptions() > 0)
                    call.RethrowException("Could not perform upgrade of one or more JournalNodes");
            catch (Exception)
                throw new IOException("Interrupted waiting for doUpgrade() response");
            catch (TimeoutException)
                throw new IOException("Timed out waiting for doUpgrade() response");
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        public override void Format(NamespaceInfo nsInfo)
            QuorumCall <AsyncLogger, Void> call = loggers.Format(nsInfo);

                call.WaitFor(loggers.Size(), loggers.Size(), 0, FormatTimeoutMs, "format");
            catch (Exception)
                throw new IOException("Interrupted waiting for format() response");
            catch (TimeoutException)
                throw new IOException("Timed out waiting for format() response");
            if (call.CountExceptions() > 0)
                call.RethrowException("Could not format one or more JournalNodes");
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        public override void DiscardSegments(long startTxId)
            QuorumCall <AsyncLogger, Void> call = loggers.DiscardSegments(startTxId);

                call.WaitFor(loggers.Size(), loggers.Size(), 0, DiscardSegmentsTimeoutMs, "discardSegments"
                if (call.CountExceptions() > 0)
                    call.RethrowException("Could not perform discardSegments of one or more JournalNodes"
            catch (Exception)
                throw new IOException("Interrupted waiting for discardSegments() response");
            catch (TimeoutException)
                throw new IOException("Timed out waiting for discardSegments() response");
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        public override long GetJournalCTime()
            QuorumCall <AsyncLogger, long> call = loggers.GetJournalCTime();

                call.WaitFor(loggers.Size(), loggers.Size(), 0, GetJournalCtimeTimeoutMs, "getJournalCTime"
                if (call.CountExceptions() > 0)
                    call.RethrowException("Could not journal CTime for one " + "more JournalNodes");
                // Either they all return the same thing or this call fails, so we can
                // just return the first result.
                catch (Exception ae)
                    throw new IOException("Results differed for getJournalCTime", ae);
                foreach (long result in call.GetResults().Values)
            catch (Exception)
                throw new IOException("Interrupted waiting for getJournalCTime() " + "response");
            catch (TimeoutException)
                throw new IOException("Timed out waiting for getJournalCTime() " + "response");
            throw new Exception("Unreachable code.");
        /// <summary>Run recovery/synchronization for a specific segment.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Run recovery/synchronization for a specific segment.
        /// Postconditions:
        /// <ul>
        /// <li>This segment will be finalized on a majority
        /// of nodes.</li>
        /// <li>All nodes which contain the finalized segment will
        /// agree on the length.</li>
        /// </ul>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="segmentTxId">the starting txid of the segment</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        private void RecoverUnclosedSegment(long segmentTxId)
            Preconditions.CheckArgument(segmentTxId > 0);
            Log.Info("Beginning recovery of unclosed segment starting at txid " + segmentTxId
            // Step 1. Prepare recovery
            QuorumCall <AsyncLogger, QJournalProtocolProtos.PrepareRecoveryResponseProto> prepare
                = loggers.PrepareRecovery(segmentTxId);
            IDictionary <AsyncLogger, QJournalProtocolProtos.PrepareRecoveryResponseProto> prepareResponses
                = loggers.WaitForWriteQuorum(prepare, prepareRecoveryTimeoutMs, "prepareRecovery("
                                             + segmentTxId + ")");

            Log.Info("Recovery prepare phase complete. Responses:\n" + QuorumCall.MapToString
            // Determine the logger who either:
            // a) Has already accepted a previous proposal that's higher than any
            //    other
            //  OR, if no such logger exists:
            // b) Has the longest log starting at this transaction ID
            // TODO: we should collect any "ties" and pass the URL for all of them
            // when syncing, so we can tolerate failure during recovery better.
            KeyValuePair <AsyncLogger, QJournalProtocolProtos.PrepareRecoveryResponseProto> bestEntry
                = Sharpen.Collections.Max(prepareResponses, SegmentRecoveryComparator.Instance);
            AsyncLogger bestLogger = bestEntry.Key;

            QJournalProtocolProtos.PrepareRecoveryResponseProto bestResponse = bestEntry.Value;
            // Log the above decision, check invariants.
            if (bestResponse.HasAcceptedInEpoch())
                Log.Info("Using already-accepted recovery for segment " + "starting at txid " + segmentTxId
                         + ": " + bestEntry);
                if (bestResponse.HasSegmentState())
                    Log.Info("Using longest log: " + bestEntry);
                    // None of the responses to prepareRecovery() had a segment at the given
                    // txid. This can happen for example in the following situation:
                    // - 3 JNs: JN1, JN2, JN3
                    // - writer starts segment 101 on JN1, then crashes before
                    //   writing to JN2 and JN3
                    // - during newEpoch(), we saw the segment on JN1 and decide to
                    //   recover segment 101
                    // - before prepare(), JN1 crashes, and we only talk to JN2 and JN3,
                    //   neither of which has any entry for this log.
                    // In this case, it is allowed to do nothing for recovery, since the
                    // segment wasn't started on a quorum of nodes.
                    // Sanity check: we should only get here if none of the responses had
                    // a log. This should be a postcondition of the recovery comparator,
                    // but a bug in the comparator might cause us to get here.
                    foreach (QJournalProtocolProtos.PrepareRecoveryResponseProto resp in prepareResponses
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(!resp.HasSegmentState(), "One of the loggers had a response, but no best logger "
                                                        + "was found.");
                    Log.Info("None of the responders had a log to recover: " + QuorumCall.MapToString
            QJournalProtocolProtos.SegmentStateProto logToSync = bestResponse.GetSegmentState
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(segmentTxId == logToSync.GetStartTxId());
            // Sanity check: none of the loggers should be aware of a higher
            // txid than the txid we intend to truncate to
            foreach (KeyValuePair <AsyncLogger, QJournalProtocolProtos.PrepareRecoveryResponseProto
                                   > e in prepareResponses)
                AsyncLogger logger = e.Key;
                QJournalProtocolProtos.PrepareRecoveryResponseProto resp = e.Value;
                if (resp.HasLastCommittedTxId() && resp.GetLastCommittedTxId() > logToSync.GetEndTxId
                    throw new Exception("Decided to synchronize log to " + logToSync + " but logger "
                                        + logger + " had seen txid " + resp.GetLastCommittedTxId() + " committed");
            Uri syncFromUrl = bestLogger.BuildURLToFetchLogs(segmentTxId);
            QuorumCall <AsyncLogger, Void> accept = loggers.AcceptRecovery(logToSync, syncFromUrl

            loggers.WaitForWriteQuorum(accept, acceptRecoveryTimeoutMs, "acceptRecovery(" + TextFormat
                                       .ShortDebugString(logToSync) + ")");
            // If one of the loggers above missed the synchronization step above, but
            // we send a finalize() here, that's OK. It validates the log before
            // finalizing. Hence, even if it is not "in sync", it won't incorrectly
            // finalize.
            QuorumCall <AsyncLogger, Void> finalize = loggers.FinalizeLogSegment(logToSync.GetStartTxId
                                                                                     (), logToSync.GetEndTxId());

            loggers.WaitForWriteQuorum(finalize, finalizeSegmentTimeoutMs, string.Format("finalizeLogSegment(%s-%s)"
                                                                                         , logToSync.GetStartTxId(), logToSync.GetEndTxId()));