public void OrderItem() { string productName; int amount; Console.WriteLine("Enter product name:"); productName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter amount:"); amount = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); string result = manageInventoryDAO.OrderItem(productName, amount, client); if (result == "Order created successfully") { Console.WriteLine(result); HistoryDAO.Create("Order Item", result); } else if (result == "Not enough in stock") { Console.WriteLine(result); HistoryDAO.Create("Order Item", "Failed " + result); } else if (result == "Item does not exist in stock") { Console.WriteLine(result); HistoryDAO.Create("Order Item", "Failed " + result); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { bool check = true; while (check) { Console.WriteLine("Welcome to SmartCo Database Managing App (SDMA) "); Console.WriteLine("Choose a Function: \n" + "1. Login Client \n" + "2. Create New Client \n" + "3. Login Supplier \n" + "4. Create New Supplier \n" + "5. Actions History"); int choice; try { choice = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } catch (System.FormatException) { Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid choice (1-5) "); continue; } switch (choice) { case 1: clientLogic.loginPrompt(); break; case 2: clientLogic.CreateUser(); break; case 3: supplierLogic.loginPrompt(); break; case 4: supplierLogic.CreateSupplier(); break; case 5: HistoryDAO.ViewAll(); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid choice (1-5) "); break; } } }
public void clientMenu() { bool check = true; while (check) { Console.WriteLine($"Hello {client.Name} what would you like to do?"); Console.WriteLine("Choose a Function: \n" + "1. View all of my orders \n" + "2. View all Products \n" + "3. Order a product \n" + "4. Logout"); int choice; try { choice = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } catch (System.FormatException) { Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid choice (1-4) \n"); continue; } switch (choice) { case 1: manageInventoryDAO.ShoppingHistory(client); HistoryDAO.Create("Client requested order history", ""); break; case 2: manageInventoryDAO.ShoppingCatalog(); HistoryDAO.Create("Client requested Shopping Catalog", ""); break; case 3: OrderItem(); break; case 4: check = false; HistoryDAO.Create("Client logged out", ""); client = null; break; default: Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid choice (1-4) "); break; } } }
public void CreateUser() { bool retry = true; while (retry) { string username; string password; string firstName; string lastName; string cardNumber; Console.WriteLine("Enter username:"******"Enter password:"******"Enter first name:"); firstName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter last name:"); lastName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter card number:"); cardNumber = Console.ReadLine(); string result = clientDAO.Create(username, password, firstName, lastName, cardNumber); if (result == "Username already exists") { HistoryDAO.Create("Create Client", "Failed " + result); Console.WriteLine(result); Console.WriteLine("Try again? (y/n)"); string tmp = Console.ReadLine(); if (tmp != "y") { retry = false; } } else if (result == "Client created successfully") { HistoryDAO.Create("Create Client", result); Console.WriteLine(result); retry = false; } } }
public void supplierMenu() { bool check = true; while (check) { Console.WriteLine($"Hello {supplier.CompanyName} what would you like to do?"); Console.WriteLine("Choose a Function: \n" + "1. Manage my products\n" + "2. View all of my Products in the store \n" + "3. Logout"); int choice; try { choice = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } catch (System.FormatException) { Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid choice (1-2) "); break; } switch (choice) { case 1: AddItemToShop(); break; case 2: manageInventoryDAO.SuppliersProducts(supplier); HistoryDAO.Create("Supplier requested to view his products", ""); break; case 3: supplier = null; check = false; HistoryDAO.Create("Supplier logged out", ""); break; } } }
public void loginPrompt() { bool retry = true; while (retry) { string username; string password; Console.WriteLine("Enter username:"******"Enter password:"******"Login Client", "Failed " + "Wrong username or password"); Console.WriteLine("Wrong username or password"); Console.WriteLine("Try again? (y/n)"); string tmp = Console.ReadLine(); if (tmp != "y") { retry = false; } } else { HistoryDAO.Create("Login Client", "login successful"); Console.WriteLine("login successful"); client = c; clientMenu(); retry = false; } } }
public void CreateSupplier() { bool retry = true; while (retry) { string username; string password; string companyName; Console.WriteLine("Enter username:"******"Enter password:"******"Enter company name:"); companyName = Console.ReadLine(); string result = supplierDAO.Create(username, password, companyName); if (result == "Username already exists") { HistoryDAO.Create("Create Supplier", "Failed " + result); Console.WriteLine(result); Console.WriteLine("Try again? (y/n)"); string tmp = Console.ReadLine(); if (tmp != "y") { retry = false; } } else if (result == "Supplier created successfully") { HistoryDAO.Create("Create Supplier", result); Console.WriteLine(result); retry = false; } } }
public void AddItemToShop() { bool check = true; while (check) { Console.WriteLine("Choose an option (1-2):\n" + "1. Add a product to store inventory\n" + "2. Add amount to an existing product"); int choice; try { choice = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } catch (System.FormatException) { Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid choice (1-2) "); continue; } if (choice > 2) { Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid choice (1-2) "); } string productName; Console.WriteLine("Enter Product Name:"); productName = Console.ReadLine(); Product p = manageInventoryDAO.FindProduct(productName); if (choice == 1) { if (p == null) { float price; int amount; Console.WriteLine("Enter Price:"); price = float.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Enter Amount:"); amount = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); manageInventoryDAO.CreateNewProduct(productName, supplier.Id, amount, price); string result = "Product added to the shop"; Console.WriteLine(result); HistoryDAO.Create("Add new item to the shop", result); check = false; } else { string result = "Item already exists"; HistoryDAO.Create("Add new item to the shop", "Failed, " + result); Console.WriteLine(result + "\n Returning back to menu..."); } } else if (choice == 2) { if (p.SupplierId == supplier.Id) { int amount; Console.WriteLine("Enter Amount:"); amount = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); manageInventoryDAO.AddAmountToStock(productName, amount); string result = "Product amount increased"; HistoryDAO.Create("Add amount to product", result); check = false; } else { string result = "Item already exists from another supplier"; HistoryDAO.Create("Add amount to product", "Failed, " + result); Console.WriteLine(result + "\n Returning back to menu..."); } } } }