Exemple #1
        // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        public Orbit(Tle tle)
            m_NoradModel = null;
            m_tle = tle;

            int epochYear = (int)m_tle.getField(Tle.eField.FLD_EPOCHYEAR);
            double epochDay = m_tle.getField(Tle.eField.FLD_EPOCHDAY);

            if (epochYear < 57)
                epochYear += 2000;
                epochYear += 1900;

            m_jdEpoch = new Julian(epochYear, epochDay);

            m_secPeriod = -1.0;

            // Recover the original mean motion and semimajor axis from the
            // input elements.
            double mm = mnMotion();
            double rpmin = mm * 2 * Globals.PI / Globals.MIN_PER_DAY;   // rads per minute

            double a1 = Math.Pow(Globals.XKE / rpmin, Globals.TWOTHRD);
            double e = Eccentricity();
            double i = Inclination();
            double temp = (1.5 * Globals.CK2 * (3.0 * Globals.Sqr(Math.Cos(i)) - 1.0) /
                            Math.Pow(1.0 - e * e, 1.5));
            double delta1 = temp / (a1 * a1);
            double a0 = a1 *
                           (1.0 - delta1 *
                           ((1.0 / 3.0) + delta1 *
                           (1.0 + 134.0 / 81.0 * delta1)));

            double delta0 = temp / (a0 * a0);

            m_mnMotionRec = rpmin / (1.0 + delta0);
            m_aeAxisSemiMinorRec = a0 / (1.0 - delta0);
            m_aeAxisSemiMajorRec = m_aeAxisSemiMinorRec / Math.Sqrt(1.0 - (e * e));
            m_kmPerigeeRec = Globals.XKMPER * (m_aeAxisSemiMinorRec * (1.0 - e) - Globals.AE);

            if (2.0 * Globals.PI / m_mnMotionRec >= 225.0)
                // SDP4 : period >= 225 minutes.
                m_NoradModel = new NoradSDP4(this);
                // SGP4 : period < 225 minutes
                m_NoradModel = new NoradSGP4(this);