/// <summary> /// Clones a visual block /// </summary> /// <param name="block">block to be cloned</param> /// <param name="pageNumber">current page number</param> /// <returns>cloned block</returns> /// <exception cref="InvalidProgramException">Error cloning XAML block</exception> private ContainerVisual CloneVisualBlock(Block block, int pageNumber) { FlowDocument tmpDoc = new FlowDocument(); tmpDoc.ColumnWidth = double.PositiveInfinity; tmpDoc.PageHeight = _report.PageHeight; tmpDoc.PageWidth = _report.PageWidth; tmpDoc.PagePadding = new Thickness(0); string xaml = XamlWriter.Save(block); Block newBlock = XamlReader.Parse(xaml) as Block; if (newBlock == null) { throw new InvalidProgramException("Error cloning XAML block"); } tmpDoc.Blocks.Add(newBlock); DocumentWalker walkerBlock = new DocumentWalker(); ArrayList blockValues = new ArrayList(); blockValues.AddRange(walkerBlock.Walk <IInlineContextValue>(tmpDoc)); // fill context values FillContextValues(blockValues, pageNumber); DocumentPage dp = ((IDocumentPaginatorSource)tmpDoc).DocumentPaginator.GetPage(0); return((ContainerVisual)dp.Visual); }
/// <summary> /// Build cache /// </summary> private void BuildCache() { DocumentWalker walker = new DocumentWalker(); walker.VisualVisited += WalkerVisualVisited; walker.Walk(_flowDocument); }
private void WalkerVisualVisited(object sender, object visitedObject, bool start) { if (!(visitedObject is Image)) { return; } DocumentWalker walker = sender as DocumentWalker; if (walker == null) { return; } List <Image> list = walker.Tag as List <Image>; if (list == null) { return; } list.Add((Image)visitedObject); }
/// <summary> /// Fills document with data /// </summary> /// <exception cref="InvalidDataException">ReportTableRow must have a TableRowGroup as parent</exception> protected virtual void FillData() { ArrayList blockDocumentValues = _dynamicCache.GetFlowDocumentVisualListByInterface(typeof(IInlineDocumentValue)); // walker.Walk<IInlineDocumentValue>(_flowDocument); ArrayList blockTableRows = _dynamicCache.GetFlowDocumentVisualListByInterface(typeof(ITableRowForDataTable)); // walker.Walk<TableRowForDataTable>(_flowDocument); ArrayList blockAggregateValues = _dynamicCache.GetFlowDocumentVisualListByType(typeof(InlineAggregateValue)); // walker.Walk<InlineAggregateValue>(_flowDocument); ArrayList charts = _dynamicCache.GetFlowDocumentVisualListByInterface(typeof(IChart)); // walker.Walk<IChart>(_flowDocument); ArrayList dynamicHeaderTableRows = _dynamicCache.GetFlowDocumentVisualListByInterface(typeof(ITableRowForDynamicHeader)); ArrayList dynamicDataTableRows = _dynamicCache.GetFlowDocumentVisualListByInterface(typeof(ITableRowForDynamicDataTable)); ArrayList documentConditions = _dynamicCache.GetFlowDocumentVisualListByInterface(typeof(IDocumentCondition)); List <Block> blocks = new List <Block>(); if (_blockPageHeader != null) { blocks.Add(_blockPageHeader); } if (_blockPageFooter != null) { blocks.Add(_blockPageFooter); } DocumentWalker walker = new DocumentWalker(); blockDocumentValues.AddRange(walker.TraverseBlockCollection <IInlineDocumentValue>(blocks)); Dictionary <string, List <object> > aggregateValues = new Dictionary <string, List <object> >(); FillCharts(charts); // hide conditional text blocks foreach (IDocumentCondition dc in documentConditions) { if (dc == null) { continue; } dc.PerformRenderUpdate(_data); } // fill report values foreach (IInlineDocumentValue dv in blockDocumentValues) { if (dv == null) { continue; } object obj; if ((dv.PropertyName != null) && (_data.ReportDocumentValues.TryGetValue(dv.PropertyName, out obj))) { dv.Value = obj; RememberAggregateValue(aggregateValues, dv.AggregateGroup, obj); } else { if ((_data.ShowUnknownValues) && (dv.Value == null)) { dv.Value = "[" + ((dv.PropertyName != null) ? dv.PropertyName : "NULL") + "]"; } RememberAggregateValue(aggregateValues, dv.AggregateGroup, null); } } // fill dynamic tables foreach (ITableRowForDynamicDataTable iTableRow in dynamicDataTableRows) { TableRow tableRow = iTableRow as TableRow; if (tableRow == null) { continue; } TableRowGroup tableGroup = tableRow.Parent as TableRowGroup; if (tableGroup == null) { continue; } TableRow currentRow; DataTable table = _data.GetDataTableByName(iTableRow.TableName); for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { currentRow = new TableRow(); DataRow dataRow = table.Rows[i]; for (int j = 0; j < table.Columns.Count; j++) { string value = dataRow[j].ToString(); currentRow.Cells.Add(new TableCell(new Paragraph(new Run(value)))); } tableGroup.Rows.Add(currentRow); } } foreach (ITableRowForDynamicHeader iTableRow in dynamicHeaderTableRows) { TableRow tableRow = iTableRow as TableRow; if (tableRow == null) { continue; } DataTable table = _data.GetDataTableByName(iTableRow.TableName); foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) { string value = row[0].ToString(); TableCell tableCell = new TableCell(new Paragraph(new Run(value))); tableRow.Cells.Add(tableCell); } } // group table row groups Dictionary <TableRowGroup, List <TableRow> > groupedRows = new Dictionary <TableRowGroup, List <TableRow> >(); Dictionary <TableRowGroup, string> tableNames = new Dictionary <TableRowGroup, string>(); foreach (TableRow tableRow in blockTableRows) { TableRowGroup rowGroup = tableRow.Parent as TableRowGroup; if (rowGroup == null) { continue; } ITableRowForDataTable iTableRow = tableRow as ITableRowForDataTable; if ((iTableRow != null) && (iTableRow.TableName != null)) { string tableName; if (tableNames.TryGetValue(rowGroup, out tableName)) { if (tableName != iTableRow.TableName.Trim().ToLowerInvariant()) { throw new ReportingException("TableRowGroup cannot be mapped to different DataTables in TableRowForDataTable"); } } else { tableNames[rowGroup] = iTableRow.TableName.Trim().ToLowerInvariant(); } } List <TableRow> rows; if (!groupedRows.TryGetValue(rowGroup, out rows)) { rows = new List <TableRow>(); groupedRows[rowGroup] = rows; } rows.Add(tableRow); } // fill tables foreach (KeyValuePair <TableRowGroup, List <TableRow> > groupedRow in groupedRows) { TableRowGroup rowGroup = groupedRow.Key; ITableRowForDataTable iTableRow = groupedRow.Value[0] as ITableRowForDataTable; if (iTableRow == null) { continue; } DataTable table = _data.GetDataTableByName(iTableRow.TableName); if (table == null) { if (_data.ShowUnknownValues) { // show unknown values foreach (TableRow tableRow in groupedRow.Value) { foreach (TableCell cell in tableRow.Cells) { DocumentWalker localWalker = new DocumentWalker(); List <ITableCellValue> tableCells = localWalker.TraverseBlockCollection <ITableCellValue>(cell.Blocks); foreach (ITableCellValue cv in tableCells) { IPropertyValue dv = cv as IPropertyValue; if (dv == null) { continue; } dv.Value = "[" + dv.PropertyName + "]"; RememberAggregateValue(aggregateValues, cv.AggregateGroup, null); } } } } else { continue; } } else { List <TableRow> listNewRows = new List <TableRow>(); TableRow newTableRow; // clone XAML rows List <string> clonedRows = new List <string>(); foreach (TableRow row in rowGroup.Rows) { TableRowForDataTable reportTableRow = row as TableRowForDataTable; if (reportTableRow == null) { clonedRows.Add(null); } clonedRows.Add(XamlWriter.Save(reportTableRow)); } for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { DataRow dataRow = table.Rows[i]; for (int j = 0; j < rowGroup.Rows.Count; j++) { TableRow row = rowGroup.Rows[j]; TableRowForDataTable reportTableRow = row as TableRowForDataTable; if (reportTableRow == null) { // clone regular row listNewRows.Add(XamlHelper.CloneTableRow(row)); } else { // clone ReportTableRows newTableRow = (TableRow)XamlHelper.LoadXamlFromString(clonedRows[j]); foreach (TableCell cell in newTableRow.Cells) { DocumentWalker localWalker = new DocumentWalker(); List <ITableCellValue> newCells = localWalker.TraverseBlockCollection <ITableCellValue>(cell.Blocks); foreach (ITableCellValue cv in newCells) { IPropertyValue dv = cv as IPropertyValue; if (dv == null) { continue; } try { object obj = dataRow[dv.PropertyName]; if (obj == DBNull.Value) { obj = null; } dv.Value = obj; RememberAggregateValue(aggregateValues, cv.AggregateGroup, obj); } catch { if (_data.ShowUnknownValues) { dv.Value = "[" + dv.PropertyName + "]"; } else { dv.Value = ""; } RememberAggregateValue(aggregateValues, cv.AggregateGroup, null); } } } listNewRows.Add(newTableRow); // fire event _report.FireEventDataRowBoundEventArgs(new DataRowBoundEventArgs(_report, dataRow) { TableName = dataRow.Table.TableName, TableRow = newTableRow }); } } } rowGroup.Rows.Clear(); foreach (TableRow row in listNewRows) { rowGroup.Rows.Add(row); } } } // fill aggregate values foreach (InlineAggregateValue av in blockAggregateValues) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(av.AggregateGroup)) { continue; } string[] aggregateGroups = av.AggregateGroup.Split(new char[] { ',', ';', ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (var group in aggregateGroups) { if (!aggregateValues.ContainsKey(group)) { av.Text = av.EmptyValue; break; } } av.Text = av.ComputeAndFormat(aggregateValues); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a flow document of the report data /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">XAML data does not represent a FlowDocument</exception> /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Flow document must have a specified page height</exception> /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Flow document must have a specified page width</exception> /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">"Flow document must have only one ReportProperties section, but it has {0}"</exception> internal FlowDocument CreateFlowDocument() { MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream(); byte[] buf = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(_xamlData); mem.Write(buf, 0, buf.Length); mem.Position = 0; FlowDocument res = XamlReader.Load(mem) as FlowDocument; if (res == null) { throw new ArgumentException("XAML data does not represent a FlowDocument"); } if (res.PageHeight == double.NaN) { throw new ArgumentException("Flow document must have a specified page height"); } if (res.PageWidth == double.NaN) { throw new ArgumentException("Flow document must have a specified page width"); } // remember original values _pageHeight = res.PageHeight; _pageWidth = res.PageWidth; // search report properties DocumentWalker walker = new DocumentWalker(); List <SectionReportHeader> headers = walker.Walk <SectionReportHeader>(res); List <SectionReportFooter> footers = walker.Walk <SectionReportFooter>(res); List <ReportProperties> properties = walker.Walk <ReportProperties>(res); if (properties.Count > 0) { if (properties.Count > 1) { throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Flow document must have only one ReportProperties section, but it has {0}", properties.Count)); } ReportProperties prop = properties[0]; if (prop.ReportName != null) { ReportName = prop.ReportName; } if (prop.ReportTitle != null) { ReportTitle = prop.ReportTitle; } // remove properties section from FlowDocument DependencyObject parent = prop.Parent; if (parent is FlowDocument) { ((FlowDocument)parent).Blocks.Remove(prop); parent = null; } if (parent is Section) { ((Section)parent).Blocks.Remove(prop); } } if (headers.Count > 0) { PageHeaderHeight = headers[0].PageHeaderHeight; } if (footers.Count > 0) { PageFooterHeight = footers[0].PageFooterHeight; } // make height smaller to have enough space for page header and page footer res.PageHeight = _pageHeight - _pageHeight * (PageHeaderHeight + PageFooterHeight) / 100d; // search image objects List <Image> images = new List <Image>(); walker.Tag = images; walker.VisualVisited += WalkerVisualVisited; walker.Walk(res); // load all images foreach (Image image in images) { if (ImageProcessing != null) { ImageProcessing(this, new ImageEventArgs(this, image)); } try { if (image.Tag is string) { image.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("file:///" + Path.Combine(_xamlImagePath, image.Tag.ToString()))); } } catch (Exception ex) { // fire event on exception and check for Handled = true after each invoke if (ImageError != null) { bool handled = false; lock (ImageError) { ImageErrorEventArgs eventArgs = new ImageErrorEventArgs(ex, this, image); foreach (var ed in ImageError.GetInvocationList()) { ed.DynamicInvoke(this, eventArgs); if (eventArgs.Handled) { handled = true; break; } } } if (!handled) { throw; } } else { throw; } } if (ImageProcessed != null) { ImageProcessed(this, new ImageEventArgs(this, image)); } // TODO: find a better way to specify file names } return(res); }