public static AssociatedDocsDto CreateAssociatedDocsDto(AssociatedDoc assDoc) { var assocDocsData = new AssociatedDocsDto(); assocDocsData.BrokerSn = assDoc.BrokerShortName; assocDocsData.CdtyGroupCode = assDoc.CdtyGroupCode; assocDocsData.CptySn = assDoc.CptyShortName; assocDocsData.FileName = assDoc.FileName; assocDocsData.Id = assDoc.Id; assocDocsData.InboundDocsId = assDoc.InboundDocsId; assocDocsData.IndexVal = Convert.ToInt16(assDoc.IndexVal); assocDocsData.TradeRqmtId = assDoc.TradeRqmtId; assocDocsData.TradeId = assDoc.TradeId; assocDocsData.DocTypeCode = assDoc.DocTypeCode; assocDocsData.SecValidateReqFlag = assDoc.SecondValidateReqFlag; return assocDocsData; }
private void CopyDataToBeUpdated() { sumDataCacheCopy.Clear(); rqmtDataCacheCopy.Clear(); assDocDataCacheCopy.Clear(); inbDocViewCacheCopy.Clear(); tradeRqmtConfirmCacheCopy.Clear(); foreach (SummaryData data in sumDataCache) { SummaryData copyData = new SummaryData(); copyData = data; sumDataCacheCopy.Add(copyData); } foreach (RqmtData data in rqmtDataCache) { RqmtData copyData = new RqmtData(); copyData = data; rqmtDataCacheCopy.Add(copyData); } foreach (AssociatedDoc data in assDocDataCache) { AssociatedDoc copyData = new AssociatedDoc(); copyData = data; assDocDataCacheCopy.Add(copyData); } foreach (InboundDocsView data in inbDocViewCache) { InboundDocsView copyData = new InboundDocsView(); copyData = data; inbDocViewCacheCopy.Add(copyData); } foreach (TradeRqmtConfirm data in tradeRqmtConfirmCache) { TradeRqmtConfirm copyData = new TradeRqmtConfirm(); copyData = data; tradeRqmtConfirmCacheCopy.Add(copyData); } }
internal static void ApplyAssoicatedDocChangeToView(AssociatedDoc assDoc) { DataTable table = InboundPnl.AssociatedDocsTable; DataRow drFind = table.Rows.Find(assDoc.Id); if (drFind == null) { DataRow dr = table.NewRow(); dr = CollectionHelper.CreateDataRowFromObject<AssociatedDoc>(assDoc, dr); table.Rows.Add(dr); } else { CollectionHelper.UpdateDataRowFromObject<AssociatedDoc>(assDoc,ref drFind); } }
private void SelectAssociatedDoc(AssociatedDoc doc) { var col = gridViewMatchedDocuments.Columns["Id"]; var rowHandle = gridViewMatchedDocuments.LocateByValue(0, col, doc.Id); if (rowHandle != GridControl.InvalidRowHandle) { gridViewMatchedDocuments.SelectRow(rowHandle); } }
private void UpdateViewWithTransmitInformation(AssociatedDoc doc, DocumentTransmitter transmitter) { if (transmitter.UserCanceled) { return; } doc.XmitValue = transmitter.TransmitDestination.Value; doc.XmitStatusCode = "Queued"; ApplyAssoicatedDocChangeToView(doc); }
public void TransmitDocument(AssociatedDoc assDoc) { try { var doc = assDoc ?? GetActiveAssDoc(); if (doc == null) { XtraMessageBox.Show("Error CNF-506 in " + FORM_NAME + ".TransmitDocument: Unable to generate Active Associated Document."); return; } var sumData = GetTradeSummaryDataRec(doc.TradeId); var transmitter = new DocumentTransmitter(mImagesDal, vaulter, xmitRequestDal, TransmitDestination); transmitter.SendToGateway(doc, sumData); UpdateViewWithTransmitInformation(doc, transmitter); } catch (Exception ex) { LogAndDisplayException("An error occurred while transmitting the document." + Environment.NewLine + "Error CNF-463 in " + FORM_NAME + ".TransmitDocument().", ex); } }
private void DisplayImageForAssociatedDoc(AssociatedDoc assDoc) { if (assDoc == null) { ImagesEventManager.Instance.Raise(new ImagesSelectedEventArgs(null, false)); return; } var imageDto = mImagesDal.GetByDocId(assDoc.Id, ImagesDtoType.Associated); if (imageDto == null) { Logger.WarnFormat("Attempt to display non-existant image for associated doc with id = {0}", assDoc.Id); } ImagesEventManager.Instance.Raise(new ImagesSelectedEventArgs(imageDto, (imageDto != null))); }
private void ValidateAssociation(AssociatedDoc assDoc, bool isBeingUnAssociated) { if (!isBeingUnAssociated) { var currentSelected = ImagesEventManager.Instance.CurrentSelected; if (currentSelected == null) { throw new Exception("No document is currently selected." + Environment.NewLine + "Error CNF-450 in " + FORM_NAME + ".ValidateAssociation()."); } if (currentSelected.Type != ImagesDtoType.Associated && currentSelected.DocsId != assDoc.Id) { throw new Exception("Display document does not match current document selected. Please reload selected document." + Environment.NewLine + "Error CNF-451 in " + FORM_NAME + ".ValidateAssociation()."); } } if (gridViewMatchedDocuments.GetSelectedRows().Length > 1) { throw new Exception("Cannot perform this operation on multiple documents." + Environment.NewLine + "Error CNF-452 in " + FORM_NAME + ".ValidateAssociation()."); } if ((!gridViewMatchedDocuments.IsValidRowHandle(gridViewMatchedDocuments.FocusedRowHandle)) || assDoc == null) { throw new Exception("No Associated Document is currently selected." + Environment.NewLine + "Error CNF-453 in " + FORM_NAME + ".ValidateAssociation()."); } if (assDoc.DocStatusCode.Equals(AssociatedDoc.ASSOCIATED)) // this is an Auto-Match user Confirmation { if (!isBeingUnAssociated) { if (assDoc.TradeId != ActiveTradeRqmt.TradeId) // we can't use rqmt id here, because its auto rqmt id is know right now, so just verify the trade id is correct. { var result = XtraMessageBox.Show( "Currently selected trade does not match the auto matched trade ID. Do you wish to break the current match and re-assign the current document?", "Re-Assign Document", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2); if (result == DialogResult.No) { throw new Exception("Auto Matched Trade Id: " + assDoc.TradeId + " Does not match currently selected Trade Id: " + ActiveTradeRqmt.TradeId + Environment.NewLine + "Error CNF-454 in " + FORM_NAME + ".ValidateAssociation()."); } assDoc.TradeId = ActiveTradeRqmt.TradeId; } if (ActiveTradeRqmt.FinalApprovalFlag.Equals("Y")) { throw new Exception("Please re-open Trade Id: " + assDoc.TradeId + ". No changes are allowed to a Final Approved Trade / Document." + Environment.NewLine + "Error CNF-455 in " + FORM_NAME + ".ValidateAssociation()."); } } } if (assDoc.TradeRqmtId != 0) { if ((assDoc.TradeRqmtId != ActiveTradeRqmt.Id) || (ActiveTradeRqmt == null)) { throw new Exception("Currently selected trade rqmt ID " + ActiveTradeRqmt.Id + " does not match with Inbound Document: " + assDoc.TradeRqmtId + Environment.NewLine + "Error CNF-456 in " + FORM_NAME + ".ValidateAssociation()."); } var sumData = GetTradeSummaryDataRec(assDoc.TradeId); if (sumData.FinalApprovalFlag.Equals("Y")) { throw new Exception("Please re-open Trade Id: " + assDoc.TradeId + ". No changes are allowed to a Final Approved Trade / Document." + Environment.NewLine + "Error CNF-457 in " + FORM_NAME + ".ValidateAssociation()."); } } }
private static void ApplyAssoicatedDocRemoveToView(AssociatedDoc assDoc) { DataTable table = InboundPnl.AssociatedDocsTable; DataRow drFind = table.Rows.Find(assDoc.Id); if (drFind != null) { drFind.Delete(); } }
public void TransmitDocument(SummaryData sumData, AssociatedDoc assDoc) { string pageList = null; string fileName = null; try { if (assDoc == null) { throw new NotSupportedException("Error CNF-523: Unable to transmit without an associated document data."); } if (sumData == null) { throw new NotSupportedException("Error CNF-524: Unable to transmit a document without trade summary data."); } var transmitter = new DocumentTransmitter(imagesDal, vaulter, xmitRequestDal); transmitter.SendToGateway(assDoc, sumData); } catch (Exception ex) { LogAndDisplayException("An error occurred while transmitting the document." + Environment.NewLine + "Error CNF-525 in " + FORM_NAME + ".TransmitDocument(): ", ex); } }
private void SetDocIndexValue(ref AssociatedDoc assDoc) { AssociatedDocsDal assocDocsDal = new AssociatedDocsDal(sqlConnectionString); int inboundDocsId = Convert.ToInt32(assDoc.InboundDocsId); int indexVal = assocDocsDal.GetCurrentIndexValue(inboundDocsId); if (indexVal >= 0) { assDoc.IndexVal = indexVal + 1; } else { throw new Exception("An error occurred while setting the document index value." + Environment.NewLine + "Error CNF-513 in " + FORM_NAME + ".SetDocIndexValue()."); } }
private AssociatedDoc CreateAssociatedDoc(InboundDocsView inbDocView, RqmtData activeTradeRqmt, SummaryData activeSummaryData) { var assDoc = new AssociatedDoc(); assDoc.AssociatedBy = p_UserId; assDoc.InboundDocsId = inbDocView.Id; assDoc.MultipleAssociatedDocs = false; assDoc.SecondValidateReqFlag = activeTradeRqmt.SecondCheckFlag ?? "N"; assDoc.TradeId = activeTradeRqmt.TradeId; assDoc.TradeRqmtId = activeTradeRqmt.Id; assDoc.TradeId = activeTradeRqmt.TradeId; //Israel 12/02/2015 -- Changed rqmt code to readable display //assDoc.DocTypeCode = activeTradeRqmt.Rqmt; assDoc.DocTypeCode = activeTradeRqmt.DisplayText; // Trade Summary Data.. assDoc.CptyShortName = activeSummaryData.CptySn; assDoc.BrokerShortName = activeSummaryData.BrokerSn; assDoc.CdtyGroupCode = activeSummaryData.CdtyGrpCode; assDoc.SetDocStatus(); SetDocIndexValue(ref assDoc); assDoc.FileName = inbDocView.FileName; return assDoc; }