protected override void OnSmoothSuccess(ref PlanningResult result)
            if (!(result.pathBlocked || result.dynamicallyInfeasible) && !reverseGear) {
                // check the path, see if the first segment goes 180 off
                if (result.smoothedPath != null && result.smoothedPath.Count >= 2 && Math.Abs(result.smoothedPath.GetSegment(0).UnitVector.ArcTan) > 90*Math.PI/180) {
                    result = OnDynamicallyInfeasible(null, null, true);
                    Console.WriteLine("turn is 180 deg off, returning infeasible");

            base.OnSmoothSuccess(ref result);
        private void ArcVoteZone(Coordinates goalPoint, List<Obstacle> perimeterObstacles)
            List<Polygon> perimeterPolys = new List<Polygon>();
            foreach (Obstacle obs in perimeterObstacles) {

            PlanningResult result;
            ISteeringCommandGenerator steeringCommand = ZoneArcVoting.SparcVote(ref prevCurvature, goalPoint, perimeterPolys);
            if (steeringCommand == null) {
                result = OnDynamicallyInfeasible(null, null);
            else {
                result = new PlanningResult();
                result.commandLabel = command_label;
                result.steeringCommandGenerator = steeringCommand;
            settings.maxSpeed = recommendedSpeed.Speed;
            Track(result, command_label);
        public override void Process(object param)
            // inform the base that we're beginning processing
            if (!BeginProcess()) {

            // check if we were given a parameter
            if (param != null && param is StayInLaneBehavior) {

            if (reverseGear) {

            // figure out the planning distance
            double planningDistance = GetPlanningDistance();

            if (sparse && planningDistance > 10) {
                planningDistance = 10;

            double? boundStartDistMin = null;
            double? boundEndDistMax = null;
            if (laneID != null && Services.RoadNetwork != null) {
                ArbiterLane lane = Services.RoadNetwork.ArbiterSegments[laneID.SegmentId].Lanes[laneID];
                AbsolutePose pose = Services.StateProvider.GetAbsolutePose();
                ArbiterLanePartition partition = lane.GetClosestPartition(pose.xy);
                LinePath partitionPath = partition.UserPartitionPath;
                LinePath.PointOnPath closestPoint = partitionPath.GetClosestPoint(pose.xy);
                double remainingDist = planningDistance;
                double totalDist = partitionPath.DistanceBetween(closestPoint, partitionPath.EndPoint);
                remainingDist -= totalDist;

                if (sparse) {
                    // walk ahead and determine where sparsity ends
                    bool nonSparseFound = false;

                    while (remainingDist > 0) {
                        // get the next partition
                        partition = partition.Final.NextPartition;
                        if (partition == null)

                        if (partition.Type != PartitionType.Sparse) {
                            nonSparseFound = true;
                        else {
                            double dist = partition.UserPartitionPath.PathLength;
                            totalDist += dist;
                            remainingDist -= dist;

                    if (nonSparseFound) {
                        boundStartDistMin = totalDist;
                else {
                    // determine if there is a sparse segment upcoming
                    bool sparseFound = false;
                    while (remainingDist > 0) {
                        partition = partition.Final.NextPartition;

                        if (partition == null) {

                        if (partition.Type == PartitionType.Sparse) {
                            sparseFound = true;
                        else {
                            double dist = partition.Length;
                            totalDist += dist;
                            remainingDist -= dist;

                    if (sparseFound) {
                        boundEndDistMax = totalDist;
                        sparse = true;

            BehaviorManager.TraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 0, "in stay in lane, planning distance {0}", planningDistance);

            // update the rndf path
            RelativeTransform relTransfrom = Services.RelativePose.GetTransform(behaviorTimestamp, curTimestamp);
            LinePath curRndfPath = rndfPath.Transform(relTransfrom);
            ILaneModel centerLaneModel = Services.RoadModelProvider.GetLaneModel(curRndfPath, rndfPathWidth + extraWidth, curTimestamp, numLanesLeft, numLanesRight);

            double avoidanceExtra = sparse ? 5 : 7.5;

            LinePath centerLine, leftBound, rightBound;
            if (boundEndDistMax != null || boundStartDistMin != null) {
                LinearizeStayInLane(centerLaneModel, planningDistance+avoidanceExtra, null, boundEndDistMax, boundStartDistMin, null, curTimestamp, out centerLine, out leftBound, out rightBound);
            else {
                LinearizeStayInLane(centerLaneModel, planningDistance+avoidanceExtra, curTimestamp, out centerLine, out leftBound, out rightBound);
            BehaviorManager.TraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Verbose, 0, "in stay in lane, center line count: {0}, left bound count: {1}, right bound count: {2}", centerLine.Count, leftBound.Count, rightBound.Count);

            // calculate time to collision of opposing obstacle if it exists
            LinePath targetLine = centerLine;
            double targetWeight = default_lane_alpha_w;
            if (sparse) {
                targetWeight = 0.00000025;
            else if (oncomingVehicleExists) {
                double shiftDist = -(TahoeParams.T + 1);
                targetLine = centerLine.ShiftLateral(shiftDist);
                targetWeight = 0.01;
            else if (opposingLaneVehicleExists) {
                double timeToCollision = opposingLaneVehicleDist/(Math.Abs(vs.speed)+Math.Abs(opposingLaneVehicleSpeed));
                Services.Dataset.ItemAs<double>("time to collision").Add(timeToCollision, curTimestamp);
                if (timeToCollision < 5) {
                    // shift to the right
                    double shiftDist = -TahoeParams.T/2.0;
                    targetLine = centerLine.ShiftLateral(shiftDist);

            // set up the planning
            AddTargetPath(targetLine, targetWeight);
            if (!sparse || boundStartDistMin != null || boundEndDistMax != null) {
                AddLeftBound(leftBound, true);
                if (!oncomingVehicleExists) {
                    AddRightBound(rightBound, false);

            double targetDist = Math.Max(centerLine.PathLength-avoidanceExtra, planningDistance);
            smootherBasePath = centerLine.SubPath(centerLine.StartPoint, targetDist);
            maxSmootherBasePathAdvancePoint = smootherBasePath.EndPoint;

            double extraDist = (planningDistance+avoidanceExtra)-centerLine.PathLength;
            extraDist = Math.Min(extraDist, 5);

            if (extraDist > 0) {
                centerLine.Add(centerLine[centerLine.Count-1] + centerLine.EndSegment.Vector.Normalize(extraDist));
            avoidanceBasePath = centerLine;

            Services.UIService.PushLineList(centerLine, curTimestamp, "subpath", true);
            Services.UIService.PushLineList(leftBound, curTimestamp, "left bound", true);
            Services.UIService.PushLineList(rightBound, curTimestamp, "right bound", true);

            // get the overall max speed looking forward from our current point
            settings.maxSpeed = GetMaxSpeed(curRndfPath, curRndfPath.AdvancePoint(curRndfPath.ZeroPoint, vs.speed*TahoeParams.actuation_delay));
            // get the max speed at the end point
            settings.maxEndingSpeed = GetMaxSpeed(curRndfPath, curRndfPath.AdvancePoint(curRndfPath.ZeroPoint, planningDistance));
            useAvoidancePath = false;
            if (sparse) {
                // limit to 5 mph
                laneWidthAtPathEnd = 20;
                pathAngleCheckMax = 50;
                pathAngleMax = 5 * Math.PI / 180.0;
                settings.maxSpeed = Math.Min(settings.maxSpeed, 2.2352);
                maxAvoidanceBasePathAdvancePoint = avoidanceBasePath.AdvancePoint(avoidanceBasePath.EndPoint, -2);
                //maxSmootherBasePathAdvancePoint = smootherBasePath.AdvancePoint(smootherBasePath.EndPoint, -2);

                LinePath leftEdge = RoadEdge.GetLeftEdgeLine();
                LinePath rightEdge = RoadEdge.GetRightEdgeLine();
                if (leftEdge != null) {
                    leftLaneBounds.Add(new Boundary(leftEdge, 0.1, 1, 100, false));
                if (rightEdge != null) {
                    rightLaneBounds.Add(new Boundary(rightEdge, 0.1, 1, 100, false));

                PlanningResult result = new PlanningResult();
                ISteeringCommandGenerator commandGenerator = SparseArcVoting.SparcVote(ref prevCurvature, goalPoint);
                if (commandGenerator == null) {
                    // we have a block, report dynamically infeasible
                    result = OnDynamicallyInfeasible(null, null);
                else {
                    result.steeringCommandGenerator = commandGenerator;
                    result.commandLabel = commandLabel;
                Track(result, commandLabel);
            else if (oncomingVehicleExists) {
                laneWidthAtPathEnd = 10;

            BehaviorManager.TraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 0, "max speed set to {0}", settings.maxSpeed);

            disablePathAngleCheck = false;

            SmoothAndTrack(commandLabel, true);
        protected override void OnSmoothSuccess(ref PlanningResult result)
            if (sparse) {
                if (Services.ObstaclePipeline.ExtraSpacing < 1) {
                    Services.ObstaclePipeline.ExtraSpacing = Math.Min(1, Services.ObstaclePipeline.ExtraSpacing + 0.02);

                if (smootherSpacingAdjust < 0) {
                    smootherSpacingAdjust = Math.Min(0, smootherSpacingAdjust + 0.01);

            base.OnSmoothSuccess(ref result);
        private PlanningPhase PlanStartingLane(LinePath curStartingLane, LinePath curEndingLane)
            ILaneModel startingLaneModel = Services.RoadModelProvider.GetLaneModel(curStartingLane, startingLaneWidth + extraWidth, curTimestamp, startingLanesLeft, startingLanesRight);

            // figure out where we are along the starting lane path
            LinePath.PointOnPath startingLanePoint = curStartingLane.ZeroPoint;

            // calculate the planning distance
            double planningDistance = GetPlanningDistance();

            if (sparse && planningDistance > 10) {
                planningDistance = 10;

            // get the distance to the end point of the lane from our current point
            double remainingDistance = curStartingLane.DistanceBetween(startingLanePoint, curStartingLane.EndPoint);

            double? boundStartDistMin;
            double? boundEndDistMax;
            DetermineSparseStarting(planningDistance, out boundStartDistMin, out boundEndDistMax);

            double avoidanceExtra = sparse ? 5 : 7.5;

            // linearize the lane model
            LinePath centerLine, leftBound, rightBound;
            if (boundEndDistMax != null || boundStartDistMin != null) {
                if (boundEndDistMax != null) {
                    boundEndDistMax = Math.Min(boundEndDistMax.Value, remainingDistance - starting_lane_trim_dist);
                else {
                    boundEndDistMax = remainingDistance - starting_lane_trim_dist;
                LinearizeStayInLane(startingLaneModel, planningDistance + avoidanceExtra, null, boundEndDistMax, boundStartDistMin, null, curTimestamp, out centerLine, out leftBound, out rightBound);
            else {
                LinearizeStayInLane(startingLaneModel, planningDistance + avoidanceExtra, null, remainingDistance - starting_lane_trim_dist, null, curTimestamp,
                    out centerLine, out leftBound, out rightBound);

            BehaviorManager.TraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Verbose, 0, "in stay in lane, center line count: {0}, left bound count: {1}, right bound count: {2}", centerLine.Count, leftBound.Count, rightBound.Count);

            // add to the planning setup
            avoidanceBasePath = centerLine;
            double targetDist = Math.Max(centerLine.PathLength-avoidanceExtra, planningDistance);
            smootherBasePath = centerLine.SubPath(centerLine.StartPoint, targetDist);

            // calculate time to collision of opposing obstacle if it exists
            LinePath targetLine = centerLine;
            double targetWeight = default_lane_alpha_w;
            if (sparse) {
                targetWeight = 0.00000025;
            else if (oncomingVehicleExists) {
                double shiftDist = -(TahoeParams.T + 1);
                targetLine = centerLine.ShiftLateral(shiftDist);
                targetWeight = 0.01;
            else if (opposingLaneVehicleExists) {
                double timeToCollision = opposingLaneVehicleDist/(Math.Abs(vs.speed)+Math.Abs(opposingLaneVehicleSpeed));
                Services.Dataset.ItemAs<double>("time to collision").Add(timeToCollision, curTimestamp);
                if (timeToCollision < 5) {
                    // shift to the right
                    double laneWidth = startingLaneModel.Width;
                    double shiftDist = -Math.Min(TahoeParams.T/2.0, laneWidth/2.0 - TahoeParams.T/2.0);
                    targetLine = centerLine.ShiftLateral(shiftDist);

            // set up the planning
            AddTargetPath(targetLine, targetWeight);
            if (!sparse || boundStartDistMin != null || boundEndDistMax != null) {
                // add the lane bounds
                AddLeftBound(leftBound, true);
                if (!oncomingVehicleExists) {
                    AddRightBound(rightBound, false);

            Services.UIService.PushLineList(centerLine, curTimestamp, "subpath", true);
            Services.UIService.PushLineList(leftBound, curTimestamp, "left bound", true);
            Services.UIService.PushLineList(rightBound, curTimestamp, "right bound", true);

            // calculate max speed for the path over the next 120 meters
            double advanceDist = speed_path_advance_dist;
            LinePath.PointOnPath startingLaneEndPoint = curStartingLane.AdvancePoint(startingLanePoint, ref advanceDist);
            LinePath combinedPath = curStartingLane.SubPath(startingLanePoint, startingLaneEndPoint);

            Coordinates endingLaneFirstPoint = curEndingLane[0];
            Coordinates startingLaneLastPoint = curStartingLane.EndPoint.Location;
            double intersectionDist = startingLaneLastPoint.DistanceTo(endingLaneFirstPoint);

            // add a portion of the ending lane of the appropriate length
            LinePath.PointOnPath endingLanePoint = curEndingLane.AdvancePoint(curEndingLane.StartPoint, Math.Max(advanceDist - intersectionDist, 5));
            int endIndex = endingLanePoint.Index + 1;
            combinedPath.AddRange(curEndingLane.GetSubpathEnumerator(0, endIndex));

            // add to the planning setup
            settings.maxSpeed = GetMaxSpeed(combinedPath, combinedPath.StartPoint);
            settings.maxEndingSpeed = GetMaxSpeed(combinedPath, combinedPath.AdvancePoint(combinedPath.StartPoint, planningDistance));
            if (sparse) {
                // limit to 5 mph
                laneWidthAtPathEnd = 20;
                pathAngleCheckMax = 50;
                pathAngleMax = 5 * Math.PI / 180.0;
                settings.maxSpeed = Math.Min(settings.maxSpeed, 2.2352);

                LinePath leftEdge = RoadEdge.GetLeftEdgeLine();
                LinePath rightEdge = RoadEdge.GetRightEdgeLine();
                if (leftEdge != null) {
                    leftLaneBounds.Add(new Boundary(leftEdge, 0.1, 1, 100, false));
                if (rightEdge != null) {
                    rightLaneBounds.Add(new Boundary(rightEdge, 0.1, 1, 100, false));

                maxAvoidanceBasePathAdvancePoint = avoidanceBasePath.AdvancePoint(avoidanceBasePath.EndPoint, -2);
                //maxSmootherBasePathAdvancePoint = smootherBasePath.AdvancePoint(smootherBasePath.EndPoint, -2);

                PlanningResult result = new PlanningResult();
                ISteeringCommandGenerator commandGenerator = SparseArcVoting.SparcVote(ref prevCurvature, goalPoint);
                if (commandGenerator == null) {
                    // we have a block, report dynamically infeasible
                    result = OnDynamicallyInfeasible(null, null);
                else {
                    result.steeringCommandGenerator = commandGenerator;
                    result.commandLabel = commandLabel;

                Track(result, commandLabel);

                if (planningDistance > remainingDistance) {
                    return PlanningPhase.BeginEnteringTurn;
                else {
                    return PlanningPhase.StartingLane;
            else if (oncomingVehicleExists) {
                laneWidthAtPathEnd = 10;

            BehaviorManager.TraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 0, "max speed set to {0}", settings.maxSpeed);

            SmoothAndTrack(commandLabel, true);

            if (cancelled) return PlanningPhase.StartingLane;

            // check if we need to transition to the turn phase for the next iteration
            // if the planning distance is greater than the remaining distance, i.e. we want to plan into the intersection, then
            //   we want to partially run the turn behavior next iteration
            if (planningDistance > remainingDistance) {
                return PlanningPhase.BeginEnteringTurn;
            else {
                return PlanningPhase.StartingLane;
        protected PlanningResult Smooth(bool doAvoidance)
            double curSpeed = vs.speed;

            Services.Dataset.ItemAs<double>("extra spacing").Add(Services.ObstaclePipeline.ExtraSpacing, curTimestamp);
            Services.Dataset.ItemAs<double>("smoother spacing adjust").Add(smootherSpacingAdjust, curTimestamp);

            // get the tracking manager to predict stuff like whoa
            AbsolutePose absPose;
            OperationalVehicleState vehicleState;
            double averageCycleTime = Services.BehaviorManager.AverageCycleTime;
            Services.TrackingManager.ForwardPredict(averageCycleTime, out absPose, out vehicleState);
            Services.Dataset.ItemAs<double>("planning cycle time").Add(averageCycleTime, LocalCarTimeProvider.LocalNow);
            settings.initHeading = absPose.heading;

            smootherBasePath = ReplaceFirstPoint(smootherBasePath, maxSmootherBasePathAdvancePoint, absPose.xy);
            if (avoidanceBasePath != null && avoidanceBasePath.Count > 0) {
                avoidanceBasePath = ReplaceFirstPoint(avoidanceBasePath, maxAvoidanceBasePathAdvancePoint, absPose.xy);
            else {
                avoidanceBasePath = smootherBasePath;

            if (smootherBasePath.EndPoint.Location.Length > 80) {
                return OnDynamicallyInfeasible(null, null);

            Services.UIService.PushRelativePath(smootherBasePath, curTimestamp, "subpath2");

            IList<Obstacle> obstacles = null;
            if (doAvoidance && Settings.DoAvoidance) {
                // get the obstacles predicted to the current timestamp
                ObstacleCollection obs = Services.ObstaclePipeline.GetProcessedObstacles(curTimestamp, Services.BehaviorManager.SAUDILevel);
                if (obs != null)
                    obstacles = obs.obstacles;

            if (extraObstacles != null && extraObstacles.Count > 0) {
                if (obstacles == null) {
                    obstacles = extraObstacles;
                else {
                    foreach (Obstacle obs in extraObstacles) {

            // start the planning timer
            Stopwatch planningTimer = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            List<Boundary> leftSmootherBounds  = new List<Boundary>();
            List<Boundary> rightSmootherBounds = new List<Boundary>();



            BlockageInstructions blockageInstructions = new BlockageInstructions();
            blockageInstructions.smootherInstructions = SmootherInstructions.RunNormalSmoothing;

            bool pathBlocked = false;

            // check if there are any obstacles
            if (obstacles != null && obstacles.Count > 0) {
                // label the obstacles as ignored
                if (ignorableObstacles != null) {
                    if (ignorableObstacles.Count == 1 && ignorableObstacles[0] == -1) {
                        for (int i = 0; i < obstacles.Count; i++) {
                            if (obstacles[i].obstacleClass == ObstacleClass.DynamicCarlike || obstacles[i].obstacleClass == ObstacleClass.DynamicStopped) {
                                obstacles[i].ignored = true;
                    else {

                        for (int i = 0; i < obstacles.Count; i++) {
                            if (obstacles[i].trackID != -1 && ignorableObstacles.BinarySearch(obstacles[i].trackID) >= 0) {
                                obstacles[i].ignored = true;

                // we need to do the full obstacle avoidance
                // execute the obstacle manager
                LinePath avoidancePath;
                bool success;
                List<LinePath> shiftedLeftBounds = new List<LinePath>(leftLaneBounds.Count);
                foreach (Boundary bnd in leftLaneBounds) {
                    LinePath lp = (LinePath)bnd.Coords;
                    if (lp.Count >= 2) {

                List<LinePath> shiftedRightBounds = new List<LinePath>(rightLaneBounds.Count);
                foreach (Boundary bnd in rightLaneBounds) {
                    LinePath lp = (LinePath)bnd.Coords;
                    if (lp.Count >= 2) {

                try {
                    Services.ObstacleManager.ProcessObstacles(avoidanceBasePath, shiftedLeftBounds, shiftedRightBounds,
                                                                                                        obstacles, laneWidthAtPathEnd, reverseGear, sparse,
                                                                                                        out avoidancePath, out success);
                catch (OutOfMemoryException ex) {
                    Console.WriteLine("out of memory exception at " + ex.StackTrace);
                    return OnDynamicallyInfeasible(obstacles, null);

                if (!success) {
                    // build out the distance
                    DetermineBlockageDistancesAndDeceleration(obstacles, avoidanceBasePath);

                    // call the on blocked stuff
                    blockageInstructions = OnPathBlocked(obstacles);

                    pathBlocked = blockageInstructions.pathBlocked;

                if (blockageInstructions.smootherInstructions == SmootherInstructions.RunNormalSmoothing || blockageInstructions.smootherInstructions == SmootherInstructions.UseSmootherSpeedCommands) {
                    // build the boundary lists
                    // sort out obstacles as left and right
                    double obstacleAlphaS = 100;
                    int totalObstacleClusters = obstacles.Count;
                    for (int i = 0; i < totalObstacleClusters; i++) {
                        if (obstacles[i].ignored) continue;

                        double minSpacing = Math.Max(obstacles[i].minSpacing + smootherSpacingAdjust, 0);
                        double desSpacing = Math.Max(obstacles[i].desSpacing + smootherSpacingAdjust, 0);

                        if (obstacles[i].avoidanceStatus == AvoidanceStatus.Left) {
                            Boundary bound = new Boundary(obstacles[i].AvoidancePolygon, minSpacing, desSpacing, obstacleAlphaS);
                            bound.CheckFrontBumper = true;
                        else if (obstacles[i].avoidanceStatus == AvoidanceStatus.Right) {
                            Boundary bound = new Boundary(obstacles[i].AvoidancePolygon, minSpacing, desSpacing, obstacleAlphaS);
                            bound.CheckFrontBumper = true;

                // we could possibly replace the smoother base with the avoidance path or we can adjust the smoother base path
                // appropriately
                if (success && useAvoidancePath) {
                    smootherBasePath = avoidancePath;

                Services.UIService.PushLineList(avoidancePath, curTimestamp, "avoidance path", true);

            PlanningResult planningResult = null;

            if (blockageInstructions.smootherInstructions == SmootherInstructions.RunNormalSmoothing || blockageInstructions.smootherInstructions == SmootherInstructions.UseSmootherSpeedCommands
                || (blockageInstructions.smootherInstructions == SmootherInstructions.UsePreviousPath && prevSmoothedPath == null)) {
                // initialize settings that we're making easier for the derived classes
                settings.basePath = smootherBasePath;
                settings.targetPaths = smootherTargetPaths;
                settings.leftBounds = leftSmootherBounds;
                settings.rightBounds = rightSmootherBounds;
                settings.startSpeed = curSpeed;
                settings.timestamp = curTimestamp;

                PathPlanner.SmoothingResult result = planner.PlanPath(settings);

                if (result.result != SmoothResult.Sucess) {
                    planningResult = OnDynamicallyInfeasible(obstacles, result.details);

                    if (blockageInstructions.speedCommand != null) {
                        planningResult.speedCommandGenerator = blockageInstructions.speedCommand;
                else {
                    // build out the command
                    planningResult = new PlanningResult();
                    planningResult.pathBlocked = pathBlocked;
                    planningResult.smoothedPath = result.path;

                    if (blockageInstructions.smootherInstructions == SmootherInstructions.UseSmootherSpeedCommands) {
                        planningResult.speedCommandGenerator = new FeedbackSpeedCommandGenerator(result.path);
                    else if (blockageInstructions.speedCommand != null) {
                        planningResult.speedCommandGenerator = blockageInstructions.speedCommand;

                    if (blockageInstructions.smootherInstructions == SmootherInstructions.UseCommandGenerator) {
                        planningResult.steeringCommandGenerator = blockageInstructions.steeringCommand;
                    else {
                        planningResult.steeringCommandGenerator = new PathSteeringCommandGenerator(result.path);
            else if (blockageInstructions.smootherInstructions == SmootherInstructions.UsePreviousPath){
                // transform the previously smoothed path into the current interval
                RelativeTransform transform = Services.RelativePose.GetTransform(prevSmoothedPathTimestamp, curTimestamp);
                SmoothedPath prevPath = new SmoothedPath(curTimestamp, prevSmoothedPath.Transform(transform), null);

                planningResult = new PlanningResult();
                planningResult.speedCommandGenerator = blockageInstructions.speedCommand;
                planningResult.smoothedPath = prevPath;
                planningResult.pathBlocked = pathBlocked;
                planningResult.steeringCommandGenerator = new PathSteeringCommandGenerator(prevPath);
            else if (blockageInstructions.smootherInstructions == SmootherInstructions.UseCommandGenerator) {
                planningResult = new PlanningResult();
                planningResult.speedCommandGenerator = blockageInstructions.speedCommand;
                planningResult.steeringCommandGenerator = blockageInstructions.steeringCommand;
                planningResult.pathBlocked = pathBlocked;
                planningResult.smoothedPath = null;


            BehaviorManager.TraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Verbose, 0, "planning took {0} ms", planningTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds);

            planningResult.commandLabel = blockageInstructions.commandLabel;

            if (!planningResult.pathBlocked && !planningResult.dynamicallyInfeasible) {
                OnSmoothSuccess(ref planningResult);

            return planningResult;
 protected virtual void OnSmoothSuccess(ref PlanningResult result)
     lastDynInfeasibleTime = null;
     lastBlockageTime = null;
        protected virtual PlanningResult OnDynamicallyInfeasible(IList<Obstacle> obstacles, AvoidanceDetails details, bool sendBlockage)
            double scalarSpeed = -1;
            if (speedCommand is ScalarSpeedCommand) {
                scalarSpeed = ((ScalarSpeedCommand)speedCommand).Speed;

            // see if we can figure out a stop distance based on stuff crossing
            double stopDist = double.NaN;
            try {
                if (details != null) {
                    double totalDist = 0;
                    int numBounds = details.smoothingDetails.leftBounds.Length;
                    for (int i = 0; i < numBounds; i++) {
                        // left is less than right, we can't make it through
                        if (details.smoothingDetails.leftBounds[i].deviation < details.smoothingDetails.rightBounds[i].deviation) {
                            stopDist = totalDist;

                        totalDist += 0.5;
            catch (Exception) {

            if (vs.IsStopped && scalarSpeed != 0 && sendBlockage && !Services.BehaviorManager.TestMode) {
                if (lastDynInfeasibleTime == null) {
                    lastDynInfeasibleTime = HighResDateTime.Now;
                else if (HighResDateTime.Now - lastDynInfeasibleTime.Value > TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)) {
                    // send a completion report with the error
                    bool stopTooClose = stopDist < TahoeParams.VL || double.IsNaN(stopDist);
                    CompletionReport report = new TrajectoryBlockedReport(UrbanChallenge.Behaviors.CompletionReport.CompletionResult.Stopped, stopDist, BlockageType.Unknown, -1, stopTooClose || DetermineReverseRecommended(obstacles), Services.BehaviorManager.CurrentBehaviorType);
            else {
                lastDynInfeasibleTime = null;

            if (Services.BehaviorManager.TestMode) {
                bool stopTooClose = stopDist < TahoeParams.VL || double.IsNaN(stopDist);
                CompletionReport report = new TrajectoryBlockedReport(UrbanChallenge.Behaviors.CompletionReport.CompletionResult.Stopped, stopDist, BlockageType.Unknown, -1, stopTooClose || DetermineReverseRecommended(obstacles), Services.BehaviorManager.CurrentBehaviorType);

            stopDist -= 2;

            if (stopDist < 0.01) {
                stopDist = 0.01;

            double nomDecel = 3;
            if (scalarSpeed == 0) {
                nomDecel = 4;

            // nominal stopping acceleration is 3 m/s^2
            double nomStoppingDist = vs.speed*vs.speed/(2*nomDecel);
            if (double.IsNaN(stopDist) || stopDist > nomStoppingDist) {
                stopDist = nomStoppingDist;

            // figure out the target deceleration
            double targetDecel = vs.speed*vs.speed/(2*stopDist);

            PlanningResult result = new PlanningResult();

            // figure out if arbiter is already stopping shorter
            double commandedStopDist = GetSpeedCommandStopDistance();
            if (!double.IsPositiveInfinity(commandedStopDist) && commandedStopDist < stopDist) {
                // don't need to do anything, we're already stopping appropriately
                result.speedCommandGenerator = null;
            else if (vs.IsStopped) {
                // just hold the brakes with the standard pressure
                result.speedCommandGenerator = new ConstantSpeedCommandGenerator(0, TahoeParams.brake_hold+1);
            else {
                // do a constant deceleration profile
                result.speedCommandGenerator = new FeedbackSpeedCommandGenerator(new ConstantAccelSpeedGenerator(-targetDecel));

            if (prevSmoothedPath != null) {
                RelativeTransform transform = Services.RelativePose.GetTransform(prevSmoothedPathTimestamp, curTimestamp);
                SmoothedPath smoothedPath = new SmoothedPath(curTimestamp, prevSmoothedPath.Transform(transform), null);
                result.steeringCommandGenerator = new PathSteeringCommandGenerator(smoothedPath);
                result.smoothedPath = smoothedPath;
            else {
                result.steeringCommandGenerator = new ConstantSteeringCommandGenerator(null, null, false);

            result.dynamicallyInfeasible = true;
            result.commandLabel = "dynamically infeasible";

            return result;
        protected void Track(PlanningResult planningResult, string commandLabel)
            Services.Dataset.ItemAs<bool>("route feasible").Add(!planningResult.pathBlocked, LocalCarTimeProvider.LocalNow);

            if (planningResult.smoothedPath != null && !planningResult.dynamicallyInfeasible) {
                prevSmoothedPath = new LinePath(planningResult.smoothedPath);
                prevSmoothedPathTimestamp = curTimestamp;

            if (planningResult.smoothedPath != null) {
                Services.UIService.PushLineList(prevSmoothedPath, curTimestamp, "smoothed path", true);

            if (cancelled) return;

            ISpeedCommandGenerator speedCommandGenerator = planningResult.speedCommandGenerator;
            ISteeringCommandGenerator steeringCommandGenerator = planningResult.steeringCommandGenerator;

            if (speedCommandGenerator == null) {
                // we've planned out the path, now build up the command
                ISpeedGenerator speedGenerator = null;
                if (speedCommand is ScalarSpeedCommand) {
                    // extract the max speed from the planning settings
                    double maxSpeed = settings.maxSpeed;

                    if (planningResult.smoothedPath != null) {
                        SmoothedPath path = planningResult.smoothedPath;
                        maxSpeed = Math.Min(maxSpeed, PostProcessSpeed(path));

                    speedGenerator = new ConstantSpeedGenerator(maxSpeed, null);
                else if (speedCommand is StopAtDistSpeedCommand) {
                    StopAtDistSpeedCommand stopCommand = (StopAtDistSpeedCommand)speedCommand;
                    IDistanceProvider distProvider = new TravelledDistanceProvider(behaviorTimestamp, stopCommand.Distance);
                    speedGenerator = new StopSpeedGenerator(distProvider, approachSpeed.Value);

                    BehaviorManager.TraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Verbose, 0, "stay in lane - remaining stop stop dist {0}", distProvider.GetRemainingDistance());

                else if (speedCommand is StopAtLineSpeedCommand) {
                    IDistanceProvider distProvider = new StoplineDistanceProvider();
                    speedGenerator = new StopSpeedGenerator(distProvider, approachSpeed.Value);

                    BehaviorManager.TraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Verbose, 0, "stay in lane - remaining stop stop dist {0}", distProvider.GetRemainingDistance());
                else if (speedCommand == null) {
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Speed command is null");
                else {
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Speed command " + speedCommand.GetType().FullName + " is not supported");

                speedCommandGenerator = new FeedbackSpeedCommandGenerator(speedGenerator);

            if (cancelled) return;

            // build up the command
            TrackingCommand trackingCommand = new TrackingCommand(speedCommandGenerator, steeringCommandGenerator, false);
            trackingCommand.Label = planningResult.commandLabel ?? commandLabel;

            // queue it to execute