/// <summary> /// API 函数初始化 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private int APIOpen() { if (!bAPIOpen) { int ret; try { ret = Dapapi.AB_API_Open(); if (ret < 0) { return(-1); } else { bAPIOpen = true; return(1); } } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message); } } return(0); }
/// <summary> /// 显示数字 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void bu_int_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TagClear(); iNodeAddr = short.Parse(cb_ip.Text); iNumData = Convert.ToInt32(this.Cb_int.Text); this.Cb_int.ForeColor = Color.Red; this.radioButton1.Checked = true; //this.Cb_int.Enabled = false; if (this.Cb_int.Text == string.Empty || this.Cb_int.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("请选择数字!"); return; } for (int i = 0; i < GWCount; i++) { if (iNodeAddr != 0) { Dapapi.AB_LB_DspNum(GWID[i], iNodeAddr, iNumData, iDigitPoint, iLEDInterval); Bigling(GWID[i], i); } else { Dapapi.AB_LB_DspNum(GWID[i], -252, iNumData, iDigitPoint, iLEDInterval); Dapapi.AB_LB_DspNum(GWID[i], 252, iNumData, iDigitPoint, iLEDInterval); } } }
/// <summary> /// API注销 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private int APIClose() { if (bAPIOpen) { int i = Dapapi.AB_API_Close(); bAPIOpen = false; return(1); } else { return(0); } }
//发送指令 private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Dapapi.AB_API_Open(); string ip = this.cb_ip.Text; string [] list = ip.Split('-'); //int[] a =Convert.ToInt32( list[0]); try { int a = Dapapi.AB_LB_DspNum(Convert.ToInt32(list[0]), Convert.ToInt32(list[1]), Convert.ToInt32(list[2]), 0, 0); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } }
/// <summary> /// 显示字符 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void bu_str_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { iNodeAddr = short.Parse(this.cb_ip.Text); this.cb_str.ForeColor = Color.Red; this.radioButton2.Checked = true; //this.cb_str.Enabled = false; if (this.cb_str.Text == string.Empty || this.cb_str.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("请选择字符!"); return; } string sShowData; radioButton2.Checked = true; //ShowFunColor(3); //if (CheckNodeAddr() == -1) return; //if (CheckNumeric() == -1) return; //if (CheckLEDInterval() == -1) return; sShowData = cb_str.Text /*.Trim()*/; if (sShowData.Length > 6) { sShowData = sShowData.Substring(0, 6); } else { sShowData = sShowData.PadLeft(6); } for (int i = 0; i < GWCount; i++) { if (iNodeAddr != 0) { Dapapi.AB_LB_DspStr(GWID[i], iNodeAddr, sShowData, iDigitPoint, iLEDInterval); Bigling(GWID[i], i); } else { Dapapi.AB_LB_DspStr(GWID[i], -252, sShowData, iDigitPoint, iLEDInterval); Dapapi.AB_LB_DspStr(GWID[i], 252, sShowData, iDigitPoint, iLEDInterval); } } }
/// <summary> /// 排灯 /// </summary> /// <param name="iNodeAddr"></param> /// <param name="i"></param> public void Bigling(int iNodeAddr, int i) { if (iNodeAddr > 90) { Dapapi.AB_LB_DspNum(GWID[i], 120, iNumData, iDigitPoint, iLEDInterval); } else if (iNodeAddr > 60) { Dapapi.AB_LB_DspNum(GWID[i], 90, iNumData, iDigitPoint, iLEDInterval); } else if (iNodeAddr > 30) { Dapapi.AB_LB_DspNum(GWID[i], 60, iNumData, iDigitPoint, iLEDInterval); } else if (iNodeAddr > 0) { Dapapi.AB_LB_DspNum(GWID[i], 30, iNumData, iDigitPoint, iLEDInterval); } }
/// <summary> /// 获取控制器状态 /// </summary> private void GetGWStatus() { bool bGoOn; int ret, timeStart; for (int i = 0; i < GWCount; i++) { Dapapi.AB_GW_Open(GWID[i]); ret = Dapapi.AB_GW_Status(GWID[i]); if (ret != 7) { bGoOn = true; timeStart = System.Environment.TickCount; while (bGoOn) { ret = Dapapi.AB_GW_Status(GWID[i]); if (ret == 7) { bGoOn = false; } else if (System.Environment.TickCount - timeStart > 3000) { bGoOn = false; } } } if (ret == 7) { this.tb_msg.Text += "\r\n Gateway ID:" + GWID[i] + " success connected, status return :" + ret; } else { this.tb_msg.Text += "\r\n Gateway ID:" + GWID[i] + " failed to connected, status return :" + ret; } } }
/// <summary> /// 熄灭所有标签 /// </summary> private void TagClear() { for (int i = 0; i < GWCount; i++) { if (Dapapi.AB_GW_Status(GWID[i]) == 7) { Dapapi.AB_LB_DspNum(GWID[i], -252, 0, 0, -3); Dapapi.AB_LB_DspNum(GWID[i], 252, 0, 0, -3); Dapapi.AB_LED_Dsp(GWID[i], -252, 0, 0); Dapapi.AB_LED_Dsp(GWID[i], 252, 0, 0); Dapapi.AB_BUZ_On(GWID[i], -252, 0); Dapapi.AB_BUZ_On(GWID[i], 252, 0); Dapapi.AB_LB_DspStr(GWID[i], -252, "", 0, -3); Dapapi.AB_LB_DspStr(GWID[i], 252, "", 0, -3); //12-digits Alphanumerical display Dapapi.AB_AHA_ClrDsp(GWID[i], -252); Dapapi.AB_AHA_ClrDsp(GWID[i], 252); Dapapi.AB_AHA_BUZ_On(GWID[i], -252, 0); Dapapi.AB_AHA_BUZ_On(GWID[i], 252, 0); } } }
/// <summary> /// 控制器打开 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private int Dap_Open(string name, string IP) { int posspace, postab, pos; tb_Addrlist.Clear(); GWCount = 0; if (!System.IO.File.Exists(name)) { MessageBox.Show("JSON文件不存在!"); return(-1); } try { using (System.IO.StreamReader sr = new System.IO.StreamReader(name)) { String line; // Read and display lines from the file until the end of // the file is reached. //StreamReader file = File.OpenText("IPindex.json"); //JsonTextReader reader = new JsonTextReader(file); //JObject jsonObject = (JObject)JToken.ReadFrom(reader); //line = (string)jsonObject["IP"]; //file.Close(); line = IP; //while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) if (line != null) { GWCount++; posspace = line.IndexOf(" "); //find space postab = line.IndexOf((char)9); //find tab if (posspace <= 0) { posspace = postab; } if (postab <= 0) { postab = posspace; } pos = System.Math.Min(posspace, postab); if (pos <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("JSON格式错误!"); return(-1); } tb_Addrlist.AppendText(line + "\r\n"); GWID[GWCount - 1] = int.Parse(line.Substring(0, pos)); diagnosis[GWCount - 1].Init(2); } } } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("读取文件JSON失败!" + e.Message); return(-1); } if (APIOpen() < 0) { MessageBox.Show("初始化API失败!"); return(-1); } MessageBox.Show("API Open Success!"); for (int i = 0; i < GWCount; i++) { if (Dapapi.AB_GW_Open(GWID[i]) < 0) { MessageBox.Show("控制器'" + GWID[i] + "'打开失败!"); } } return(1); }
private void bn_sendmessage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TagClear(); Dap_Close(); MessageQueue mqQue = null; if (MessageQueue.Exists(sMessageConnectionString)) { mqQue = new System.Messaging.MessageQueue(sMessageConnectionString); } if (mqQue == null) { MessageBox.Show("消息队列获取失败!"); return; } //得到所有消息 System.Messaging.Message[] messages = mqQue.GetAllMessages(); if (messages.Length > 0) { foreach (System.Messaging.Message msgVal in messages) { //根据ID得到消息(这个ID放在消息的label中) if (msgVal.Label == tb_JID.Text) { //同步接收,直到得到一条消息为止,如果消息队列为空,会一直阻塞 System.Messaging.Message msg = mqQue.Receive(); msg.Formatter = new System.Messaging.XmlMessageFormatter(new Type[] { typeof(string) }); //消息的内容 tb_receive.Text = msg.Body.ToString(); string tagID = msg.Body.ToString(); string[] ip = tagID.Split('-'); string a = ip[0]; string IPstr = ""; IPstr = GetIP(a); string name = ""; //switch (a) //{ // case "1": // IPstr = "1 4660"; // break; // case "2": // IPstr = "1 4660"; // //name = "IPTWOINDEX"; // break; // case "3": // IPstr = "1 4660"; // //name = "IPTHREEINDEX"; // break; // case "4": // IPstr = "1 4660"; // //name = "IPFOURINDEX"; // break; // default: // MessageBox.Show("控制器不存在!"); // return; //} //Writejson(IPstr); //name = "IPindex.json"; name = "IPindex.xml"; Dap_Open(name, IPstr); GetGWStatus(); //string b = ip[1]; iNodeAddr = short.Parse(ip[1]); iNumData = Convert.ToInt32(ip[2]); try { for (int i = 0; i < GWCount; i++) { if (iNodeAddr != 0) { Dapapi.AB_LB_DspNum(GWID[i], iNodeAddr, iNumData, iDigitPoint, iLEDInterval); Bigling(iNodeAddr, i); } else { Dapapi.AB_LB_DspNum(GWID[i], -252, iNumData, iDigitPoint, iLEDInterval); Dapapi.AB_LB_DspNum(GWID[i], 252, iNumData, iDigitPoint, iLEDInterval); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message.ToString()); } break; } else { tb_receive.Text = "没有找到指定ID的Message"; } } } else { tb_receive.Text = "没有读取到数据!"; } }
/// <summary> /// 控制器打开 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private int Dap_Open() { int posspace, postab, pos; tb_Addrlist.Clear(); GWCount = 0; if (!System.IO.File.Exists("IPINDEX")) { MessageBox.Show("文件IPINDEX不存在!"); return(-1); } try { using (System.IO.StreamReader sr = new System.IO.StreamReader("IPINDEX")) { String line; // Read and display lines from the file until the end of // the file is reached. while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { GWCount++; posspace = line.IndexOf(" "); //find space postab = line.IndexOf((char)9); //find tab if (posspace <= 0) { posspace = postab; } if (postab <= 0) { postab = posspace; } pos = System.Math.Min(posspace, postab); if (pos <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("IPINDEX格式错误!"); return(-1); } tb_Addrlist.AppendText(line + "\r\n"); GWID[GWCount - 1] = int.Parse(line.Substring(0, pos)); diagnosis[GWCount - 1].Init(2); } } } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("读取文件IPINDEX失败!" + e.Message); return(-1); } if (APIOpen() < 0) { MessageBox.Show("初始化API失败!"); return(-1); } MessageBox.Show("API Open Success!"); for (int i = 0; i < GWCount; i++) { if (Dapapi.AB_GW_Open(GWID[i]) < 0) { MessageBox.Show("控制器'" + GWID[i] + "'打开失败!"); } } return(1); }