private void ConnectToRuntime() { var runtimeOptions = new Fin.RuntimeOptions { UUID = "stub", Version = RuntimeVersion, LicenseKey = "dotnettest", EnableRemoteDevTools = true, RuntimeConnectTimeout = 20000, // Port = 9696, // RuntimeConnectOptions = Fin.RuntimeConnectOptions.DirectLaunch | Fin.RuntimeConnectOptions.UseExternal, }; _fin = Fin.Runtime.GetRuntimeInstance(runtimeOptions); _fin.Error += (sender, e) => { Console.WriteLine("Error om stub", e); }; _fin.Connect(() => { Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { Connect.IsEnabled = true; Console.WriteLine("Connected to Runtime"); })); }); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length == 0) { return; } NativeMethods.SetProcessDpiAwareness(NativeMethods.ProcessDPIAwareness.ProcessPerMonitorDPIAware); var layoutEngine = new LayoutEngine(); var opts = new Fin.RuntimeOptions() { Version = args[0], RuntimeConnectOptions = Fin.RuntimeConnectOptions.NonPersistent }; var runtime = Fin.Runtime.GetRuntimeInstance(opts); runtime.Connect(() => { Console.WriteLine("Connected to OpenFin"); var provider = runtime.InterApplicationBus.Channel.CreateProvider("native-platform-helper"); provider.RegisterTopic <Snapshot, Snapshot>("getSnapshotEx", (snapshot) => { return(layoutEngine.ProcessGetSnapshot(snapshot)); }); provider.RegisterTopic <Snapshot, object>("applySnapshotEx", (snapshot) => { layoutEngine.ProcessApplySnapshot(snapshot); return(null); }); provider.RegisterTopic <DragEventArgs, object>("dragStart", (e) => { layoutEngine.ProcessDragStart(e); return(null); }); provider.RegisterTopic <DragEventArgs, object>("dragEnd", (e) => { layoutEngine.ProcessDragEnd(); return(null); }); provider.OpenAsync(); }); var runtimeConnectedTsc = new TaskCompletionSource <object>(); runtime.Disconnected += (s, e) => runtimeConnectedTsc.SetResult(null); runtimeConnectedTsc.Task.Wait(); }
static OpenFinGlobals() { var openfinOptions = new Fin.RuntimeOptions() { Version = "9.*" }; RuntimeInstance = Fin.Runtime.GetRuntimeInstance(openfinOptions); DefaultAppUrl = ""; //DefaultAppUrl = "about:blank"; }
public MainForm() { InitializeComponent(); IntPtr downloadFolderPathHandle; SHGetKnownFolderPath(DownloadsFolderId, 0, IntPtr.Zero, out downloadFolderPathHandle); DownloadFolderPath = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(downloadFolderPathHandle); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(downloadFolderPathHandle); var openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog(); var opts = new Fin.RuntimeOptions() { Version = "stable", RuntimeConnectOptions = Fin.RuntimeConnectOptions.NonPersistent }; runtime = Fin.Runtime.GetRuntimeInstance(opts); runtime.Connect(() => { var provider = runtime.InterApplicationBus.Channel.CreateProvider("native-helper"); provider.RegisterTopic <JObject, string>("save-file", (args) => { var fileId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var fileName = args.Value <string>("fileName"); var content = args.Value <string>("content"); var target = Path.Combine(DownloadFolderPath, fileName); File.WriteAllBytes( target, Convert.FromBase64String(content)); downloads[fileId] = target; return(fileId); }); provider.RegisterTopic <JObject>("open-file", (args) => { var fileId = args.Value <string>("fileId"); var fileName = downloads[fileId]; Process.Start(fileName); }); provider.OpenAsync(); }); }
public SnippingWindow(int port, string uuid, string topic) : this() { openfinUuid = uuid; openfinTopic = topic; var options = new Fin.RuntimeOptions() { UUID = null, Port = port, RuntimeConnectOptions = Fin.RuntimeConnectOptions.UseExternal, PortDiscoveryMode = Fin.PortDiscoveryMode.None }; openfinRuntime = Fin.Runtime.GetRuntimeInstance(options); openfinRuntime.Connect(() => { }); }
public MainForm() { InitializeComponent(); var openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog(); var opts = new Fin.RuntimeOptions() { Version = "stable", RuntimeConnectOptions = Fin.RuntimeConnectOptions.NonPersistent }; runtime = Fin.Runtime.GetRuntimeInstance(opts); runtime.Connect(() => { var provider = runtime.InterApplicationBus.Channel.CreateProvider("native-helper"); provider.RegisterTopic("file-picker", () => { object result = null; Invoke(new Action(() => { var dialogResult = openFileDialog.ShowDialog(); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { result = new { fileName = openFileDialog.FileName, filePath = openFileDialog.FileName, fileData = Convert.ToBase64String(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(openFileDialog.FileName)) }; } })); return(result); }); provider.OpenAsync(); }); }
public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); // Connect to the runtime var runtimeOptions = new Fin.RuntimeOptions { Version = "beta", EnableRemoteDevTools = true, RemoteDevToolsPort = 9090 }; _runtime = Fin.Runtime.GetRuntimeInstance(runtimeOptions); _runtime.Connect(RuntimeConnectedCallback); var appOptions = new Fin.ApplicationOptions("webproj", "webproj", "file:///C:/OpenfinPOC/OpenFinInteroperatability/OpenFinInteroperatability/webproj/public/index.html"); embeddedview = new EmbeddedView(); panel1.Controls.Add(embeddedview); embeddedview.Initialize(runtimeOptions, appOptions); embeddedview.OnReady += embeddedView_OnReady; }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); // Connect to the runtime var runtimeOptions = new Fin.RuntimeOptions() { Version = string.IsNullOrEmpty(App.RuntimeVersion) ? "stable" : App.RuntimeVersion, SecurityRealm = string.IsNullOrEmpty(App.SecurityRealm) ? null : App.SecurityRealm }; _runtime = Fin.Runtime.GetRuntimeInstance(runtimeOptions); _runtime.Connect(RuntimeConnectedCallback); // Initialize the embedded view var htmlRootPath = Path.GetFullPath(@"chartiq-html\stx-basic.html"); var htmlRootUrl = new Uri(htmlRootPath).ToString(); var appOptions = new Fin.ApplicationOptions("chartIQDemo", "chartIQUuid", htmlRootPath); embeddedview.Initialize(runtimeOptions, appOptions); embeddedview.OnReady += embeddedView_OnReady; }
public FileHelper(String id) { logger.Debug("Initializing FileHelper"); // Read all the keys from the config file NameValueCollection configuredFileTypes; configuredFileTypes = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings; foreach (string supportedExtension in configuredFileTypes.AllKeys) { try { if (Convert.ToBoolean(configuredFileTypes.Get(supportedExtension))) { approvedFileExtensions.Add(supportedExtension); } } catch (Exception parseError) { logger.Error("Invalid value specified for supported file extension in App.config. Value must be True or False. Key: " + supportedExtension, parseError); } } if (id == null) { logger.Debug("No unique id passed to the filehelper to link to a specific application."); } else { logger.Debug("Unique id passed to the filehelper to link to a specific application: " + id); } InitializeComponent(); logger.Debug("Fetching Download Folder Path."); try { IntPtr downloadFolderPathHandle; SHGetKnownFolderPath(DownloadsFolderId, 0, IntPtr.Zero, out downloadFolderPathHandle); DownloadFolderPath = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(downloadFolderPathHandle); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(downloadFolderPathHandle); } catch (Exception downloadsFolderError) { logger.Error("Unable to lookup Downloads Folder", downloadsFolderError); throw new Exception("Unable to lookup DownloadsFolder", downloadsFolderError); } logger.Debug("Fetched Download Folder Path: " + DownloadFolderPath); logger.Debug("Setting up file handling capability."); var openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog(); logger.Debug("File handling capability setup."); logger.Debug("Setting up OpenFin Runtime connection to runtime version 'stable'."); var opts = new Fin.RuntimeOptions() { Version = "stable", RuntimeConnectOptions = Fin.RuntimeConnectOptions.NonPersistent }; runtime = Fin.Runtime.GetRuntimeInstance(opts); logger.Debug("OpenFin Runtime instance created. About to connect."); runtime.Connect(() => { logger.Debug("OpenFin Runtime instance connected."); var defaultChannelId = "native-helper"; var channelId = ""; if (id != null && id.Trim().Length > 0) { logger.Debug("Custom identity passed: " + id); channelId = id.ToLower(); } else { logger.Debug("No Custom identity passed. Using default channel: " + defaultChannelId); channelId = defaultChannelId; } try { logger.Debug("Creating channel:" + channelId); var provider = runtime.InterApplicationBus.Channel.CreateProvider(channelId); logger.Debug("Channel:" + channelId + " created."); provider.ClientConnected += (s, e) => { logger.Debug("Client Request Received. Request to connect to channel: " + channelId + " from application with UUID: " + e.Client.RemoteEndpoint.Uuid); if (channelId != defaultChannelId && channelId != e.Client.RemoteEndpoint.Uuid.ToLower()) { logger.Error("Client UUID (" + e.Client.RemoteEndpoint.Uuid.ToLower() + ") Request to connect to channel: " + channelId + " denied. Only the app that launches the helper can connect to it."); throw new Exception("Only the application that created the helper can connect to it. UUID/Channel Mismatch."); } logger.Debug("Client Request to connect to channel: " + channelId + " from application with UUID: " + e.Client.RemoteEndpoint.Uuid.ToLower() + " successful."); }; logger.Debug("Registering: save-file topic."); provider.RegisterTopic <JObject, string>("save-file", (args) => { var logPrefix = "save-file: "; logger.Debug(logPrefix + "save-file: Called"); var fileId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var fileName = args.Value <string>("fileName"); if (fileName == null || fileName.Length == 0) { logger.Error(logPrefix + "No filename was passed."); return(ErrorList.ERROR_NO_FILE_NAME); } if (isValidFileType(fileName)) { logger.Debug(logPrefix + "Filename retrieved: " + fileName); var content = args.Value <string>("content"); logger.Debug(logPrefix + "Content retrieved."); if (content == null || content.Length == 0) { logger.Error(logPrefix + "No data was passed."); return(ErrorList.ERROR_NO_DATA_PASSED); } var target = Path.Combine(DownloadFolderPath, fileName); logger.Debug(logPrefix + "Looking to write to: " + target); byte[] passedData; try { logger.Debug(logPrefix + "About to convert passed data from Base64 string"); passedData = Convert.FromBase64String(content); } catch (Exception convertingDataError) { logger.Error(logPrefix + "Error converting passed data: ", convertingDataError); return(ErrorList.ERROR_CONVERTING_DATA); } try { logger.Debug(logPrefix + "About to write out content to target path: " + target); File.WriteAllBytes( target, passedData); } catch (Exception fileSaveError) { logger.Error(logPrefix + "Error saving file: " + target, fileSaveError); return(ErrorList.ERROR_SAVING_FILE); } logger.Debug(logPrefix + "content written to file."); downloads[fileId] = target; logger.Debug(logPrefix + "Returning id: " + fileId); return(fileId); } else { logger.Error("Invalid file extension. Please check app settings in the App.config to ensure the file extension you are trying to save is supported. Returning id: 'Error - Invalid Extension'"); return(ErrorList.ERROR_INVALID_FILE_EXTENSION); } }); logger.Debug("save-file topic registered."); logger.Debug("Registering: open-file topic."); provider.RegisterTopic <JObject, string>("open-file", (args) => { var logPrefix = "open-file: "; logger.Debug(logPrefix + "Called"); var fileId = args.Value <string>("fileId"); if (fileId == null || fileId.Length == 0) { logger.Error(logPrefix + "No fileid was passed."); return(ErrorList.ERROR_NO_FILE_ID); } logger.Debug(logPrefix + "Passed file id: " + fileId); if (downloads.ContainsKey(fileId)) { string fileName = downloads[fileId]; logger.Debug(logPrefix + "file name retrieved: " + fileName); try { logger.Debug(logPrefix + "Opening file: " + fileName); Process.Start(fileName); } catch (Exception fileOpenError) { logger.Error(logPrefix + "Error opening file: " + fileName, fileOpenError); return(ErrorList.ERROR_OPENING_FILE); } } else { return(ErrorList.ERROR_NO_FILE_ID_FOUND); } return("SUCCESS"); }); logger.Debug("open-file topic registered."); provider.OpenAsync(); } catch (Exception err) { logger.Error("Error during create of channel or registration of topics.", err); throw (new Exception("Unable to setup file helper channel", err)); } }); }