protected EntityHistory ConvertEntityHistory(VrXmlHistoryData xmlHistory) { GameObject ownerObject = string.IsNullOrEmpty(xmlHistory.entityId) ? gameObject : entityObjects[xmlHistory.entityId]; EntityHistory history = ownerObject.AddComponent <EntityHistory>(); history.historyFileName = xmlHistory.fileName; history.sourceUpAxisIsZ = xmlHistory.upAxisIsZ; return(history); }
protected VrXmlHistoryData ConvertObjectHistory(EntityHistory history) { VrXmlHistoryData xmlHistory = new VrXmlHistoryData(); xmlHistory.entityId = history.GetComponent <EntityData>().id; xmlHistory.fileName = history.historyFileName; xmlHistory.upAxisIsZ = history.sourceUpAxisIsZ; return(xmlHistory); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { // Update the serializedProperty - always do this in the beginning of OnInspectorGUI. serializedObject.Update(); DrawDefaultInspector(); GUILayout.Space(10); GUIStyle guiStyle = EditorStyles.foldout; FontStyle previousStyle = guiStyle.fontStyle; guiStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold; EntityHistory history = target as EntityHistory; GUI.enabled = false; DateTimeTk.DrawDateTime("Start Time", history.historyStartTime); DateTimeTk.DrawDateTime("End Time", history.historyEndTime); DateTimeTk.DrawTimeSpan("Offset", history.StartOffset); DateTimeTk.DrawTimeSpan("Duration", history.Duration); GUI.enabled = true; //foldOutStates = foldOutStates && history.entityStates.Length > 0; previousStyle = guiStyle.fontStyle; guiStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold; foldOutStates = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(foldOutStates, "States", guiStyle); guiStyle.fontStyle = previousStyle; GUILayout.Space(2); if (foldOutStates && history.entityStates != null) { EditorGUI.indentLevel++; for (int i = 0; i < history.entityStates.Length; i++) { EntityState state = history.entityStates[i]; EditorGUILayout.LabelField("State " + i + " " + state.state); EditorGUI.indentLevel++; DrawState(state); EditorGUI.indentLevel--; } EditorGUI.indentLevel--; } // Apply changes to the serializedProperty - always do this in the end of OnInspectorGUI. serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); }
public override void UpdateScenarioData() { UpdateEntityObjectsList(); ClearScenarioData(); SimController simController = GetComponent <SimController>(); if (simController) { simController.StopSimulation(); if (scenarioData.simulation == null) { scenarioData.simulation = new VrXmlSimulationData(); } scenarioData.simulation.historyUri = simController.simulationHistory.historyUri; scenarioData.simulation.historyName = simController.simulationHistory.historyName; scenarioData.simulation.description = simController.simulationHistory.description; scenarioData.simulation.details = simController.simulationHistory.details; } foreach (var entry in entityObjects) { var data = scenarioData.entityList.Find(x => == entry.Key); if (data == null) { data = new VrXmlEntityData(); scenarioData.entityList.Add(data); } UpdateEntity(entry.Value, data); // load simulation EntityHistory history = entry.Value.GetComponent <EntityHistory>(); if (history) { scenarioData.simulation.historyList.Add(ConvertObjectHistory(history)); } } }
public bool UpdateTarget() { if (entityHistory.entityStates.Length == 0 || targetTransform == null) { return(false); } EntityState prev_status; EntityState next_status; EntityState status = entityHistory.FindKeyFrame(simulationDateTime, out prev_status, out next_status); EntityState curr_status = null; if (status != null) { curr_status = status; } else if (prev_status != null) { curr_status = prev_status; } else if (next_status != null) { curr_status = next_status; } #if UNITY_EDITOR foreach (var item in entityHistory.entityStates) { item.state = "(inactive)"; } if (prev_status != null) { prev_status.state = " <-- Previous"; } if (next_status != null) { next_status.state = " --> Next"; } if (status != null) { status.state = ">Current<"; } #endif if (curr_status == null) { return(false); } // set parent if (curr_status.parentTransform != null) { targetTransform.parent = curr_status.parentTransform; } bool anim = status == null && (prev_status != null && next_status != null); if (!anim) { targetTransform.localPosition = curr_status.position; targetTransform.localRotation = curr_status.rotation; } // set representation //SimKeyFrame curr_repr_status = status; //if (curr_repr_status!=null) curr_repr_status = prev_status; //if (curr_repr_status && curr_repr_status->Representation) //{ // //LoadRepresentation(curr_status->Representation); // SelectRepresentation(curr_repr_status->Representation->Name); //} //else //{ // // if no status is defined before this one reset representation // RestoreRepresentation(); //} if (!anim) { //ResetAnimation(); return(true); } Vector3 start_pos = prev_status.position; Quaternion start_rot = prev_status.rotation; Vector3 end_pos = next_status.position; Quaternion end_rot = next_status.rotation; if (prev_status.parentTransform != next_status.parentTransform) { Matrix4x4 m1 = Matrix4x4.identity; if (prev_status.parentTransform != null) { m1 = prev_status.parentTransform.worldToLocalMatrix; } Matrix4x4 m2 = Matrix4x4.identity; if (next_status.parentTransform != null) { EntityState next_status2 = null; EntityHistory next_status_parent_hist = next_status.parentTransform.GetComponent <EntityHistory>(); if (next_status_parent_hist) { EntityState tmp1; EntityState tmp2; next_status2 = next_status_parent_hist.FindKeyFrame(next_status.startTime, out tmp1, out tmp2); } if (next_status2 != null) { Vector3 end_pos2 = next_status2.position; Quaternion end_rot2 = next_status2.rotation; if (next_status.parentTransform.parent != null) { m2 = next_status.parentTransform.parent.localToWorldMatrix; } Matrix4x4 mTmp = Matrix4x4.TRS(end_pos2, end_rot2, next_status.parentTransform.parent.lossyScale); m2 *= mTmp; } else { m2 = next_status.parentTransform.localToWorldMatrix; } } Matrix4x4 m = m1 * m2; // pos2 to the same local space as pos1 end_pos = m.MultiplyPoint(next_status.position); // rot2 to the same local space as rot1 end_rot = MathUtility.MatrixToQuaternion(m) * next_status.rotation; } float t = 0; if (prev_status.endTime != next_status.startTime) { t = (float)((simulationDateTime - prev_status.endTime).TotalSeconds / (next_status.startTime - prev_status.endTime).TotalSeconds); } targetTransform.parent = prev_status.parentTransform; targetTransform.localPosition = Vector3.Lerp(start_pos, end_pos, t); targetTransform.localRotation = Quaternion.Slerp(start_rot, end_rot, t); return(true); }