private void menuAttach_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // displays the PickWindow form as a modal window and retrieves the picked window

            PickWindow pw = new PickWindow();

            if (pw.PickedWindow != IntPtr.Zero)
                gamewindow = new GameWindow(pw.PickedWindow);
                gamewindow = null;

            labelGameWindow.Text = "Game window: " + (gamewindow != null ? gamewindow.ToString("X8") : "0");
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles a chat line and executes any valid command found.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="line">A raw chat line in formatted as username\tmessage</param>
        protected void HandleChatLine(string line)
            string  msgbody = "";                 // will contain the message body
            string  user    = "";                 // will contain the username
            GameKey key     = GameKey.Invalid;    // will contain the requested keystroke if the message is a command
            int     times   = 1;                  // will contain how many times the key will be pressed if the msg is a command
            int     delay   = 0;                  // will contain the duration of the keystroke if the msg is a command

            string[] splitted = line.Split('\t'); // split username from the message body

                user    = splitted[0];
                msgbody = splitted[1];
            catch (Exception)
                // invalid format

                // throttled commands (start9 & similar)
                string re1 = "([a-z]{1,9})"; // command (1 to 9 letters)
                string re2 = "(\\d)";        // any single digit

                // we're separating the command from the number by using a simple regex
                Regex r = new Regex(re1 + re2, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline);
                Match m = r.Match(msgbody);

                if (m.Success)
                    msgbody = m.Groups[1].ToString();
                    String d1 = m.Groups[2].ToString();
                    times = Convert.ToInt32(d1);

                    if (times < 1) // ignore command0's

                    if (times > 9) // will never happen
                        times = 1;
                else // invalid format
                    times = 1;
            catch (Exception)
                // invalid format
                times = 1;

            // check if the command actually exists by searching it sequentially in the listview
            // TODO: index commands in a dictionary for better performance?
            //       (not really necessary for something this trivial)
            for (int i = 0; i < listKeyBindings.Items.Count; i++)
                var item = listKeyBindings.Items[i];

                if (msgbody == item.Text)
                    // command found! retrieve key and duration
                    key   = (GameKey)item.Tag;
                    delay = Convert.ToInt32(item.SubItems[2].Text);

            if (key == GameKey.Invalid) // command not found

            if (delay <= 0) // invalid delay, should never happen

            // should never happen if ResetKeys is properly called when it should
            if (!st.keypresses.ContainsKey(msgbody))
                st.keypresses.Add(msgbody, 0);

            // repeat the keystroke as many times as needed
            for (int i = 0; i < times; i++)

                if (menuUsePostMessage.Checked)
                    gamewindow.SendMinimizedKeystroke(key, delay);
                    if (menuUseSendKeys.Checked)
                        GameWindow.SendGlobalKeystroke(key, delay);
                        GameWindow.SendGlobalKeybdEvent(key, delay);

            commandsdone++; // this is for the command/s counter

            // log the command
            listBoxCommands.Items.Add(user + " " + msgbody + (times > 1 ? times.ToString() : ""));

            // keep the command log under 100 lines to save RAM
            if (listBoxCommands.Items.Count > 100)

            // autscroll the command log to the bottom
            listBoxCommands.TopIndex = listBoxCommands.Items.Count - 1;

            // refresh keypresses counter in the GUI
            labelKeyPresses.Text = "Keypresses: " + st.totalkeypresses;