Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// like traceEvent except it uses a stopwatch 'timer' to write formatted time after the message [{1:0}ms].
        /// Usually used to signal in the log how long an operation took.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="trace"></param>
        /// <param name="elapsed"></param>
        /// <param name="eventType"></param>
        /// <param name="message"></param>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        static void traceEvent(this TraceSource trace, TimeSpan elapsed, LogEventType eventType, string message, params object[] args)
            if (message == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(message));
            var timespan = ShortTimeSpan.FromSeconds(elapsed.TotalSeconds);

            if (sb == null)
                sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            if (args.Length == 0)
                sb.AppendFormat(message, args);
            sb.Append(" [");
            trace.TraceEvent(eventType, 0, sb.ToString());
        void printSummary(TestStepRun run, int maxIndent, int idx, ILookup <Guid, TestStepRun> lookup)
            int    indentcnt     = stepRunIndent(run);
            string indent        = new String(' ', indentcnt * 2);
            string inverseIndent = new String(' ', maxIndent * 2 - indentcnt * 2);

            var(timeString, unit) = ShortTimeSpan.FromSeconds(run.Duration.TotalSeconds).ToStringParts();
            string v    = run.Verdict == Verdict.NotSet ? "" : run.Verdict.ToString();
            var    name = run.TestStepName;

            summaryLog.Info("{4} {0,-43} {5}{1,5:0} {7,-4}{2,-7}", name, timeString, v, idx, indent, inverseIndent, 0, unit);

            int idx2 = 0;

            foreach (TestStepRun run2 in lookup[run.Id])
                printSummary(run2, maxIndent, idx2, lookup);
        /// <summary>
        /// Prints the summary.
        /// </summary>
        public void PrintSummary()
            if (planRun == null)
                return;                  //Something very wrong happened. In this case the use will be informed of an error anyway.
            bool hasOtherVerdict = planRun.Verdict != Verdict.Pass && planRun.Verdict != Verdict.NotSet;
            ILookup <Guid, TestStepRun> parentLookup = null;
            int maxIndent = 0;

            if (stepRuns != null)
                parentLookup = stepRuns.Values.ToLookup(v => v.Parent);

                Func <Guid, int> getMaxIndent = null;
                getMaxIndent = guid => 1 + parentLookup[guid].Select(step => getMaxIndent(step.Id)).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Max();

                maxIndent = getMaxIndent(planRun.Id);

            int maxVerdictLength = hasOtherVerdict ? planRun.Verdict.ToString().Length : 0;

            if (stepRuns != null)
                foreach (TestStepRun run in parentLookup[planRun.Id])
                    int max = getMaxVerdictLength(run, maxVerdictLength, parentLookup);
                    if (max > maxVerdictLength)
                        maxVerdictLength = max;

            int addPadLength = maxIndent + (int)Math.Round(maxVerdictLength / 2.0);
            int maxLength    = -1;

            Func <string, int, string> formatSummaryHeader = (message, indentLength) => {
                string        indent = new String('-', indentLength + 3);
                StringBuilder sb     = new StringBuilder(indent);
                maxLength = sb.Length;

            Func <string, string> formatSummary = (message) => {
                int           fillLength = (int)Math.Floor((maxLength - message.Length) / 2.0);
                StringBuilder sb         = new StringBuilder(new string('-', fillLength));
                sb.Append('-', maxLength - sb.Length);

            summaryLog.Info(formatSummaryHeader(String.Format(" Summary of test plan started {0} ", planRun.StartTime), addPadLength));
            if (stepRuns != null)
                int idx = 0;
                foreach (TestStepRun run in parentLookup[planRun.Id])
                    printSummary(run, maxIndent, idx, parentLookup);
                summaryLog.Warning("Test plan summary skipped. Summary contains too many steps ({0}).", stepRunLimit);
            if (!hasOtherVerdict)
                summaryLog.Info(formatSummary(String.Format(" Test plan completed successfully in {0,6} ", ShortTimeSpan.FromSeconds(planRun.Duration.TotalSeconds).ToString())));
                summaryLog.Info(formatSummary(String.Format(" Test plan completed with verdict {1} in {0,6} ", ShortTimeSpan.FromSeconds(planRun.Duration.TotalSeconds).ToString(), planRun.Verdict)));