public override void draw(OpenTK.Matrix4 cam) { base.draw(cam); GL.BindFramebuffer(FramebufferTarget.Framebuffer, this.frameBuffer); GL.Viewport(0, 0, (int)bufferResolution.X, (int)bufferResolution.Y); GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit); coronaShader.Use(); coronaShader.setUniform("iResolution", this.bufferResolution.X, this.bufferResolution.Y); coronaShader.setUniform("iGlobalTime", this.frameBufferTime); coronaShader.bindBufferToShaderAttrib<float>(bufferVerts, "vertIn"); bufferElems.bind(); GL.DrawElements(PrimitiveType.Quads, bufferElems.Size, DrawElementsType.UnsignedShort, 0); GL.BindFramebuffer(FramebufferTarget.Framebuffer, 0); GL.Viewport(0, 0, (int)Form1.resolution.X, (int)Form1.resolution.Y); billboardShader.Use(); billboardShader.setUniform("view", cam); billboardShader.setUniform("proj", Form1.projectionMatrix); billboardShader.setUniform("model", this.transform); billboardShader.setUniform("scale", this.Scale * scaleFactor); billboardShader.setUniform("center", this.Position); billboardShader.setUniform("up", new Vector3(0,1,0)); billboardShader.bindBufferToShaderAttrib<float>(squareVerts, "vertIn"); billboardShader.bindBufferToShaderAttrib<float>(squareUvs, "uvIn", 2); squareElems.bind(); GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, this.bufferTexture); GL.DrawElements(PrimitiveType.Quads, squareElems.Size, DrawElementsType.UnsignedShort, 0); this.frameBufferTime += .005f; }
public override void OnRenderFrame(OpenTK.FrameEventArgs e, GameWindow window) { GL.MatrixMode(MatrixMode.Projection); GL.LoadIdentity(); GL.Ortho(0, 1280, 0,720,0,1); GL.Disable(EnableCap.DepthTest); GL.MatrixMode(MatrixMode.Modelview); GL.LoadIdentity(); GL.ClearColor(0.2f , 0.2f, 0.2f, 0); GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit); for (int y=0;y<720;y++) { for (int x = 0; x < 1280; x++) { var c = (int) (Math.Floor(Math.Sin(x/35d)*128 + Math.Sin(y/28d)*32f + Math.Sin((x + y)/16d)*64)); c = mod(c, 256); var r = cols[0, c] % 256; var g = cols[1, c] % 256; var b = cols[2, c] % 256; GL.Color3(r/256, g/256, b/256); GL.Begin(BeginMode.Points); GL.Vertex2(x, y); GL.End(); } } window.SwapBuffers(); }
void mouse_ButtonUp(object sender, OpenTK.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs e) { MouseButton button = (MouseButton)e.Button; Vector2 position = new Vector2(e.X, e.Y); root.OnMouseUpEvent(new MouseButtonEventArgs(button, position, GetModifierKeys())); }
public static void Draw(OpenTK.Graphics.Color4 color, Vector3 position, bool cpupiece) { if(!Loaded) Load(); GL.PushMatrix(); Matrix4 translation = Matrix4.CreateTranslation(position) * *; GL.LoadMatrix(ref translation); GL.Enable(EnableCap.Texture2D); if(!cpupiece) GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, TextureLoader.get().getTexture("piece")); else GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, TextureLoader.get().getTexture("aipiece")); GL.Begin(BeginMode.TriangleStrip); GL.Color4(color); GL.TexCoord2(new OpenTK.Vector2d(1, 0)); GL.Vertex3(0, 0, 0); GL.TexCoord2(new OpenTK.Vector2d(0, 0)); GL.Vertex3(32, 0, 0); GL.TexCoord2(new OpenTK.Vector2d(1, 1f)); GL.Vertex3(0, 32, 0); GL.TexCoord2(new OpenTK.Vector2d(0, 1f)); GL.Vertex3(32, 32, 0); GL.End(); GL.PopMatrix(); }
public void SetCornerColors(OpenTK.Graphics.Color4[] colors) { Flush(); //dont really need to flush with current implementation. we might as well roll modulate color into it too. if (colors.Length != 4) throw new ArgumentException("array must be size 4", "colors"); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) CornerColors[i] = colors[i]; }
//Methods //-Public public bool Move(OpenTK.Input.KeyboardState ks) { bool ret = false; //Move camera //if(Keyboard[Key.Left] && cameraCAM != null) { if(ks[OpenTK.Input.Key.Left]) { X -= 2f; ret = true; } else if(ks[OpenTK.Input.Key.Right]) { X += 2f; ret = true; } if(ks[OpenTK.Input.Key.Up]) { Y += 2f; ret = true; } else if(ks[OpenTK.Input.Key.Down]) { Y -= 2f; ret = true; } if((ks[OpenTK.Input.Key.Plus] || ks[OpenTK.Input.Key.KeypadPlus])) { Z += 1f; ret = true; } else if((ks[OpenTK.Input.Key.Minus] || ks[OpenTK.Input.Key.KeypadMinus])) { Z -= 1f; ret = true; } return ret; }
public override ModelBase LoadModel(OpenTK.Vector3 scale) { List<ModelBase.BoneDef> flatBoneList = m_Model.m_BoneTree.GetAsList(); for (int i = 0; i < m_BCA.m_AnimationData.Length; i++) { string boneID = flatBoneList[i].m_ID; BCA.SRTContainer[] boneTransformations = m_BCA.GetAllLocalSRTValuesForBone(i); Dictionary<ModelBase.AnimationComponentType, ModelBase.AnimationComponentDataDef> animationComponentDataDefs = new Dictionary<ModelBase.AnimationComponentType, ModelBase.AnimationComponentDataDef>(); float[] valuesSx = new float[boneTransformations.Length]; float[] valuesSy = new float[boneTransformations.Length]; float[] valuesSz = new float[boneTransformations.Length]; float[] valuesRx = new float[boneTransformations.Length]; float[] valuesRy = new float[boneTransformations.Length]; float[] valuesRz = new float[boneTransformations.Length]; float[] valuesTx = new float[boneTransformations.Length]; float[] valuesTy = new float[boneTransformations.Length]; float[] valuesTz = new float[boneTransformations.Length]; for (int j = 0; j < boneTransformations.Length; j++) { valuesSx[j] = boneTransformations[j].m_Scale.X; valuesSy[j] = boneTransformations[j].m_Scale.Y; valuesSz[j] = boneTransformations[j].m_Scale.Z; valuesRx[j] = boneTransformations[j].m_Rotation.X; valuesRy[j] = boneTransformations[j].m_Rotation.Y; valuesRz[j] = boneTransformations[j].m_Rotation.Z; valuesTx[j] = boneTransformations[j].m_Translation.X; valuesTy[j] = boneTransformations[j].m_Translation.Y; valuesTz[j] = boneTransformations[j].m_Translation.Z; } animationComponentDataDefs.Add(ModelBase.AnimationComponentType.ScaleX, new ModelBase.AnimationComponentDataDef(valuesSx, m_BCA.m_NumFrames, false, 1, false, ModelBase.AnimationComponentType.ScaleX)); animationComponentDataDefs.Add(ModelBase.AnimationComponentType.ScaleY, new ModelBase.AnimationComponentDataDef(valuesSy, m_BCA.m_NumFrames, false, 1, false, ModelBase.AnimationComponentType.ScaleY)); animationComponentDataDefs.Add(ModelBase.AnimationComponentType.ScaleZ, new ModelBase.AnimationComponentDataDef(valuesSz, m_BCA.m_NumFrames, false, 1, false, ModelBase.AnimationComponentType.ScaleZ)); animationComponentDataDefs.Add(ModelBase.AnimationComponentType.RotateX, new ModelBase.AnimationComponentDataDef(valuesRx, m_BCA.m_NumFrames, false, 1, false, ModelBase.AnimationComponentType.RotateX)); animationComponentDataDefs.Add(ModelBase.AnimationComponentType.RotateY, new ModelBase.AnimationComponentDataDef(valuesRy, m_BCA.m_NumFrames, false, 1, false, ModelBase.AnimationComponentType.RotateY)); animationComponentDataDefs.Add(ModelBase.AnimationComponentType.RotateZ, new ModelBase.AnimationComponentDataDef(valuesRz, m_BCA.m_NumFrames, false, 1, false, ModelBase.AnimationComponentType.RotateZ)); animationComponentDataDefs.Add(ModelBase.AnimationComponentType.TranslateX, new ModelBase.AnimationComponentDataDef(valuesTx, m_BCA.m_NumFrames, false, 1, false, ModelBase.AnimationComponentType.TranslateX)); animationComponentDataDefs.Add(ModelBase.AnimationComponentType.TranslateY, new ModelBase.AnimationComponentDataDef(valuesTy, m_BCA.m_NumFrames, false, 1, false, ModelBase.AnimationComponentType.TranslateY)); animationComponentDataDefs.Add(ModelBase.AnimationComponentType.TranslateZ, new ModelBase.AnimationComponentDataDef(valuesTz, m_BCA.m_NumFrames, false, 1, false, ModelBase.AnimationComponentType.TranslateZ)); ModelBase.AnimationDef animation = new ModelBase.AnimationDef(boneID + "-animation", boneID, m_BCA.m_NumFrames, animationComponentDataDefs); m_Model.m_Animations.Add(animation.m_ID, animation); } return m_Model; }
protected override void OnRenderFrame( OpenTK.FrameEventArgs e ) { base.OnRenderFrame( e ); base.MakeCurrent(); if ( !_initialized ) { Initialize(); _initialized = true; } try { if ( _engine != null ) { _engine.RenderOneFrame(); } } catch ( Exception ex ) { Console.WriteLine( "An exception has occurred. See below for details:" ); Console.WriteLine( BuildExceptionString( ex ) ); } //base.SwapBuffers(); }
public OpenTKGLContext( OpenTK.Platform.IWindowInfo windowInfo ) { // setup created glcontrol / gtk control this.windowInfo = windowInfo; this.graphicsContext = new GraphicsContext( GraphicsMode.Default, this.windowInfo ); Initialized = true; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GameContext" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="control">The control.</param> /// <param name="requestedWidth">Width of the requested.</param> /// <param name="requestedHeight">Height of the requested.</param> public GameContext(OpenTK.GameWindow control, int requestedWidth = 0, int requestedHeight = 0) { var creationFlags = GraphicsContextFlags.Default; #if SILICONSTUDIO_PARADOX_GRAPHICS_API_OPENGLES creationFlags |= GraphicsContextFlags.Embedded; #endif if (requestedWidth == 0 || requestedHeight == 0) { requestedWidth = 1280; requestedHeight = 720; } // force the stencil buffer to be not null. var defaultMode = GraphicsMode.Default; var graphicMode = new GraphicsMode(defaultMode.ColorFormat, defaultMode.Depth, 8, defaultMode.Samples, defaultMode.AccumulatorFormat, defaultMode.Buffers, defaultMode.Stereo); GraphicsContext.ShareContexts = true; if (control == null) { int versionMajor, versionMinor; if (RequestedGraphicsProfile == null || RequestedGraphicsProfile.Length == 0) { #if SILICONSTUDIO_PARADOX_GRAPHICS_API_OPENGLES versionMajor = 3; versionMinor = 0; #else // PC: 4.3 is commonly available (= compute shaders) // MacOS X: 4.1 maximum versionMajor = 4; versionMinor = 1; #endif Control = TryGameWindow(requestedWidth, requestedHeight, graphicMode, versionMajor, versionMinor, creationFlags); } else { foreach (var profile in RequestedGraphicsProfile) { OpenGLUtils.GetGLVersion(profile, out versionMajor, out versionMinor); var gameWindow = TryGameWindow(requestedWidth, requestedHeight, graphicMode, versionMajor, versionMinor, creationFlags); if (gameWindow != null) { Control = gameWindow; break; } } } } else Control = control; if (Control == null) throw new Exception("Unable to initialize graphics context."); RequestedWidth = requestedWidth; RequestedHeight = requestedHeight; ContextType = AppContextType.DesktopOpenTK; }
internal void Mouse_Move(object sender, OpenTK.Input.MouseMoveEventArgs e) { if (DragMode) { Yaw += e.XDelta; Pitch += e.YDelta; } }
void Keyboard_KeyDown(object sender, OpenTK.Input.KeyboardKeyEventArgs e) { if (e.Key == OpenTK.Input.Key.F1) { shouldDraw = !shouldDraw; DepthScreen.IsVisible = shouldDraw; } }
public void Initialize(OpenTK.GameWindow gw) { gameWindow = gw; // Keydown registers key repeating, keyup does not. gw.KeyDown += gw_KeyDown; gw.KeyPress += gw_KeyPress; }
protected override void KeyPressed(OpenTK.Input.Key keyelement) { if (keyelement == Key.Pause) { //unpause. Owner.currentState = ResumeState; } }
public void Clear(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ClearBufferMask mask) { var g = GetCurrentGraphics(); if((mask & ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit) != 0) { g.Clear(_currentClearColor); } }
public override void OnKeyDown(object sender, OpenTK.Input.KeyboardKeyEventArgs args) { base.OnKeyDown(sender, args); if (args.Key == OpenTK.Input.Key.Escape) { StateHandler.Push(new GuiState(Graphics.RenderMode.Ortho, true)); } }
public void Initialize(OpenTK.GameWindow window) { Window = window; window.ClientSize = new Size(mapLayout[0].Length * 30, mapLayout.Length * 30); TextureManager.Instance.UseNearestFiltering = true; map = GenerateMap(mapLayout, spriteSheets, spriteSources); hero = new PlayerCharacter(heroSheet, new Point(spawnTile.X * 30, spawnTile.Y * 30)); }
/// <summary> /// Inicjalizuje nowy opis zasobu. /// </summary> /// <param name="id">Identyfikator zasobu, zobacz: <see cref="Id"/>.</param> /// <param name="name">Nazwa zasobu, zobacz: <see cref="Name"/>.</param> /// <param name="description">Dłuższy opis zasobu.</param> /// <param name="size">Rozmiar zasobu.</param> /// <param name="image">Obrazek z zasobem.</param> /// <param name="polygon">Figura dla zasobu, zobacz <see cref="Polygon"/>.</param> public ResourceDescription(string id, string name, string description, OpenTK.Vector2 size, string image, Vector2[] polygon) { this.Id = id; this.Name = name; this.Description = description; this.Size = size; this.Image = image; this.Polygon = polygon; }
public static void DrawBox(ref OpenTK.Vector3 bbMin, ref OpenTK.Vector3 bbMax, ref OpenTK.Matrix4 trans, OpenTK.Graphics.Color4 color) { using (debugProgram.Using("object_matrix", trans)) using (Box box = new Box(bbMin, bbMax)) { GL.VertexAttrib3(1, new[] { 1f, 1f, 1f }); box.Render(new[] { debugProgram }); } }
private void Window_KeyDown(object sender, OpenTK.Input.KeyboardKeyEventArgs e) { if (!isDown[(int)e.Key] && KeyDown != null) { KeyDown(sender, e); } isDown[(int)e.Key] = true; }
protected override void OnMouseWheel(OpenTK.Input.MouseWheelEventArgs e) { if (Input._wheel < e.Value) Input._wheelState = -1; else Input._wheelState = 1; Input._wheel = e.Value; }
void mouse_ButtonDown(object sender, OpenTK.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs e) { MouseButton button = (MouseButton)e.Button; Vector2 position = new Vector2(e.X, e.Y); if (root.Bounds.ContainsPoint(position)) { root.OnMouseDownEvent(new MouseButtonEventArgs(button, position, GetModifierKeys())); } }
public void Initialize(OpenTK.GameWindow window) { Window = window; window.ClientSize = new Size(15 * TILE_SIZE, 7 * TILE_SIZE); TextureManager.Instance.UseNearestFiltering = true; hero = new PlayerCharacter(heroSheet); currentMap = new Map(startingMap,hero); projectiles = new List<Bullet>(); }
public bool IsPressed(OpenTK.Input.Key key) { if (isDown[(int)key] && !isChecked[(int)key]) { isChecked[(int)key] = true; return true; } return false; }
private void ButtonDownEvent( object sender, OpenTK.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs e ) { if ( e.Button == OpenTK.Input.MouseButton.Left ) MouseButton |= MouseButton.Left; if ( e.Button == OpenTK.Input.MouseButton.Right ) MouseButton |= MouseButton.Right; if ( e.Button == OpenTK.Input.MouseButton.Middle ) MouseButton |= MouseButton.Middle; Position = new Daramkun.Liqueur.Mathematics.Vector2 ( e.X, e.Y ); }
private void Window_KeyUp(object sender, OpenTK.Input.KeyboardKeyEventArgs e) { isDown[(int)e.Key] = false; isChecked[(int)e.Key] = false; if (KeyUp != null) { KeyUp(sender, e); } }
public override void OnKeyUp(object sender, OpenTK.Input.KeyboardKeyEventArgs e) { if (Enabled && (e.Key == OpenTK.Input.Key.Tab)) { Accumulate = !Accumulate; return; } base.OnKeyUp(sender, e); }
public GLVertex(OpenTK.Vector4 a_v4Position, System.Drawing.Color a_oColor, OpenTK.Vector2 a_v2UV) { m_v4Position = a_v4Position; // We order the color RGBA because this is the order expected by OpenGL/Graphics card. m_v4Color.X = a_oColor.R / 255.0f; m_v4Color.Y = a_oColor.G / 255.0f; m_v4Color.Z = a_oColor.B / 255.0f; m_v4Color.W = a_oColor.A / 255.0f; m_v2UV = a_v2UV; }
public void AddVertex(OpenTK.Vector3 position, OpenTK.Vector3 normal, OpenTK.Vector2 texcoords, OpenTK.Graphics.Color4 colour) { var v = new Vertex(); v.Position = position; v.Normal = normal; v.UV = new OpenTK.Vector4(texcoords.X, texcoords.Y, 0, 0); v.Colour = colour; verts.Add(v); }
public static Vector4 Project(OpenTK.Vector4 objPos, ref Matrix4 projection, Matrix4 view, Size viewport) { Vector4 vec = objPos; vec = Vector4.Transform(vec, Matrix4.Mult(projection, view)); vec.X = (vec.X + 1) * (viewport.Width / 2); vec.Y = (vec.Y + 1) * (viewport.Height / 2); return vec; }
get => new Vector2(this.marginX, this.marginY);