public OpenGLControl() { InitializeComponent(); Renderables = new List<IGLRenderable>(); Mode = DisplayMode.LevelView; Camera = new SFCamera(); Camera.UpdateCamera += UpdateCamera; }
/// <summary> /// Constructs a new GLControl with the specified DisplayMode. /// </summary> /// <param name="mode"></param> public GLControl(DisplayMode mode) { InitializeComponent(); this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.Opaque, true); this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true); this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true); DoubleBuffered = false; this.display_mode = mode; this.CreateControl(); }
private void LoadNavMeshFromFile(string path) { try { tiledNavMesh = new NavMeshJsonSerializer().Deserialize(path); navMeshQuery = new NavMeshQuery(tiledNavMesh, 2048); hasGenerated = true; displayMode = DisplayMode.NavMesh; } catch (Exception e) { if (!interceptExceptions) throw; else { hasGenerated = false; tiledNavMesh = null; navMeshQuery = null; Console.WriteLine("Navmesh loading failed with exception:" + Environment.NewLine + e.ToString()); } } }
private void LoadNavMeshFromFile(string path) { tiledNavMesh = new NavMeshJsonSerializer().Deserialize(path); displayMode = DisplayMode.NavMesh; }
/// <summary> /// Constructs a new GameWindow, and opens a render window with the specified DisplayMode. /// </summary> /// <param name="mode">The DisplayMode of the GameWindow.</param> public GameWindow(DisplayMode mode) : this(mode, "OpenTK game window") { }
/// <summary> /// Raises the RenderFrame event, and calls the public function. /// </summary> /// <param name="e"></param> private void OnRenderFrameInternal(RenderFrameEventArgs e) { if (!this.Exists && !this.IsExiting) { Debug.Print("WARNING: RenderFrame event raised, without a valid render window. This may indicate a programming error. Creating render window."); mode = new DisplayMode(640, 480); this.CreateWindow(mode); } if (RenderFrame != null) RenderFrame(this, e); // Call the user's override. OnRenderFrame(e); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a render window for the calling GameWindow, with the specified DisplayMode and Title. /// </summary> /// <param name="mode">The DisplayMode of the render window.</param> /// <param name="title">The Title of the render window.</param> /// <remarks> /// It is an error to call this function when a render window already exists. /// <para>Call DestroyWindow to close the render window.</para> /// </remarks> /// <exception cref="ApplicationException">Occurs when a render window already exists.</exception> private void CreateWindow(DisplayMode mode, string title) { if (!Exists) { // TODO: This is a hack - reslove in 0.3.15 once and for all! // GLContext is created inside the CreateWindow call. glWindow.CreateWindow(mode, out glContext); this.Title = title; } else throw new InvalidOperationException("A render window already exists for this GameWindow."); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a render window for the calling GameWindow. /// </summary> /// <param name="mode">The DisplayMode of the render window.</param> /// <remarks> /// It is an error to call this function when a render window already exists. /// <para>Call DestroyWindow to close the render window.</para> /// </remarks> /// <exception cref="ApplicationException">Occurs when a render window already exists.</exception> public void CreateWindow(DisplayMode mode) { if (!Exists) { try { glWindow.CreateWindow(mode, out glContext); } catch (ApplicationException expt) { Debug.Print(expt.ToString()); throw; } } else { throw new ApplicationException("A render window already exists for this GameWindow."); } }
/// <summary> /// Constructs a new GameWindow with the specified title, and opens a render window with the /// specified DisplayMode. /// </summary> /// <param name="mode">The DisplayMode of the GameWindow.</param> /// <param name="title">The Title of the GameWindow.</param> public GameWindow(DisplayMode mode, string title) { switch (Environment.OSVersion.Platform) { case PlatformID.Win32NT: case PlatformID.Win32S: case PlatformID.Win32Windows: case PlatformID.WinCE: glWindow = new OpenTK.Platform.Windows.WinGLNative(); break; case PlatformID.Unix: case (PlatformID)128: glWindow = new OpenTK.Platform.X11.X11GLNative(); break; default: throw new PlatformNotSupportedException( "Your platform is not supported currently. Please, refer to for more information."); } glWindow.Destroy += glWindow_Destroy; CreateWindow(mode, title); //this.vsync = VSyncMode.Adaptive; this.VSync = VSyncMode.On; }
private void LoadNavMeshFromFile(string path) { tiledNavMesh = new NavMeshJsonSerializer().Deserialize(path); navMeshQuery = new NavMeshQuery(tiledNavMesh, 2048); hasGenerated = true; displayMode = DisplayMode.NavMesh; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a GLContext and attaches it to this GLControl. /// </summary> public void CreateContext() { if (display_mode == null) display_mode = new DisplayMode(); WindowInfo info = new WindowInfo(this); if (!this.DesignMode) { // Mono's implementation of Windows.Forms on X11 does not allow the context to // have a different colordepth from the parent. To combat this, we do not set a // specific depth for the DisplayMode - we let the driver select one instead. display_mode.Color = new ColorMode(0); context = new GLContext(display_mode, info); idle = new PlatformIdle(info); } else { context = new DummyGLContext(display_mode); idle = new DummyPlatformIdle(); } }
private static void CurrentDomain_UnhandledException(object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e) { if (e.ExceptionObject is CtrlCException) { Terminate(); return; } EventHandler h = OnException; if (h != null) { try { h(sender, new EventArgs()); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); Debug.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace.ToString()); } } else if (!wnd.IsExiting) { Exception ex = e.ExceptionObject as Exception; WriteLine(); if (ex == null) WriteLine(e.ExceptionObject.ToString()); else { while (ex != null) { WriteLine(ex.Message); ex = ex.InnerException; } } if (displayMode != DisplayMode.Characters) { displayMode = DisplayMode.Characters; WriteLine("Press ENTER to continue."); ReadLine(); } } Terminate(); }
/// <summary> /// Starts the execution of the application. /// </summary> protected static void Initialize() { DisplayDevice MainDisplay = DisplayDevice.Default; screenWidth = MainDisplay.Width; screenHeight = MainDisplay.Height; StackTrace StackTrace = new StackTrace(); StackFrame StackFrame = StackTrace.GetFrame(1); Type T = StackFrame.GetMethod().ReflectedType; int i; foreach (ScreenBorderAttribute Attr in T.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ScreenBorderAttribute), true)) { leftMargin = Attr.LeftMargin; rightMargin = Attr.RightMargin; topMargin = Attr.TopMargin; bottomMargin = Attr.BottomMargin; borderColor = Attr.BorderColor; } visibleScreenWidth = screenWidth - leftMargin - rightMargin; visibleScreenHeight = screenHeight - topMargin - bottomMargin; foreach (AspectRatioAttribute Attr in T.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AspectRatioAttribute), true)) { double DimX = Attr.Width; double DimY = Attr.Height; double DesiredAspectRatio = DimX / DimY; double CurrentAspectRatio = ((double)visibleScreenWidth) / visibleScreenHeight; int Diff; if (DesiredAspectRatio > CurrentAspectRatio) { // Wants wider that screen actually is. Shrink height of visible screen. // w/h=a, h=w/a visibleScreenHeight = (int)(visibleScreenWidth / DesiredAspectRatio + 0.5); Diff = screenHeight - visibleScreenHeight; topMargin += Diff / 2; bottomMargin += Diff - (Diff / 2); } else if (DesiredAspectRatio < CurrentAspectRatio) { // Wants less wide that screen actually is. Shrink width of visible screen. // w/h=a, w=a*h visibleScreenWidth = (int)(DesiredAspectRatio * visibleScreenHeight + 0.5); Diff = screenWidth - visibleScreenWidth; leftMargin += Diff / 2; rightMargin += Diff - (Diff / 2); } } if (borderColor.IsEmpty) borderColor = foregroundColor; foreach (CharacterSetAttribute Attr in T.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(CharacterSetAttribute), true)) { characterSetSize = Attr.CharacterSetSize; fontName = Attr.FontName; } foreach (CharactersAttribute Attr in T.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(CharactersAttribute), true)) { consoleWidth = Attr.Width; consoleHeight = Attr.Height; foregroundColor = Attr.ForegroundColor; backgroundColor = Attr.BackgroundColor; consoleWindowRight = consoleWidth - 1; consoleWindowBottom = consoleHeight - 1; consoleWindowWidth = consoleWindowRight - consoleWindowLeft + 1; consoleWindowHeight = consoleWindowBottom - consoleWindowTop + 1; displayMode = DisplayMode.Characters; } rasterWidth = visibleScreenWidth; rasterHeight = visibleScreenHeight; foreach (RasterGraphicsAttribute Attr in T.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(RasterGraphicsAttribute), true)) { rasterWidth = rasterObj.rasterWidth = Attr.Width; rasterHeight = rasterObj.rasterHeight = Attr.Height; rasterClipRight = rasterObj.rasterClipRight = rasterWidth - 1; rasterClipBottom = rasterObj.rasterClipBottom = rasterHeight - 1; rasterBackgroundColor = Attr.BackgroundColor; displayMode = DisplayMode.RasterGraphics; } rasterStride = rasterObj.rasterStride = rasterWidth * 4; rasterSize = rasterWidth * rasterStride; byte R = rasterBackgroundColor.R; byte G = rasterBackgroundColor.G; byte B = rasterBackgroundColor.B; byte A = rasterBackgroundColor.A; raster = rasterObj.raster = new byte[rasterSize]; rasterBlocksX = rasterWidth / RasterBlockSize; if ((rasterWidth % RasterBlockSize) != 0) rasterBlocksX++; rasterBlocksY = rasterHeight / RasterBlockSize; if ((rasterHeight % RasterBlockSize) != 0) rasterBlocksY++; rasterObj.rasterBlocksX = rasterBlocksX; rasterObj.rasterBlocksY = rasterBlocksY; rasterBlocks = rasterObj.rasterBlocks = new bool[rasterBlocksX * rasterBlocksY]; i = 0; while (i < rasterSize) { raster[i++] = R; raster[i++] = G; raster[i++] = B; raster[i++] = A; } consoleSize = consoleWidth * consoleHeight; consoleSizeMinusOneRow = consoleWidth * (consoleHeight - 1); int c = consoleWidth * consoleHeight; int j = 32 % characterSetSize; screenBuffer = new int[c]; foregroundColorBuffer = new Color[c]; backgroundColorBuffer = new Color[c]; emptyRow = new int[consoleWidth]; for (i = 0; i < consoleWidth; i++) emptyRow[i] = j; Clear(); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException); renderingThread = new Thread(ExecutionThread); renderingThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.AboveNormal; renderingThread.Name = "OpenGL rendering thread"; renderingThread.Start(); started.WaitOne(); Console.SetOut(consoleOutput = new ConsoleOutput()); Console.SetIn(consoleInput = new ConsoleInput()); Console.TreatControlCAsInput = true; }
public DisplayMode(DisplayMode mode) : this(mode.Width, mode.Height, mode.Color, mode.DepthBits, mode.StencilBits, mode.AuxBits, mode.Buffers, mode.Fullscreen, mode.Stereo, mode.Vsync, mode.RefreshRate) { }
void IPrimarySwapChain.ResetToFullscreen(ref DisplayMode displayMode, ref SwapChainDescription description) { fullscreenDisplayMode = displayMode; implicitSwapChainDesc = description; fullscreenState = FullscreenState.Fullscreen; DisplayDevice.Default.ChangeResolution(displayMode.Width, displayMode.Height, device.Adapter.GetFormatInfo(displayMode.FormatID).TotalBits, displayMode.RefreshRate.ToSingle()); WindowState = WindowState.Fullscreen; ResetProcedure(); }
void IPrimarySwapChain.GetFullscreenDisplayMode(out DisplayMode displayMode) { displayMode = fullscreenDisplayMode; }