Exemple #1
        public static DsgVar Read(EndianBinaryReader reader, Pointer offset, DsgMem dsgMem = null)
            DsgVar dsgVar = new DsgVar(offset);

            dsgVar.off_dsgMemBuffer = Pointer.Read(reader);
            dsgVar.off_dsgVarInfo   = Pointer.Read(reader);

            // Unknown stuff
            if (dsgMem == null)
                dsgVar.something3 = reader.ReadUInt32();

            if (dsgMem == null)
                dsgVar.amountOfInfos      = reader.ReadUInt32();
                dsgVar.dsgMemBufferLength = reader.ReadUInt32() * 4;
                dsgVar.dsgMemBufferLength = reader.ReadUInt32();
                dsgVar.amountOfInfos      = reader.ReadUInt32();

            dsgVar.dsgVarInfos = new DsgVarInfoEntry[dsgVar.amountOfInfos];

            if (dsgVar.off_dsgVarInfo != null && dsgVar.amountOfInfos > 0)
                Pointer off_current = Pointer.Goto(ref reader, dsgVar.off_dsgVarInfo);
                for (int i = 0; i < dsgVar.amountOfInfos; i++)
                    DsgVarInfoEntry infoEntry = DsgVarInfoEntry.Read(reader, Pointer.Current(reader));

                    if (dsgMem != null)
                        infoEntry.value = dsgVar.ReadValueFromDsgMemBuffer(reader, infoEntry, dsgMem);
                        infoEntry.value = dsgVar.ReadValueFromDsgVarBuffer(reader, infoEntry, dsgVar);
                    dsgVar.dsgVarInfos[i] = infoEntry;
                Pointer.Goto(ref reader, off_current); // Move the reader back to where it was

            /*if (d.off_AI_model != null) {
             *  Pointer.Goto(ref reader, d.off_AI_model);
             *  d.AI_model = AIModel.Read(reader, d.off_AI_model);
             * }*/
Exemple #2
        protected override void ReadInternal(Reader reader)
            off_dsgMemBuffer = Pointer.Read(reader);
            off_dsgVarInfo   = Pointer.Read(reader);
            if (Settings.s.game == Settings.Game.R2Revolution)
                dsgMemBufferLength = reader.ReadUInt16();
                amountOfInfos      = reader.ReadUInt16();
                dsgMemBufferLength = reader.ReadUInt32();
                amountOfInfos      = reader.ReadByte();
            dsgVarInfos   = new DsgVarInfoEntry[amountOfInfos];
            defaultValues = new DsgVarValue[amountOfInfos];
            if (amountOfInfos > 0)
                Pointer.DoAt(ref reader, off_dsgVarInfo, () => {
                    for (uint i = 0; i < amountOfInfos; i++)
                        dsgVarInfos[i]   = DsgVarInfoEntry.Read(reader, Pointer.Current(reader), i);
                        defaultValues[i] = new DsgVarValue(dsgVarInfos[i].type, null);
                        defaultValues[i].ReadFromDsgVarBuffer(reader, dsgVarInfos[i], this);

                        //l.print(infoEntry.offset + " - " + infoEntry.typeNumber + " - " + infoEntry.type + " - " + infoEntry.offsetInBuffer);

                        /*if (dsgMem != null) {
                         *  if (Settings.s.platform != Settings.Platform.DC) {
                         *      infoEntry.value = dsgVar.ReadValueFromDsgMemBuffer(reader, infoEntry, dsgMem);
                         *  }
                         *  if (dsgMem.memBufferInitial != null) {
                         *      infoEntry.initialValue = dsgVar.ReadInitialValueFromDsgMemBuffer(reader, infoEntry, dsgMem);
                         *      if (Settings.s.platform == Settings.Platform.DC) {
                         *          infoEntry.value = infoEntry.initialValue;
                         *      }
                         *  }
                         * } else {
                         *  infoEntry.value = dsgVar.ReadValueFromDsgVarBuffer(reader, infoEntry, dsgVar);
                         * }
                         * dsgVar.dsgVarInfos[i] = infoEntry;*/
Exemple #3
        public static DsgVar Read(Reader reader, Pointer offset, DsgMem dsgMem = null)
            MapLoader l = MapLoader.Loader;
            //l.print("DsgVar " + offset);
            DsgVar dsgVar = new DsgVar(offset);

            dsgVar.off_dsgMemBuffer = Pointer.Read(reader);
            dsgVar.off_dsgVarInfo   = Pointer.Read(reader);

            /*if (dsgMem != null) {
             *  l.print(offset + " - " + dsgVar.off_dsgMemBuffer + " - " + dsgVar.off_dsgVarInfo);
             *  l.print("DsgMem initial: " + dsgMem.memBufferInitial + " - cur: " + dsgMem.memBuffer);
             * }*/

            // Unknown stuff
            if (dsgMem == null &&
                Settings.s.platform != Settings.Platform.GC &&
                Settings.s.platform != Settings.Platform.DC &&
                Settings.s.platform != Settings.Platform.Xbox360 &&
                Settings.s.game != Settings.Game.R2Revolution &&
                Settings.s.game != Settings.Game.LargoWinch &&
                Settings.s.engineVersion >= Settings.EngineVersion.R2)
                dsgVar.something3 = reader.ReadUInt32();

            if (Settings.s.game == Settings.Game.R2Revolution)
                dsgVar.dsgMemBufferLength = reader.ReadUInt16();
                dsgVar.amountOfInfos      = reader.ReadUInt16();
            else if (Settings.s.platform == Settings.Platform.GC ||
                     Settings.s.platform == Settings.Platform.DC ||
                     Settings.s.platform == Settings.Platform.Xbox360 ||
                     Settings.s.engineVersion < Settings.EngineVersion.R2 ||
                     Settings.s.game == Settings.Game.LargoWinch)
                dsgVar.dsgMemBufferLength = reader.ReadUInt32();
                dsgVar.amountOfInfos      = reader.ReadByte();
            else if (dsgMem == null)
                dsgVar.amountOfInfos      = reader.ReadUInt32();
                dsgVar.dsgMemBufferLength = reader.ReadUInt32() * 4;
                dsgVar.dsgMemBufferLength = reader.ReadUInt32();
                dsgVar.amountOfInfos      = reader.ReadUInt32();

            if (dsgMem != null && dsgMem.memBufferInitial == null)
                dsgMem.memBufferInitial = dsgVar.off_dsgMemBuffer;

            dsgVar.dsgVarInfos = new DsgVarInfoEntry[dsgVar.amountOfInfos];

            if (dsgVar.amountOfInfos > 0)
                Pointer.DoAt(ref reader, dsgVar.off_dsgVarInfo, () => {
                    for (uint i = 0; i < dsgVar.amountOfInfos; i++)
                        DsgVarInfoEntry infoEntry = DsgVarInfoEntry.Read(reader, Pointer.Current(reader), i);
                        //l.print(infoEntry.offset + " - " + infoEntry.typeNumber + " - " + infoEntry.type + " - " + infoEntry.offsetInBuffer);

                        if (dsgMem != null)
                            if (Settings.s.platform != Settings.Platform.DC)
                                infoEntry.value = dsgVar.ReadValueFromDsgMemBuffer(reader, infoEntry, dsgMem);
                            if (dsgMem.memBufferInitial != null)
                                infoEntry.initialValue = dsgVar.ReadInitialValueFromDsgMemBuffer(reader, infoEntry, dsgMem);
                                if (Settings.s.platform == Settings.Platform.DC)
                                    infoEntry.value = infoEntry.initialValue;
                            infoEntry.value = dsgVar.ReadValueFromDsgVarBuffer(reader, infoEntry, dsgVar);
                        dsgVar.dsgVarInfos[i] = infoEntry;

            /*if (d.off_AI_model != null) {
             *  Pointer.Goto(ref reader, d.off_AI_model);
             *  d.AI_model = AIModel.Read(reader, d.off_AI_model);
             * }*/