public string GetUserServerURL(UUID userID, string serverType)
            UserData userdata;
            lock (m_UserCache)
                m_UserCache.TryGetValue(userID, out userdata);

            if (userdata != null)
//                m_log.DebugFormat("[USER MANAGEMENT MODULE]: Requested url type {0} for {1}", serverType, userID);

                if (userdata.ServerURLs != null && userdata.ServerURLs.ContainsKey(serverType) && userdata.ServerURLs[serverType] != null)
                    return userdata.ServerURLs[serverType].ToString();

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userdata.HomeURL))
                    //    "[USER MANAGEMENT MODULE]: Did not find url type {0} so requesting urls from '{1}' for {2}",
                    //    serverType, userdata.HomeURL, userID);

                    UserAgentServiceConnector uConn = new UserAgentServiceConnector(userdata.HomeURL);
                        userdata.ServerURLs = uConn.GetServerURLs(userID);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        m_log.Debug("[USER MANAGEMENT MODULE]: GetServerURLs call failed ", e);
                        userdata.ServerURLs = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                    if (userdata.ServerURLs != null && userdata.ServerURLs.ContainsKey(serverType) && userdata.ServerURLs[serverType] != null)
                        return userdata.ServerURLs[serverType].ToString();

            return string.Empty;
        //protected override void GetOnlineFriends(UUID userID, List<string> friendList, /*collector*/ List<UUID> online)
        //    // Let's single out the UUIs
        //    List<string> localFriends = new List<string>();
        //    List<string> foreignFriends = new List<string>();
        //    string tmp = string.Empty;

        //    foreach (string s in friendList)
        //    {
        //        UUID id;
        //        if (UUID.TryParse(s, out id))
        //            localFriends.Add(s);
        //        else if (Util.ParseUniversalUserIdentifier(s, out id, out tmp, out tmp, out tmp, out tmp))
        //        {
        //            foreignFriends.Add(s);
        //            // add it here too, who knows maybe the foreign friends happens to be on this grid
        //            localFriends.Add(id.ToString());
        //        }
        //    }

        //    // OK, see who's present on this grid
        //    List<string> toBeRemoved = new List<string>();
        //    PresenceInfo[] presence = PresenceService.GetAgents(localFriends.ToArray());
        //    foreach (PresenceInfo pi in presence)
        //    {
        //        UUID presenceID;
        //        if (UUID.TryParse(pi.UserID, out presenceID))
        //        {
        //            online.Add(presenceID);
        //            foreach (string s in foreignFriends)
        //                if (s.StartsWith(pi.UserID))
        //                    toBeRemoved.Add(s);
        //        }
        //    }

        //    foreach (string s in toBeRemoved)
        //        foreignFriends.Remove(s);

        //    // OK, let's send this up the stack, and leave a closure here
        //    // collecting online friends in other grids
        //    Util.FireAndForget(delegate { CollectOnlineFriendsElsewhere(userID, foreignFriends); });


        //private void CollectOnlineFriendsElsewhere(UUID userID, List<string> foreignFriends)
        //    // let's divide the friends on a per-domain basis
        //    Dictionary<string, List<string>> friendsPerDomain = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
        //    foreach (string friend in foreignFriends)
        //    {
        //        UUID friendID;
        //        if (!UUID.TryParse(friend, out friendID))
        //        {
        //            // it's a foreign friend
        //            string url = string.Empty, tmp = string.Empty;
        //            if (Util.ParseUniversalUserIdentifier(friend, out friendID, out url, out tmp, out tmp, out tmp))
        //            {
        //                if (!friendsPerDomain.ContainsKey(url))
        //                    friendsPerDomain[url] = new List<string>();
        //                friendsPerDomain[url].Add(friend);
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }

        //    // Now, call those worlds
        //    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, List<string>> kvp in friendsPerDomain)
        //    {
        //        List<string> ids = new List<string>();
        //        foreach (string f in kvp.Value)
        //            ids.Add(f);
        //        UserAgentServiceConnector uConn = new UserAgentServiceConnector(kvp.Key);
        //        List<UUID> online = uConn.GetOnlineFriends(userID, ids);
        //        // Finally send the notifications to the user
        //        // this whole process may take a while, so let's check at every
        //        // iteration that the user is still here
        //        IClientAPI client = LocateClientObject(userID);
        //        if (client != null)
        //            client.SendAgentOnline(online.ToArray());
        //        else
        //            break;
        //    }


        protected override void StatusNotify(List<FriendInfo> friendList, UUID userID, bool online)
//            m_log.DebugFormat("[HGFRIENDS MODULE]: Entering StatusNotify for {0}", userID);

            // First, let's divide the friends on a per-domain basis
            Dictionary<string, List<FriendInfo>> friendsPerDomain = new Dictionary<string, List<FriendInfo>>();
            foreach (FriendInfo friend in friendList)
                UUID friendID;
                if (UUID.TryParse(friend.Friend, out friendID))
                    if (!friendsPerDomain.ContainsKey("local"))
                        friendsPerDomain["local"] = new List<FriendInfo>();
                    // it's a foreign friend
                    string url = string.Empty, tmp = string.Empty;
                    if (Util.ParseUniversalUserIdentifier(friend.Friend, out friendID, out url, out tmp, out tmp, out tmp))
                        // Let's try our luck in the local sim. Who knows, maybe it's here
                        if (LocalStatusNotification(userID, friendID, online))

                        if (!friendsPerDomain.ContainsKey(url))
                            friendsPerDomain[url] = new List<FriendInfo>();

            // For the local friends, just call the base method
            // Let's do this first of all
            if (friendsPerDomain.ContainsKey("local"))
                base.StatusNotify(friendsPerDomain["local"], userID, online);

            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, List<FriendInfo>> kvp in friendsPerDomain)
                if (kvp.Key != "local")
                    // For the others, call the user agent service 
                    List<string> ids = new List<string>();
                    foreach (FriendInfo f in kvp.Value)
                    UserAgentServiceConnector uConn = new UserAgentServiceConnector(kvp.Key);
                    List<UUID> friendsOnline = uConn.StatusNotification(ids, userID, online);

                    if (online && friendsOnline.Count > 0)
                        IClientAPI client = LocateClientObject(userID);
                        if (client != null)

//            m_log.DebugFormat("[HGFRIENDS MODULE]: Exiting StatusNotify for {0}", userID);
        private void ProcessFriendshipOffered(UUID fromID, String fromName, UUID toID, String message)
            // Great, it's a genuine request. Let's proceed.
            // But now we need to confirm that the requester is who he says he is
            // before we act on the friendship request.

            if (!fromName.Contains("@"))

            string[] parts = fromName.Split(new char[] {'@'});
            if (parts.Length != 2)

            string uriStr = "http://" + parts[1];
                new Uri(uriStr);
            catch (UriFormatException)

            UserAgentServiceConnector uasConn = new UserAgentServiceConnector(uriStr);
            Dictionary<string, object> servers = uasConn.GetServerURLs(fromID);
            if (!servers.ContainsKey("FriendsServerURI"))

            HGFriendsServicesConnector friendsConn = new HGFriendsServicesConnector(servers["FriendsServerURI"].ToString());
            if (!friendsConn.ValidateFriendshipOffered(fromID, toID))
                m_log.WarnFormat("[HGFRIENDS SERVICE]: Friendship request from {0} to {1} is invalid. Impersonations?", fromID, toID);

            string fromUUI = Util.UniversalIdentifier(fromID, parts[0], "@" + parts[1], uriStr);
            // OK, we're good!
            ForwardToSim("FriendshipOffered", fromID, fromName, fromUUI, toID, message);
        public bool VerifyClient(AgentCircuitData aCircuit, string token)
            if (aCircuit.ServiceURLs.ContainsKey("HomeURI"))
                string url = aCircuit.ServiceURLs["HomeURI"].ToString();
                IUserAgentService security = new UserAgentServiceConnector(url);
                return security.VerifyClient(aCircuit.SessionID, token);
                    "[HG ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Agent {0} {1} does not have a HomeURI OH NO!",
                    aCircuit.firstname, aCircuit.lastname);

            return false;
        // Get the UserAccountBits
        private bool GetUserProfileData(UUID userID, out Dictionary<string, object> userInfo)
            IUserManagement uManage = UserManagementModule;
            Dictionary<string,object> info = new Dictionary<string, object>();

            if (!uManage.IsLocalGridUser(userID))
                // Is Foreign
                string home_url = uManage.GetUserServerURL(userID, "HomeURI");

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(home_url))
                    info["user_flags"] = 0;
                    info["user_created"] = 0;
                    info["user_title"] = "Unavailable";

                    userInfo = info;
                    return true;

                UserAgentServiceConnector uConn = new UserAgentServiceConnector(home_url);

                Dictionary<string, object> account = uConn.GetUserInfo(userID);

                if (account.Count > 0)
                    if (account.ContainsKey("user_flags"))
                        info["user_flags"] = account["user_flags"];
                        info["user_flags"] = "";

                    if (account.ContainsKey("user_created"))
                        info["user_created"] = account["user_created"];
                        info["user_created"] = "";

                    info["user_title"] = "HG Visitor";
                   info["user_flags"] = 0;
                   info["user_created"] = 0;
                   info["user_title"] = "HG Visitor";
                userInfo = info;
                return true;
                // Is local
                Scene scene = m_Scenes[0];
                IUserAccountService uas = scene.UserAccountService;
                UserAccount account = uas.GetUserAccount(scene.RegionInfo.ScopeID, userID);

                info["user_flags"] = account.UserFlags;
                info["user_created"] = account.Created;

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(account.UserTitle))
                    info["user_title"] = account.UserTitle;
                    info["user_title"] = "";

                userInfo = info;

                return false;
        void OnConnectionClosed(IClientAPI obj)
            if (obj.IsLoggingOut)
                object sp = null;
                if (obj.Scene.TryGetScenePresence(obj.AgentId, out sp))
                    if (((ScenePresence)sp).IsChildAgent)

                // Let's find out if this is a foreign user or a local user
                UserAccount account = m_aScene.UserAccountService.GetUserAccount(m_aScene.RegionInfo.ScopeID, obj.AgentId);
                if (account != null)
                    // local grid user

                AgentCircuitData aCircuit = ((Scene)(obj.Scene)).AuthenticateHandler.GetAgentCircuitData(obj.CircuitCode);

                if (aCircuit.ServiceURLs.ContainsKey("HomeURI"))
                    string url = aCircuit.ServiceURLs["HomeURI"].ToString();
                    IUserAgentService security = new UserAgentServiceConnector(url);
                    security.LogoutAgent(obj.AgentId, obj.SessionId);
                    //m_log.DebugFormat("[HG ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Sent logout call to UserAgentService @ {0}", url);
                    m_log.DebugFormat("[HG ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: HomeURI not found for agent {0} logout", obj.AgentId);
        protected override bool CreateAgent(ScenePresence sp, GridRegion reg, GridRegion finalDestination, AgentCircuitData agentCircuit, uint teleportFlags, out string reason, out bool logout)
            m_log.DebugFormat("[HG ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: CreateAgent {0} {1}", reg.ServerURI, finalDestination.ServerURI);
            reason = string.Empty;
            logout = false;
            int flags = Scene.GridService.GetRegionFlags(Scene.RegionInfo.ScopeID, reg.RegionID);
            if (flags == -1 /* no region in DB */ || (flags & (int)OpenSim.Framework.RegionFlags.Hyperlink) != 0)
                // this user is going to another grid
                // for local users, check if HyperGrid teleport is allowed, based on user level
                if (Scene.UserManagementModule.IsLocalGridUser(sp.UUID) && sp.UserLevel < m_levelHGTeleport)
                    m_log.WarnFormat("[HG ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Unable to HG teleport agent due to insufficient UserLevel.");
                    reason = "Hypergrid teleport not allowed";
                    return false;

                if (agentCircuit.ServiceURLs.ContainsKey("HomeURI"))
                    string userAgentDriver = agentCircuit.ServiceURLs["HomeURI"].ToString();
                    IUserAgentService connector;

                    if (userAgentDriver.Equals(m_ThisHomeURI) && m_UAS != null)
                        connector = m_UAS;
                        connector = new UserAgentServiceConnector(userAgentDriver);

                    bool success = connector.LoginAgentToGrid(agentCircuit, reg, finalDestination, false, out reason);
                    logout = success; // flag for later logout from this grid; this is an HG TP

                    if (success)
                        sp.Scene.EventManager.TriggerTeleportStart(sp.ControllingClient, reg, finalDestination, teleportFlags, logout);

                    return success;
                    m_log.DebugFormat("[HG ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Agent does not have a HomeURI address");
                    return false;

            return base.CreateAgent(sp, reg, finalDestination, agentCircuit, teleportFlags, out reason, out logout);
        private string TryGetRecipientUUI(UUID fromAgent, UUID toAgent)
            // Let's call back the fromAgent's user agent service
            // Maybe that service knows about the toAgent
            IClientAPI client = LocateClientObject(fromAgent);
            if (client != null)
                AgentCircuitData circuit = m_Scenes[0].AuthenticateHandler.GetAgentCircuitData(client.AgentId);
                if (circuit != null)
                    if (circuit.ServiceURLs.ContainsKey("HomeURI"))
                        string uasURL = circuit.ServiceURLs["HomeURI"].ToString();
                        m_log.DebugFormat("[HG MESSAGE TRANSFER]: getting UUI of user {0} from {1}", toAgent, uasURL);
                        UserAgentServiceConnector uasConn = new UserAgentServiceConnector(uasURL);

                        string agentUUI = string.Empty;
                            agentUUI = uasConn.GetUUI(fromAgent, toAgent);
                        catch (Exception e) {
                            m_log.Debug("[HG MESSAGE TRANSFER]: GetUUI call failed ", e);

                        return agentUUI;

            return string.Empty;
        public string GetUserServerURL(UUID userID, string serverType)
            UserData userdata;
            if(!GetUser(userID, out userdata))
                return string.Empty;

            if (userdata.ServerURLs != null && userdata.ServerURLs.ContainsKey(serverType) && userdata.ServerURLs[serverType] != null)
                return userdata.ServerURLs[serverType].ToString();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userdata.HomeURL))
//                m_log.DebugFormat("[USER MANAGEMENT MODULE]: Requested url type {0} for {1}", serverType, userID);

                UserAgentServiceConnector uConn = new UserAgentServiceConnector(userdata.HomeURL);
                    userdata.ServerURLs = uConn.GetServerURLs(userID);
                catch(System.Net.WebException e)
                    m_log.DebugFormat("[USER MANAGEMENT MODULE]: GetServerURLs call failed {0}", e.Message);
                    userdata.ServerURLs = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                catch (Exception e)
                    m_log.Debug("[USER MANAGEMENT MODULE]: GetServerURLs call failed ", e);
                    userdata.ServerURLs = new Dictionary<string, object>();

                if (userdata.ServerURLs != null && userdata.ServerURLs.ContainsKey(serverType) && userdata.ServerURLs[serverType] != null)
                    return userdata.ServerURLs[serverType].ToString();

            return string.Empty;
        protected override void AddAdditionalUsers(UUID avatarID, string query, List<UserData> users)
            if (query.Contains("@"))  // [email protected], maybe?
                string[] words = query.Split(new char[] { '@' });
                if (words.Length != 2)
                    m_log.DebugFormat("[USER MANAGEMENT MODULE]: Malformed address {0}", query);

                words[0] = words[0].Trim(); // it has at least 1
                words[1] = words[1].Trim();

                if (words[0] == String.Empty) // query was
                    foreach (UserData d in m_UserCache.Values)
                        if (d.LastName.ToLower().StartsWith("@" + words[1].ToLower()))

                    // We're done

                // words.Length == 2 and words[0] != string.empty
                // [email protected] ?
                foreach (UserData d in m_UserCache.Values)
                    if (d.LastName.StartsWith("@") &&
                        d.FirstName.ToLower().Equals(words[0].ToLower()) &&
                        d.LastName.ToLower().Equals("@" + words[1].ToLower()))
                        // It's cached. We're done

                // This is it! Let's ask the other world
                if (words[0].Contains(".")) 
                    string[] names = words[0].Split(new char[] { '.' });
                    if (names.Length >= 2)

                        string uriStr = "http://" + words[1];
                        // Let's check that the last name is a valid address
                            new Uri(uriStr);
                        catch (UriFormatException)
                            m_log.DebugFormat("[USER MANAGEMENT MODULE]: Malformed address {0}", uriStr);

                        UserAgentServiceConnector uasConn = new UserAgentServiceConnector(uriStr);
                        UUID userID = uasConn.GetUUID(names[0], names[1]);
                        if (!userID.Equals(UUID.Zero))
                            UserData ud = new UserData();
                            ud.Id = userID;
                            ud.FirstName = words[0];
                            ud.LastName = "@" + words[1];
                            AddUser(userID, names[0], names[1], uriStr);
                            m_log.DebugFormat("[USER MANAGEMENT MODULE]: User {0}@{1} found", words[0], words[1]);
                            m_log.DebugFormat("[USER MANAGEMENT MODULE]: User {0}@{1} not found", words[0], words[1]);
            //    foreach (UserData d in m_UserCache.Values)
            //    {
            //        if (d.LastName.StartsWith("@") && 
            //            (d.FirstName.ToLower().StartsWith(query.ToLower()) || 
            //             d.LastName.ToLower().StartsWith(query.ToLower())))
            //            users.Add(d);
            //    }
        protected bool Authenticate(AgentCircuitData aCircuit, out string message)
            message = "";
            if (!CheckAddress(aCircuit.ServiceSessionID))
                message = "Please use " + m_Uri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + " instead.";
                return false;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(aCircuit.IPAddress))
                m_log.DebugFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Agent did not provide a client IP address.");
                return false;

            string userURL = string.Empty;
            if (aCircuit.ServiceURLs.ContainsKey("HomeURI"))
                userURL = aCircuit.ServiceURLs["HomeURI"].ToString();

            if (userURL == string.Empty)
                m_log.DebugFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Agent did not provide an authentication server URL");
                message = "Agent did not provide an authentication server URL.";
                return false;

            if (userURL == m_ExternalName)
                return m_UserAgentService.VerifyAgent(aCircuit.SessionID, aCircuit.ServiceSessionID);
                IUserAgentService userAgentService = new UserAgentServiceConnector(userURL); 

                    return userAgentService.VerifyAgent(aCircuit.SessionID, aCircuit.ServiceSessionID);
                    m_log.DebugFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Unable to contact authentication service at {0}", userURL);
                    message = string.Format("Unable to contact authentication service at {0}.", userURL);
                    return false;
        public string GetUserServerURL(UUID userID, string serverType)
            UserData userdata;
            lock (m_UserCache)
                m_UserCache.TryGetValue(userID, out userdata);

            if (userdata != null)
				//                m_log.DebugFormat("[UserManagementModule]: Requested url type {0} for {1}", serverType, userID);

                if (userdata.ServerURLs != null && userdata.ServerURLs.ContainsKey(serverType) && userdata.ServerURLs[serverType] != null)
                    return userdata.ServerURLs[serverType].ToString();

                if (userdata.HomeURL != null && userdata.HomeURL != string.Empty)
					//    "[UserManagementModule]: Did not find url type {0} so requesting urls from '{1}' for {2}",
                    //    serverType, userdata.HomeURL, userID);

                    UserAgentServiceConnector uConn = new UserAgentServiceConnector(userdata.HomeURL);
                    userdata.ServerURLs = uConn.GetServerURLs(userID);
                    if (userdata.ServerURLs != null && userdata.ServerURLs.ContainsKey(serverType) && userdata.ServerURLs[serverType] != null)
                        return userdata.ServerURLs[serverType].ToString();

            return string.Empty;
        public string GetUserServerURL(UUID userID, string serverType)
            if (m_UserCache.ContainsKey(userID))
                UserData userdata = m_UserCache[userID];
                if (userdata.ServerURLs != null && userdata.ServerURLs.ContainsKey(serverType) && userdata.ServerURLs[serverType] != null)
                    return userdata.ServerURLs[serverType].ToString();

                if (userdata.HomeURL != string.Empty)
                    UserAgentServiceConnector uConn = new UserAgentServiceConnector(userdata.HomeURL);
                    userdata.ServerURLs = uConn.GetServerURLs(userID);
                    if (userdata.ServerURLs != null && userdata.ServerURLs.ContainsKey(serverType) && userdata.ServerURLs[serverType] != null)
                        return userdata.ServerURLs[serverType].ToString();

            return string.Empty;
        void OnConnectionClosed(IClientAPI obj)
            if (obj.IsLoggingOut)
                AgentCircuitData aCircuit = ((Scene)(obj.Scene)).AuthenticateHandler.GetAgentCircuitData(obj.CircuitCode);

                if (aCircuit.ServiceURLs.ContainsKey("HomeURI"))
                    string url = aCircuit.ServiceURLs["HomeURI"].ToString();
                    IUserAgentService security = new UserAgentServiceConnector(url);
                    security.LogoutAgent(obj.AgentId, obj.SessionId);
                    //m_log.DebugFormat("[HG ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Sent logout call to UserAgentService @ {0}", url);
                    m_log.DebugFormat("[HG ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: HomeURI not found for agent {0} logout", obj.AgentId);
        protected override bool CreateAgent(ScenePresence sp, GridRegion reg, GridRegion finalDestination, AgentCircuitData agentCircuit, uint teleportFlags, out string reason, out bool logout)
            m_log.DebugFormat("[HG ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: CreateAgent {0} {1}", reg.ServerURI, finalDestination.ServerURI);
            reason = string.Empty;
            logout = false;
            int flags = m_aScene.GridService.GetRegionFlags(m_aScene.RegionInfo.ScopeID, reg.RegionID);
            if (flags == -1 /* no region in DB */ || (flags & (int)OpenSim.Data.RegionFlags.Hyperlink) != 0)
                // this user is going to another grid
                if (agentCircuit.ServiceURLs.ContainsKey("HomeURI"))
                    string userAgentDriver = agentCircuit.ServiceURLs["HomeURI"].ToString();
                    IUserAgentService connector = new UserAgentServiceConnector(userAgentDriver);
                    bool success = connector.LoginAgentToGrid(agentCircuit, reg, finalDestination, out reason);
                    logout = success; // flag for later logout from this grid; this is an HG TP

                    return success;
                    m_log.DebugFormat("[HG ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Agent does not have a HomeURI address");
                    return false;

            return m_aScene.SimulationService.CreateAgent(reg, agentCircuit, teleportFlags, out reason);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the user account data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// The user profile data.
        /// </returns>
        /// <param name='userID'>
        /// If set to <c>true</c> user I.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='userInfo'>
        /// If set to <c>true</c> user info.
        /// </param>
        bool GetUserAccountData(UUID userID, out Dictionary<string, object> userInfo)
            Dictionary<string,object> info = new Dictionary<string, object>();

            if (UserManagementModule.IsLocalGridUser(userID))
                // Is local
                IUserAccountService uas = Scene.UserAccountService;
                UserAccount account = uas.GetUserAccount(Scene.RegionInfo.ScopeID, userID);

                info["user_flags"] = account.UserFlags;
                info["user_created"] = account.Created;

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(account.UserTitle))
                    info["user_title"] = account.UserTitle;
                    info["user_title"] = "";

                userInfo = info;

                return false;
                // Is Foreign
                string home_url = UserManagementModule.GetUserServerURL(userID, "HomeURI");

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(home_url))
                    info["user_flags"] = 0;
                    info["user_created"] = 0;
                    info["user_title"] = "Unavailable";

                    userInfo = info;
                    return true;

                UserAgentServiceConnector uConn = new UserAgentServiceConnector(home_url);

                Dictionary<string, object> account;
                    account = uConn.GetUserInfo(userID);
                catch (Exception e)
                    m_log.Debug("[PROFILES]: GetUserInfo call failed ", e);
                    account = new Dictionary<string, object>();

                if (account.Count > 0)
                    if (account.ContainsKey("user_flags"))
                        info["user_flags"] = account["user_flags"];
                        info["user_flags"] = "";

                    if (account.ContainsKey("user_created"))
                        info["user_created"] = account["user_created"];
                        info["user_created"] = "";

                    info["user_title"] = "HG Visitor";
                   info["user_flags"] = 0;
                   info["user_created"] = 0;
                   info["user_title"] = "HG Visitor";
                userInfo = info;
                return true;
        public override void TeleportHome(UUID id, IClientAPI client)
            m_log.DebugFormat("[HG ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Request to teleport {0} {1} home", client.FirstName, client.LastName);

            // Let's find out if this is a foreign user or a local user
            UserAccount account = m_aScene.UserAccountService.GetUserAccount(m_aScene.RegionInfo.ScopeID, id);
            if (account != null)
                // local grid user
                m_log.DebugFormat("[HG ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: User is local");
                base.TeleportHome(id, client);

            // Foreign user wants to go home
            AgentCircuitData aCircuit = ((Scene)(client.Scene)).AuthenticateHandler.GetAgentCircuitData(client.CircuitCode);
            if (aCircuit == null || (aCircuit != null && !aCircuit.ServiceURLs.ContainsKey("HomeURI")))
                client.SendTeleportFailed("Your information has been lost");
                m_log.DebugFormat("[HG ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Unable to locate agent's gateway information");

            IUserAgentService userAgentService = new UserAgentServiceConnector(aCircuit.ServiceURLs["HomeURI"].ToString());
            Vector3 position = Vector3.UnitY, lookAt = Vector3.UnitY;
            GridRegion finalDestination = userAgentService.GetHomeRegion(aCircuit.AgentID, out position, out lookAt);
            if (finalDestination == null)
                client.SendTeleportFailed("Your home region could not be found");
                m_log.DebugFormat("[HG ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Agent's home region not found");

            ScenePresence sp = ((Scene)(client.Scene)).GetScenePresence(client.AgentId);
            if (sp == null)
                client.SendTeleportFailed("Internal error");
                m_log.DebugFormat("[HG ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Agent not found in the scene where it is supposed to be");

            IEventQueue eq = sp.Scene.RequestModuleInterface<IEventQueue>();
            GridRegion homeGatekeeper = MakeRegion(aCircuit);
            m_log.DebugFormat("[HG ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: teleporting user {0} {1} home to {2} via {3}:{4}:{5}",
                aCircuit.firstname, aCircuit.lastname, finalDestination.RegionName, homeGatekeeper.ExternalHostName, homeGatekeeper.HttpPort, homeGatekeeper.RegionName);

            DoTeleport(sp, homeGatekeeper, finalDestination, position, lookAt, (uint)(Constants.TeleportFlags.SetLastToTarget | Constants.TeleportFlags.ViaHome), eq);
        public bool VerifyClient(AgentCircuitData aCircuit, string token)
            if (aCircuit.ServiceURLs.ContainsKey("HomeURI"))
                string url = aCircuit.ServiceURLs["HomeURI"].ToString();
                IUserAgentService security = new UserAgentServiceConnector(url);
                return security.VerifyClient(aCircuit.SessionID, token);

            return false;
Exemple #19
        public string osAvatarName2Key(string firstname, string lastname)
            CheckThreatLevel(ThreatLevel.Low, "osAvatarName2Key");

            IUserManagement userManager = World.RequestModuleInterface<IUserManagement>();
            if (userManager == null)
                OSSLShoutError("osAvatarName2Key: UserManagement module not available");
                return string.Empty;

            // Check if the user is already cached

            UUID userID = userManager.GetUserIdByName(firstname, lastname);
            if (userID != UUID.Zero)
                return userID.ToString();

            // Query for the user

            String realFirstName; String realLastName; String serverURI;
            if (Util.ParseForeignAvatarName(firstname, lastname, out realFirstName, out realLastName, out serverURI))
                    UserAgentServiceConnector userConnection = new UserAgentServiceConnector(serverURI, true);

                    if (userConnection != null)
                        userID = userConnection.GetUUID(realFirstName, realLastName);
                        if (userID != UUID.Zero)
                            userManager.AddUser(userID, realFirstName, realLastName, serverURI);
                            return userID.ToString();
                catch (Exception /*e*/)
                    // m_log.Warn("[osAvatarName2Key] UserAgentServiceConnector - Unable to connect to destination grid ", e);
                UserAccount account = World.UserAccountService.GetUserAccount(World.RegionInfo.ScopeID, firstname, lastname);
                if (account != null)
                    return account.PrincipalID.ToString();

            return UUID.Zero.ToString();
        public string osAvatarName2Key(string firstname, string lastname)
            CheckThreatLevel(ThreatLevel.Low, "osAvatarName2Key");

            if (lastname.Contains("@"))
                String realFirstName; String realLastName; String serverURI;

                realFirstName = firstname.Split('.')[0];
                realLastName = firstname.Split('.')[1];
                serverURI = new Uri("http://" + lastname.Replace("@", "")).ToString();

                    UserAgentServiceConnector userConnection = new UserAgentServiceConnector(serverURI, true);

                    if (userConnection != null)
                        UUID ruserid = userConnection.GetUUID(realFirstName, realLastName);

                        if (ruserid != null)
                            IUserManagement userManager = m_ScriptEngine.World.RequestModuleInterface<IUserManagement>();

                            if (userManager != null)
                                //Use the HomeURI from the script to get user infos and then ask the remote gridserver for the real HomeURI.
                                userManager.AddUser(ruserid, realFirstName, realLastName, serverURI);
                                serverURI = userManager.GetUserServerURL(ruserid, "HomeURI");
                                userManager.AddUser(ruserid, realFirstName, realLastName, serverURI);

                                return ruserid.ToString();
                catch (Exception osAvatarException)
                    //m_log.Warn("[osAvatarName2Key] UserAgentServiceConnector - Unable to connect to destination grid\n" + osAvatarException.Message);
                UserAccount account = World.UserAccountService.GetUserAccount(World.RegionInfo.ScopeID, firstname, lastname);
                if (account != null) return account.PrincipalID.ToString();

            return UUID.Zero.ToString();
        public override bool TeleportHome(UUID id, IClientAPI client)
                "[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Request to teleport {0} {1} home", client.Name, client.AgentId);

            // Let's find out if this is a foreign user or a local user
            IUserManagement uMan = Scene.RequestModuleInterface<IUserManagement>();
            if (uMan != null && uMan.IsLocalGridUser(id))
                // local grid user
                m_log.DebugFormat("[HG ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: User is local");
                return base.TeleportHome(id, client);

            // Foreign user wants to go home
            AgentCircuitData aCircuit = ((Scene)(client.Scene)).AuthenticateHandler.GetAgentCircuitData(client.CircuitCode);
            if (aCircuit == null || (aCircuit != null && !aCircuit.ServiceURLs.ContainsKey("HomeURI")))
                client.SendTeleportFailed("Your information has been lost");
                m_log.DebugFormat("[HG ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Unable to locate agent's gateway information");
                return false;

            IUserAgentService userAgentService = new UserAgentServiceConnector(aCircuit.ServiceURLs["HomeURI"].ToString());
            Vector3 position = Vector3.UnitY, lookAt = Vector3.UnitY;

            GridRegion finalDestination = null;
                finalDestination = userAgentService.GetHomeRegion(aCircuit.AgentID, out position, out lookAt);
            catch (Exception e)
                m_log.Debug("[HG ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: GetHomeRegion call failed ", e);
            if (finalDestination == null)
                client.SendTeleportFailed("Your home region could not be found");
                m_log.DebugFormat("[HG ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Agent's home region not found");
                return false;

            ScenePresence sp = ((Scene)(client.Scene)).GetScenePresence(client.AgentId);
            if (sp == null)
                client.SendTeleportFailed("Internal error");
                m_log.DebugFormat("[HG ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Agent not found in the scene where it is supposed to be");
                return false;

            GridRegion homeGatekeeper = MakeRegion(aCircuit);
            m_log.DebugFormat("[HG ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: teleporting user {0} {1} home to {2} via {3}:{4}",
                aCircuit.firstname, aCircuit.lastname, finalDestination.RegionName, homeGatekeeper.ServerURI, homeGatekeeper.RegionName);

                sp, homeGatekeeper, finalDestination,
                position, lookAt, (uint)(Constants.TeleportFlags.SetLastToTarget | Constants.TeleportFlags.ViaHome));
            return true;
Exemple #22
        protected bool Authenticate(AgentCircuitData aCircuit)
            if (!CheckAddress(aCircuit.ServiceSessionID))
                return false;

            string userURL = string.Empty;
            if (aCircuit.ServiceURLs.ContainsKey("HomeURI"))
                userURL = aCircuit.ServiceURLs["HomeURI"].ToString();

            if (userURL == string.Empty)
                m_log.DebugFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Agent did not provide an authentication server URL");
                return false;

            if (userURL == m_ExternalName)
                return m_UserAgentService.VerifyAgent(aCircuit.SessionID, aCircuit.ServiceSessionID);
                Object[] args = new Object[] { userURL };
                IUserAgentService userAgentService = new UserAgentServiceConnector(userURL); 
                if (userAgentService != null)
                        return userAgentService.VerifyAgent(aCircuit.SessionID, aCircuit.ServiceSessionID);
                        m_log.DebugFormat("[GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Unable to contact authentication service at {0}", userURL);
                        return false;

            return false;
        void OnConnectionClosed(IClientAPI obj)
            if (obj.SceneAgent.IsChildAgent)

            // Let's find out if this is a foreign user or a local user
            IUserManagement uMan = Scene.RequestModuleInterface<IUserManagement>();
//          UserAccount account = Scene.UserAccountService.GetUserAccount(Scene.RegionInfo.ScopeID, obj.AgentId);

            if (uMan != null && uMan.IsLocalGridUser(obj.AgentId))
                // local grid user
                m_UAS.LogoutAgent(obj.AgentId, obj.SessionId);

            AgentCircuitData aCircuit = ((Scene)(obj.Scene)).AuthenticateHandler.GetAgentCircuitData(obj.CircuitCode);
            if (aCircuit != null && aCircuit.ServiceURLs != null && aCircuit.ServiceURLs.ContainsKey("HomeURI"))
                string url = aCircuit.ServiceURLs["HomeURI"].ToString();
                IUserAgentService security = new UserAgentServiceConnector(url);
                security.LogoutAgent(obj.AgentId, obj.SessionId);
                //m_log.DebugFormat("[HG ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Sent logout call to UserAgentService @ {0}", url);
                    m_log.DebugFormat("[HG ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: HomeURI not found for agent {0} logout", obj.AgentId);
Exemple #24
        // This will cache the user data
        // Change this to return bool
        private bool GetUserInfo(UUID userID)
            UserData userdata;
            lock (m_UserCache)
                m_UserCache.TryGetValue(userID, out userdata);

            if (userdata != null)
//                m_log.DebugFormat("[USER MANAGEMENT MODULE]: Requested url type {0} for {1}", serverType, userID);

                if (userdata.Flags >= 0)
                    // This is already populated
                    return true;

                if (userdata.HomeURL != null && userdata.HomeURL != string.Empty)
                        "[USER MANAGEMENT MODULE]: Requesting user flags from '{0}' for {1}",
                        userdata.HomeURL, userID);

                    UserAgentServiceConnector uConn = new UserAgentServiceConnector(userdata.HomeURL);
                    Dictionary<string, object> info = uConn.GetUserInfo(userID);

                    // Pull our data now
                    if (info["result"].ToString() == "success")
                        userdata.Flags = (int)info["user_flags"];
                        userdata.Created = (int)info["user_created"];
                        userdata.Title = (string)info["user_title"];

                        return true;

            return false;