/// <summary>
        /// Generates the code for an ArgumentDeclarationList node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="adl">The ArgumentDeclarationList node.</param>
        /// <returns>String containing C# code for ArgumentDeclarationList adl.</returns>
        private string GenerateArgumentDeclarationList(ArgumentDeclarationList adl)
            string retstr = String.Empty;

            int comma = adl.kids.Count - 1; // tells us whether to print a comma

            foreach (Declaration d in adl.kids)
                retstr += Generate(String.Format("{0} {1}", d.Datatype, CheckName(d.Id)), d);
                if (0 < comma--)
                    retstr += Generate(", ");

            return retstr;
 public  ArgumentDeclarationList (Parser yyp, ArgumentDeclarationList  adl , Declaration  d ):base(((LSLSyntax
)yyp)){ while (0< adl . kids . Count ) kids . Add ( adl . kids . Pop ());
 kids . Add ( d );
 public  GlobalFunctionDefinition (Parser yyp, string  returnType , string  name , ArgumentDeclarationList  adl , CompoundStatement  cs ):base(((LSLSyntax
)yyp)){ m_returnType = returnType ;
 m_name = name ;
 kids . Add ( adl );
 kids . Add ( cs );
 public  StateEvent (Parser yyp, string  name , ArgumentDeclarationList  dal , CompoundStatement  cs ):base(((LSLSyntax
)yyp)){ m_name = name ;
 if (0< dal . kids . Count ) kids . Add ( dal );
 kids . Add ( cs );