Exemple #1
            /// <summary>
            /// This is called by a timer and makes a SimStats class of the current stats that we have in this simulator.
            ///  It then sends the packet to the client and triggers the events to tell followers about the updated stats
            ///   and updates the LastSet* values for monitors.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="sender"></param>
            /// <param name="e"></param>
            protected void statsHeartBeat(object sender, EventArgs e)
                SimStatsPacket.RegionBlock rb = new SimStatsPacket.RegionBlock();

                // Know what's not thread safe in Mono... modifying timers.
                lock (m_report)
                    uint regionFlags = 0;

                        if (m_estateModule == null)
                            m_estateModule = m_currentScene.RequestModuleInterface <IEstateModule>();
                        regionFlags = m_estateModule != null?m_estateModule.GetRegionFlags() : (uint)0;
                    catch (Exception)
                        // leave region flags at 0

                    rb.ObjectCapacity = (uint)m_currentScene.RegionInfo.ObjectCapacity;
                    rb.RegionFlags    = regionFlags;
                    rb.RegionX        = (uint)m_currentScene.RegionInfo.RegionLocX / Constants.RegionSize;
                    rb.RegionY        = (uint)m_currentScene.RegionInfo.RegionLocY / Constants.RegionSize;

                    ISimFrameMonitor       simFrameMonitor         = (ISimFrameMonitor)GetMonitor("SimFrameStats");
                    ITimeDilationMonitor   timeDilationMonitor     = (ITimeDilationMonitor)GetMonitor("Time Dilation");
                    ITotalFrameTimeMonitor totalFrameMonitor       = (ITotalFrameTimeMonitor)GetMonitor("Total Frame Time");
                    ITimeMonitor           sleepFrameMonitor       = (ITimeMonitor)GetMonitor("Sleep Frame Time");
                    ITimeMonitor           otherFrameMonitor       = (ITimeMonitor)GetMonitor("Other Frame Time");
                    IPhysicsFrameMonitor   physicsFrameMonitor     = (IPhysicsFrameMonitor)GetMonitor("Total Physics Frame Time");
                    ITimeMonitor           physicsSyncFrameMonitor = (ITimeMonitor)GetMonitor("Physics Sync Frame Time");
                    ITimeMonitor           physicsTimeFrameMonitor = (ITimeMonitor)GetMonitor("Physics Update Frame Time");
                    IAgentUpdateMonitor    agentUpdateFrameMonitor = (IAgentUpdateMonitor)GetMonitor("Agent Update Count");
                    INetworkMonitor        networkMonitor          = (INetworkMonitor)GetMonitor("Network Monitor");
                    IMonitor            imagesMonitor      = GetMonitor("Images Frame Time");
                    ITimeMonitor        scriptMonitor      = (ITimeMonitor)GetMonitor("Script Frame Time");
                    IScriptCountMonitor totalScriptMonitor = (IScriptCountMonitor)GetMonitor("Total Script Count");

                    #region various statistic googly moogly

                    float simfps = simFrameMonitor.SimFPS / statsUpdateFactor;
                    // save the reported value so there is something available for llGetRegionFPS
                    simFrameMonitor.LastReportedSimFPS = simfps;

                    float physfps = (float)physicsFrameMonitor.PhysicsFPS / statsUpdateFactor;
                    physicsFrameMonitor.LastReportedPhysicsFPS = physfps;
                    //Update the time dilation with the newest physicsFPS


                    #region Add the stats packets

                    //Some info on this packet http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Statistics_Bar_Guide

                    sb[0].StatID    = (uint)Stats.TimeDilation;
                    sb[0].StatValue = (float)timeDilationMonitor.GetValue();

                    sb[1].StatID    = (uint)Stats.FPS;
                    sb[1].StatValue = simfps;

                    float realsimfps = simfps * 2;

                    sb[2].StatID    = (uint)Stats.PhysFPS;
                    sb[2].StatValue = physfps;

                    sb[3].StatID    = (uint)Stats.AgentUpdates;
                    sb[3].StatValue = (agentUpdateFrameMonitor.AgentUpdates / realsimfps);

                    sb[4].StatID = (uint)Stats.FrameMS;
                    float TotalFrames = (float)(totalFrameMonitor.GetValue() / realsimfps);
                    sb[4].StatValue = TotalFrames;

                    sb[5].StatID    = (uint)Stats.NetMS;
                    sb[5].StatValue = 0;//TODO: Implement this

                    sb[6].StatID    = (uint)Stats.SimOtherMS;
                    sb[6].StatValue = (float)(otherFrameMonitor.GetValue() / realsimfps);

                    sb[7].StatID = (uint)Stats.SimPhysicsMS;
                    float PhysicsMS = (float)(physicsTimeFrameMonitor.GetValue() / realsimfps);
                    sb[7].StatValue = PhysicsMS;

                    sb[8].StatID    = (uint)Stats.AgentMS;
                    sb[8].StatValue = (agentUpdateFrameMonitor.AgentFrameTime / realsimfps);

                    sb[9].StatID    = (uint)Stats.ImagesMS;
                    sb[9].StatValue = (float)(imagesMonitor.GetValue() / realsimfps);

                    sb[10].StatID = (uint)Stats.ScriptMS;
                    float ScriptMS = (float)(scriptMonitor.GetValue() / realsimfps);
                    sb[10].StatValue = ScriptMS;

                    sb[11].StatID = (uint)Stats.TotalObjects;
                    sb[12].StatID = (uint)Stats.ActiveObjects;
                    sb[13].StatID = (uint)Stats.NumAgentMain;
                    sb[14].StatID = (uint)Stats.NumAgentChild;

                    IEntityCountModule entityCountModule = m_currentScene.RequestModuleInterface <IEntityCountModule>();
                    if (entityCountModule != null)
                        sb[11].StatValue = entityCountModule.Objects;

                        sb[12].StatValue = entityCountModule.ActiveObjects;

                        sb[13].StatValue = entityCountModule.RootAgents;

                        sb[14].StatValue = entityCountModule.ChildAgents;

                    sb[15].StatID    = (uint)Stats.NumScriptActive;
                    sb[15].StatValue = totalScriptMonitor.ActiveScripts;

                    sb[16].StatID    = (uint)Stats.LSLIPS;
                    sb[16].StatValue = 0; //This isn't used anymore, and has been superseeded by LSLEPS

                    sb[17].StatID    = (uint)Stats.InPPS;
                    sb[17].StatValue = (float)(networkMonitor.InPacketsPerSecond / statsUpdateFactor);

                    sb[18].StatID    = (uint)Stats.OutPPS;
                    sb[18].StatValue = (float)(networkMonitor.OutPacketsPerSecond / statsUpdateFactor);

                    sb[19].StatID    = (uint)Stats.PendingDownloads;
                    sb[19].StatValue = (float)(networkMonitor.PendingDownloads);

                    sb[20].StatID    = (uint)Stats.PendingUploads;
                    sb[20].StatValue = (float)(networkMonitor.PendingUploads);

                    //21 and 22 are forced to the GC memory as they WILL make memory usage go up rapidly otherwise!
                    sb[21].StatID    = (uint)Stats.VirtualSizeKB;
                    sb[21].StatValue = GC.GetTotalMemory(false) / 1024;// System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().WorkingSet64 / (1024);

                    sb[22].StatID    = (uint)Stats.ResidentSizeKB;
                    sb[22].StatValue = GC.GetTotalMemory(false) / 1024;//(float)System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().PrivateMemorySize64 / (1024);

                    sb[23].StatID    = (uint)Stats.PendingLocalUploads;
                    sb[23].StatValue = (float)(networkMonitor.PendingUploads / statsUpdateFactor);

                    sb[24].StatID    = (uint)Stats.TotalUnackedBytes;
                    sb[24].StatValue = (float)(networkMonitor.UnackedBytes);

                    sb[25].StatID    = (uint)Stats.PhysicsPinnedTasks;
                    sb[25].StatValue = 0;

                    sb[26].StatID    = (uint)Stats.PhysicsLODTasks;
                    sb[26].StatValue = 0;

                    sb[27].StatID    = (uint)Stats.SimPhysicsStepMS;
                    sb[27].StatValue = m_currentScene.PhysicsScene.StepTime;

                    sb[28].StatID    = (uint)Stats.SimPhysicsShape;
                    sb[28].StatValue = 0;

                    sb[29].StatID    = (uint)Stats.SimPhysicsOtherMS;
                    sb[29].StatValue = (float)(physicsSyncFrameMonitor.GetValue() / realsimfps);

                    sb[30].StatID    = (uint)Stats.SimPhysicsMemory;
                    sb[30].StatValue = 0;

                    sb[31].StatID    = (uint)Stats.ScriptEPS;
                    sb[31].StatValue = totalScriptMonitor.ScriptEPS / statsUpdateFactor;

                    sb[32].StatID = (uint)Stats.SimSpareTime;
                    //Spare time is the total time minus the stats that are in the same category in the client
                    // It is the sleep time, physics step, update physics shape, physics other, and pumpI0.
                    // Note: take out agent Update and script time for now, as they are not a part of the heartbeat right now and will mess this calc up
                    float SpareTime = (float)(TotalFrames - (/*NetMS + */ PhysicsMS +
                                                             otherFrameMonitor.GetValue() + /*(agentUpdateFrameMonitor.AgentFrameTime / statsUpdateFactor) +*/
                                                             (imagesMonitor.GetValue() / statsUpdateFactor) /* + ScriptMS*/));

                    sb[32].StatValue = SpareTime;

                    sb[33].StatID    = (uint)Stats.SimSleepTime;
                    sb[33].StatValue = (float)(sleepFrameMonitor.GetValue() / realsimfps);

                    //Info about this stat: http://blogs.secondlife.com/message/66098
                    sb[34].StatID    = (uint)Stats.IOPumpTime;
                    sb[34].StatValue = 0;//TODO: implement this


                    for (int i = 0; i < sb.Length; i++)
                        if (float.IsInfinity(sb[i].StatValue) ||
                            sb[i].StatValue = 0;
                        lastReportedSimStats[i] = sb[i].StatValue;

                    SimStats simStats
                        = new SimStats(rb, sb, m_currentScene.RegionInfo.RegionID);

                    //Fire the event and tell followers about the new stats

                    //Tell all the scene presences about the new stats
                    foreach (IScenePresence agent in m_currentScene.GetScenePresences())
                        if (!agent.IsChildAgent)
                    //Now fix any values that require reseting