/// <summary>
        /// Generates all of the properties for the type.
        /// </summary>
        private void GenerateProperties()
            IEnumerable <PropertyDescriptor> properties = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(this.Type)
                                                          .Cast <PropertyDescriptor>()
                                                          .OrderBy(p => p.Name);

            foreach (PropertyDescriptor pd in properties)
                if (!this.ShouldDeclareProperty(pd))

                // Generate a property getter/setter pair for every property whose type
                // we support. Non supported property types will be skipped.
                if (this.CanGenerateProperty(pd))
                    // Ensure the property is not virtual, abstract or new
                    // If there is a violation, we log the error and keep
                    // running to accumulate all such errors.  This function
                    // may return an "okay" for non-error case polymorphics.
                    if (!this.CanGeneratePropertyIfPolymorphic(pd))

                    if (!this.GenerateNonSerializableProperty(pd))
                        Type        propType             = CodeGenUtilities.TranslateType(pd.PropertyType);
                        List <Type> typesToCodeGen       = new List <Type>();
                        bool        isTypeSafeToGenerate = true;

                        // Create a list containing the types we will require on the client
                        if (TypeUtility.IsPredefinedDictionaryType(propType))

                        // We consider all predefined types as legal to code-gen *except* those
                        // that would generate a compile error on the client due to missing reference.
                        // We treat "don't know" and "false" as grounds for a warning.
                        // Note that we do this *after* TranslateType so that types like System.Data.Linq.Binary
                        // which cannot exist on the client anyway has been translated
                        foreach (Type type in typesToCodeGen)
                            // Enum (and nullable<enum>) types may require generation on client
                            Type nonNullableType = TypeUtility.GetNonNullableType(type);

                            if (nonNullableType.IsEnum)
                                // Register use of this enum type, which could cause deferred generation
                            // If this is not an enum or nullable<enum> and we're not generating the complex type, determine whether this
                            // property type is visible to the client.  If it is not, log a warning.
                            else if (!this.ComplexTypes.Contains(type))
                                // "Don't know" counts as "no"
                                CodeMemberShareKind enumShareKind = this.ClientProxyGenerator.GetTypeShareKind(nonNullableType);
                                if ((enumShareKind & CodeMemberShareKind.Shared) == 0)
                                    this.ClientProxyGenerator.LogWarning(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resource.ClientCodeGen_PropertyType_Not_Shared, pd.Name, this.Type.FullName, type.FullName, this.ClientProxyGenerator.ClientProjectName));
                                    isTypeSafeToGenerate = false; // Flag error but continue to allow accumulation of additional errors.

                        if (isTypeSafeToGenerate)
                            // Generate OnMethodXxxChanging/Changed partial methods.

                            // Note: the parameter type reference needs to handle the possibility the
                            // property type is defined in the project's root namespace and that VB prepends
                            // that namespace.  The utility helper gives us the right type reference.
                            CodeTypeReference parameterTypeRef =
                                CodeGenUtilities.GetTypeReference(propType, this.ClientProxyGenerator, this.ProxyClass);

                            this.NotificationMethodGen.AddMethodFor(pd.Name + "Changing", new CodeParameterDeclarationExpression(parameterTypeRef, "value"), null);
                            this.NotificationMethodGen.AddMethodFor(pd.Name + "Changed", null);
