Exemple #1
 public static bool CanPlaceBuilding(this World world, string name, BuildingInfo building, int2 topLeft, Actor toIgnore)
     var res = world.WorldActor.traits.Get<ResourceLayer>();
     return !Footprint.Tiles(name, building, topLeft).Any(
         t => !world.Map.IsInMap(t.X, t.Y) || res.GetResource(t) != null || !world.IsCellBuildable(t,
             building.WaterBound, toIgnore));
Exemple #2
        public Player( World world, Session.Client client )
            World = world;
            Shroud = new ShroudRenderer(this, world.Map);

            PlayerActor = world.CreateActor("Player", new int2(int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue), this);

            if (client != null)
                Index = client.Index;
                Palette = PlayerColors[client.PaletteIndex % PlayerColors.Count()].a;
                Color = PlayerColors[client.PaletteIndex % PlayerColors.Count()].c;
                PlayerName = client.Name;
                InternalName = "Multi{0}".F(client.Index);
                Index = -1;
                PlayerName = InternalName = "Neutral";
                Palette = "neutral";
                Color = Color.Gray;	// HACK HACK

            Country = world.GetCountries()
                .FirstOrDefault(c => client != null && client.Country == c.Name)
                ?? world.GetCountries().Random(world.SharedRandom);
Exemple #3
 public void Add(World w, Actor a)
     foreach (var sel in a.TraitsImplementing<INotifySelected>())
     foreach (var ns in w.WorldActor.TraitsImplementing<INotifySelection>())
Exemple #4
 public PathSearch(Actor self)
     this.self = self;
     world = self.World;
     cellInfo = InitCellInfo();
     mobile = self.Trait<Mobile>();
     queue = new PriorityQueue<PathDistance>();
        public override Activity Tick(Actor self)
            if (move == null || refuelsNear == null)
                return NextActivity;

            self.SetTargetLine(target, Color.Green);

            return ActivityUtils.SequenceActivities(move.MoveWithinRange(target, refuelsNear.Info.Range), NextActivity);
Exemple #6
		public static PathSearch Search(World world, MobileInfo mi, Actor self, bool checkForBlocked)
			var search = new PathSearch(world, mi, self)
				CheckForBlocked = checkForBlocked

			return search;
Exemple #7
 public Order(string orderString, Actor subject, 
     Actor targetActor, int2 targetLocation, string targetString)
     this.OrderString = orderString;
     this.Subject = subject;
     this.TargetActor = targetActor;
     this.TargetLocation = targetLocation;
     this.TargetString = targetString;
Exemple #8
        public static PathSearch FromPoint( Actor self, int2 from, int2 target, bool checkForBlocked )
            var search = new PathSearch(self) {
                heuristic = DefaultEstimator( target ),
                checkForBlocked = checkForBlocked };

            search.AddInitialCell( self.World, from );
            return search;
        Order(string orderString, Actor subject,
			Actor targetActor, int2 targetLocation, string targetString, bool queued, int2 extraLocation)
            this.OrderString = orderString;
            this.Subject = subject;
            this.TargetActor = targetActor;
            this.TargetLocation = targetLocation;
            this.TargetString = targetString;
            this.Queued = queued;
            this.ExtraLocation = extraLocation;
Exemple #10
		public static PathSearch FromPoint(World world, MobileInfo mi, Actor self, CPos from, CPos target, bool checkForBlocked)
			var search = new PathSearch(world, mi, self)
				Heuristic = DefaultEstimator(target),
				CheckForBlocked = checkForBlocked

			return search;
Exemple #11
		public PathSearch(World world, MobileInfo mobileInfo, Actor self)
			this.self = self;
			CellInfo = InitCellInfo();
			this.mobileInfo = mobileInfo;
			this.self = self;
			customCost = null;
			Queue = new PriorityQueue<PathDistance>();
			Considered = new HashSet<CPos>();
			MaxCost = 0;
			nextDirections = CVec.directions.Select(d => new Pair<CVec, int>(d, 0)).ToArray();
Exemple #12
        Order(string orderString, Actor subject,
			Actor targetActor, CPos targetLocation, string targetString, bool queued, CPos extraLocation, uint extraData)
            this.OrderString = orderString;
            this.Subject = subject;
            this.TargetActor = targetActor;
            this.TargetLocation = targetLocation;
            this.TargetString = targetString;
            this.Queued = queued;
            this.ExtraLocation = extraLocation;
            this.ExtraData = extraData;
Exemple #13
        Order(string orderString, Actor subject,
			Actor targetActor, CPos targetLocation, string targetString, bool queued, CPos extraLocation, uint extraData)
            OrderString = orderString;
            Subject = subject;
            TargetActor = targetActor;
            TargetLocation = targetLocation;
            TargetString = targetString;
            Queued = queued;
            ExtraLocation = extraLocation;
            ExtraData = extraData;
Exemple #14
		public static PathSearch FromPoints(World world, MobileInfo mi, Actor self, IEnumerable<CPos> froms, CPos target, bool checkForBlocked)
			var search = new PathSearch(world, mi, self)
				Heuristic = DefaultEstimator(target),
				CheckForBlocked = checkForBlocked

			foreach (var sl in froms)

			return search;
Exemple #15
        public static void DoExplosion(Actor attacker, string weapontype, int2 location, int altitude)
            var args = new ProjectileArgs
                src = location,
                dest = location,
                srcAltitude = altitude,
                destAltitude = altitude,
                firedBy = attacker,
                target = null,
                weapon = Rules.Weapons[ weapontype.ToLowerInvariant() ],
                facing = 0

            DoImpacts(args, location);
Exemple #16
		public Player(World world, Session.Client client, Session.Slot slot, PlayerReference pr)
			World = world;
			InternalName = pr.Name;
			PlayerReference = pr;
			string botType = null;

			// Real player or host-created bot
			if (client != null)
				ClientIndex = client.Index;
				Color = client.Color;
				PlayerName = client.Name;
				botType = client.Bot;
				Country = ChooseCountry(world, client.Country);
				// Map player
				ClientIndex = 0; // Owned by the host (TODO: fix this)
				Color = pr.Color;
				PlayerName = pr.Name;
				NonCombatant = pr.NonCombatant;
				Playable = pr.Playable;
				Spectating = pr.Spectating;
				botType = pr.Bot;
				Country = ChooseCountry(world, pr.Race);
			PlayerActor = world.CreateActor("Player", new TypeDictionary { new OwnerInit(this) });
			Shroud = PlayerActor.Trait<Shroud>();

			// Enable the bot logic on the host
			IsBot = botType != null;
			if (IsBot && Game.IsHost)
				var logic = PlayerActor.TraitsImplementing<IBot>()
							.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Info.Name == botType);
				if (logic == null)
					Log.Write("debug", "Invalid bot type: {0}", botType);
Exemple #17
        public Player(World world, PlayerReference pr, int index)
            World = world;

            Index = index;
            Palette = "player" + index;

            ColorRamp = pr.ColorRamp;
            ClientIndex = 0;		/* it's a map player, "owned" by host */

            PlayerName = InternalName = pr.Name;
            NonCombatant = pr.NonCombatant;
            Country = world.GetCountries()
                .FirstOrDefault(c => pr.Race == c.Race)
                ?? world.GetCountries().Random(world.SharedRandom);

            PlayerRef = pr;

            PlayerActor = world.CreateActor("Player", new TypeDictionary { new OwnerInit(this) });
Exemple #18
		public PathSearch WithIgnoredBuilding(Actor b)
			IgnoreBuilding = b;
			return this;
Exemple #19
        public static bool PlayVoice(string phrase, Actor voicedUnit, string variant)
            if (voicedUnit == null) return false;
            if (phrase == null) return false;

            var mi = voicedUnit.Info.Traits.GetOrDefault<SelectableInfo>();
            if (mi == null) return false;
            if (mi.Voice == null) return false;

            var type = mi.Voice.ToLowerInvariant();

            return PlayPredefined(null, voicedUnit, type, phrase, variant, true);
Exemple #20
        // Returns true if played successfully
        public static bool PlayPredefined(Player p, Actor voicedUnit, string type, string definition, string variant, bool attenuateVolume)
            if (definition == null) return false;

            if (Rules.Voices == null) return false;
            if (Rules.Notifications == null) return false;
            var rules = (voicedUnit != null) ? Rules.Voices[type] : Rules.Notifications[type];
            if (rules == null) return false;

            var ID = (voicedUnit != null) ? voicedUnit.ActorID : 0;

            string clip;
            var suffix = rules.DefaultVariant;
            var prefix = rules.DefaultPrefix;

            if (voicedUnit != null)
                if (!rules.VoicePools.Value.ContainsKey("Attack"))
                    rules.VoicePools.Value.Add("Attack", rules.VoicePools.Value["Move"]);

                if (!rules.VoicePools.Value.ContainsKey("AttackMove"))
                    rules.VoicePools.Value.Add("AttackMove", rules.VoicePools.Value["Move"]);

                if (!rules.VoicePools.Value.ContainsKey(definition))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't find {0} in voice pool.".F(definition));

                clip = rules.VoicePools.Value[definition].GetNext();
                if (!rules.NotificationsPools.Value.ContainsKey(definition))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't find {0} in notification pool.".F(definition));

                clip = rules.NotificationsPools.Value[definition].GetNext();

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(clip)) return false;

            if (variant != null)
                if (rules.Variants.ContainsKey(variant) && !rules.DisableVariants.Contains(definition))
                    suffix = rules.Variants[variant][ID % rules.Variants[variant].Length];
                if (rules.Prefixes.ContainsKey(variant) && !rules.DisablePrefixes.Contains(definition))
                    prefix = rules.Prefixes[variant][ID % rules.Prefixes[variant].Length];

            var name = prefix + clip + suffix;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(name)	&& (p == null || p == p.World.LocalPlayer))
                    false, true, WPos.Zero,
                    InternalSoundVolume, attenuateVolume);

            return true;
Exemple #21
 public bool Contains(Actor a)
     return actors.AsEnumerable().Contains(a);
Exemple #22
 public void Update(Actor self, IOccupySpace unit)
     Remove(self, unit);
     if (!self.IsDead()) Add(self, unit);
 public RefuelNear(Actor self, Actor host)
     move = self.TraitOrDefault<IMove>();
     target = Target.FromActor(host);
     refuelsNear = host.TraitOrDefault<RefuelsUnitsNear>();
Exemple #24
        public Player(World world, Session.Client client, Session.Slot slot, PlayerReference pr)
            World = world;
            InternalName = pr.Name;
            PlayerReference = pr;
            string botType = null;

            // Real player or host-created bot
            if (client != null)
                ClientIndex = client.Index;
                ColorRamp = client.ColorRamp;
                PlayerName = client.Name;
                botType = client.Bot;

                Country = world.GetCountries()
                    .FirstOrDefault(c => client.Country == c.Race)
                    ?? world.GetCountries().Random(world.SharedRandom);
                // Map player
                ClientIndex = 0; // Owned by the host (todo: fix this)
                ColorRamp = pr.ColorRamp;
                PlayerName = pr.Name;
                NonCombatant = pr.NonCombatant;
                botType = pr.Bot;

                Country = world.GetCountries()
                    .FirstOrDefault(c => pr.Race == c.Race)
                    ?? world.GetCountries().Random(world.SharedRandom);
            PlayerActor = world.CreateActor("Player", new TypeDictionary { new OwnerInit(this) });

            // Enable the bot logic on the host
            IsBot = botType != null;
            if (IsBot && Game.IsHost)
                var logic = PlayerActor.TraitsImplementing<IBot>()
                            .FirstOrDefault(b => b.Info.Name == botType);
                if (logic == null)
                    Log.Write("debug", "Invalid bot type: {0}", botType);
Exemple #25
 public void Add( Actor self, IOccupySpace unit )
     if (unit != null)
         foreach( var c in unit.OccupiedCells() )
             influence[ c.First.X, c.First.Y ] = new InfluenceNode { next = influence[ c.First.X, c.First.Y ], subCell = c.Second, actor = self };
Exemple #26
        void RemoveInner( ref InfluenceNode influenceNode, Actor toRemove )
            if( influenceNode == null )
            else if( influenceNode.actor == toRemove )
                influenceNode = influenceNode.next;

            if (influenceNode != null)
                RemoveInner( ref influenceNode.next, toRemove );
Exemple #27
		public bool CanViewActor(Actor a)
			return a.CanBeViewedByPlayer(this);
Exemple #28
        // Returns true if it played a phrase
        public static bool PlayVoice(string phrase, Actor voicedUnit, string variant)
            if (voicedUnit == null) return false;
            if (phrase == null) return false;

            var mi = voicedUnit.Info.Traits.GetOrDefault<SelectableInfo>();
            if (mi == null) return false;
            if (mi.Voice == null) return false;

            var vi = Rules.Voices[mi.Voice.ToLowerInvariant()];

            if (!vi.Pools.Value.ContainsKey(phrase))
                return false;

            var clip = vi.Pools.Value[phrase].GetNext();
            if (clip == null)
                return false;

            var variantExt = (vi.Variants.ContainsKey(variant) && !vi.DisableVariants.Contains(phrase)) ?
                  vi.Variants[variant][voicedUnit.ActorID % vi.Variants[variant].Length] : vi.DefaultVariant;
            var prefix = (vi.Prefixes.ContainsKey(variant) && !vi.DisablePrefixes.Contains(phrase)) ?
                vi.Prefixes[variant][voicedUnit.ActorID % vi.Prefixes[variant].Length] : vi.DefaultPrefix;
            Play(prefix + clip + variantExt);
            return true;
Exemple #29
 public int? GetControlGroupForActor(Actor a)
     return controlGroups.Where(g => g.Value.Contains(a))
         .Select(g => (int?)g.Key)
Exemple #30
		public bool CanTargetActor(Actor a)
			if (HasFogVisibility && fogVisibilities.Any(f => f.IsVisible(a)))
				return true;

			return CanViewActor(a);