InternetExplorerWebElement allows you to have access to specific items that are found on the page.
Inheritance: RemoteWebElement
        private static WebDriverResult PopulateArguments(SafeScriptArgsHandle scriptArgs, object[] args)
            WebDriverResult result = WebDriverResult.Success;

            foreach (object arg in args)
                string stringArg = arg as string;
                InternetExplorerWebElement webElementArg = arg as InternetExplorerWebElement;

                if (stringArg != null)
                    result = NativeDriverLibrary.Instance.AddStringScriptArg(scriptArgs, stringArg);
                else if (arg is bool)
                    bool param = (bool)arg;
                    result = NativeDriverLibrary.Instance.AddBooleanScriptArg(scriptArgs, !param ? 0 : 1);
                else if (webElementArg != null)
                    result = webElementArg.AddToScriptArgs(scriptArgs);
                else if (arg is int || arg is short || arg is long)
                    int  param;
                    bool parseSucceeded = int.TryParse(arg.ToString(), out param);
                    if (!parseSucceeded)
                        throw new ArgumentException("Parameter is not recognized as an int: " + arg);

                    result = NativeDriverLibrary.Instance.AddNumberScriptArg(scriptArgs, param);
                else if (arg is float || arg is double)
                    double param;
                    bool   parseSucceeded = double.TryParse(arg.ToString(), out param);
                    if (!parseSucceeded)
                        throw new ArgumentException("Parameter is not of recognized as a double: " + arg);

                    result = NativeDriverLibrary.Instance.AddDoubleScriptArg(scriptArgs, param);
                    throw new ArgumentException("Parameter is not of recognized type: " + arg);

                ResultHandler.VerifyResultCode(result, "Unable to add argument: " + arg);

        private object ExtractReturnValue(SafeScriptResultHandle scriptResult)
            WebDriverResult result;

            int type;
            result = NativeDriverLibrary.Instance.GetScriptResultType(handle, scriptResult, out type);

            ResultHandler.VerifyResultCode(result, "Cannot determine result type");

            object toReturn = null;
                switch (type)
                    case 1:
                        SafeStringWrapperHandle stringHandle = new SafeStringWrapperHandle();
                        result = NativeDriverLibrary.Instance.GetStringScriptResult(scriptResult, ref stringHandle);
                        ResultHandler.VerifyResultCode(result, "Cannot extract string result");
                        using (StringWrapper wrapper = new StringWrapper(stringHandle))
                            toReturn = wrapper.Value;


                    case 2:
                        long longVal;
                        result = NativeDriverLibrary.Instance.GetNumberScriptResult(scriptResult, out longVal);
                        ResultHandler.VerifyResultCode(result, "Cannot extract number result");
                        toReturn = longVal;

                    case 3:
                        int boolVal;
                        result = NativeDriverLibrary.Instance.GetBooleanScriptResult(scriptResult, out boolVal);
                        ResultHandler.VerifyResultCode(result, "Cannot extract boolean result");
                        toReturn = boolVal == 1 ? true : false;

                    case 4:
                        SafeInternetExplorerWebElementHandle element;
                        result = NativeDriverLibrary.Instance.GetElementScriptResult(scriptResult, handle, out element);
                        ResultHandler.VerifyResultCode(result, "Cannot extract element result");
                        toReturn = new InternetExplorerWebElement(this, element);

                    case 5:
                        toReturn = null;

                    case 6:
                        SafeStringWrapperHandle messageHandle = new SafeStringWrapperHandle();
                        result = NativeDriverLibrary.Instance.GetStringScriptResult(scriptResult, ref messageHandle);
                        ResultHandler.VerifyResultCode(result, "Cannot extract string result");
                        string message = string.Empty;
                        using (StringWrapper wrapper = new StringWrapper(messageHandle))
                            message = wrapper.Value;

                        throw new WebDriverException(message);

                    case 7:
                        double doubleVal;
                        result = NativeDriverLibrary.Instance.GetDoubleScriptResult(scriptResult, out doubleVal);
                        ResultHandler.VerifyResultCode(result, "Cannot extract number result");
                        toReturn = doubleVal;

                    case 8:
                        bool allArrayItemsAreElements = true;
                        int arrayLength = 0;
                        result = NativeDriverLibrary.Instance.GetArrayLengthScriptResult(handle, scriptResult, out arrayLength);
                        ResultHandler.VerifyResultCode(result, "Cannot extract array length.");
                        List<object> list = new List<object>();
                        for (int i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++)
                            // Get reference to object
                            SafeScriptResultHandle currItemHandle = new SafeScriptResultHandle();
                            WebDriverResult getItemResult = NativeDriverLibrary.Instance.GetArrayItemFromScriptResult(handle, scriptResult, i, out currItemHandle);
                            if (getItemResult != WebDriverResult.Success)
                                // Note about memory management: Usually memory for this item
                                // will be released during the recursive call to
                                // ExtractReturnValue. It is freed explicitly here since a
                                // recursive call will not happen.
                                throw new WebDriverException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Cannot extract element from collection at index: {0} ({1})", i, result));

                            object arrayItem = ExtractReturnValue(currItemHandle);
                            if (allArrayItemsAreElements && !(arrayItem is IWebElement))
                                allArrayItemsAreElements = false;

                            // Call ExtractReturnValue with the fetched item (recursive)

                        if (allArrayItemsAreElements)
                            List<IWebElement> elementList = new List<IWebElement>();
                            foreach (object item in list)

                            toReturn = elementList.AsReadOnly();
                            toReturn = list.AsReadOnly();


                        throw new WebDriverException("Cannot determine result type");

            return toReturn;
        private object ExtractReturnValue(SafeScriptResultHandle scriptResult)
            WebDriverResult result;

            int type;

            result = NativeDriverLibrary.Instance.GetScriptResultType(handle, scriptResult, out type);

            ResultHandler.VerifyResultCode(result, "Cannot determine result type");

            object toReturn = null;

                switch (type)
                case 1:
                    SafeStringWrapperHandle stringHandle = new SafeStringWrapperHandle();
                    result = NativeDriverLibrary.Instance.GetStringScriptResult(scriptResult, ref stringHandle);
                    ResultHandler.VerifyResultCode(result, "Cannot extract string result");
                    using (StringWrapper wrapper = new StringWrapper(stringHandle))
                        toReturn = wrapper.Value;


                case 2:
                    long longVal;
                    result = NativeDriverLibrary.Instance.GetNumberScriptResult(scriptResult, out longVal);
                    ResultHandler.VerifyResultCode(result, "Cannot extract number result");
                    toReturn = longVal;

                case 3:
                    int boolVal;
                    result = NativeDriverLibrary.Instance.GetBooleanScriptResult(scriptResult, out boolVal);
                    ResultHandler.VerifyResultCode(result, "Cannot extract boolean result");
                    toReturn = boolVal == 1 ? true : false;

                case 4:
                    SafeInternetExplorerWebElementHandle element;
                    result = NativeDriverLibrary.Instance.GetElementScriptResult(scriptResult, handle, out element);
                    ResultHandler.VerifyResultCode(result, "Cannot extract element result");
                    toReturn = new InternetExplorerWebElement(this, element);

                case 5:
                    toReturn = null;

                case 6:
                    SafeStringWrapperHandle messageHandle = new SafeStringWrapperHandle();
                    result = NativeDriverLibrary.Instance.GetStringScriptResult(scriptResult, ref messageHandle);
                    ResultHandler.VerifyResultCode(result, "Cannot extract string result");
                    string message = string.Empty;
                    using (StringWrapper wrapper = new StringWrapper(messageHandle))
                        message = wrapper.Value;

                    throw new WebDriverException(message);

                case 7:
                    double doubleVal;
                    result = NativeDriverLibrary.Instance.GetDoubleScriptResult(scriptResult, out doubleVal);
                    ResultHandler.VerifyResultCode(result, "Cannot extract number result");
                    toReturn = doubleVal;

                case 8:
                    bool allArrayItemsAreElements = true;
                    int  arrayLength = 0;
                    result = NativeDriverLibrary.Instance.GetArrayLengthScriptResult(handle, scriptResult, out arrayLength);
                    ResultHandler.VerifyResultCode(result, "Cannot extract array length.");
                    List <object> list = new List <object>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++)
                        // Get reference to object
                        SafeScriptResultHandle currItemHandle = new SafeScriptResultHandle();
                        WebDriverResult        getItemResult  = NativeDriverLibrary.Instance.GetArrayItemFromScriptResult(handle, scriptResult, i, out currItemHandle);
                        if (getItemResult != WebDriverResult.Success)
                            // Note about memory management: Usually memory for this item
                            // will be released during the recursive call to
                            // ExtractReturnValue. It is freed explicitly here since a
                            // recursive call will not happen.
                            throw new WebDriverException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Cannot extract element from collection at index: {0} ({1})", i, result));

                        object arrayItem = ExtractReturnValue(currItemHandle);
                        if (allArrayItemsAreElements && !(arrayItem is IWebElement))
                            allArrayItemsAreElements = false;

                        // Call ExtractReturnValue with the fetched item (recursive)

                    if (allArrayItemsAreElements)
                        List <IWebElement> elementList = new List <IWebElement>();
                        foreach (object item in list)

                        toReturn = elementList.AsReadOnly();
                        toReturn = list.AsReadOnly();


                    throw new WebDriverException("Cannot determine result type");
