public void UpdateSkeleton(int userId, OpenNISkeleton skeleton)
        // make sure we have skeleton data for this user
        if (!skeletonCapbility.IsTracking(userId))

        // Use torso as root
        SkeletonJointTransformation skelTrans = new SkeletonJointTransformation();
        skelTrans = skeletonCapbility.GetSkeletonJoint(userId, SkeletonJoint.Torso);
        if (skeleton.absolute)
            Point3D pos = skelTrans.Position.Position;
            skeleton.UpdateRoot(new Vector3(pos.X,pos.Y,pos.Z));
            Point3D pos = skelTrans.Position.Position;
            Vector3 v3dpos = new Vector3(pos.X, pos.Y, -pos.Z);
            Vector3 calPos = userCalibrationPosition[userId];
            skeleton.UpdateRoot(calPos - v3dpos);

        // update each joint with data from OpenNI
        foreach (SkeletonJoint joint in Enum.GetValues(typeof(SkeletonJoint)))
            if (skeletonCapbility.IsJointAvailable(joint))
                skelTrans = skeletonCapbility.GetSkeletonJoint(userId, joint);
                skeleton.UpdateJoint(joint, skelTrans);
 /// @brief Gets a reference joint position and orientation on the joint.
 /// This method gets the reference joint information for the joint. The reference
 /// is the joint position and transformation at the time when the user was chosen AND
 /// started tracking.
 /// @param joint The joint we want information on.
 /// @param referenceTransform [out] The reference Transform.
 /// @return True on success and false on failure (e.g. an illegal joint or the user is not tracking).
 public bool GetReferenceSkeletonJointTransform(SkeletonJoint joint, out SkeletonJointTransformation referenceTransform)
         return false;
     return m_user.GetReferenceSkeletonJointTransform(joint, out referenceTransform);
 /// @brief Gets a reference joint position and orientation on the joint.
 /// This method gets the reference joint information for the joint. The reference
 /// is the joint position and transformation at the time when the user was chosen AND
 /// started tracking.
 /// @param joint The joint we want information on.
 /// @param referenceTransform [out] The reference Transform.
 /// @return True on success and false on failure (e.g. an illegal joint or the user is not tracking).
 public bool GetReferenceSkeletonJointTransform(SkeletonJoint joint, out SkeletonJointTransformation referenceTransform)
     referenceTransform = m_InitializedZero;
     if (m_playerStatus != UserStatus.Tracking || m_openNIUserID <= 0)
         return false;
     referenceTransform = m_referenceSkeletonJointTransform[joint];
     return true;
    /// @brief Gets the current joint transformation for a specific joint
    /// @param joint The joint we want the transformation to.
    /// @param curTransform [out] The current joint transformation
    /// @return True on success and false on failure (e.g. the user is not tracking).
    /// @note An exception might occur if there is an error (e.g. an illegal joint is used).
    public bool GetSkeletonJoint(SkeletonJoint joint, out SkeletonJointTransformation curTransform)
        curTransform = NIPlayerCandidateObject.m_InitializedZero;
        if (!Tracking)
            return false;
        if (m_user.Skeleton == null)
            return false;
            curTransform = m_user.Skeleton.GetSkeletonJoint(m_user.OpenNIUserID, joint);
            return false;
        return true;

    public void UpdateSkeleton(int userId, OpenNISkeleton skeleton)
        // make sure we have skeleton data for this user
        if (!skeletonCapbility.IsTracking(userId))

        // Use torso as root
        SkeletonJointTransformation skelTrans = new SkeletonJointTransformation();
        skelTrans = skeletonCapbility.GetSkeletonJoint(userId, SkeletonJoint.Torso);

        // update each joint with data from OpenNI
        foreach (SkeletonJoint joint in Enum.GetValues(typeof(SkeletonJoint)))
            if (skeletonCapbility.IsJointAvailable(joint))
                skelTrans = skeletonCapbility.GetSkeletonJoint(userId, joint);
                skeleton.UpdateJoint(joint, skelTrans);
Exemple #6
 // EnuemrateActiveJoints
 public SkeletonJointTransformation GetSkeletonJoint(UserID user, SkeletonJoint joint)
     SkeletonJointTransformation transformation = new SkeletonJointTransformation();
     int status = SafeNativeMethods.xnGetSkeletonJoint(this.InternalObject, user, joint, ref transformation);
     return transformation;
    /// @brief updates a single joint
    /// This method updates a single joint. The decision of what to update (orientation, position)
    /// depends on m_updateOrientation and m_updateJointPositions. Only joints with high confidence
    /// are updated. @note it is possible to update only position or only orientation even though both
    /// are expected if the confidence of one is low.
    /// @param centerOffset the new central position
    /// @param joint the joint we want to update
    /// @param skelTrans the new transformation of the joint
    protected void UpdateJoint(SkeletonJoint joint, SkeletonJointTransformation skelTrans, SkeletonJointPosition centerOffset)
        // make sure something is hooked up to this joint
        if ((int)joint >= m_jointTransforms.Length || !m_jointTransforms[(int)joint])
        // if we have debug lines to draw we need to collect the data.
        if (m_linesDebugger!=null)
            Vector3 pos = CalcJointPosition(joint, ref skelTrans, ref centerOffset) + transform.position;
            float posConf = skelTrans.Position.Confidence;
            Quaternion rot = CalcRotationForJoint(joint, ref skelTrans, ref centerOffset);
            float rotConf = skelTrans.Orientation.Confidence;
            m_linesDebugger.UpdateJointInfoForJoint(joint, pos, posConf, rot, rotConf);


        // modify orientation (if needed and confidence is high enough)
        if (m_updateOrientation && skelTrans.Orientation.Confidence >= 0.5)
            m_jointTransforms[(int)joint].rotation=CalcRotationForJoint(joint, ref skelTrans, ref centerOffset);

        // modify position (if needed, and confidence is high enough)
        if (m_updateJointPositions && skelTrans.Position.Confidence>=0.5f)
            m_jointTransforms[(int)joint].localPosition = CalcJointPosition(joint, ref skelTrans, ref centerOffset);
    /// @brief Utility method to calculate the rotation of a joint
    /// This method receives joint information and calculates the rotation of the joint in Unity
    /// coordinate system.
    /// @param centerOffset the new central position
    /// @param joint the joint we want to calculate the rotation for
    /// @param skelTrans the new transformation of the joint
    /// @return the rotation of the joint in Unity coordinate system
    protected Quaternion CalcRotationForJoint(SkeletonJoint joint,ref SkeletonJointTransformation skelTrans, ref SkeletonJointPosition centerOffset)
        // In order to convert the skeleton's orientation to Unity orientation we will
        // use the Quaternion.LookRotation method to create the relevant rotation Quaternion.
        // for Quaternion.LookRotation to work it needs a "forward" vector and an "upward" vector.
        // These are generally the "Z" and "Y" axes respectively in the sensor's coordinate
        // system. The orientation received from the skeleton holds these values in their
        // appropriate members.

        // Get the forward axis from "z".
        Point3D sensorForward = Point3D.ZeroPoint;
        sensorForward.X = skelTrans.Orientation.Z1;
        sensorForward.Y = skelTrans.Orientation.Z2;
        sensorForward.Z = skelTrans.Orientation.Z3;
        // convert it to Unity
        Vector3 worldForward = NIConvertCoordinates.ConvertPos(sensorForward);
        worldForward *= -1.0f; // because the Unity "forward" axis is opposite to the world's "z" axis.
        if (worldForward.magnitude == 0)
            return Quaternion.identity; // we don't have a good point to work with.
        // Get the upward axis from "Y".
        Point3D sensorUpward = Point3D.ZeroPoint;
        sensorUpward.X = skelTrans.Orientation.Y1;
        sensorUpward.Y = skelTrans.Orientation.Y2;
        sensorUpward.Z = skelTrans.Orientation.Y3;
        // convert it to Unity
        Vector3 worldUpwards = NIConvertCoordinates.ConvertPos(sensorUpward);
        if (worldUpwards.magnitude == 0)
            return Quaternion.identity; // we don't have a good point to work with.
        Quaternion jointRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(worldForward, worldUpwards);

        Quaternion newRotation = transform.rotation * jointRotation * m_jointsInitialRotations[(int)joint];

        // we try to limit the speed of the change.
        return Quaternion.Slerp(m_jointTransforms[(int)joint].rotation, newRotation, Time.deltaTime * m_rotationDampening);
 /// @brief Utility method to calculate the @b LOCAL position of a joint
 /// This method receives joint information and calculates the @b LOCAL position rotation of the joint
 /// (compare to its parent transform) in Unity coordinate system.
 /// @param centerOffset the new central position
 /// @param joint the joint we want to calculate the position for
 /// @param skelTrans the new transformation of the joint
 /// @return the @b LOCAL position rotation of the joint (compare to its parent transform) in 
 /// Unity coordinate system
 protected Vector3 CalcJointPosition(SkeletonJoint joint, ref SkeletonJointTransformation skelTrans, ref SkeletonJointPosition centerOffset)
     Vector3 v3pos=NIConvertCoordinates.ConvertPos(skelTrans.Position.Position);
     Vector3 v3Center = NIConvertCoordinates.ConvertPos(centerOffset.Position);
     v3pos -= v3Center;
     return v3pos*m_scale;
    void skeletonCapbility_CalibrationEnd(object sender, CalibrationEndEventArgs e)
        if (e.Success)
            if (AttemptToCalibrate)
				SendMessage("CalibrationComplete", e, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
				SkeletonJointTransformation skelTrans = new SkeletonJointTransformation();
				skelTrans = skeletonCapbility.GetSkeletonJoint(e.ID, SkeletonJoint.Torso);
				Point3D pos = skelTrans.Position.Position;
				userCalibrationPosition[e.ID] = new Vector3(pos.X,pos.Y,-pos.Z);
			SendMessage("CalibrationFailed", e, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
            if (AttemptToCalibrate)
                this.poseDetectionCapability.StartPoseDetection(calibPose, e.ID);
Exemple #11
    public void UpdateJoint(SkeletonJoint joint, SkeletonJointTransformation skelTrans)
        // save raw data
        jointData[(int)joint] = skelTrans;

        // make sure something is hooked up to this joint
        if (!transforms[(int)joint])

        // modify orientation (if confidence is high enough)
        if (UpdateOrientation && skelTrans.Orientation.Confidence > 0.5)
            // Z coordinate in OpenNI is opposite from Unity
            // Convert the OpenNI 3x3 rotation matrix to unity quaternion while reversing the Z axis
            Vector3 worldZVec = new Vector3(-skelTrans.Orientation.Z1, -skelTrans.Orientation.Z2, skelTrans.Orientation.Z3);
            Vector3 worldYVec = new Vector3(skelTrans.Orientation.Y1, skelTrans.Orientation.Y2, -skelTrans.Orientation.Y3);
            Quaternion jointRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(worldZVec, worldYVec);
            Quaternion newRotation = transform.rotation * jointRotation * initialRotations[(int)joint];

            transforms[(int)joint].rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transforms[(int)joint].rotation, newRotation, Time.deltaTime * RotationDamping);

        // modify position (if needed, and confidence is high enough)
        if (UpdateJointPositions)
            Vector3 v3pos = new Vector3(skelTrans.Position.Position.X, skelTrans.Position.Position.Y, -skelTrans.Position.Position.Z);
            transforms[(int)joint].localPosition = Vector3.Scale(v3pos, Scale) - rootPosition;
Exemple #12
    public void JointFromJSON(SkeletonJoint j, Hashtable dict)
        ArrayList positionList = (ArrayList)dict["Position"];

        Hashtable oriHash = (Hashtable) dict["Orientation"];
        ArrayList orientationList = (ArrayList) oriHash["Data"];
        SkeletonJointOrientation sjo = new SkeletonJointOrientation();
        sjo.X1 = 1.0f;
        SkeletonJointPosition sjp = new SkeletonJointPosition();
        SkeletonJointTransformation xform = new SkeletonJointTransformation();
        // object -> double ->float is okay, but object->float isn't
        // (the object is a Double)

        sjp.Position = new Point3D((float)(double)positionList[0],
        sjo.X1 = (float)(double)orientationList[0];
        sjo.X2 = (float)(double)orientationList[1];
        sjo.X3 = (float)(double)orientationList[2];
        sjo.Y1 = (float)(double)orientationList[3];
        sjo.Y2 = (float)(double)orientationList[4];
        sjo.Y3 = (float)(double)orientationList[5];
        sjo.Z1 = (float)(double)orientationList[6];
        sjo.Z2 = (float)(double)orientationList[7];
        sjo.Z3 = (float)(double)orientationList[8];
        sjo.Confidence = (float)(double)oriHash["Confidence"];
        xform.Orientation = sjo;
        xform.Position = sjp;
        UpdateJoint(j, xform);
Exemple #13
 public static extern XnStatus xnGetSkeletonJoint(XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnUserID user, SkeletonJoint joint, ref SkeletonJointTransformation transformation);